709 research outputs found

    Gregory Hawco, percussion

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    Gregory Hawco, percussionGismonti, Egberto written as Gismonti Egbort

    Gregory Hawco, percussion

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    Gregory Hawco, percussionGismonti, Egberto written as Gismonti Egbort

    Playing games in interprofessional education: a Japanese and Scottish experience.

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    Delivering sustainable health care in countries with disparate communities can be challenging and frustrating. However this project, using game playing, enabled academics in the UK and Japan to collaborate with each other, so that graduates of the future will develop global perspectives in interprofessional health and social care. The project aimed to internationalise the interprofessional curriculum for health and social care graduates, in order to deliver effective and safe health care for the future. Phase 1 of the project involved the use of the Interprofessional Education game (iPEG), developed through collaboration between colleagues from the two Aberdeen universities

    Reduced Expression of TCR Zeta Is Involved in the Abnormal Production of Cytokines by Peripheral T Cells of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that dysfunction of T cells underlies the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We revealed that SLE T cells produced an abnormally excessive amount of IFN-γin vitro upon stimulation through TCR, and the expression level of TCR zeta was significantly reduced. The production of IFN-γ by SLE T cells was negatively correlated with the expression level of TCR zeta. This correlation was abolished when the cells were stimulated with TPA and ionomycin, which bypass TCR and introduce signals directly into the cells, but the production of IFN-γ by SLE T cells remained abnormally elevated. Taken together, these data suggest that regulatory mechanisms not only for the expression of TCR zeta but also for the production of IFN-γ were impaired in SLE T cells. These impairments may be responsible for the aberrant responses of SLE T cells and partly involved in the development of SLE


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    The purpose of this study is to examine the function and the role of language in communication exchanges between an advisor and an advice-seeker through an analysis of advice-giving discourse. There are cases in which the advice seeker is satisfied with the advice and others where they are not satisfied with the advice. The analysis of whether advice seekers are satisfied or not includes 1) the rate of cohesion by A.K.Halliday 0976. 1994. 2004) of advice. 2) the discourse flow. which is the order of the segments in the whole discourse. and 3) the organization of the discourse of the advice seeker after having received the advice. and the responses of the advice seekers. The present study focuses on cohesion. Observing the distribution of the advice of successful persuasion. the cohesion of vocabulary gathered in the segment of advice and the distribution that extended beyond that segment was spread widely in the whole discourse. Since the words of advice were related to the total vocabulary at various points throughout of the whole discourse. the advice itself had multi-layered structure. In other words the fact that the characteristics of the advice segment were repeated throughout the discourse strengthened the advice and caused the successful persuasion.On the other hand. the rate of cohesion is lower in unsuccessful persuasion. Furthermore. the cohesion did not extend beyond the segment of advice. The data had cohesion within the discourse in a small area. Unsuccessful data had very few connections. The contents of advice did not relate to the whole discourse. That may be the cause for the lack of success in persuading the advice seekers. The effect of this was that the advice was simple and it did not have many foreshadowing words. The difference of classification as to whether examples succeed or fail in persuading the advice seekers was more significant than the difference between the U.S. data and the japanese data. The measure of the classification of advice discourse by whether the advice succeeds or fails could be a useful tool for classification

    Enhanced interleukin-10 signaling with 14-member macrolides in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages

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    Immunomodulatory effects of 14-member macrolides, namely erythromycin (EM) and clarithromycin (CAM), have been reported in chronic respiratory infectious diseases. It has been suggested that 14-member macrolides have immunomodulatory effects on various lung cells such as alveolar macrophages. Interleukin (IL)-10 is an immunomodulatory cytokine that performs an irreplaceable role in negatively regulating inflammation, primarily via a mechanism that selectively blocks the expression of pro-inflammatory genes. It activates sig-nal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-3, and subsequently induces the suppres-sor of cytokine signaling-3 (SOCS-3), resulting in the resolution of inflammatory response in macrophages. However, it has been still unclear whether 14-member macrolides exert immu-nomodulatory effects via IL-10 signaling pathway. We aimed to evaluate whether 14-member macrolides affect the IL-10 signaling pathway. The RAW264.7 macrophage cell line was pre-treated with EM or CAM, and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The levels of IL-10, IL-10 receptor, phosphorylated (p) STAT-3, and SOCS-3 were determined by RT-PCR, ELISA and immunoblotting. We observed increased levels of IL-10, p-STAT-3 and SOCS-3 in the treated cells. In addition, while the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α 6 h after LPS stimulation was equal between vehicle-treated and CAM-treated macrophage cells, those of CAM-treated cells were repressed 36 h following LPS stimulation, compared with those of the control cells. Therefore, the 14-member macrolides may initiate an early resolution of inflammation, in part, via the enhancement of the IL-10/STAT-3/SOCS-3 pathway

    Autoinducer Analogs Can Provide Bactericidal Activity to Macrolides in Pseudomonas aeruginosa through Antibiotic Tolerance Reduction

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    Macrolide antibiotics are used in treating Pseudomonas aeruginosa chronic biofilm infections despite their unsatisfactory antibacterial activity, because they display several special activities, such as modulation of the bacterial quorum sensing and immunomodulatory effects on the host. In this study, we investigated the effects of the newly synthesized P. aeruginosa quorum-sensing autoinducer analogs (AIA-1, -2) on the activity of azithromycin and clarithromycin against P. aeruginosa. In the killing assay of planktonic cells, AIA-1 and -2 enhanced the bactericidal ability of macrolides against P. aeruginosa PAO1; however, they did not affect the minimum inhibitory concentrations of macrolides. In addition, AIA-1 and -2 considerably improved the killing activity of azithromycin and clarithromycin in biofilm cells. The results indicated that AIA-1 and -2 could affect antibiotic tolerance. Moreover, the results of hydrocarbon adherence and cell membrane permeability assays suggested that AIA-1 and -2 changed bacterial cell surface hydrophobicity and accelerated the outer membrane permeability of the hydrophobic antibiotics such as azithromycin and clarithromycin. Our study demonstrated that the new combination therapy of macrolides and AIA-1 and -2 may improve the therapeutic efficacy of macrolides in the treatment of chronic P. aeruginosa biofilm infections

    Papillary hidradenoma of the vulva : A case report

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    外陰部に発生する比較的まれなpapillary hidradenoma(乳頭状汗腺腫)の1例について報告する。症例は73歳の女性で小陰唇外側に胡桃大の皮膚腫瘤を認め,腫瘤摘出術を施行した。腫瘤内部には充実分を伴っており,組織学的には乳頭状増殖を示す腺構造で構成され,その腺腔は2層に重層した立方上皮で囲まれていた。上皮細胞の核異型は軽度であり,周囲組織への浸潤も認めず,papillary hidradenomaと診断された。しかし肉眼的所見および組織学的所見より腺癌と誤認される可能性があり,診断には注意が必要である。Papillary hidradenoma is rare, benign, cystic, papillary apocrine gland tumor that occurs almost exclusively in women in the skin of the anogenital region. We report a case of a 73-year-old woman who presented with a progressively enlarging perianal nodule. The nodule appeared as walnut-sized skin tumor on the outside of the labium minus pudendi, and local excision was performed. Macroscopically, the inside portion of the tumor appeared solid. Microscopically, this region consisted of papillary adenomatous structures whose lumina were lined by 2 layers of cuboidal epithelial cells. Nuclear atypia and mitotic figures of these epithelial cells were rare and noninvasive. However, cells with this appearance may be mistaken for adenocarcinoma by both macroscopic and histologic views, and attention is necessary for an accurate diagnosis