

The purpose of this study is to examine the function and the role of language in communication exchanges between an advisor and an advice-seeker through an analysis of advice-giving discourse. There are cases in which the advice seeker is satisfied with the advice and others where they are not satisfied with the advice. The analysis of whether advice seekers are satisfied or not includes 1) the rate of cohesion by A.K.Halliday 0976. 1994. 2004) of advice. 2) the discourse flow. which is the order of the segments in the whole discourse. and 3) the organization of the discourse of the advice seeker after having received the advice. and the responses of the advice seekers. The present study focuses on cohesion. Observing the distribution of the advice of successful persuasion. the cohesion of vocabulary gathered in the segment of advice and the distribution that extended beyond that segment was spread widely in the whole discourse. Since the words of advice were related to the total vocabulary at various points throughout of the whole discourse. the advice itself had multi-layered structure. In other words the fact that the characteristics of the advice segment were repeated throughout the discourse strengthened the advice and caused the successful persuasion.On the other hand. the rate of cohesion is lower in unsuccessful persuasion. Furthermore. the cohesion did not extend beyond the segment of advice. The data had cohesion within the discourse in a small area. Unsuccessful data had very few connections. The contents of advice did not relate to the whole discourse. That may be the cause for the lack of success in persuading the advice seekers. The effect of this was that the advice was simple and it did not have many foreshadowing words. The difference of classification as to whether examples succeed or fail in persuading the advice seekers was more significant than the difference between the U.S. data and the japanese data. The measure of the classification of advice discourse by whether the advice succeeds or fails could be a useful tool for classification

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