21 research outputs found

    Binary mixtures and cationic modification of protic ionic liquids. Local structure and transport properties

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    Protic ionic liquids are a subclass of ionic liquids, which in many cases are obtained by mixing an equimolar amount of Br\uf8nsted acid and base. Protic ionic liquids possess an exchangeable proton that gives them distinct features, e.g. the potential to conduct protons and the ability to form extended hydrogen bonds, which is different from the case of their aprotic counterparts. The protic ionic liquids considered in this thesis are limited to those based on the imidazolium and triazolium cation, which (compared to aprotic ionic liquids) are less developed and have been investigated to a lesser extent. The work included in this thesis has been devoted to investigate strategies that could possibly promote a fast proton motion. These strategies have primarily consisted in mixing a protic ionic liquid with a molecular solvent or another parented ionic liquid and in modifying the cationic structure by either attaching alkyl chains of different length to the imidazolium cation or synthesizing new protic ionic liquids derived from another heterocyclic ring such as triazole. In both cases, a detailed characterization by means of vibrational spectroscopy could provide valuable information about intermolecular interactions. An important finding from the studies conducted in this thesis is that altering the cation\u27s structure or adding a co-solvent leads to a significant change in chemical and transport properties.This thesis also includes an extensive work devoted to develop a new solvent-free method to synthesize dry and pure protic ionic liquids, in the laboratory scale. An analytical approach to accurately quantify their purity using nuclear magnetic spectroscopy has also been developed.In addition, the ionic conductivity of the investigated protic ionic liquid systems has been evaluated by use of impedance spectroscopy, from room temperature up to 140 \ub0C.The results included in my work indicate that the two investigated strategies can potentially be used, each with its limitations, to develop thermochemically stable proton conducting materials based on protic ionic liquids

    Proton conducting ionic liquids-Binary mixtures and structural modifications

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    Proton conduction is a phenomenon of fundamental importance for biological and chemical systems, such as in photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. Proton conduction is also key in the proton exchange membrane fuel cell, a clean electrochemical device that converts chemical into electrical energy. The archetypical proton exchange membrane is currently a perfluorinated polymer with pending acidic groups. The fuel cell technology is presently at renewed focus in the commercial sector, and consequently also in the scope of research and development programs. In order to enable the development of more sustainable proton exchange membrane fuel cells, new requirements have been set that for instance target operation at higher temperatures and anhydrous conditions. In this context, protic ionic liquids have been highlighted as interesting next-generation electrolytes with the potential to assist proton conduction. Protic ionic liquids are a subset of ionic liquids, also known as low temperature molten salts, entirely composed of ions and displaying very low vapor pressures. Moreover, a protic ionic liquid has an exchangeable proton and is able to establish extended networks of hydrogen bonds. Understanding the dynamics of this local structures is fundamental to design new protic ionic liquids able to sustain a fast proton motion decoupled from the diffusion of the ionic species. To achieve such a dynamical behavior we have investigated two different approaches, that is i) mixing a protic ionic liquid candidate with a co-solvent (here ethylene glycol) able to participate in the hydrogen bonds and ii) modifying the molecular structure of the cation (here by alkyl chains of length (n) varying from ethyl (n=2) to dodecyl (n=12)) in a series of imidazolium based protic ionic liquids. The local intermolecular inter- actions, the nano-structuration as well as ionic and protonic dynamics have been investigated by suitable techniques that include vibrational spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, diffusion NMR, impedance spectroscopy and X-ray scattering


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    This study focuses on aspects of students' ability in writing through the use of suggestive methods. The formulation of the problem involves: Does suggestive method improve students' writing ability? and Effective suggestive suggestion method used in learning writing?The research method used is a descriftive method and research technique used is observation and test technique. The results showed that suggestive method is used in learning writing in class X SMK. This can be seen from students' responses to learning to be enthusiastic because students can write based on the structure and linguistic rules.The result of the analysis shows that the learning of writing by using suggestive method can be increased. It is shown at the time of pretest (before using) the method of suggestion the average score of students is 53,93. While the learning of writing by using the suggestive method on posttest has increased with the average value obtained by students 87.57. Thus the suggested method can improve students' writing skill of class X SMK

    Binary Mixtures of Imidazolium-Based Protic Ionic Liquids. Extended Temperature Range of the Liquid State Keeping High Ionic Conductivities

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    Binary mixtures based on the two protic ionic liquids 1-ethylimidazolium triflate ([C2HIm][TfO]) and 1-ethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide ([C2HIm][TFSI]) have been investigated, with focus on phase behavior, ionic conductivity, and intermolecular interactions as a function of composition (χTFSI indicating the mole fraction of the added compound). It is found that on addition of [C2HIm][TFSI] to [C2HIm][TfO], the melting temperature is first decreased (0 (Formula presented.) 0.3) and then suppressed (0.3 (Formula presented.) 0.8) resulting in mixtures with no phase transitions. These mixtures display a wide temperature range of the liquid state and should be interesting for use in devices operating at extreme temperatures. The ionic conductivity does not vary significantly across the composition range analyzed, as evidenced in the comparative Arrhenius plot. The activation energy, Ea, estimated by fitting with the Arrhenius relation in a limited temperature range (between 60 and 140\ua0\ub0C) varies marginally and keeps values between 0.17 and 0.21\ua0eV. These marginal differences can be rationalized by the initially very similar values of the two neat protic ionic liquids. Vibrational spectroscopy, including both Raman and infrared spectroscopies, reveals weakening of the cation–anion interactions for increasing content of [C2HIm][TFSI], which is reflected by the blue shift of the average N-H stretching mode and the red shift of the S-O stretching mode in the TfO anion. These trends correlate with the higher disorder in the mixtures observed by DSC and are evidenced by the decrease and suppression of the melting temperature as the amount of [C2HIm][TFSI] is increased


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    Pendidik pada dasarnya memegang penuh karakteristik setiap peserta didik yang memiliki perbedaan masing-masing, baik dalam hal intelektual, kebiasaan, latar belakang peserta didik itu sendiri bahkan kemampuan fisik siswa-siswi itu sendiri. Dengan sejumlah karakteristik siswa-siswi yang beraneka ragam. Hal ini meliputi prinsip-prinsip Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang terkadang tidak sesuai dengan materi yang ada dalam kompetensi dasar dari materi sosiologi dan mempunyai peluang tidak terimplementasikan RPP yang telah disusun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data : (1) kompetensi guru dalam pembelajaran sosiologi di Madrasah Aliyah Tunas Pertiwi Kecamatan Ciwaringin Kabupaten Cirebon; (2) pedoman perumusan dan pembuatan RPP mata pelajaran sosiologi kelas X dan XI di Madrasah Aliyah Tunas Pertiwi Kecamatan Ciwaringin Kabupaten Cirebon; (3) pencapaian implementasi guru dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran sosiologi Madrasah Aliyah Tunas Pertiwi Kecamatan Ciwaringin Kabupaten Cirebon. Pada prinsipnya, kerangka dasar pemikiran pada penelitian ini menganalisa kompetensi-kompetensi guru pada pada saat proses pembelajaran dan rancangan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran kemudian akan dianalisa disaat implementasi rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran Sosiologi kelas X dan kelas XI di Madrasah Aliyah Tunas Pertiwi Kecamatan Ciwaringin Kabupaten Cirebon. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis studi kasus dengan metode kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru Sosiologi kelas X dan kelas XI beserta siswa-siswi IIS (IPS) kelas X dan kelas XI. Teknik pengumpulan data dan instrumen dalam penelitian ini dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi kemudian menggunakan analisis data yaitu pengumpulan data (data collection), reduksi data (data reduction), penyajian data (data display), dan penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi (conclusion drawing/verification). Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan kompetensi pedagogik, profesional, kepribadian, dan sosial guru sosiologi yang merumuskan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran sosiologi untuk diimplementasikan. Pada realitasnya guru sosiologi kelas X dan kelas XI belum mampu mengoptimalkan kompetensi profesional dalam proses pembelajaran dengan indikasi kurangnya aktualisasi konsep dan metode keilmuan (pembelajaran) sosiologi. Dalam rumusan RPP sudah memenuhi kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar yang telah teregulasi beserta komponen-komponen RPP dan penilaian telah terpenuhi, namun pada keyataan di kelas guru sosiologi tidak menyesuaikan dengan RPP yang telah disusun akan tetapi lebih mengutamakan kondusifitas peserta didik dalam kelas untuk menerima materi sosiologi

    The Use of Genially Assisted Problem Based Learning (PBL) Methods in Class VIII Students' Learning to Write Explanation Texts

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    Study This motivated by difficulties student in write text explanation, fine in determine structure, content and language text explanation. Most student Still Not yet understand in write text explanation. From the average count the can concluded that post test Skills write text explanation after use method learning problem-based learning (PBL) assisted genially in learning write text explanation to students Class VIII is influential. Skills write text Explanation is also possible achieve the specified KKM For eye Indonesian language lessons at SMP Negeri 6 Cikalongkulon is 70 students reached an average of 76.32. because that, post test Skills write text explanation seen capable reach mark from the KKM determined by the school the. Can seen when the process occurs less learning so active inside class. In the end when create or write work text explanation so found use less EYD so right. Use sign dots and commas are not used at all in the writing of these students in writing explanatory texts. It will be seen that the results of students' writing in writing explanatory texts are quite good from some of the works found in this study


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    Peristiwa atau fenomena yang terjadi hari ini mengenai ideologi, politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, hukum, dapat dengan mudah kita ketahui melalui pemberitaan di media massa cetak atau elektronik. Tujuan penelitian 1) untuk mengetahui siapa yang dimarjinalkan oleh media massa Tribunnews.com pada pemberitaan sengketa pembebasan lahan Kulon Progo dalam pembangunan bandara  di Yogyakarta; 2) untuk mengetahui siapa yang dimarjinalkan oleh media massa Tirto.id pada pemberitaan sengketa pembebasan lahan Kulon Progo dalam pembangunan bandara  di Yogyakarta; dan 3) untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi bahasa yang dilakukan Tribunnews.com dan Tirto.id sehingga ada pihak-pihak yang termajinalkan berdasarkan Analisis Wacana Kritis model Theo Van Leeuwen. Metode Penelitian Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Objek penelitian yaitu teks Pemberitaan mengenai pembebasan lahan di daerah Kulon Progo Yogyakarta untuk pembangunan bandara internasional New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) di media massa online yaitu Tribunnews.com tanggal 06 Desember 2017 dan Tirto.id.08. Hasil penelitian dari kedua berita tersebut adalah isi berita Tribunnews.com menyudutkan atau memarjinalkan para relawan aktivis solidaritas. Isi berita media massa Tirto.id.lebih memarjinalkan PT Angkasa Pura 1. Berdasarkan data di atas bisa disimpulkan bahwa wacana beroperasi untuk mendefinisikan sesuatu, membenarkan sesuatu, dan menyalahkan yang lai


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    Poetry is a literary work that needs to be appreciated and assessed for its beauty. This assessment can be seen from the characteristics or uniqueness created by a writer when writing poetry. This becomes important to analyze so that everyone can know the characteristics or uniqueness contained in a literary work. This research intends to examine the use of a figure of speech in three poems by Prilly Latuconsina. The descriptive qualitative approach is a method chosen and used in this research. The researcher conducted an analytical study by understanding and examining the figures of speech in these poems. The result of the research states that the poems by Prilly Latuconsina have their characteristics or uniqueness. This characteristic can be seen from the use of figures of speech in the three poems. As for the figures of speech contained in the poem, namely, consisting of personification figures, similes, metaphors, and repetitions


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    Karya musik“Learning To Blow” tercipta dengan format ensembel alat musik tiup.Keunikan karya musik ini terletak pada format tersebut. Sebab penyajian musik denganformat seperti ini baru kali ini di sajikan di Unesa, khususnya di Jurursan Sendratasik.Komposer mencoba mengeksplorasi beberapa alat musik tiup tersebut dengan berbagai jenisritmis, harmoni dan melodi dengan menggunakan kaidah-kaidah ilmu musik barat. Sehinggatercipta sebuah karya musik yang harmonis dan enak didengar. Pembuatan karya inidilatarbelakangi oleh rasa prihatin komposer akan kondisi mahasiswa Sendratsik khususnyayang mengambil mata kuliah mayor tiup. Komposer melihat sangat sedikit peminat matakuliah mayor tiup. Adapun yang mengambil mata kuliah ini, kebanyakan dari mereka kurangsemangat dan tidak adanya motivasi lebih untuk mempelajari alat musik tiup secara serius,sehingga mereka terkesan bermalas-malasan untuk berlatih memainkan alat yang dipilihnyauntuk dipelajari. Isi karya ini adalah penggambaran sebuah proses dalam belajar, yaitubahwa dalam belajar memang tidak mudah dan dibutuhkan keseriusan, kontinyuitas, dankesabaran. Dalam pemilihan player, komposer memilih player yang notabene terhitung masihpemula dalam belajar alat musik tiup. Semua player tersebut adalah beberapa mahasiswaSendratasik Unesa yang memilih alat musik tiup sebagai mata kuliah mayornya. Hal inidikarenakan komposer berharap dengan komposisi ini, para player tersebut agar semangatdalam belajar alat musik tiup dan menjadi inspirasi untuk adik-adik kelas mereka selanjutnyaagar tidak takut dalam mengambil mayor alat musik tiup. Kajian ini bertujuan untukmenjelaskan bentuk musik dan maksud dari karya musik “Learning To Blow”.Metodepenciptaan yang digunakan komposer adalah metode eksplorasi, forming serta evaluasi.Bentuk musik karya ini adalah bentuk sonata.Kata kunci : Mata Kuliah Mayor Tiup. “Learning To Blow”