5 research outputs found

    Indonesian Efl Students’ Perception Towards Online Learning: Voices From Freshmen

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    Covid-19 pandemic has inevitably shifted the conventional face-to-face learning in higher education institution to online learning. This study examined the perceptions of Indonesian EFL students, especially freshmen, towards online learning. Employing quantitative descriptive design with 83 respondents, this study focused on 3 aspects; 1) students’ perception, 2) students’ preferences, and 3) advantage and disadvantage of online learning based on students’ experience. The result showed that based on students’ perception 1) online learning is effective (53%, n  = 44) to improve English proficiency, and somewhat effective (42.2%, n = 35) to improve social competences, 2) even though students’ enjoyment shows positive trends, they still prefer face-to-face learning (62.7%, n = 52) rather than online learning (37.3%, n = 31), and 3) the most frequent choose advantage of online learning is able to stay at home (79.5%, n =  66), while the most frequent disadvantage is less interaction with lecturers and classmates (74.7%, n = 62). This research has proven that the implementation of online learning earned numerous positive perceptions, followed with several challenges that need to be overcome by any means

    Cultural Diversity and Classification of EFL Blended Learning Module in Higher Education

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    The integration of culture and language has played an enormous role in the context of EFL teaching and learning materials in the higher education context. Therefore, evaluating whether the EFL learning materials have been designed to include culture-related content becomes crucial. This research qualitatively analyzed the presentation of an EFL blended learning module’s source culture, target culture, and international culture. The result shows that source culture material is 67%, target culture 9%, and international culture 24%. The findings indicated that the EFL blended learning module is mainly dominated by source culture as the most frequently portrayed, while target cultures were the least frequently portrayed. The present study reveals a vivid imbalance in the exposure of cultural elements in the EFL blended learning module. This result should be well-considered by stakeholders regarding the purpose of the use of the blended learning materials


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    Reliabilitas merupakan hal yang penting dalam menentukan kualitas sebuah tes. Oleh karenanya, studi ini berfokus menganalisa konsistensi internal TOEFL Equivalent Test yang digunakan oleh Program Intensif Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Riset ini didasarkan pada rumusan masalah 1) Berapakah nilai konsistensi internal TOEFL Equivalent Test yang digunakan oleh Pusat Pendidikan Bahasa Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya?. Subjek penilitian ini adalah 183 lembar jawaban dari mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan tahun 2012. Peniliti menggunakan metode deskriptif quantitatif untuk menampilkan data. Analisa data dalam bentuk tabel dan angka, namun penjelasan dengan kata-kata tetap akan tersedia. Langkah pertama, setiap jawaban benar pada setiap lembar jawaban akan dijumlahkan. Langkah kedua, total data dari lembar jawaban akan dibagi berdasarkan urutan genap dan ganjil. Langkah ketiga, data yang telah diperoleh diterapkan dalam rumus Pearson Product Moment. Korelasi koefisien yang didapat adalah 0,97. Langkah terakhir ialah mengolah nilai korelasi koefisien dengan menggunakan rumus Spearman-Brown. Nilai konsistensi internal yang dihasilkan adalah 0,98. Berdasarkan standar, nilai yang dapat diinterpretasikan memiliki keterhubungan yang tinggi yakni 0,81 – 0,99. Dengan begitu, hasil nilai konsistensi internal TOEFL Equivalent Test 0,98 mencerminkan keterhubungan yang tinggi antar tes item

    Relationship between Adversity Quotient and English Proficiency at the English Language Teaching Department

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    Abstract: This quantitative study examined the role of AQ on English proficiency. The four dimensions of AQ named Control (x1), Ownership (x2), Reach (x3) and Endurance (x4) were independent variables while TOEIC score (y) was dependent variable. The subjects were 77 students of ELT Department. The result showed that AQ had influenced 15.9% (R2 = .159) to TOEIC score. There was significant influence of CORE to TOEIC score simultaneously (F>Ftable=3.44>2.33). Nevertheless, the result of partial regression analysis showed only Control (t>ttable=2.89>1.66) had significantly influenced TOEIC. Thus, this research had statistically proven that AQ provided minor contribution to students’ English Proficiency. Abstrak: Penelitian kuantitatif ini menguji pengaruh Kecerdasan Adversiti terhadap kecakapan berbahasa Inggris. Empat dimensi Kecerdasan Adversiti, yakni kontrol (x1), kepemilikan (x2), pencapaian (x3), dan ketahanan (x4) adalah variabel bebas sementara skor TOEIC adalah variabel terikat. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Kecerdasan Adversity berpengaruh 15.9% (R2 = .159) terhadap skor TOEIC. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan emapt dimensi Kecerdasan Adversiti terhadap skor TOEIC secara simultan (F>Ftable=3.44>2.33). Namun, hasil regresi parsial menunjukkan hanya kontrol (t>ttable=2.89>1.66) yang memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap skor TOEIC. Penelitian ini telah membuktikan secara statistik bahwa Kecerdasan Adversity hanya memberikan kontribusi minor terhadap kecakapan siswa berbahasa Inggris


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    Five dimensions of Online Learning Readiness Scale (OLRS) offers convincing quantification of online students’ readiness. Its modification, the addition of two more dimension, is even claimed to be applicable for blended learning environment. Nonetheless, quality of modified OLRS is questionable. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assure the quality of OLRS after the modification. In order to do so, empirical validity and internal consistency testing were conducted. 42 participants were included for the testing. The result showed that there are four items which needs special attention. The reliability value is also slightly decreased, from .85 to .74. The value is not ideal, but still widely acceptable for research usage. In short, the OLRS modification insignificantly reduces the quality of its psychometric properties. Further research is recommended by the author to focus on reformulating the items in order to enhance its empirical validity and reliability simultaneously, or conducting other statistical test to maintain the quality of OLRS