14 research outputs found

    Smart cities: a survey

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    A smart city is one that uses a smart system characterized by the interaction between infrastructure, capital, behaviors and cultures, achieved through their integration. From our survey of the smart city concept by reading recent papers in this field, we found no uniform concept of the smart city; some papers discussed it as a general case study, while others dealt with specific parts. This paper is a survey of a number of articles , which we divided into two categories:1-General case study, which covers the topic of smart city in a general framework, and 2-Specific case study, which covers the topic of the smart city from a specific detailed application, such as Traffic Management System, Smart Grid, Wireless Technology,โ€ฆetc. The results of our research show that the information of communication technology (ICT) covers all areas on smart cities such as government facilities, buildings, traffic, electricity, health, water, and transport. Until now there is no unique definition for smart cities, most of researcher define the smart city form their needs or prospective

    Implementation of dynamic fuzzy logic control of traffic light with accident detection and action system using iTraffic simulation Simulation

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    Traffic is one of the most common issues in the big cities around the world. Thus, develop and improve the traffic light control systems became the focus of recent studies. To solve the problem, we proposed a dynamic hybrid fuzzy logic control system, that is further branched into two separate systems: An Accident Detection system and an Action system that is intended to solve the congestion related to the vehicular traffic. The primary target of this paper is to discuss the Action system, which depends on the Accident Detection system. This paper explained the two parts of the Action system. It showed the improvement of the Action system with %9.32 in total car crossed. It also presented different scenarios using iTraffic simulation and description of each scenario is displayed with details about the road variables and the simulation results with and without the action syste

    An anatomy of IGP and BGP routing protocols

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    Due to the growth of computer networks, the word routing protocol has spread with a notice able speed making a huge impact through the world of networking. Various types of routing protocols have been used in lots of fields; each field uses the protocols that suit its needs with consideration to several metrics such as power and bandwidth consumption. In this paper we propose the idea of routing protocols, starting with an overview of the basics of Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP) and Border Gateway Protocols (BGP). Later, we describe the idea of Link State Routing Protocols (LSRP) and Distance Vector Routing Protocols (DVRP) while making a comparison which should determine the protocol needed for each network topology. The weaknesses and strengths of each routing protocol will be also discussed

    Dynamic fuzzy logic traffic light integrated system with accident detection and action

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    The increase of vehicular traffic in the cities is a major concern for the Traffic Management Systems worldwide. The way traffic flow is regulated in the cities directly or indirectly affects the citizenโ€™s life. Thus there is need to optimize and regulate the flow of the traffic effectively to meet the ever increasing demand. This book takes an innovative approach in solving the congestion related to the vehicular traffic, firstly by minimizing the wait time for the vehicles at traffic lights depending on the volume of the traffic and secondly by devising a solution to determine the exact location of the roadblock (caused by an accident or a vehicle breakdown)

    Designing a smart city in Kuwait: an initial study

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    This paper will discuss different humanity and environmental problems that face the Kuwait city, such problems are slowing down the wheel of development in the country. Much of these problems and challenges can be solved by building a smart infrastructure based on wireless sensor network (WSN) that will be connected with backbone system depending on global network in various aspects: GSM, 4G, GPS, GIS, WIFI, WIMAX, and Cloud computing. This solution will create a city of intelligence which can be controlled automatically through sensors. Some of the sensors will be portable and carried by humans (Bracelet) or vehicles (Tag) while carrying necessary information in memory storage which can read/write into/from the sensors. Furthermore, other sensors can be fixed at important places while transmitting and receiving data. Recently, most of the researchers and IT companies proposed the idea of smart cities while focusing on a certain problem inside the city and giving a smart solution to that problem. For example, smart grid, smart meter, smart healthcare, traffic management system, smart energy, and smart Building. The idea behind this paper is to solve different city issues by using WSN and building an initial smart infrastructure using Kuwait city as case study

    Traffic management system based on wsn in Kuwait: an initial design

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    This paper discusses traffic problems in the world and emphasizes on Kuwait city as case study. Many of these problems can be solve by building a Traffic Management System based on a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). TMS is an innovative design for the road that saves time and money for the driver. This solution creates a city of intelligence, which can be control automatically through sensors. Some of the sensor nodes were portable and fixed that spread in buildings, streets, cars and traffic signals. We use two kinds of WSN motion sensors and physical sensors. We also use two kinds of WSN nodes: special-purpose sensor nodes and generic sensor nodes. Zigbee platform use to communicate between nodes in short speed and reduce energy consumption. The Database Management Systems (DBMS) supports a geospatial database by offering the GIS services such as fingerprints, photos and videos. The functionality of Network Operation Center (NOC) to supervise, maintains, and monitors the wireless network. GPS/routing protocols use to detect the location with longitude and latitude date information with Geographic information system (GIS) to discover geographic location for the city maps. The routing protocols were cheaper and provide same functionality as GPS. Our initial design describes the physical layer to explain the connectivity path from (NOC) to vehicle then network layer depending on routing protocols lastly, application layer shows the dashboard monitor system that controlled by (NOC) and how it solve a different issues in traffic problems

    Accident detection system and method for accident detection

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    The accident detection system is a smart system which uses fuzzy (probabilistic) logic to determine an approximate location of an accident or other traffic impediment based on sensors, such as wired or wireless sensors, scanning, detecting, and reporting the traffic flow across a number of traffic lanes and a cross-section of a roadway. The sensors in the accident detection system detect an area where traffic appears impeded based on the calculation of moving vehicles in nearby lanes or areas in a proximate location to the area where traffic appears impeded. The accident detection system utilizes a series of strategically placed sensors connected through the wireless or wired sensor network, which detects vehicles in real time to acquire data such as an impediment in traffic flow, such as an accident, an inoperative vehicle, and similar traffic disturbances

    Dynamic radius for context- aware recommender system

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    In the field of transportation and smart cities, context-aware recommendation is a trending subject that targets usersโ€™ satisfaction and comfort. The subject has developed from e-commerce to cover different domains including path planning at urban areas. Researchers were competed in delivering the level of contribution in many areas. Search radius is considered a major pillar at any context-aware recommender framework, however, in many studies the search radius is not having a major contribution in the delivered systems. In this paper, a dynamic search radius algorithm is introduced as part of a context-aware recommender framework. Agglomerations and competition effects are used to enhance search radius results. Deep neural network is a major artificial intelligence method used in this research to tackle cold-start problem and to improve recommendation outcomes

    High-level transportation framework for outdoor context-aware recommender

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    In smart transportation era, user journey is considered one of major aspect where researchers introduced different frameworks and systems to deliver level of optimization that satisfy drivers at outdoor environment. Context-aware recommendation is one of the techniques used to accomplish such an optimization for a trip by utilizing driverโ€™s and locationโ€™s information. Many scenarios were covered in the previous studies, in particular, gas station scenario. In this paper, we highlight recent academia that focus on context-aware recommendation systems for the purpose of introducing an optimized high-level and conceptual context-aware recommender based on real-time feed specification, user feedback, dynamic profile insertion, dynamic radius search and deep neural network modules

    Comparative study between traffic control methods Using simulation software

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    Traffic jams are a huge issue in urban streets. Intersections are one of the critical parts of the street that causes high amount of congestion if not managed properly. Solutions where made that revolve around fixed set of operations that attempt to find optimum time for each traffic light in the intersection. Several solutions were proposed over the last years that use a more intelligent and more dynamic than the previous ones. Some of those approaches, labeled as Intelligent Traffic Light Control System, are discussed in this paper. The methods are Webster, Dynamic Webster, Equal Interval and Optimum Equal. A simulation software will run those methods in a typical four-phase intersection and generate a report about their results. Each method is demonstrated and explained in the context of the simulation software. The methods are compared with emphasis on cycle interval time and flow rate. A conclusion is made about what can be improved in those methods