78 research outputs found

    What really describes the case of Rohingya community in Myanmar?

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    Although the events have been extensively reported in the international press, what is particularly noteworthy in this Rohingya episode is that most international agencies and institutions find fault with the government in Myanmar

    Teaching and learning history: national and international perspectives

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    Like all academic programs, teaching history at the university level has its own challenges. One major challenge in this regard originates from the perspective of the general orientation of the curriculum in which the subject is taught. One must note that history is the only social science subject that is taught at the secondary and high school level and this program of study is usually used for cultivating national identity and instilling loyalty to specific nations. This nationalist approach sometimes has created confusion particularly among Muslims due to the universal nature of the concept of ummah. This perplexity intensified in the 1990s with the rise of globalization in international politics. The clash of civilizations thesis complicated the question of identity and loyalty further. What is the impact of the nationalist approach of history curriculum on the discipline itself? This raises a fundamental question – what is the purpose history curriculum? Should the curriculum be used for indoctrinating students in favor of national interests? Or the curriculum is geared toward seeking the truth? Should the approach at the university level be different from the high school level? This paper addresses these questions

    Elections in Bangladesh: signs democracy or tyranny?

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    Last Tuesday on April 28 Bangladesh has held mayoral elections in two most populated cities of the country. The Election Commission has declared three ruling party Awami League (AL) supported candidates winners in the election while the main opposition party Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) at about 11 am of the Election Day declared its decision to boycott it. This is not the first time that BNP has boycotted elections in Bangladesh. It boycotted the last parliamentary elections which were held in January 2104 and AL won more than half the parliamentary seats uncontested. Earlier AL led coalition came to power following a heavily rigged parliamentary elections held in 2008. In fact, due to the heavy rigging of ballots, BNP decided to boycott the election in 2008. .....

    Perceived Risks and Enjoyment: Identifying Barriers and Motivations to Clothing Renting

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    The purpose of this study is to identify how perceived risks impact attitude and perceived enjoyment and further behavioral intention toward clothing rental. A convenience sampling strategy was utilized with an online survey. A consumer panel of the target population was purchased from an online research company. Data cleaning generated 452 usable samples out of 607 returned responses. Scales were developed to measure the variables. All items were measured utilizing a 5-point Likert scale 1= strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree. Structural equation modeling was applied to examine the direct and indirect relationships between perceived risks and clothing renting intentions. Evidence from the study indicates that consumer intentions to rent clothing is encouraged by their attitudes and perceived enjoyment; but impeded by the perceived financial, performance, and psychological risks. Further, the results highlight the mediating role perceived enjoyment has on the negative relationship between perceived risks and clothing renting intentions

    Evaluating Sustainable Practices of Bangladeshi Apparel and Textile Industry: Triple Bottom Line Approach

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    This study was executed to evaluate the current state of social and environment practices among Bangladeshi apparel and textile manufactures. A mixed methods study was conducted with industry professionals using Triple Bottom Line (TBL) theory as an underpinning. A total of 58 usable survey responded by professionals currently working in the apparel and textile manufacturing industry in Bangladesh were analyzed. Results indicated Bangladeshi manufacturers are addressing economic, environmental and social sustainability, while economic concerns were found to be a first priority for each sector of the industry, environmental and social priority varied based on the nature of the industry. Frequently mentioned impediments to implement social and environmental sustainability found to financial burden, political unrest, resource scarcity, lack of knowledge, lower prices of the products due to buyers\u27 negotiations and competitive market

    Clothing Rental at Tourist Designations: Investigating Individuals\u27 Attitude towards a Novel Business Model

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    This study investigated consumer\u27s acceptance of a novel approach to minimizing the environmental footprint of tourism and business travel, the rental of clothing the destination location. In this proposed business model tourist would be offered the service of renting all or some of their clothing onsite rather than bringing the items with them. This proposed business model was framed around the triple bottom line approach to sustainable development, and the Rational Choice Theory. Data was collected via an online survey that included Likert scale and open ended questions with essay length response capability. Seventy-two men and women over the age of 18 who travel domestically and internationally for business and/or pleasure participated in this research. Results indicated, 74% of participants would be willing to rent clothing rather than buying new item for a single trip, if the service were offered. The most frequently mentioned reason participants gave for their willingness to rent clothing was to reduce luggage weight. Additional reasons included: convenience during travel due to reduced luggage; not needing to buy new items; the enjoyment of wearing new items; and being able to try expensive designer clothing they would normally not purchase

    Investigating Ethical Fashion Consumerism Practices: Multi-theory Approach

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    This study was conducted to obtain an in-depth understanding regarding the motivations and adoption of ethical fashion consumerism by taste leaders, specifically green celebrities. A total 20 interviews of movie stars, bloggers, and musicians published between 2014 and 2016 in a sustainable fashion magazine were analyzed. Three different theories were employed to interpret three different stages involved into ethical consumerism process. Social Cognitive theory explain the learning stage, Theory of Planned Behavior explain the intention/motivation stage and Social Practice Theory described the implementation stage of ethical fashion consumerism process

    Viewing Sustainable Strategy of Fast and Slow Fashion Businesses Model through the Lens of Triple Bottom Line Theory

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    This study was designed to gain better understanding how both slow and fast fashion businesses are addressing sustainability related issues. Secondary data was collected through comprehensive literature search. Data include, corporate sustainability report from USA and Europe based fast fashion companies, slow fashion business website information and journal articles. We examined sustainable strategies and implementation scheme of both business models along the design, production, distribution, and consumption value chain using the lens of Triple Bottom Line theory that address economic, social and environmental dimension of sustainability. Results show that social and environmental sustainability strategy is mostly identical across both slow fashion and fast fashion business models. However, to be economically sustainable, they follow different strategies

    Stock Price Reaction to Dividend Announcement: the Case of Bangladesh Capital Market

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    Stock price response towards the ‘dividend announcement’ is highly supported both by theoretically and empirically. Investors consider several factors in investing funds in any particular securities of capital market of which the most important factor is the return from the investment in securities that typically depends on the dividend declaration. Company declares dividend in the form of cash and/ or stock with in the financial year (quarterly or biannually) to meet the expectations of investors considering the ability and strategy of the company. In this paper, a thorough investigation is done with the help of ‘event study methodology’ to analyze the effect of dividend announcement on stock prices taking seventy four listed companies of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) in Bangladesh. The study finds that dividend declaration does not bring any gain to the investors; rather they lose due to substantial fall in share prices both in pre dividend and post dividend period as market passes through regular and continuous revision of directives of regulators to check a bullish market. It is expected that the study will not only help in developing investors’ awareness regarding stock price sensitivity towards dividend declaration, but also help to design their investment decision in a more rational, efficient and convenient way to protect their interest. Furthermore, it will help the companies to determine their good standing, aware investors in affluently designing their investment decision, and regulators, the prime policy makers, to take necessary initiatives for the betterment of all concerned. Keywords: Dividend, Capital Market, Securities, SEC, Bangladesh