11 research outputs found

    Towards Exchanging Wearable-PGHD with EHRs: Developing a Standardized Information Model for Wearable-Based Patient Generated Health Data

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    Wearables have become commonplace for tracking and making sense of patient lifestyle, wellbeing and health data. Most of this tracking is done by individuals outside of clinical settings, however some data from wearables may be useful in a clinical context. As such, wearables may be considered a prominent source of Patient Generated Health Data (PGHD). Studies have attempted to maximize the use of the data from wearables including integrating with Electronic Health Records (EHRs). However, usually a limited number of wearables are considered for integration and, in many cases, only one brand is investigated. In addition, we find limited studies on integration of metadata including data quality and provenance, despite such data being very relevant for clinical decision making. This paper describes a proposed design and development of a generic information model for wearable based PGHD integration with EHRs. We propose a vendor-neutral model that can work with a wider range of wearables and discuss our proposed method to employ an ontology-based approach and provide insights to future work

    Patient generated health data and electronic health record integration, governance and socio-technical issues: A narrative review

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    Patients’ health records have the potential to include patient generated health data (PGHD), which can aid in the provision of personalized care. Access to these data can allow healthcare professionals to receive additional information that will assist in decision-making and the provision of additional support. Given the diverse sources of PGHD, this review aims to provide evidence on PGHD integration with electronic health records (EHR), models and standards for PGHD exchange with EHR, and PGHD-EHR policy design and development. The review also addresses governance and socio-technical considerations in PGHD management. Databases used for the review include PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, SpringerLink and ACM Digital Library. The review reveals the significance, but current deficiency, of provenance, trust and contextual information as part of PGHD integration with EHR. Also, we find that there is limited work on data quality, and on new data sources and associated data elements, within the design of existing standards developed for PGHD integration. New data sources from emerging technologies like mixed reality, virtual reality, interactive voice response system, and social media are rarely considered. The review recommends the need for well-developed designs and policies for PGHD-EHR integration that promote data quality, patient autonomy, privacy, and enhanced trust

    FAIR4PGHD: A framework for FAIR implementation over PGHD

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    Patient Generated Health Data (PGHD) are being considered for integration with health facilities, however little is known about how such data can be made machine-actionable in a way that meets FAIR guidelines. This article proposes a 5-stage framework that can be used to achieve this

    Connected Learning Initiative: A Novel Tool for Teacher Capacity Development in Nigeria

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    All three tiers of education in Nigeria (primary, secondary, tertiary) lay emphasis on STEM subjects. The methods and strategies employed by STEM teachers in most Nigerian schools have remained teacher-centred and textbook-oriented. This paper has brought together some elements of the innovation achieved in the Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx) to address the identified challenges in STEM education in Nigerian junior secondary schools through the CL4STEM project to build processes for long-term systemic dialogues and networking. CLIx was seeded by the Tata Trusts and led by TISS and MIT, USA, to strengthen secondary STEM learning, pedagogic content knowledge of teachers and their practice at scale in four states in India.  The programme’s interactive STEM OERs, subject teacher CoPs on mobile devices, tech design for under-resourced context, participatory and localised ecosystem approach to adoption and scaling, are identified as innovative and scalable models. Data were collected in three phases, baseline, midline, and endline. The findings from interviews indicate that teachers' understanding of CL4STEM innovation seem to improve from baseline to endline.At the baseline 2 teachers were still learning how to effectively navigate CL4STEM modules and Telegram group (CoPs) while none was at the endline. There is an increase in the number of teachers exploring ways of improving CL4STEM teaching strategies through further refinement of the modules and CoP participation and/or alternative ways of achieving better results from 1 at midline to 5 at endline. There is a decrease in the number of teachers that are exploring ways of collaboration with other teachers and educators to help impact student learning using CL4STEM teaching strategies from 11 at the midline to 3 at the endline. Other changes from baseline through midline to endline, generally positively, with respect to perception, voluntariness, relative advantage, compatibility, image, ease of use, research demonstrability, and visibility have been recorded here-in

    Gender, Age and Subjective Well-Being: Towards Personalized Persuasive Health Interventions

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    (1) Background: Subjective well-being (SWB) is an individual’s judgment about their overall well-being. Research has shown that high subjective well-being contributes to overall health. SWB consists of both Affective and Cognitive dimensions. Existing studies on SWB are limited in two major ways: first, they focused mainly on the Affective dimension. Second, most existing studies are focused on individuals from the Western and Asian nations; (2) Methods: To resolve these weaknesses and contribute to research on personalizing persuasive health interventions to promote SWB, we conducted a large-scale study of 732 participants from Nigeria to investigate what factors affect their SWB using both the Affective and Cognitive dimensions and how distinct SWB components relates to different gender and age group. We employed the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to develop models showing how gender and age relate to the distinct components of SWB; (3) Results: Our study reveals significant differences between gender and age groups. Males are more associated with social well-being and satisfaction with life components while females are more associated with emotional well-being. As regards age, younger adults (under 24) are more associated with social well-being and happiness while older adults (over 65) are more associated with psychological well-being, emotional well-being, and satisfaction with life. (4) Conclusions: The results could inform designers of the appropriate SWB components to target when personalizing persuasive health interventions to promote overall well-being for people belonging to various gender and age groups. We offer design guidelines for tailoring persuasive intervention to increase SWB based on an individual’s age and gender group. Finally, we map SWB components to possible persuasive technology design strategies that can be employed to implement them in persuasive interventions design

    Personality and Subjective Well-Being: Towards Personalized Persuasive Interventions for Health and Well-Being

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    Subjective well-being (SWB) is an individual’s judgment about their overall well-being. Research has shown that activities that elevate people’s sense of SWB have a significant effect on their overall health. There are two dimensions of SWB: Affective and Cognitive dimensions. However, studies on SWB usually focus more on one dimension, ignoring the other dimension. Also, most existing studies on SWB focused on individuals from Western cultures. Research has shown that the influence of personality on the subjective well-being components is moderated by culture. Thus, to advance research in personalizing persuasive health interventions, this study focuses on Africans (n=732). Specifically, we investigate the relationship between the Big-Five personality traits and both dimensions of SWB using the constructs: Happiness, Satisfaction with Life, Social, Psychological and Emotional well-being. Our results reveal that to design PTs to promote SWB for people high in Agreeableness, designers should focus on designing to promote their feeling of Happiness and Social Well-being, while for Neuroticism, designers should focus on designing to promote Psychological well-being and Emotional well-being. Based on our findings, we offer guidelines for tailoring persuasive health interventions to promote individuals’ SWB based on their personality

    Patient generated health data and electronic health record integration, governance and socio-technical issues: A narrative review

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    Patients' health records have the potential to include patient generated health data (PGHD), which can aid in the provision of personalized care. Access to these data can allow healthcare professionals to receive additional information that will assist in decision-making and the provision of additional support. Given the diverse sources of PGHD, this review aims to provide evidence on PGHD integration with electronic health records (EHR), models and standards for PGHD exchange with EHR, and PGHD-EHR policy design and development. The review also addresses governance and socio-technical considerations in PGHD management. Databases used for the review include PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, SpringerLink and ACM Digital Library. The review reveals the significance, but current deficiency, of provenance, trust and contextual information as part of PGHD integration with EHR. Also, we find that there is limited work on data quality, and on new data sources and associated data elements, within the design of existing standards developed for PGHD integration. New data sources from emerging technologies like mixed reality, virtual reality, interactive voice response system, and social media are rarely considered. The review recommends the need for well-developed designs and policies for PGHD-EHR integration that promote data quality, patient autonomy, privacy, and enhanced trust

    Baraza II : Expanding African HCI Communities and Curriculum

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    Even with the chaos of multiplicity and fragmentation, the interdiscipline of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is becoming a household name in African academia, industries, and communities. We propose this workshop to foreground the future dimension of HCI education in Africa, in terms of subject matters, philosophies, methodologies, theories, principles, and curriculum. The workshop is meant to be an expanded Baraza and/or a meeting point where pathways for living curriculums and pedagogies are identified and discussed. We aim to bring together researchers and practitioners doing HCI work in Africa and for African communities to reflect on the experiences of adopting (and translating) HCI methods and procedures, leading to the possibilities for the transfer of expertise and knowledge that could widen the pedagogical practices of HCI in Africa