9,898 research outputs found

    In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Adrian Bernard Lapian Tegal, 1 September 1929 – Jakarta, 19 July 2011

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    Cloud cover, cloud liquid water and cloud attenuation at Ka and V bands over equatorial climate

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    Cloud cover statistics and their diurnal variation have been obtained from in situ and satellite measurements for three equatorial locations. Cloud liquid water content, 0 °C isotherm height and cloud attenuation have also been obtained from radiosonde measurement using the so-called Salonen model at Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). The results show a strong seasonal variation of cloud cover and cloud liquid water content on the two monsoon seasons. The Liquid Water Content (LWC) obtained from radiosonde and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) is higher during the Northeast Monsoon season, which corresponds to the period of higher percentage cloud cover and high rainfall accumulation. The International Telecommunication Union—Region (ITU-R) model underestimates the cumulative distribution of LWC values at the present station. The relationship of the cloud attenuation, derived from the profiles of liquid water density and temperature within the cloud, shows an underestimate by the data obtained from the ITU-R model. The cloud attenuation at Kuala Lumpur is somewhat underestimated by the ITU-R model up to about 1.2 dB at Ka (30 GHz) and 3.4 dB at V (50 GHz) bands. The results of the specific attenuation can be used for the estimation of cloud attenuation at microwave and millimetre wave over earth-space paths. The present data are important for planning and design of satellite communications at Ka and V bands on the Earth–space path in the equatorial region

    Investigation into the immune prompting mechanisms of calreticulin for targeted cancer cell death and immunotherapy

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    Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynaecological malignancies. Late diagnosis following metastasis combined with frequent relapse after initial treatment, has led to a 5-year survival rate <50%. Thus, new and improved therapeutic strategies are urgently required. One possible novel therapy involves engaging the adaptive immune system in a process of immunogenic cell death (ICD). Apoptotic tumour cell death is usually immunologically silent because cells are cleared by phagocytes without the involvement of adaptive immunity. However, in ICD apoptotic cells have immunogenic properties and immune responses against cancer cell specific antigens or altered self-antigens can occur. Cells undergoing ICD also have surface expression of damage-associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs) which facilitate recognition and engulfment e.g. by dendritic cells, and subsequent activation of a cancer cell specific T lymphocyte response. A select group of cancer therapies induce ICD in addition to their known cytotoxic effects e.g. the anthracycline doxorubicin and radiotherapy. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone protein calreticulin (CRT) is a key DAMP. CRT translocation from the ER to the cell surface during ICD induced by cytotoxic agents that induce ER stress promotes cancer cell immunogenicity. Thus, strategies to enhance ovarian cancer cell surface CRT may offer therapeutic options for patients. Therefore, the aims of this project were (a) to obtain a purified preparation of CRT (b) to determine the conditions that give rise to enhanced surface levels of CRT in ovarian cancer cells; specifically externalisation of endogenous CRT or cellular binding of exogenously added CRT and (c) to determine if ovarian cancer cells with enhanced surface CRT induce dendritic cell activation and subsequent T lymphocyte responses. Doxorubicin and the known ER stressor thapsigargin stimulated apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells. This was accompanied by enhanced binding of exogenous CRT, enhanced externalisation of endogenous CRT, increased cell expression of CRT and increased secretion of the protein. All of these actions were significantly inhibited by the ER stress inhibitor tauroursodeoxycholic acid, confirming the involvement of ER stress. Ovarian cancer cells with enhanced surface CRT induced maturation and activation of dendritic cells and subsequent activation i.e. proliferation, of cytotoxic T‑lymphocytes, hence stimulating an anticancer immune response

    Ketangguhan Material Api 5l X60 Terhadap Masukan Panas Pada Proses Pengelasan Elektroda Terbungkus

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan parameter proses yang optimum sehingga dapat digunakan dilapangan. Parameter proses pengelasan sangat menentukan kualitas dari hasil pengelasan karena akan mempengaruhi kekuatan dan ketangguhan dari hasil lasan. Parameter pengelasan tersebut akan menghasilkan masukan panas yang akan berdampak pada logam las, daerah pengaruh panas dan logam induk. Dengan variasi masukan panas yang rendah dan yang tinggi diharapkan kekuatan dan ketangguhan hasil lasan masih memenuhi standar sehingga proses produksi dilapangan dapat dijamin kualitasnya. Proses pengelasan yang digunakan SMAW dengan material pipa API 5L X60 diameter 620 mm tebal 12,7 mm. Hasil pengelasan dilakukan pengujian tidak merusak (uji visual, uji maknetik partikel, uji ultrasonik dan uji radiografi) dan pengujian merusak (uji tarik, uji makro, uji kekerasan, uji tekuk dan nick break serta uji impak charpy). Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa masukan panas tinggi menghasilkan dilusi yang lebih besar yang menghasilkan daerah logam lasnya lebih lebar dibandingkan dengan yang masukan panas rendah. Hasil uji impak pada temperatur -10 oC masih memenuhi syarat yaitu di atas 35 Joule, hasil uji kekerasan masih memenuhi syarat yaitu masih di bawah 250 HV untuk daerah akar las dan di bawah 275 HV dipermukaan las, demikian juga untuk hasil uji tekuk dan nick break masih memenuhi syarat uji. Hasil uji tarik logam las dan sambungan las masih memenuhi syarat di atas kekuatan tarik minimum sehingga material API 5L X60 ini memiliki ketangguhan dan mampu las yang baik pada kondisi masukan panas rendah maupun tinggi. Kata kunci: Ketangguhan API 5L X60, masukan panas, mampu lasl'&gt; menjadi dua lapis; dengan lapisan pertama berupa lumpur primer dan lapisan kedua berupa lumpur primer yang ditaburi pasir zirkon, terbukti dapat menghilangkan cacat penetrasi logam. Penggunaan tepung zirkon tipe 2 dan pasir zirkon tipe c dengan distribusi ukuran partikel yang lebih merata dapat menghasilkan produk cor yang bebas cacat penetrasi logam serta memiliki permukaan produk cor yang halus, dengan nilai kekasaran 4,9 µm. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena adanya peningkatan densitas lapisan primer yang akan meningkatkan ketahanan panas cetakan keramik serta terisinya rongga-rongga butiran pasir pada permukaan lapisan primer oleh tepung zirkon yang halus sehingga menjaga kehalusan permukaan cetakan keramik

    Nutrient Digestibility and Performances of Frisian Holstein Calves Fed with Pennisetum Purpureum and Inoculated with Buffalo's Rumen Bacteria

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    Buffalo's rumen bacteria (BRB) are potential in digesting fiber feed. BRB already adapted well with low quality forages and agricultural byproducts. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of buffalo's rumen bacteria (BRB) consortium inoculated into preweaning Frisian Holstein calves on nutrient digestibility, physiological status, mineral uptake, and blood profile. This study used 14 isolates of bacteria isolated from rumen fluid of four local buffalos. The research units consisted of seven Frisian Holstein calves at two weeks old with the average body weight of 43.6±4.5 kg. Calves were inoculated with 20 mL of buffalo's rumen bacteria isolates [4.56 x 109 cfu/mL] every morning for 10 weeks. The calves were divided into two groups i.e., three calves received bacterial inoculation and four calves without any inoculation. The variables which were analyzed in the preweaning and weaning period were feed intake, digestibility, average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), rumen fermentation characteristics, body weight, physiological status, blood profile, and mineral status. Data were analyzed statistically using t-test. The results showed that inoculation of buffalo's rumen bacteria into Frisian Holstein calves effectively increased feed intake, characteristics of leukocytes and neutrophils, and cobalt (Co) uptake during the weaning period. Inoculation of rumen bacteria improved rumen pH during preweaning and weaning periods. Inoculation of rumen bacteria also had no negative effects on digestibility, feed conversion (FCR), average daily gain (ADG), and physiological status

    Sambutan Ketua Lipi

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    Serangkaian acara Seminar "Kajian Terhadap Budidaya Cendana untuk Meningkatkan Peranannya sebagai Komoditi Utama Perekonomian Propinsi NTT"

    Evaluasi Kinerja Kegiatan Perawatan Mesin Injection Mold Menggunakan Metode Total Productive Maintenance (Tpm) Pada PT Ichikoh Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran deskriptif mengenai perawatan mesin atau maintenance, meliputi Total Productive Maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Overall Human Ineffectiveness dan Six Big Losses pada PT Ichikoh Indonesia. Permasalahan yang terjadi diperusahaan yaitu banyaknya jumlah part defect dikarenakan mesin sering breakdown. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara terstruktur dengan Manager Departement Molding Upstream 1 dan Departement Maintenance. Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan evaluatif dari periode bulan April 2016 sampai Maret 2017. Dari hasil analisis ini PT Ichikoh Indonesia memiliki nilai efektifitas mesin yang masih dibawah standar JIPM (Japan Institude of Plant Maintenance) yaitu dengan nilai tertinggi pada bulan Februari 74%, sedangkan standar JIPM (Japan Institude of Plant Maintenance) adalah minimal sebesar 85% yang dihitung menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Sedangkan untuk pengukuran tingkat ketidakefektifan kerja operator yang dianalisis menggunakan metode Overall Human Ineffectiveness mendapatkan nilai yang masih besar pada bulan May 2016 yaitu sebesar 17%. Faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya nilai efektifitas mesin dan tingkat ketidakefektifan kinerja operator adalah faktor Idling and Minor Stoppagges dengan nilai losses sebesar 54% yang sudah dianalisis menggunakan diagram pareto. Sesuai dengan diagram sebab-akibat (fishbone) didapat faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya Idling and Minor Stoppagges yang menjadi prioritas utama adalah a). faktor manusia yaitu masih kurang disiplin, sering terjadi kesalahan dalam perbaikan mesin, b). faktor material yaitu kesalahan spesifikasi material dan rendahnya perawatan bahan baku, c). faktor mesin yaitu mesin sering breakdown, kesalahan setup, d). faktor metode yaitu penjadwalan pengganti komponen yang belum efektif dan autonomous maintenance kurang berjalan dengan baik, e). faktor lingkungan yaitu kebersihan mesin kurang
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