11 research outputs found

    Kajian pemboleh-pemboleh ubah yang mempengaruhi aras pengetahuan, tindakan dan kesedaran murid sekolah rendah di Johor terhadap isu alam sekitar

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    The main issue in this research is about primary school pupils’ environmental awareness which has yet to achieve the prescribed objectives despite the implementation of cross curriculum environmental education which has been implemented in 1988. This research was carried out to (i) identify teachers’ views about the effectiveness of the year 6 science curriculum in terms of pupils’ awareness on the environment; (ii) study the knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and behavior between urban and rural primary school pupils on environmental issues; (iii) review the constraints that exist in preserving the environmental awareness among pupils and (iv) develop a model to increase pupils’ awareness on the environment. The research area for this research was the administration unit of Kulaijaya District Education Office. There were 685 pupil respondents involved in this research (questionnaire), 81 pupil respondents (interview), 58 administrator respondents and 225 parent respondents who were selected randomly. For 22 teacher respondents they were selected based on purposive sampling. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this research to obtain a more robust research result. Researched data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for variable descriptions and inferential statistical t-test, Person correlation, Spearman’s rho, multiple regression and partial least square (PLS) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). As for qualitative data, they were analyzed manually. Research findings showed that year 6 Science curriculum was not appropriate and needed improvement to meet the current demands. Analyses of data on the knowledge, perception, attitudes, and behavior showed no significant difference between school’s locations with each producing t=1.005 (p≤.315); t=-1487 (p≤.137); t=-.687 (p≤.492) and t=1.413 (p≤.158). The data also showed that all constructs were related to each other and all r values were at significant level of p≤0.01. The main constraints faced by the implementers in school were the lack of funding, material, time, knowledge and monitoring by top management. The environmental awareness model was constructed based on results of this research, aimed at increasing the awareness of pupils on the environment. SEM test showed that the model is coherent with the observed data. This shows that this model is acceptable. In conclusion, the cooperation between all stakeholders is significant in ensuring the enhancement of pupils’ environment awareness

    Gaya Kepimpinan di Institusi Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional Abad Ke-21: Ke Arah Kelestarian Pendidikan

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    Kepimpinan adalah penting dalam pengurusan institusi Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional (PTV) agar pemimpinnya boleh membimbing pengikutnya ke arah mencapai sasaran dan matlamat organisasi serta boleh diamalkan di alam pekerjaan. Kepimpinan akademik harus diubah secara literal untuk menangani cabaran globalisasi, sejajar dengan kemajuan teknologi. Kajian ini dilaksanakan secara kajian literatur sistematik bagi mengkaji gaya kepimpinan yang diamalkan oleh pemimpin dalam industri dan di institusi PTV. Setiap pemimpin mengamalkan gaya kepimpinan yang berbeza mengikut personalitinya, masa yang diperuntukkan, keprihatinan pemimpin terhadap pengikutnya dan selainnya. Hasil kajian literatur sistematik dengan 30 buah artikel yang dicapai melalui Google Scholar dan Proquest mendapati gaya kepimpinan transformasi sebagai gaya kepimpinan yang dominan dalam kalangan pemimpin institusi PTV dan juga dalam sektor industri, diikuti dengan kepimpinan demokratik, transaksi dan autokratik. Terdapat juga gaya kepimpinan lain yang kurang diamalkan oleh pemimpin seperti gaya kepimpinan karismatik . Hasil kajian juga mendapati bahawa amalan gaya kepimpinan yang bersesuaian mampu mendatangkan kesan yang positif terhadap institusi PTV dalam mencapai kelestarian pendidikan masa kini

    Contribution of predictors of knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and behavior of standard 6 pupils towards environment

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    This study was conducted to identify predictors of knowledge, perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of the environment towards predetermined variables. A questionnaire was employed to obtain information and data from 685 respondents consisting of standard 6 pupils in Kulaijaya, Johor. The predictor variables applied in this study are the pupils' knowledge, perception and attitudes towards the environment while the dependent variable is pupils’ behavior towards the environment. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 has been used to analyze the data obtained. Multiple regression analysis was applied to determine forecasters against the specified variables. The findings show that a perception is dominan predictor to pupils’ behavior toward environment. In conclusion, not all predictor variables mentioned in this study contribute either directly or indirectly to the predetermined variables of the natural environment. Therefore, more effective measures need to be taken to ensure environmental sustainability

    Pupils perception towards the implementation of environmental education across curriculum in Malaysia primary school

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    Education is an important element in enhancing pupils' awareness on the environment. This is because education plays an important role in shaping and transforming society. In Malaysia, environmental education (EE) across curriculum has long been established. However, to date there is no specific assessment done to determine the successful implementation of these elements. Thus, the perception of pupils is needed to identify the needs of the implementer of the suitability and significance of EE across the curriculum on the pupils' environmental awareness. This study aims to identify the grade 6 pupils' perception toward the implementation of environmental education across curriculum in Malaysia primary school. The results showed that the pupils' perception of the environment was overall high and the location of the school does not significantly affect the pupils' perceptions of the environment. The majority of students defines the concept of the environment as objects. In addition, the percentage of pupils who give the concept of environmental rationally is also high. The perceptions of pupils on the need to protect the environment illustrate the majority agree on the benefits of future generations. The environmental concepts are presented somewhat rational and show the relationship between the environment and human beings. In conclusion, students' perceptions of the environment are positive and can determine it rationally and know the nature of natural disasters is a result of human action

    Student’s reflection on environmental conservation: the level of knowledge, attitude, and behavior

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the reflection of primary school students’ in term of their environmental conservation awareness based on their knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The survey method was used in data collection and the questionnaire was distributed to 235 students from 25 different school under UTHM’s Knowledge Transfer Program in Kluang District. The results obtained moderate-average level of environmental awareness for each construct (i.e. knowledge, attitude, behaviour). The analysis suggest level of reflection has significant effect on gender and race differences for certain construct, however, it is positive correlation between the level of environmental conservation’s reflection with demographics profile. This study offers new insights into the impact of education on environmental protection, the need for environmental education to improve conservation awareness

    Inmates' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) and Entrepreneurship Training Program

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    : Issues on crime and unemployment among ex-inmates contribute to recidivism in the country even though they were given technical and vocational (TVET) and entrepreneurship trainings by the prison authority.  Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the perception of inmates in prison on the effectiveness of TVET and entrepreneurship training.  The design of the study used in this study was a method of review with a quantitative approach.  Data was collected using a set of questionnaires and analyzed using statistical package software for the Social Science (SPSS version 23.0). A total of 222 respondents, inmates who have undergone and are undergoing TVET were involved in the study. The reliability of instruments was at an excellent and effective level with the consistency level of 0.871 and 0.915.  Data analysis was done in the form of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation test (r). The findings of the study showed that perception of the effectiveness of TVET and entrepreneurship skills in prison was high which were the mean value of 4.18 and 4.28 respectively. In addition, the findings showed that there was a significant relationship between TVET effectiveness and entrepreneurship skills among the respondents, r=0.557 (P ≤ 0.01). In conclusion, the inmates perceived that TVET and entrepreneurship skills taught in prison are beneficial.  Apart from that, it could provide added value in their continuity of survival once released primarily in the field of employment and entrepreneurship activities

    Employability Challenges Among Residivists: A Qualitative Study

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    Crime is a social phenomenon in almost every country. The increasing of crime incidents every now and then could instigate recurrence of crimes. The integration of prison inmates into society after release is a challenging phase to start anew outside the iron curtain. As such, this group might tend to return to prison. Therefore, this study aims to explore recidivism among recidivists towards employability. The design of this study is narrative by using a qualitative approach and aided by a semi-structured interview protocol to facilitate the data collection process. A total of 5 recidivists from a prison around the southern zone were selected as study participants. The interviews obtained were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results of the study found that there are four recidivist factors returning to prison, namely difficulty in finding a job, unwillingness to change, family and community stigma, and the relaxation of conditions for participating in the Human Rehabilitation Program (PPI). In conclusion, apart from difficulties in securing employment, there are other reasons that cause recidivism to occur. Therefore, the researcher suggests that the PPI provided by the prison to be updated in line with the needs of recidivists from physical aspects, personality, skills and integration into society so that recidivism cases could be reduced

    Student’s reflection on environmental conservation: the level of knowledge, attitude, and behavior

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the reflection of primary school students’ in term of their environmental conservation awareness based on their knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The survey method was used in data collection and the questionnaire was distributed to 235 students from 25 different school under UTHM’s Knowledge Transfer Program in Kluang District. The results obtained moderate-average level of environmental awareness for each construct (i.e. knowledge, attitude, behaviour). The analysis suggest level of reflection has significant effect on gender and race differences for certain construct, however, it is positive correlation between the level of environmental conservation’s reflection with demographics profile. This study offers new insights into the impact of education on environmental protection, the need for environmental education to improve conservation awareness

    Persepsi bakal Guru Pendidikan Khas terhadap Pendidikan Khas di Malaysia

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    Persediaan dan tahap pengetahuan bakal guru pendidikan khas terhadap murid berkeperluan pendidikan khas (MBPK) adalah penting untuk memastikan penyaluran ilmu kepada golongan MPBK dapat dilaksanakan secara maksimum kerana cara mendidik dan mengajar MPBK berbeza dengan murid tipikal


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    Sociology refers to the field of scientific research on social interactions, organizations, societies, human actions and their consequences and how social influences shape human life. Environment is also a major element in human survival. Human dependence on the environment causes environmental conservation measures to be carried out. The role of sociology is seen as an important medium and must be implemented to ensure that the sustainability of the environment can be realized not only for the benefit of the present generation but for future generations. The increasingly complex human actions and patterns of life have led to various effects on the environment and the people themselves. Therefore, human beings are the dominant environmental users then the human function of the environment needs to be emphasized in order to improve the quality of the environment and its sustainability. Hence, this paper is a review of the role of sociology in Environmental Education (PAS). It is expected that these reviews can help in order to preserve the environment