313 research outputs found

    Pemikiran politik dan kenegaraan Muhammad Iqbal

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    Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan pemikiran politik Muhammad Iqbal dan melihat bagaimana pandangan tokoh berkenaan dalam mengemukakan dasar negara dan konsep pentadbiran negara. Artikel ini berdasarkan kepada sebuah penyelidikan yang telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan menggunakan metod analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa konsep negara Islam adalah berdasarkan kedaulatan Tuhan, prinsip tauhid telah menjadi asas pembangunan masyarakat Islam (Millat), melalui pembinaan karakter individu yang berdasarkan persamaan, perpaduan dan kebebasan berpandukan wahyu dan Tradisi Kenabian

    Emergence of multiple seedlings from seed of Garcinia mangostana L. (Clusiaceae).

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    Polyembryony is the formation of multiple embryos in a single seed. It was reported to occur in Garcinia mangostana through sporophytic adventitious embryony. This paper reports new insight of multiple shoot formation on seed of G. mangostana and a different finding compare to previous studies. A germination study was carried out during the July to August mangosteen fruiting season at University Agriculture Park, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Ten trees were randomly selected and 20 fruits samples were collected. From each fruit, only the biggest seed was used. Seed was disinfected using benomyl and sown on sterilized sand. Flower buds and flowers were also collected. Histological studies were carried out following the TBA series and dyed with Fast Green and Safranin O. For scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations, samples were fixed in 70% formalin acetic acid and dehydrated using critical point dryer. Samples were mounted on aluminum stubs and finally coated twice with gold for two minutes. The percentage of seed germination was 47% and from that 11% of seeds were with multiple shoots. The morphology of the mangosteen seed was made of hypocotyl with two long strips of vascular bundle. From the histology and SEM, it was shown that shoot and root arises from the end of the vascular bundle. It was also observed that in some instance there were two ovules per locule that further developed into hypocotyls. The hypocotyls carrying their own vascular bundles will unite and enclosed by a single testa and form the “seed”. From each hypocotyl single shoot will emerged. When there are two to three hypocotyls united, two to three shoot will emerged thus displaying multiple shoots per seed. This study concluded that the term polyembryony is not suitable because there was only a single embryo per hypocotyl

    Comparative analysis of support vector machine, maximum likelihood and neural network classification on multispectral remote sensing data

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    Land cover classification is an essential process in many remote sensing applications. Classification based on supervised methods have been preferred by many due to its practicality, accuracy and objectivity compared to unsupervised methods. Nevertheless, the performance of different supervised methods particularly for classifying land covers in Tropical regions such as Malaysia has not been evaluated thoroughly. The study reported in this paper aims to detect land cover changes using multispectral remote sensing data. The data come from Landsat satellite covering part of Klang District, located in Selangor, Malaysia. Landsat bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are used as the input for three supervised classification methods namely support vector machines (SVM), maximum likelihood (ML) and neural network (NN). The accuracy of the generated classifications is then assessed by means of classification accuracy. Land cover change analysis is also carried out to identify the most reliable method to detect land changes in which showing SVM gives a more stable and realistic outcomes compared to ML and NN

    Reign of Raja Syed Alwi Ibn Syed Safi Jamalullail in Perlis (1905-1943): modernisation and socioeconomic development

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    Perlis was seldom in the limelight since it was part of Kedah. From the 14th to 17th century, seven generations of the Kedah Sultanate had thrived in Kota Si Puteh (in Kubang Pasu District) since it was located approximately three miles from the border of Perlis or 18 to 19 miles if the distance is measured from Perlis river to Kuala Perlis beach. This article will discuss the modernisation and socioeconomic development during the reign of Raja Syed Alwi Jamalullail in Perlis between 1905 to 1943. The objectives of this research is to discuss how Raja Syed Alwi managed to restore the economic problems of Perlis once he ascended the throne. The objective of this article is to discuss the socio-economic development during his reign. The methodology of the study is a qualitative method based on historical discipline. This study found that during the reign of Raja Syed Alwi Jamalullail, there was a process of modernisation and some development in socio-economic aspects. Although in the early stages of his reign he had faced financial issues, he managed to solve those problems, formed the Perlis State Council Meeting and planned some socio-economic developments that led to modernisation for the state of Perlis

    Perlaksanaan rancangan bekalan air luar bandar di negeri Kedah, 1909-1957

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    Isu perkembangan dan pembangunan sistem bekalan air domestik luar bandar dari tahun 1909 sehingga tahun 1957 mempunyai kepentingan tersendiri kepada British di negeri Kedah. British dilihat berusaha membangunkan sistem bekalan air bagi meningkatkan taraf kehidupan dan kesihatan para penduduk yang melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti penanaman padi dan pertanian di Kedah. Ini kerana golongan ini merupakan penyumbang ekonomi utama kepada British dalam tempoh yang dinyatakan. Maka dengan itu, makalah ini bermatlamat ingin melihat perkembangan kemudahan bekalan air domestik luar bandar di Kedah, 1909-1957. Penyelidikan ini akan mensintesis kepentingan perlaksanaan projek bekalan air di kawasan luar bandar di Kedah kepada British. Kemudian akan menganalisis perlaksanaan projek bekalan air di kawasan luar bandar di Kedah. Seterusnya akan meninjau keadaan kemudahan bekalan air di kawasan luar bandar di Kedah ketika penjajahan Jepun. Akhir sekali akan mengenal pasti tahap tumpuan British terhadap sistem bekalan air luar bandar di Kedah selepas perang dunia kedua sehingga kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu. Penyelidikan ini menggunakan bahan dan data daripada Arkib Negara Cawangan Kedah/Perlis, Arkib Negara Malaysia, Perpustakaan Awam Negeri Kedah, Perpustakaan Utama Universiti Malaya, Perpustakaan Za’ba Universiti Malaya, Perpustakaan Tun Sri Lanang Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan Syarikat Air Darul Aman (SADA). Hasil kajian mendapati, British berjaya melaksana rancangan bekalan air domestik luar bandar di Kedah dalam tempoh yang dinyatakan. Meskipun pendekatan yang diamalkan oleh British hanya bertumpu kepada kawasan yang tinggi nilai ekonomi sahaja, namun pengenalan sistem bekalan air moden di Kedah dilihat telah mengubah kebergantungan para penduduk terhadap sumber bekalan air semula jadi kepada bekalan air yang lebih baik serta berkualiti

    The 20th century domestic water supply in Alor Setar, Kedah

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    Alor Setar was the earliest location in Kedah which received the implementation of the domestic water supply plan by the British beginning in 1909. This initiative was due to administrative, economic, health, population and other relevant factors. Thus, the British built several water plants and the projects turned into a water supply module in other locations in the Kedah state. This paper would like to see the role of the British in developing the water supply system in Alor Setar from 1909 to 1957. This research began in 1909 due to the introduction to British advisers in the state of Kedah and ended in 1957 as the year was the final phase of the British domination in Kedah before the independence of the Federation of Malaya on August 31, 1957. This research employed materials and data from the National Archives of Kedah / Perlis, National Archives of Malaysia, University of Malaya Main Library, the Kedah Public Library, Tun Sri Lanang Library of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Kedah Water Company (SADA). The results of the study found that British advisers in Kedah successfully abandoned the water supply module in Alor Setar and succeeded in raising the standard of living of the residents at the stated locations

    Kerjasama Kedah dan Perlis dalam pembangunan sistem bekalan air domestik di negeri Perlis, 1969-1978

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    Situasi dan isu kerjasama antara Kerajaan Kedah dan Kerajaan Perlis dalam membangunkan bekalan air domestik di Perlis dari tahun 1969 sehingga tahun 1978 mempunyai pelbagai kepentingan tersendiri kepada kedua-dua belah pihak. Dengan adanya kerjasama ini, pembangunan bekalan air domestik di negeri Perlis dapat dilaksana mengikut perancangan yang telah dirancang sekian lama. Selain itu, dengan adanya kerjasama ini menunjukkan Perlis mempunyai kebergantungan terhadap perolehan bekalan air bersih dari Kedah untuk tujuan domestik. Terdapat banyak langkah dan peringkat yang telah dilakukan sepanjang kerjasama ini terjalin. Oleh itu, makalah ini akan membincangkan tentang masalah dan isu kekurangan bekalan air di Perlis, bentuk kerjasama yang terjalin antara Kerajaan Kedah dan Kerajaan Perlis, projek bekalan air domestik yang dilaksana di Perlis, kesan serta faedah ekoran kerjasama yang terjalin antara Kerajaan Kedah dan Kerajaan Perlis dalam membangunkan bekalan air domestik di Perlis. Penyelidikan ini bermula dari tahun 1969 kerana pada tahun tersebut secara rasmi hubungan kerjasama antara Kerajaan Kedah dan Kerajaan Perlis telah terjalin dalam membangunkan sistem bekalan air domestik di negeri Perlis. Penyelidikan ini berakhir pada tahun 1978 kerana projek pembangunan bekalan air yang dilaksana telah siap sepenuhnya mengikut perancangan yang ditetapkan. Penyelidikan ini menggunakan bahan dan data daripada Arkib Negara Cawangan Kedah/Perlis, Arkib Negara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Perpustakaan Awam Negeri Kedah, Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya dan Syarikat Air Darul Aman (SADA)

    Polymerase chain reaction detection of Pasteurellamultocida type B in mice following oral inoculation with the bacteria

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    Pasteurella multocida type B is an etiological agent of haemorrhagic septicaemia in cattle and buffaloes. The disease is commonly fatal and considered as one of the most economically important cattle disease in Southeast Asia including Malaysia. This study described the detection of P. Multocida type B using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) from the organs of the mice inoculated orally with the bacteria. In this study, 16 male and healthy mice aged 3-weeks were selected; they were divided into two equal groups of 8 mice each. Mice in group 1 were inoculated orally with 109 CFU of P. multocida type B, while the mice from group 2 were inoculated orally with PBS, pH 7. The mice were observed for 5 days (120 hours). Post-mortem was conducted on mice which died within 5 days of the experimental period and organs such as heart, lung liver, spleen, stomach, small intestine and large intestine were collected and subjected to isolation and identification of the bacteria on blood agar. The organs collected from the mice showed positive results using PCR which detected P. multocida type B. On the contrary, P. multocida type B was not isolated from the organs of the surviving mice which were culled at the end of the experiment

    Analysis of MPV dashboard using solidworks and ABAQUS.

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    The study is intended to measure the reliability of MPV dashboard to endure interior impact by using finite element analysis (FEA) method. A model which represents MPV dashboard was made using Solidworks and the impact simulation was done using ABAQUS. Current material being used for dashboard is ABS-GF40 and this material was proven to be reliable to withstand interior impact through the simulation that has been done in this study. Besides, this study also serve the purpose to reduce manufacturing cost using alternative materials with no less reliability compared to ABS-GF40. Similar simulation routines were applied for ABS copolymer, PP copolymer, and PVC copolymer. The simulation results showed that ABS-CF40 performance is similar to ABS-GF40, whereas the PP-CF10, PP-GF10, and PVC-GF30 exhibit almost identical behavior under impact loading. Cost assessment was carried out for all materials to assist in selecting alternative material for replacement of ABS-GF40. Hence, it was found that PP-GF10 can be used as an alternative material with cost reduction up to RM33.17 on each dashboard

    Tuntutan Filipina ke atas Sabah kepada Malaysia, 1962–2010 : analisis dari perspektif Filipina

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    Artikel ini membincangkan tuntutan Filipina ke atas Sabah dari tahun 1962 sehingga 2010 berdasarkan perspektif Filipina secara keseluruhannya. Dalam tempoh yang dinyatakan, dapat dilihat isu tuntutan kerajaan Filipina ke atas Sabah kepada Malaysia telah mendominasi hubungan dua hala kedua-dua negara. Meskipun hubungan bilateral telah terjalin sejak Persekutuan Tanah Melayu memperoleh kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957, isu tuntutan ini telah menjejaskan hubungan berkenaan. Bermula dari pemerintahan Macapagal sehingga Arroyo, pelbagai polisi dan dasar telah dibentuk oleh kerajaan Filipina dalam menangani isu tuntutan ke atas Sabah. Maka dengan itu, artikel ini ingin memberikan gambaran yang menyeluruh mengenai tuntutan ke atas Sabah bermula dari tahun 1962 sehingga 2010 daripada perspektif Filipina. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa sejak tahun 1962 sehingga 2010, isu tuntutan ke atas Sabah telah berterusan secara konsisten. Isu tuntutan ke atas Sabah diakui telah menimbulkan ketegangan antara Filipina dengan Malaysia dalam tempoh yang dinyatakan. Namun begitu, di sebalik ketegangan yang berlaku, dapat dilihat bahawa beberapa pemimpin Filipina bersikap rasional dan profesional dalam tuntutan negara mereka ke atas Sabah kepada Malaysia. Isu tuntutan ke atas Sabah dilihat telah ‘direhatkan’ oleh kerajaan Filipina bagi menjamin hubungan diplomasi yang terjalin dengan Malaysia