1,819 research outputs found

    An integrated model for cash transfer system design problem

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    This paper presents an integrated model that incorporates strategic, tactical, and operational decisions for a cash transfer management system of a bank. The aim of the model is to decide on the location of cash management centers, number and routes of vehicles, and the cash inventory management policies to minimize the cost of owning and operating a cash transfer system while maintaining a pre-defined service level. Owing to the difficulty of finding optimal decisions in such integrated models, an iterative solution approach is proposed in which strategic, tactical, and operational problems are solved separately via a feedback mechanism. Numerical results show that such an approach is quite effective in reaching greatly improved solutions with just a few iterations, making it a promising approach for similar integrated models

    Quantum transport across van der Waals domain walls in bilayer graphene

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    Bilayer graphene can exhibit deformations such that the two graphene sheets are locally detached from each other resulting in a structure consisting of domains with different inter-layer coupling. Here we investigate how the presence of these domains affect the transport properties of bilayer graphene. We derive analytical expressions for the transmission probability, and the corresponding conductance, across walls separating different inter-layer coupling domain. We find that the transmission can exhibit a valley-dependent layer asymmetry and that the domain walls have a considerable effect on the chiral tunnelling properties of the charge carriers. We show that transport measurements allow one to obtain the strength with which the two layers are coupled. We performed numerical calculations for systems with two domain walls and find that the availability of multiple transport channels in bilayer graphene modifies significantly the conductance dependence on inter-layer potential asymmetry.Comment: 20 pages, 24 Figure

    Ice Machine Design Es Puter for Small Industries and Household With Quality Function Deployment Method (QFD)

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    Designing icemakers (es puter) technology (hard ice cream) have evolved from manual to automatic . In designing a tool not only to consider the technological aspects but also pay attention to other aspects in accordance with the needs and the level of consumer interest . Therefore needed an alternative design Es Puter making machine with the application of the method of Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ), to find and translate the desires and needs of consumers in small industry and households . Through the stages of the design process and product development , as well as the results of the questionnaire are tabulated in QFD found that respondents wanted the  machine of es puter -power, ease of maintenance and has a reliable and produce good quality products . From the research produced a prototype for an ice machine puter with a 12V DC electric motor drive 40W , portable design, with a production capacity of 5 liters each. And equipped with automatic key features , 12V 7Ah battery and place the glass for presentation. Keywords : Es Puter , QFD, Small Industrie

    Kata Tugas Bahasa Alas

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    Morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Jamee

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    Buku Mortologl dan Sintaksis Bahasa Jamee ini merupakan salah satu hasH Penelltlan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan daerah lstimewa Aceh tahun 1986 yang pelaksanaannya dipercayakan kepada tim peneliti dari Unlversltas Sylah Kuala. Untuk itu, kami ingin menyatakan penghargaan dan ucapan terlma kaslh kepada Dr. A. Hakim Usman, Pemimpin Proyek Penelltlan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Oaerah Surnatera Barat beserta stafnya, dan para peneliti yaitu, Wawad Abdullah, Syamsuar Martian, Sitti Rohana dan M . Hasan Gade. Penelltlan lnl bertujuan membUat deskrtpsl yang memadal mangenal struktur morfologl dan struktur alntaksls bahasa Jamee. Deakrlpsl ltu men-cakup tdlr-butlr sebagal berlkut

    Confined states in graphene quantum blisters

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    Bilayer graphene samples may exhibit regions where the two layers are locally delaminated forming a so-called quantum blister in the graphene sheet. Electron and hole states can be confined in this graphene quantum blisters (GQB) by applying a global electrostatic bias. We scrutinize the electronic properties of these confined states under the variation of interlayer bias, coupling, and blister's size. The spectra display strong anti-crossings due to the coupling of the confined states on upper and lower layers inside the blister. These spectra are layer localized where the respective confined states reside on either layer or equally distributed. For finite angular momentum, this layer localization can be at the edge of the blister and corresponds to degenerate modes of opposite momenta. Furthermore, the energy levels in GQB exhibit electron-hole symmetry that is sensitive to the electrostatic bias. Finally, we demonstrate that confinement in GQB persists even in the presence of a variation in the inter-layer coupling.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Peningkatan Produktifitas UKM Lontong dengan TTG SS 316 L Di Desa Hulaan Menganti Gresik

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    Sebagian besar pengusaha Lontong masih menggunakan kayu bakar dan alat seadanya dalam proses produksinya. Sehingga kapasitas produksi dan kualitasnya relatif masih rendah. Guna mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, Tim Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PPM) Fakultas Teknik Universitas Wijaya Putra merancang Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG SS 316 L) untuk memproduksi Lontong dengan hasil yang lebih banyak serta kualitas yang lebih baik. Teknologi TTG SS 316 L ini mampu meningkatkan produksi 3 kali dari proses sebelumnya. Waktu perebusan dapat dipercepat dari 6 jam menjadi 2 jam dengan hasil produksi 200 buah/hari meningkat menjadi 800 buah/hari. TTG SS 316 L ini berbahan food grade yang dilengkapi dengan temperature gauge dan pressure gauge serta menggunakan bahan bakar LPG sehingga lebih aman dan efisien. Lontong yang dihasilkan bisa matang dengan sempurna dan mempunyai kualitas yang lebih baik. Pelatihan dan pendampingan dilakukan pada mitra UKM agar  penerapan TTG sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.Kata Kunci: UKM Lontong, Produktivitas, TT