4 research outputs found

    Hiyal (Legal Stratagems) in Islamic Finance: Systematic Literature Review

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to systematically review the existing literature on the application of Hiyal (legal stratagems) in Islamic finance. The article visualizes the linkages between different authentic works done on the topic and how the topic has evolved through the decades.   Theoretical framework: The article visualizes the linkages between different authentic works done on the topic and how the topic has evolved through the decades.   Design/methodology/approach:  A systematic literature review of published peer-reviewed articles on Hiyal(legal stratagems) was conducted. A comprehensive search strategy was applied to retrieved 35 articles from 25 leading journals published between 1997 and 2021.   Findings:  The research found that the existing knowledge on the topic especially of the current century is more focused on Riba (usury) stratagems to circumvent the prohibitions of the conventional capitalist financial system. It is because the discussion popped up as a reaction to the modern Islamic financial system, especially from traditional scholars. Malaysia and a few western countries have contributed the most to the topic.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  This review provides a significant contribution to Islamic finance literature by identifying the related discussions in the area and pointing the gap that need to be further explored.   Originality/value:  It is concluded that the literature on the topic ‘the application of Hiyal(legal stratagem in Islamic financial law” is less in numbers and not well-integrated, as the topic is still in the growing stage

    دور الإدارة اللامركزية في محاربة الفساد الإداري من منظور إسلامي إدارة القضاء في خلافة عمر بن عبد العزيزنموذجا : دراسة تحليلية

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    يعد القضاء من المرافق الحكومية المهمة ذات التأثير المباشر في أمن الدولة واستقرارها، وهذا ما يجعل الفساد الإداري في المرفق القضائي من أشد الأخطار التي تهدد الدولة، ويدرس البحث دور الإدارة اللامركزية في محاربة الفساد الإداري من منظور إسلام ي بتقدي م رؤية إدارية تتضمن النموذج الإداري الإسلامي التاريخي والمتمثل في خلافة عمر بن عبد العزيز، والذي حقق إنجازات عظيمة في إصلاح مؤسسات الدولة ومحاربة الفساد الإداري فيها ومنها القضاء، وانطلق البحث من فرضية مفادها أن عمل عمر بن عبد العزيز على محاربة الفس اد الإداري في القضاء تم من خلال تحرير القضاء ودعم استقلاليته معتمدا على نظام الإدارة اللامركزية كبديل عن الإدارة المركزية مع نموذج معاصر وهو القضاء في مملكة ماليزي ا، جوابا على مشكلة البحث والتي تتلخص في أن ظهور الفساد وانتشاره في قطاعات الدولة الإسلامية كان من دواعي تبني عمر بن عبد العزيز نظام الإدارة اللامركزية والتي كانت إحدى مقومات الحكم في مملكة ماليزي ا، وتنبع أهمية البحث في طرح حلول جذرية لتجنب أخطار ظاهرة الفساد الإداري على الدولة، ويعتمد البحث على المنهج الاستقرائي في بيان مفهوم الفساد الإداري والمنه ج الوصفي والتحليلي في بيان وسائل محاربته والمنهج المقارن في بيان أوجه الشبه والاختلاف بين نظامي الإدارة المركزية والإدارة اللامركزية وتفسير طبيعة العلاقة بينهما للوصول إلى نتائج واقعية ملموسة، والمنهج التاريخي في تحليل تجربة عمر بن عبد العزيز الإصلاحية والاستفادة من تف اصيلها، وقد خلص البحث إلى ضرورة تبني الإدارة اللامركزية في محاربة الفساد الإداري في .مؤسسات الدولة ومرافقها العام

    The Application of Simons’ “Levers of Control” in the Quran and Sunna

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    Simons'1 “levers of control” is a strategy-based framework that takes into consideration the belief systems of and the functions and interactions within an organization. The purpose of this article is to discuss Simons' levers of control from an Islamic viewpoint, based on the teachings of the Quran and Sunna. It demonstrates that the concept of “levers of control”, as posited by Simons, does not contradict the basic tenets of Islam. In fact, all the main components of the levers of control - belief system, boundary system, diagnostic control system, and interactive system - were actually emphasized and vigorously implemented by Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, these practices have never before been organized into well-arranged and systematic categories that can be used as guidelines by Islamic organizations. Such organizations should aspire to implement comprehensively the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW in all aspects of organizational management functions, including those related to control. However, in the absence of clear and comprehensive guidelines, any implementation may not be appropriate or in accordance with the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW. More importantly, incorrect implementation as a result of limited understanding or misunderstanding of the Prophet's SAW practices can affect the overall perception of Islam. By properly utilizing the levers of control, organizations that strive to emulate the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW in their operations can be successful

    The Application of Simons’ “Levers of Control” in the Quran and Sunna

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    Simons'1 “levers of control” is a strategy-based framework that takes into consideration the belief systems of and the functions and interactions within an organization. The purpose of this article is to discuss Simons' levers of control from an Islamic viewpoint, based on the teachings of the Quran and Sunna. It demonstrates that the concept of “levers of control”, as posited by Simons, does not contradict the basic tenets of Islam. In fact, all the main components of the levers of control - belief system, boundary system, diagnostic control system, and interactive system - were actually emphasized and vigorously implemented by Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, these practices have never before been organized into well-arranged and systematic categories that can be used as guidelines by Islamic organizations. Such organizations should aspire to implement comprehensively the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW in all aspects of organizational management functions, including those related to control. However, in the absence of clear and comprehensive guidelines, any implementation may not be appropriate or in accordance with the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW. More importantly, incorrect implementation as a result of limited understanding or misunderstanding of the Prophet's SAW practices can affect the overall perception of Islam. By properly utilizing the levers of control, organizations that strive to emulate the practices of Prophet Muhammad SAW in their operations can be successful