4 research outputs found


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    This article deals with the socio- cultural and socio- economical features of the street children and the effect of sport activities upon their socialization. The study was carried out upon 133 children who live or work in the streets of Ankara with or without home fitting perfectly well in the description of “street children” who had been involved in sports at various degrees before... the data were collected by the use of the 69 question socialization scale developed by Şahan (2007). The data obtained were evaluated by the use of SPSS statistical software. The data were first subjected to frequency analysis and listed in tabular manner. The percentage of the variables in the sample was determined and the features of the sample were first subjected to a general evaluation process. Then the analysis process to be applied to hypotheses was started and the raw data were evaluated by the use of Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis Nonparametric Test. It was concluded that here was not a statistically significant difference between the socialization levels of the children interested and not interested in sports according to gender and the income levels of the families. On the other hand, there was significant difference in the socialization levels of the children if the interest in sports and family income parameters are considered together.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this study is to examine the contribution of sport to obese youth duringsocialization, considering the socio-cultural and economic characteristics of obese adolescents. In the study participated 118 obese children members of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Family Life and Youth Centers who played sports or participated in sport activities in the 15-18 age range. As a data collection tool, the socialization scale consisting of 69 questions developed by Sahan (2007) was used. A computer-aided data analysis program was used in the research data. Frequency analysis was applied first and tables were made during the analysis of the data. The percentages of the variables in the sample were determined, and the characteristics of the sample were evaluated generally in these tables. Analysis procedures were applied according to hypotheses later. The data were evaluated by the Scheffe test, the Mann Whitney U test and the Kruskal-Wallis Nonparametric test. As a result of the research; it was found that there was no significant difference between the levels of socialization of obese youth according to the age variable and there was a significant difference between sexes, household income levels and the sports and socialization levels of obese youth who are interested and who are uninterested in sport. At the end of the research, it was observed that male obese teenagers had higher levels of socialization than female obese teenagers in terms of high income level and interest in sport

    The ethical and non- ethical behaviors observed in soccer coaches in Ankara 1st amateur league

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    Antrenörler, sadece alanıyla ilgili yeterlilik, alana ait bilgi ve becerilere sahip olmakla değil, aynı zamanda alanlarına ilişkin doğru tutum ve davranışlara da sahip olmakla yükümlüdürler. Bu araştırmanın amacı, futbolcuların gözlemleri doğrultusunda, spor hayatlarının şekillenmesinde, sportif başarı ve başarısızlıklarında önemli yeri olan antrenörlerinin etik ve etik dışı davranışlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma 2012-2013 futbol sezonunda Ankara amatör süper liginde yer alan 12 spor kulübünde 186 futbolcunun gönüllülük esasıyla 36 sorudan oluşan ölçeği cevaplandırmalarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu araştırmada futbolda antrenörlük etiği üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu amaçla çalışmada öncelikle sporda etik, futbolda ve futbolcuda etik ve antrenörlük mesleği, antrenörlerde etik, ardından futbol antrenörlerinde etik davranışlar üzerinde durulmuş ve incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda futbolcuların, antrenman planlanması, mesleki bilgi düzeyi, sporculara karşı saygılı davranma, yetkisini kötüye kullanma, sporcuların performanslarına zarar verme, sigara kullanma gibi konularda antrenörlerini yetersiz buldukları ve bu konuyla ilgili değerlendirmelerde antrenörlerinin kendilerine ve mesleki etik kurallarına göre etik dışı davranışlarda bulunduklarını gözlemledikleri söylenilebileceği gibi, sporcuların; dil, din, ırk ayrımı yapma, cinsel taciz ve şiddet uygulama gibi konularda ise antrenörlerini daha olumlu buldukları sonucuna ulaşılmaktadır.The coaches are not only supposed to be equipped with the knowledge and the skills required in their respective fields but they are also responsible to have correct behaivors an ethical values. This study is directed to determine the ethical and non-ethical behaviors of the soccer coaches who have an important place in shaping the life achievements and failures of the players. The study was carried out upon 186 male soccer players playing in 12 ametuur soccer clubs in Ankara amateur league on volunteering basis in 2012-203 soccer league. The participants were asked to fill 36 question scale. The study is focused upon the trainers?ethics. In this contexts first the ethics in sports was considered in general followed by the ethics in soccer and soccer players, ethics in coaching and coaching profession and finally ethics in soccer coaches. The study revaaled that the players mostly agree that the coaches were not sufficient and resort some non-ethical behaviors in the training planning, occupational knowledge, adopting a respectful attitude toward the players, abusing their authorities, harming the performanse of the players and smoking. However the players think that the coaches display much ethical behaviors in subjects such as religion, race and language segregation, sexual harrasment and resorting to violence

    Investigation of the effects of an 8-week cross-country skiing exercise program on various reaction time parameters, selective attention and academic achievement in adolescents

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    Abstract Exercise slows or helps reverse the shrinkage of key cognitive brain regions such as the hippocampus, which is important for information processing, learning, reasoning and planning. For this reason, it is thought that regular exercise of individuals, especially during adolescence, which is considered one of the most important processes of development, can increase their performance in areas where cognitive activities are at the forefront. Cross-country skiing, one of the leading branches of winter sports, has a much more complex structure, unlike the branches that are widely preferred today (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.) and is a branch where many motor skills are exhibited at the same time For this reason, the effect of cross-country skiing, which is defined as more complex and difficult in terms of biomotor than other branches, on cognitive activities is a matter of curiosity. Therefore, the aim of the research is; to examine the cognitive effects of cross-country skiing exercise. The study involved 54 (26 male, 28 female) adolescents who had no prior experience in any licensed sports. The average age of the participants was determined as 12.61 ± 1.32. The participants were divided in experimental and control groups. Reaction performances were determined using the ÇAĞIN Hand and Foot Reaction Tests, selective attention performances were evaluated using the Flanker Test and academic achievement was determined using the e-Okul system. Two-way ANOVA revealed significant group × time interactions for hand and foot simple, selective, discriminative reaction time, selective attention and academic achievement (p  0.05). The study concludes that the cross-country skiing exercise, which was applied to adolescents for eight weeks, had a positive impact on the parameters of reaction, selective attention and academic achievement. Therefore, parents are suggested to encourage their children to exercise and engage in sports practices like cross-country skiing to improve cognitive and academic performance during adolescence