683 research outputs found

    Symbolic Computation of Squared Amplitudes in High Energy Physics with Machine Learning

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    The calculation of particle interaction squared amplitudes is a key step in the calculation of cross sections in high-energy physics. These complex calculations are currently performed using domain-specific symbolic algebra tools, where the computational time escalates rapidly with an increase in the number of loops and final state particles. This dissertation introduces an innovative approach: employing a transformer-based sequence-to-sequence model capable of accurately predicting squared amplitudes of Standard Model processes up to one-loop order when trained on symbolic sequence pairs. The primary objective of this work is to significantly reduce the computational time and, more importantly, develop a model that efficiently scales with the complexity of the processes. To the best of our knowledge, this model is the first that encapsulates a wide range of symbolic squared amplitude calculations and, therefore, represents a potentially significant advance in using symbolic machine learning techniques for practical scientific computations


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    Tempe adalah makanan khas Indonesia yang memiliki banyak kandungan gizi sehingga konsumen tempe menyebar ke Amerika dan Eropa. Ada tujuh tahap inti dalam proses pembuatan tempe yang dibagi menjadi 2 area yaitu area basah dan area kering. Area basah adalah area produksi dengan menggunakan air dalam setiap proses yang membutuhkan banyak waktu siklus daripada area kering. Waktu siklus dari area basah adalah 115 menit dan menghabiskan 1.085 liter air untuk menghasilkan 60 kg tempe. Salah satu proses dari area basah adalah pemisahan kulit kedelai menggunakan media air dengan waktu siklus adalah 45,59 menit. Objek penelitian ini adalah area pemisahan kulit ari kedelai hingga proses pencucian pada produksi tempe di Rumah Tempe Indonesia, Bogor untuk mengurangi waktu siklus dengan merancang wadah pemisah kulit ari kedelai. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode reverse engineering dengan melakukan analisis mendalam terhadap alat-alat yang digunakan dan mengembangkan alat pemisah kulit yang ada berdasarkan kebutuhan pengguna. Dengan melakukan analisis mendalam menggunakan dekomposisi produk peralatan pemisah kulit ari kedelai, didapatkan 48 kemungkinan kombinasi konsep untuk menambah fitur konsep yang akan dikembangkan. Concept screening dan concept scoring dilakukan untuk memilih salah satu konsep terbaik dari konsep-konsep yang mungkin di adopsi. Hasil dari konsep yang dipilih adalah adanya motor penggerak sebagai sumber energi pengganti kekuatan operator dan mekanisme untuk memisahkan kulit dan kedelai menggunakan kekuatan air dari bagian bawah wadah. Setelah itu, konsep terpilih akan dibuktikan dengan membuat prototipe dan pengujian di Rumah Tempe Indonesia dengan hasil waktu siklus setelah menggunakan konsep usulan adalah 70,77 menit untuk semua proses di area basah, yang berarti waktu siklus menurun 39%

    The Design and Implementation of a Prototype Geographic Information System Using a Novel Architecture Based on PS-Algol

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    This thesis is concerned with the design and implementation of a novel architecture for a geographic information system based on the use of a new database language called PS-algol, in conjunction with a hybrid database structure. The main aspects discussed within the context of this thesis are:- i) the definition of a database; ii) the components and functions of a database management system; iii) the features of PS-algol; iv) the new system architecture; v) the use of operational management system; vi) data entry as carried out by the system; vii) the facility for the cartographic representation of features; viii) data retrieval and its potential use; and ix) the generation of hard-copy output The thesis also includes a review of existing geographical information systems against which the novelty of the new approach can be judged

    Combustion and emission characteristics of IC engines fueled by hydrogen and hydrogen/diesel mixtures and multi-objective optimization of operating parameters

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    “The present study considers combustion of hydrogen in IC engines. In general, the work focuses on simulating the engine performance and emissions at different operation parameters, and using optimization techniques. Task I work deals with the engine performance and emissions of a single cylinder spark-ignition (SI) engine fueled by hydrogen. The engine was simulated at different equivalence ratios, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and ignition timing. The results indicate that NOx emissions, engine power, and efficiency are reduced by increasing EGR level, and increased with increasing equivalence ratio and advanced ignition timing. The best operating conditions for hydrogen engines were obtained by solving the multi-objective problem of maximizing engine power and efficiency while minimizing the NOx. Task II deals with the engine performance and emissions of dual-fuel CI engines fueled by a hydrogen/diesel mixture. The engine was simulated under conditions of various hydrogen levels (%) by energy, diesel injection timing, and EGR levels (%). More hydrogen present inside the engine cylinder led to lower soot emissions, higher thermal efficiency, and higher NOx emissions. Ignition timing delayed as the hydrogen rate increased, due to a delay in OH radical formation. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) method and diesel injection timing were considered as well, due to their potential effects on the engine outputs. To obtain the best possible maximum efficiency along with lower NOx and soot emissions, optimization methods in (Task III) for the operating parameters were considered. Multi-objective problem with conflicting objectives was solved by using regression analysis, artificial neural networks, and genetic algorithms”--Abstract, page iv

    Review of pipeline span analysis

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to mainly review the state-of-the-art developments in the field of hydrodynamics of offshore pipelines, identifying the key tools for analysis of pipeline free spans, their applications, their qualifying characteristics and capabilities and limitations. - Design/methodology/approach These different analytical, numerical and semi-empirical tools available for predicting such hydrodynamic loads and their effects include VIVANA, PIPESIN, VIVSIM, SIMULATOR, FATFREE, amongst others. Inherent in these models are current effects, wave effects and/ or pipe–soil interactions. Findings Amongst these models, the most attention was given to the new VIVANA model because this model take into account the vortex-induced effects with respect to free-spanning pipelines (which have dominant effect in the span analysis in deep water) better than other semi-empirical models (such as Shear 7). Recent improvements in VIVANA include its ability to have arbitrary variation in speed and direction of current, as well as the ability for calculation of pure IL and combined IL-CF response. Improvements in fatigue assessments at free spans, i.e. pipe–soil interaction have been achieved through the combined frequency domain and non-linear time domain analysis methodology adopted. Semi-empirical models are still the de facto currently used in the design of free-spanning pipelines. However, there is need for further research on free-span hydrodynamic coefficients and on how in-line and cross-flow vibrations interact. Again, there is still the challenge due to VIV complexity in fully understanding the fluid structure interaction problem, as there is no consolidated procedure for its analysis. It has been observed that there is large scatter between the different codes adopted in the prediction of fatigue damage, as there lacks full-scale test data devoted to determination/validation of the coefficients used in the semi-empirical models. A case study of the preliminary design of a typical 48 in. pipeline has been presented in this study to demonstrate the use of the free-span analysis tool, DNV RP F105. Excel spreadsheet has been applied in the execution of formulas. Originality/value This review paper is the first of its kind to study the state-of-the-art development in pipeline free-span analysis models and demonstrate the use of analysis tool, DNV for MAFSL calculation. Hence, information obtained from this paper would be invaluable in assisting designers both in the industry and academia

    Local alternative sources for cogeneration combined heat and power system

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    Global demand for energy continues to grow while countries around the globe race to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions by implementing policy measures and advancing technology. Sustainability has become an important issue in transportation and infrastructure development projects. While several agencies are trying to incorporate a range of sustainability measures in their goals and missions, only a few planning agencies have been able to implement these policies and they are far from perfect. The low rate of success in implementing sustainable policies is primarily due to incomplete understanding of the system and the interaction between various elements of the system. The conventional planning efforts focuses mainly on performance measures pertaining to the system and its impact on the environment but seldom on the social and economic impacts. The objective of this study is to use clean and alternative energy can be produced from many sources, and even use existing materials for energy generation. One such pathway is using wastewater, animal and organic waste, or landfills to create biogas for energy production. There are three tasks for this study. In topic one evaluated the energy saving that produced from combined hydrogen, heat, and power and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions by using local sustainable energy at the Missouri S&T campus to reduce energy consumption and fossil fuel usage. Second topic aimed to estimate energy recovery and power generation from alternative energy source by using Rankin steam cycle from municipal solid waste at Benghazi- Libya. And the last task is in progress. The results for topics one and two have been presented --Abstract, page iv

    Mechanistic modeling of cutting forces in wavy-edge bull-nose helical end-milling of Inconel 718 under different cooling-lubrication strategies

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    “This research presents the results of the development of a mechanistic cutting force prediction model for the wavy-edge bull-nose helical endmill (WEBNHE). The mechanistic model was developed to predict cutting force components and the resultant cutting force in high-speed end-milling of Inconel 718 under two cooling strategies: emulsion and Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL). The effects of the cooling strategies are incorporated into the mechanistic model through six cutting force coefficients (Ktc, Krc, Kac), and edge force coefficients (Kte, Kre, Kae), which have been experimentally identified in a separate research. The mechanistic model was validated by conducting end-milling experiments on Inconel 718 using a WEBNHE of 1.25” diameter under emulsion and MQL cooling strategies. In addition to cutting forces prediction, the mechanistic cutting force prediction model is used to investigate the effects of the cooling strategy, and the effects of the geometric parameters of the WEBNHE on the predicted cutting force components and the resultant cutting force. The geometric parameters investigated in this research were: wave magnitude, wave length, axial shift, and the helix angle. The cutting force components and the resultant cutting force predicted by this mechanistic cutting force model under the two cooling strategies were in good agreement with the experimental results. Additionally, the results show that an increase in the depth of cut under MQL generates less cutting force than the same increase under emulsion. Moreover, all predicted cutting force components increase when the magnitude of the WEBNHE increases, whereas they decrease when the wave length, axial shift, and the helix angle increase”--Abstract, page iv

    Allied democratic forces (ADF) in Uganda: A Jihadi- Salafi movement or local political movement in disguise

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    Since 1996, Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) has waged a campaign of terror in Uganda and neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which has resulted in a number of fatalities and continues to threaten the security of the region. From its inception, the objective of the ADF has been to overthrow the Ugandan government and establish an Islamic state governed by a Salafi interpretation of Islam. This study seeks to document the history of the ADF and to locate its position within contemporary Salafi debates. It does so by answering the following questions: (1) what do we know about the ADF? (2) How did the ADF emerge in Uganda? (3) Is the ADF Jihadi-Salafi movement or local political movement in disguise? This study utilises interviews, as well as archival and ethnographic approaches to research. Findings suggest that the ADF is a Jihadi-Salafi militant movement, which was originally established under the name Salafi Jihad Council (SaJiCo). However, the initial failure to stand alone and the Busitema defeat forced them to join other non-Muslim rebel groups to form the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). In addition, this study confirmed that, persuasive rhetoric of ADF leader, Jamilu Mukulu in addition to a long history of economic, social and political marginalisation of Muslims in Uganda by colonial and post-colonial governments, played a significant role in the creation and recruitment strategies for the Movement

    Impact of Using Simulink in Matlab on Students` Academic Achievement and Gender in Elctronics Works Trade in Technical Colleges of Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This study explored the impact of using Simulink in MATLAB on Students Academic Achievement and Gender in Electronics Works Trade in Technical Colleges of Adamawa State Nigeria The study adopted quasi-experimental design Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study The population of the study was made up of all NTC students offering Electronics works Trades course in Adamawa state Technical Colleges Purposive sampling was used to select 52 NTC II students offering Electrical Works Trade from Yola South and Numan Technical colleges The instrument for data collection named Electronics Works Trade Achievement Test EWTAT was constructed validated and used for the study The reliability of EWTAT was determined using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistic PPMCS and it yielded 0 70 Mean statistics was used to answer the two research questions and t-test statistic techniques was used for testing the null hypotheses at 0 05 level of significance findings of the study revealed that using Simulink in MATLAB was more effective for teaching Rectifier circuits in Electronics Works Trade than when Lecture Method was use
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