34 research outputs found

    Sequencing, Analysis, and Annotation of Expressed Sequence Tags for \u3ci\u3eCamelus dromedarius\u3c/i\u3e

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    Despite its economical, cultural, and biological importance, there has not been a large scale sequencing project to date for Camelus dromedarius. With the goal of sequencing complete DNA of the organism, we first established and sequenced camel EST libraries, generating 70,272 reads. Following trimming, chimera check, repeat masking, cluster and assembly, we obtained 23,602 putative gene sequences, out of which over 4,500 potentially novel or fast evolving gene sequences do not carry any homology to other available genomes. Functional annotation of sequences with similarities in nucleotide and protein databases has been obtained using Gene Ontology classification. Comparison to available full length cDNA sequences and Open Reading Frame (ORF) analysis of camel sequences that exhibit homology to known genes show more than 80% of the contigs with an ORF\u3e300 bp and ~40% hits extending to the start codons of full length cDNAs suggesting successful characterization of camel genes. Similarity analyses are done separately for different organisms including human, mouse, bovine, and rat. Accompanying web portal, CAGBASE (http://camel.kacst.edu.sa/), hosts a relational database containing annotated EST sequences and analysis tools with possibility to add sequences from public domain. We anticipate our results to provide a home base for genomic studies of camel and other comparative studies enabling a starting point for whole genome sequencing of the organism

    Genome-Wide Analysis of the Emerging Infection with Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis in the Arabian Camels (Camelus dromedarius)

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    Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (M. ap) is the causative agent of paratuberculosis or Johne's disease (JD) in herbivores with potential involvement in cases of Crohn's disease in humans. JD is spread worldwide and is economically important for both beef and dairy industries. Generally, pathogenic ovine strains (M. ap-S) are mainly found in sheep while bovine strains (M. ap-C) infect other ruminants (e.g. cattle, goat, deer), as well as sheep. In an effort to characterize this emerging infection in dromedary/Arabian camels, we successfully cultured M. ap from several samples collected from infected camels suffering from chronic, intermittent diarrhea suggestive of JD. Gene-based typing of isolates indicated that all isolates belong to sheep lineage of strains of M. ap (M. ap-S), suggesting a putative transmission from infected sheep herds. Screening sheep and goat herds associated with camels identified the circulation of this type in sheep but not goats. The current genome-wide analysis recognizes these camel isolates as a sub-lineage of the sheep strain with a significant number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between sheep and camel isolates (∼1000 SNPs). Such polymorphism could represent geographical differences among isolates or host adaptation of M. ap during camel infection. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to examine the genomic basis of this emerging infection in camels with implications on the evolution of this important pathogen. The sequenced genomes of M. ap isolates from camels will further assist our efforts to understand JD pathogenesis and the dynamic of disease transmission across animal species

    Saudi national science, technology and innovation plan towards knowledge based economy

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    Sequencing, Analysis, and Annotation of Expressed Sequence Tags for \u3ci\u3eCamelus dromedarius\u3c/i\u3e

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    Despite its economical, cultural, and biological importance, there has not been a large scale sequencing project to date for Camelus dromedarius. With the goal of sequencing complete DNA of the organism, we first established and sequenced camel EST libraries, generating 70,272 reads. Following trimming, chimera check, repeat masking, cluster and assembly, we obtained 23,602 putative gene sequences, out of which over 4,500 potentially novel or fast evolving gene sequences do not carry any homology to other available genomes. Functional annotation of sequences with similarities in nucleotide and protein databases has been obtained using Gene Ontology classification. Comparison to available full length cDNA sequences and Open Reading Frame (ORF) analysis of camel sequences that exhibit homology to known genes show more than 80% of the contigs with an ORF\u3e300 bp and ~40% hits extending to the start codons of full length cDNAs suggesting successful characterization of camel genes. Similarity analyses are done separately for different organisms including human, mouse, bovine, and rat. Accompanying web portal, CAGBASE (http://camel.kacst.edu.sa/), hosts a relational database containing annotated EST sequences and analysis tools with possibility to add sequences from public domain. We anticipate our results to provide a home base for genomic studies of camel and other comparative studies enabling a starting point for whole genome sequencing of the organism

    Cerebralna listerioza u deve na području Qassim u Središnjoj Saudijskoj Arabiji - prikaz slučajaDeva

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    A she-camel of about 6 years of age with neurological signs was admitted to the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Qassim, central Saudi Arabia, for diagnosis and treatment. Clinical examination showed lack of coordination of movements, Parkinson’s-like tremors of the head and lower lip paralysis. No parasite was detected in the stained blood smear, and except for leukocytosis and monocytosis, the result of the complete blood count (CBC) was normal. The results of the liver and kidney function tests were normal. The animal was infused with 4 units of 5% dextrose saline and injected with vitamin B1 and selenium preparations for the nervous manifestations. However, its health deteriorated rapidly and it was on lateral recumbency by the second day of admission. It died after one more day and was necropsied to investigate the cause of death. Postmortem examination showed slight congestion of the liver and the kidneys. The heart, meninges and the brain were congested and haemorrhagic. Histopathological examination showed acute lymphocytic meningeoencephalomyelitis in the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. Micro-abscesses containing neutrophils were seen in the medulla oblongata. Colonies of Listeria monocytogenes were obtained when the brain tissue was cultured in a cold environment. Smears made from the colonies showed Gram positive cocco-bacilli. Listeria monocytogenes was confirmed by PCR on DNA extracted from brain tissue.Deva u dobi od šest godina s neurološkim znakovima bila je radi dijagnoze i liječenja primljena na kliniku Veterinarskog Sveučilišta u Qassimu, Središnja Saudijska Arabija. Kliničkom pretragom ustanovljena je nekoordiniranost pokreta, tremor glave i paraliza donje usne slično kao kod Parkinsonove bolesti. U obojenim razmascima krvi nisu bili ustanovljeni paraziti, a hematološki nalaz bio je normalan osim što je ustanovljena leukocitoza i monocitoza. Nalazi funkcije jetara i bubrega bili su u fi ziološkim granicama. Životinja je dobila infuziju 4 jedinice 5% fiziološke otopine dekstroze s vitaminom B1 i preparatima selena zbog živčanih znakova. Ipak se njezino zdravstveno stanje naglo pogoršavalo te je drugoga dana bespomoćno ležala na boku. Uginula je trećega dana od primitka na kliniku te je razuđena da bi se otkrio uzrok uginuća. Postmortem pretraga pokazala je blagu kongestiju jetara i bubrega. Ustanovljeni su kongestija i krvarenja u srcu, moždanim ovojnicama i mozgu. Patohistološka pretraga pokazala je akutni limfocitni meningoencefalomijelitis u produženoj i kralježničnoj moždini. U produženoj moždini nalazili su se mikroapscesi koji su sadržavali neutrofile. Listeria monocytogenes bila je izdvojena iz moždanoga tkiva uzgojem u hladnim uvjetima. U razmascima kolonija dokazani su grampozitivni kokobacili. Nalaz bakterije Listeria monocytogenes bio je povrđen lančanom reakcijom polimerazom u DNA ekstrahiranoj iz moždanoga tkiva

    Sequencing, analysis, and annotation of expressed sequence tags for Camelus dromedarius.

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    Despite its economical, cultural, and biological importance, there has not been a large scale sequencing project to date for Camelus dromedarius. With the goal of sequencing complete DNA of the organism, we first established and sequenced camel EST libraries, generating 70,272 reads. Following trimming, chimera check, repeat masking, cluster and assembly, we obtained 23,602 putative gene sequences, out of which over 4,500 potentially novel or fast evolving gene sequences do not carry any homology to other available genomes. Functional annotation of sequences with similarities in nucleotide and protein databases has been obtained using Gene Ontology classification. Comparison to available full length cDNA sequences and Open Reading Frame (ORF) analysis of camel sequences that exhibit homology to known genes show more than 80% of the contigs with an ORF>300 bp and approximately 40% hits extending to the start codons of full length cDNAs suggesting successful characterization of camel genes. Similarity analyses are done separately for different organisms including human, mouse, bovine, and rat. Accompanying web portal, CAGBASE (http://camel.kacst.edu.sa/), hosts a relational database containing annotated EST sequences and analysis tools with possibility to add sequences from public domain. We anticipate our results to provide a home base for genomic studies of camel and other comparative studies enabling a starting point for whole genome sequencing of the organism

    Histological analysis of camel samples collected from animals suffering from Johne's disease.

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    <p>A) A representative of lymph node thin section stained with H&E showing diffuse granulomatous response (arrows). B) A lymph node section stained with Zeil-Neelsen stain showing high level of acid-fast bacilli. C) A representative of intestinal section stained with H&E showing aggregates of lymphatic infiltration (arrows). D) An intestinal section stained with Zeil-Neelsen stain showing patches of acid-fast bacilli. Size bars are included in the bottom of each section.</p