49 research outputs found

    Towards adapting metamodeling approach for the mobile forensics investigation domain

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    Mobile phones have become quite important tools in the modern world. The forensics field heavily relies on knowledge as an important resource. Due to the ongoing changes in digital technology, the power of knowledge enables innovation and assists in establishing proper standards and procedures. As such, it is necessary to establish a relationship between the information derived from knowledge to form new concepts and ideas. Knowledge in mobile forensics is scattered and huge. Hence, this leads to lack of knowledge management in mobile forensics. In addition, lead to complexity of investigation for new investigators, ambiguity in concepts and terminologies of mobile forensics domain and waste time to understand mobile forensics domain. Therefore, mobile forensics investigators are quite suffering with forensics investigation processes in their domain. This paper will develop a new approach for mobile forensics domain which is based on metamodeling. This approach contributes to unify common concepts of mobile forensics. It also provides many benefits which include simplifying the investigation process and guide investigations team, capture and reuse specialized forensic knowledge and support training and knowledge management activities. Furthermore, it reduces complexity and ambiguity in mobile forensic domai Towards Adapting Metamodeling approach for the Mobile Forensics Investigation Domain

    تطور تعليم اللغة العربية في معهد دار القرآن الأنورية بتوليهو, مالوكو الوسط من السنة 1963-2010 : دراسة وصفية تحليلية

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    ABSTRAK Pembelajaran bahasa Arab pertama kali di Pondok Pesantren Darul Qur’an al- Anwariyah yaitu dengan mempelajari Al-Qur’an di Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an “Nurullathif” di desa Tulehu, Maluku Tengah sejak tahun 0692 M hingga berganti status menjadi Pondok Pesantren pada tahun 3110M hingga kini. Tentu saja ada perkembangan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dari waktu ke waktu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penyebaran Pondok Pesantren Darul Qur’an Al-Anwariyah, dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Pondok Pesantren Darul Qur’an Al-Anwariyah dari segi kurikulum, isi, metode, media pembelajaran, maupun evaluasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan metode pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara dan pengumpulan dokumentasi, dan triangulasi. Adapun instrumen untuk mengukur adanya perkembanga pembelajaran bahasa Arab yaitu dengan menggunakan tolak ukur dari Program Evaluasi CIPP dari Stufflebeam. Dan teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik Miles dan Huberman yaitu dengan mereduksi data, penyajian data, dan merangkum data. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu adanya perkembangan pembelajaran bahasa Arab mulai awal berdirinya TPQ Nurullathif” hingga berpindah status menjadi Pondok Pesantren Darul Qur’an Al-Anwariyah dengan tolak ukur program evaluasi model CIPP dari Stufflebeam. Namun, dari segi metode pembelajaran, pondok ini tidak pernah menggunakan metode Sorogan yang notabene digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab di setiap pondok salafiyah. Karena pembelajaran kitab kuning tidak diberlakukan di pondok Pesantren Darul Qur’an Al-anwariyah. Penulis yakin masih banyak kekurangan dari penelitian ini secara umum, khususnya dari segi teori yang mana penulis hanya menerapkan program evaluasi bentuk CIPP dari Stufflebeam sebagai instrumen semata untuk mengukur perkembangan pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Untuk itu, penulis menghimbau kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk menggunakan teori program evaluasi bentuk CIPP dari Stufflebeam untuk mengukur perkembangan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Indonesia. ABSTRACT The Arabic language learning in Islamic Boarding School “Darul Qur’an Al- anwariyah” at Tulehu, Center of Maluku began from Qur’an learning at Qur’an Education Park “Nurullathif” from 0692 A.D until it changed to Islamic Boarding School “Darul Qur’an Al-Anwariyah” from 3110 A.D till now. And for sure there’s improvement of Arabic language learning from each periods. The purposes of this research are to describe the growth of Islamic Boarding School “Darul Qur’an Al-Anwariyah”, and to describe the improvement of Arabic language learning in terms of Curriculum, learning content, learning methods, learning media, and also evaluation. This Qualitative Research uses indeepth interview, collecting documents, and triangulation. The instrument of this research is quality standarts of program evaluation CIPP by Stufflebeam . And the data analysis techniques are based on Miles and Huberman ways: Data Reduction, Data Display, conclusion drawing/verification. The study describes that there’re improvement in Arabic language learning from the first year in the Qur’an Education Park “Nurullathif” to Islamic Boarding School “Darul Qur’an Al-Anwariyah” by quality standarts of Evaluation Program CIPP by Stufflebeam. But there was no evolution in the teaching of Arabic in terms of the way, although not used way “Sorogan” in teaching Arabic language of the first garden structure Quran education "Nour Latif" so far, because the students did not learn books Alocefria. For sure there are many shortcomings of this study in general, especially in terms of the theory which the writer only implement the evaluation program CIPP of Stufflebeam forms as merely an instrument to measure the improvement of Arabic learning. To that end, the writer urge further research to use evaluation program theory CIPP of Stufflebeam form to measure the development of Arabic learning in Indonesia

    A digital forensic readiness components for operational unit

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    The growing threats of fraud and security incidents present numerous of challenges to law enforcement and organizations widespread the world. This has given rise to the need for organizations to make effective incident management strategies, that will improve the company's ability to react to security incidents. Most of organizations underestimate the demand for digital evidence. A forensic investigation of digital evidence is commonly employed as a post-event response to a serious information security incident. In fact, there are many circumstances where an organization may benefit from an ability to gather and preserve digital evidence before an incident occurs. Digital forensic readiness enables an organization to maximize its potential to use digital evidence whilst minimizing the costs of an investigation. In order to ensure organizations ready for incidents must implement the digital forensics readiness in workplace environment. This research aims to identify from existing studies, the concept of digital forensic readiness and how they apply to operational unit. This study focus on previous frameworks and analysis, compare among them to combining and integrating their major components to propose appropriate components of digital forensic readiness for operational unit. These components will help managers and staff to comply with digital forensic discipline in their organization

    Development and validation of a Database Forensic Metamodel (DBFM)

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    <div><p>Database Forensics (DBF) is a widespread area of knowledge. It has many complex features and is well known amongst database investigators and practitioners. Several models and frameworks have been created specifically to allow knowledge-sharing and effective DBF activities. However, these are often narrow in focus and address specified database incident types. We have analysed 60 such models in an attempt to uncover how numerous DBF activities are really public even when the actions vary. We then generate a unified abstract view of DBF in the form of a metamodel. We identified, extracted, and proposed a common concept and reconciled concept definitions to propose a metamodel. We have applied a metamodelling process to guarantee that this metamodel is comprehensive and consistent.</p></div

    A metamodel for mobile forensics investigation domain

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    <div><p>With the rapid development of technology, mobile phones have become an essential tool in terms of crime fighting and criminal investigation. However, many mobile forensics investigators face difficulties with the investigation process in their domain. These difficulties are due to the heavy reliance of the forensics field on knowledge which, although a valuable resource, is scattered and widely dispersed. The wide dispersion of mobile forensics knowledge not only makes investigation difficult for new investigators, resulting in substantial waste of time, but also leads to ambiguity in the concepts and terminologies of the mobile forensics domain. This paper developed an approach for mobile forensics domain based on metamodeling. The developed approach contributes to identify common concepts of mobile forensics through a development of the Mobile Forensics Metamodel (MFM). In addion, it contributes to simplifying the investigation process and enables investigation teams to capture and reuse specialized forensic knowledge, thereby supporting the training and knowledge management activities. Furthermore, it reduces the difficulty and ambiguity in the mobile forensics domain. A validation process was performed to ensure the completeness and correctness of the MFM. The validation was conducted using two techniques for improvements and adjustments to the metamodel. The last version of the adjusted metamodel was named MFM 1.2.</p></div