14 research outputs found

    Development and mechanical testing of wood composite (WPC) made recycled polymer and recycled wood flour

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    Composites of polymer reinforced with natural fibres have been widely received great attention by the entire engineering community. Natural fibers that explored such as hemp, sisal, jute and wood fibers provide greater reinforcing capabilities when it perfectly compounded with the polymers matrix. Thus, the potential from the induction of wood flour fibers in the thermoplastics Polypropylene (PP) for the structural application required the materials which can up stand the load in a prolonged duration with unpredictable service environment. This research aims to study and analyze the effects of different fiber loading on the mechanical properties and its relationship to the microstructural behavior of the wood flour fiber reinforced polypropylene composites. The major raw materials used in this project is polypropylene (PP) as matrix materials which based on two type which is the virgin and the recycle resin and wood flour fiber as reinforcement materials for the composite fabrication. The composite plate were fabricated by using an extruder and compression molding machine and were then cut into the specific dimension according to the specific ASTM standard of testing. The specimens primarily were tested for the Critical Properties Analysis -Tensile Test. The best compounding formulation of composite was found at the weight percentage (wt%) of 60wt% of PP matrix and 40wt% of the wood flour fibers for both of virgin and recycle. Further analyses for various mechanical properties of the composite were done accordingly to all composites formulation. The microstructures of tested specimens fracture surface were observed by using an optical microscope as to understand the fracture behavior, the fiber distribution and the surface morphology and its significant correlation to the mechanical properties studied. The results showed that the increasing of fiber loading had significantly increased the mechanical properties of the fabricated composite. Through the study, the enhancement of fabricated composite could be applied to the structural engineering applications through the advantage of the mechanical properties performance of tensile, flexural and impact properties. Conclusively, it is hope that the research will contribute to the development of newly environmental friendly advance material specifically for the structural application

    Potential application of biodegradable TS/SCFC green composite for disposable packaging food container

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    The noble aim of this research is to investigate extensively the potential application of Tapioca Starch (TS) filled Sugar Cane Fiber Cellulose (SCFC) biocomposites for disposable packaging food container. This research was started by preparing and characterizing the SCFC through various characterization tools. The effect of the optimum SCFC loading to the fabricated TS composites was studied as to establish the best formulation of the TS/SCFC biocomposites. The thin sheet of composite samples were then fabricated with different blend formulation via compression molding machine and the samples were cut into the specific dimension, according to the ASTM standard for each different testing. Further testing for various engineering properties of TS/SCFC biocomposites were carried out, such as tensile test, impact test, flexural test and hardness test. These tests were used to determine the mechanical properties of the fabricated composites. Then, it was followed by conducting the physical test such as weathering test, water absorption test and the thickness swelling test. Other than that, the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis was conducted as to investigate the degradation behavior of the biocomposites. In order to observe the fracture morphology of the samples, the optical microscope was utilized comprehensively. Generally, the results of this study have shown good performance for both the mechanical and physical properties of the fabricated composites. However, through the morphological observation on the mechanical and physical testing fractured surfaces, it was clearly found that the adhesion between the SCFC and TS matrix were not well attached. This study has indicated the role of fiber loading into the resulted properties of the fabricated composites. Development of this alternative container material for food packaging application will provide a great potential solution to the environmental friendly and safe packaging medium either for food, consumer or environment as a whole

    Synthesis and Applications of Hematite α-Fe2O3 : a Review

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    This article reviewed the hematite α-Fe2O3, which focuses on its material properties, nanostructures, synthesis techniques, and its numerous applications. Researchers prepared the hematite nanostructure using the synthesis methods, such as hydrothermal, and, further, enhanced it by improving the techniques to accommodate the best performance for specific applications and to explore new applications of hematite in humidity sensing


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    Chitosan is highly potential to be blended together in urea fertilizer for slow release properties due to its unique polymeric cationic character and gel forming properties. In agriculture, the slow release properties are normally indicated by the ability of urea fertilizer to absorb and retain water since nitrogen is released to the environment once urea is in contact with water or enzyme. This paper investigates the effect of chitosan content and gelatinization temperature on physical properties of chitosan based urea fertilizer. The chitosan content was varied from 0, 3, 5, 7 and 10 pph. Chitosan based urea fertilizer was prepared through a direct wet mixing using laboratory set up consist of beaker, magnetic stirrer and hotplate. The properties of chitosan based urea fertilizer were compared at two different mixing temperatures which are 60oC and room temperature of 25 ± 3oC. The mixture was then dried in an oven at 60oC for 8 hours before fabricated into pellet using a hydraulic hand presser. Water absorption and water retention analysis were carried out to measure amount of water intakes and amount of water retain in fertilizer. It was observed that mixing temperature has negligible effect on water retention of the fertilizers. However, mixing at room temperature resulted of higher water absorption values than mixing at 60C. These results were supported by X-Ray Diffraction analysis conducted on the fertilizers

    Continuous Production of Carbon Nanotubes - A Review.

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) up to now are the most researched materials of the 21st century with an international intention of growing industrial quantities due to their superior properties for use in many applications. Thus far large quantities of carbon nanotube scan be grown in a continuous manner by both arc as well as chemical vapour deposition methods. In this paper, an innovative approach of feeding gases, a carbon precursor (solid or gases) and a catalyst into the reaction zone is reviewed. This is followed by a study of the reaction process concerning how the method is initiated, the effect of growth environment and catalyst on CNTs as well as the discharging mechanism for the final carbon products. A study of the arc method consists of a novel way of growing CNTs in a liquid solution from an arc discharge generated by carbon rods, by growing CNTs in a plasma zone using carbon gases or solid carbon and a more direct method of using carbon tape as the anode for the synthesized source are also reported. In the case of the chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method, some use a horizontal reactor and some use a vertical reactor with all having different installed devices for use in continuous feeding and discharging of resources and products respectively. Additionally, problems regarding the CNT yield and some issues that have not been taken into consideration by others, are discussed. At the end of the review, an additional mechanism to integrate catalyst preparation and carbon nanotube purification into the current research synthesizing process for future study is proposed for a highly productive continuous CNT synthesis process

    Mechanical properties of oil palm frond wood filled thermoplastic polyurethane

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    The problem of the biomass waste produced from palm oil plantation is present today. The biomass waste typically is sourced from oil palm trunk (OPT), oil palm frond (OPF) and oil palm fruit bunch. Considering the huge amounts OPF wood waste from palm oil plantation, the waste can have other added value if they can be used as in polymer composite materials. This study is subjected to investigate the effect of oil palm frond (OPF) fiber and powder loading to hardness, toughness, tensile and flexural strength of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) as wood polymer composite. Frond fiber with size of 2-3 mm and frond powder with size of 60-90 micron were used as filler materials. The TPU/OPF composite samples were fabricated by compressive molding approach. The result shows that hardness of TPU based composite increased by 48% with the addition of 30 wt.% of OPF powder. Ultimate tensile strength of TPU increased by 26% with addition of 30 wt.% OPF frond powder. The impact strength of TPU increased by about 50 % by the addition of 30 wt.% of OPF frond fiber, while the flexural strength of TPU/OPF composites increased by about 86% by the addition of 30% OPF frond fiber. The microstructure of TPU/OPF composite samples shows good interfacial bonding between TPU matrix to OPF powder and OPF fiber, which represents a significant improvement of mechanical properties of TPU/OPF composites. It can be concluded that both, OPF powder and fiber addition significantly improved the mechanical properties of TPU. The OPF powder improved hardness and tensile strength, while the OPF fiber improved on the impact and flexural strength of the TP

    Rebound Resilience Of Natural Rubber Composites Via Response Surface Methodology

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    A statistical model was developed in this study to describe rebound resilience of natural rubber composites which was prepared by using a Haake internal mixer. Response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite centered design (CCD) was employed to statistically evaluate and optimize the conditions for maximum rebound resilience and study the significance and interaction of black filler and glycerol on rebound resilience yield.With the use of the developed quadratic model equation,a maximum rebound resilience 71° was obtained to be a black filler loading of 50 phr and glycerol loading of 7 %


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    MAH grafted EPM is a highly potential compatibiliser in EPDM based blend. This studyjs focusing on synthesizing peroxide-initiated MAH-g-EPM via melt grafting using a Haake intemal mixer at high shear rate. The effect of MAH and dicumyl (DCP) percentage on the grafting efficiency of MAH onto EPM chains was carried out through a 2-level factorial experimental design using the Design Expert 6.0.5 software. The MAH and DCP content were varied in the range of 1-5 phr and 0.1-0.3 phr, respectively. The grafting parameters were fixed at temperature of 180°C, rotor speed of 60 rpm for 5 minutes. The grafting efficiency was determined by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy analysis based on cumulative absorbance of anhydrides characteristic peaks. It was observed to be highly 'j 'f influenced by the amount of MAH and DCP and the optimum funtionalisation was achieved at 5 phr MAH and 0.3 phr peroxide additio

    Influence Of Pulping Process Conditions Towards Better Water Resistant Effect Of Durian Shell Paper By Lignin: Two Level Factorial Design Approach

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    Chemical pulping of durian shell fiber is a comparatively new approach in the field of pulping, and the paper industry as a whole. Pressures of rising wood resource consumption have resulted in increased attention on the use of non-wood raw materials in the papermaking industry. This situation is due to trees being exploited in high numbers for the purpose of paper manufacturing. Thus, some alternative solutions have been developed to remedy this. Natural resources wastes like kenaf, bamboo and sugarcane bagasse are used as the raw material to produce these varied grades of paper. Additionally, cellulose fiber possesses a natural tendency to absorb moist and water vapor from the surrounding, producing weak mechanical properties and limiting paper's use. Therefore, in this study, lignin acts as a natural plasticizer in plant cell wall has been optimized to overcome the hygroscopic issue. An optimal amount of lignin will generate maximum hydrophobic effect to prepare for the production of water resistant paper. The process is optimized under the influence of three operational variables; 1) % of NaOH, 2) cooking temperature, and 3) period of cooking. To analyze the response, two level factorial design method by Design Expert v.6.0.8 software has been used. The results show that the highest water contact angle reading of 70.33° has been achieved at the condition of 17 % alkalinity, 140 °C of cooking temperature and 120 min of cooking period. At the same process condition, the highest amount of lignin (57.67 %) has also been obtained which showing the significant interaction between lignin and the hydrophobic effect. From the analysis of variance (ANOVA), all parameters have significantly affected the reading of water contact angle. The P-value of the experiment model is less than 0.0001 and the coefficient of determination value (R2) is 1.000. This conclusively suggested that the model is significant and influences on the precision and process-ability of the production


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    Chitosan is highly potential to be blended together in urea fertilizer for slow release properties due to its unique polymeric cationic character and gel forming properties. In agriculture, the slow release properties are normally indicated by the ability of urea fertilizer to absorb and retain water since nitrogen is released to the environment once urea is in contact with water or enzyme. This paper investigates the effect of chitosan content and gelatinization temperature on physical properties of chitosan based urea fertilizer. The chitosan content was varied from 0, 3, 5, 7 and 10 pph. Chitosan based urea fertilizer was prepared through a direct wet mixing using laboratory set up consist of beaker, magnetic stirrer and hotplate. The properties of chitosan based urea fertilizer were compared at two different mixing temperatures which are 60oC and room temperature of 25 ± 3oC. The mixture was then dried in an oven at 60oC for 8 hours before fabricated into pellet using a hydraulic hand presser. Water absorption and water retention analysis were carried out to measure amount of water intakes and amount of water retain in fertilizer. It was observed that mixing temperature has negligible effect on water retention of the fertilizers. However, gelatinization at room temperature resulted in fertilizers with better water absorption and water retention properties than the one gelatinized at 60C. These results were supported by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis conducted on the fertilizers. As a conclusion, the gelatinization temperature plays important role to improve water retention and water absorption capability of chitosan based urea fertilizers. Furthermore, the presence of chitosan improved crystallinity of urea fertilizers as indicated by XRD analysis