54 research outputs found

    Munāsabat al-Qur’an: Kajian dari aspek keindahan seni Al-Qur’an

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    Munāsabat merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu yang menjelaskan kolerasi di antara ayat–ayat mahupun surah-surah al-Qur‟an mengikut susunan mushaf. Menerusinya, hikmah penyusunan al-Qur‟an akan dapat difahami sehingga tergambar al-Qur‟an itu adalah sebuah kitab yang mempunyai rangkaian utuh dan indah. Artikel ini ditulis bertujuan menganalisa ayat ayat al-Qur‟an terpilih bagi mengupas keindahan seni bahasa yang terkandung dalamnya di samping, mengetengahkan pertautan yang terdapat di antara ayat-ayat tersebut. Ia merupakan kajian perpustakaan yang mengaplikasikan metod analisis kandungan secara deskripktif komparatif bagi mencapai matlamatnya. Antara dapatan daripada analisa yang dibuat ialah; al-Qur‟an menggunakan frasa-frasa dan huruf-huruf tertentu dalam pengakhiran ayat bagi menjelmakan maksud yang ingin disampaikan berdasarkan tema-tema yang wujud. Selain itu, penggunaan gaya bahasa yang pelbagai menguatkan lagi ikatan di antara ayat-ayat al-Qur‟an dan memberi kesan yang mendalam kepada pembacanya

    Analysis of bacterial contaminant in Pasir Gudang, Johor tap water supply-varies pH value observation

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    The number of breakthrough pathogenic activity in water distribution network system is constantly increasing day by day especially at level of consumption. Bacterial growth or survival rate often relates to acidity and alkalinity of water. Sudden changes in pH value and temperature indicates a possibility of present bacterial contaminant in aqueous environment. The observation of pH- and temperature-based for tap water supply samples in Pasir Gudang regions therefore was determined. On the basis of the findings, the observed pH value was compared to the recommended range for pH tap and drinking water, which is between 6.5-8.5. A significant spread can be seen among the measured parameters within the range of pH and temperature at 6.00 to 8.65 and 19.20 to 32.00 °C, respectively. There is a statistically significant difference between each sampling regions based on the measured pH value (4,145 = 44.79, < 0.05) determined by one-way ANOVA. The pH value and temperature evidence a significant effects by the location of tap water samples near industrial regions. There also appears to be a negative Pearson correlation between the two water parameters in four out of five regions

    Using game engine for 3D terrain visualisation of GIS data: A review

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    This paper reviews on the 3D terrain visualisation of GIS data using game engines that are available in the market as well as open source. 3D terrain visualisation is a technique used to visualise terrain information from GIS data such as a digital elevation model (DEM), triangular irregular network (TIN) and contour. Much research has been conducted to transform the 2D view of map to 3D. There are several terrain visualisation softwares that are available for free, which include Cesium, Hftool and Landserf.This review paper will help interested users to better understand the current state of art in 3D terrain visualisation of GIS data using game engines

    Understanding the Association of Sleep Disorders with Nursing Productivity in Malaysia

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    This study examines the relationship between sleep disorders and productivity, specifically absenteeism and presenteeism, among nurses in Malaysia. The research objective is to assess the impact of sleep disorders on nurses' productivity by analyzing their absenteeism and presenteeism levels. This present study is correlational in design since it is intended to describe the relationship between sleeping disorders and nurses’ productivity. The study used stratified sampling to select the respondents from two private hospitals. The list of nurses was provided by the hospital management to facilitate the selection process.&nbsp; The questionnaire was personally distributed to the selected employees by the researchers. At the end of the data collection period, a total of 200 sets of the questionnaire were received, indicating a 100% response rate.&nbsp; The study's contribution lies in adding to the understanding of the crucial link between sleep disorders and productivity in the nursing profession. By emphasizing the adverse effects of sleep disturbances on nurses' efficiency, the research underscores the importance of targeted interventions and policy measures to support healthcare professionals' well-being and productivity. The implications extend to healthcare management and policymakers, urging them to prioritize sleep health and consider strategies that mitigate the impact of sleep disorders on nursing staff.&nbsp; To advance this field, future research should focus on larger sample sizes and diverse populations to comprehensively explore the broader implications of sleep disorders on productivity. Such studies can lead to more effective measures for improving the work environment, reducing absenteeism, and enhancing overall patient care and outcomes


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    Nowadays, an electric vehicle (EV) is increasingly popular among researchers and professionals due to greenhouse gas emission issues and energy supply shortage in coming years. However, the development of the EV through conversion method is still cloudy to general peoples. This paper depicts the development of converting the commercial internal combustion engine (ICE) based donor vehicle into the electric vehicle while retaining its original transmission. The aim is to provide the minimum step of conversion process without ignoring the safety aspect. The conversion method is described step-by-step to provide better understanding to the reader. The conversion process begins with the disassembling of combustion engine while the transmission box is remained in place. The electric motor-transmission coupling plates which consist of inner and outer parts are designed as accurate as possible based on the shape and measurement of both shaft and chassis. The controller unit is the heart and brain of the EV will do all the heavy lifting by interlink the batteries with the electric motor. The batteries that consist of several Lithium Polymer (LiPo) cell will provide all the energy to power up the controller and to drive the electric motor. The interaction between this three components (batteries, controller and electric motor) as well as safety issue is thoroughly elaborated. At the end, the performances of completed EV with high acceleration rate is analyzed and presented

    Assessment of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and rhizobia as multi-strain biofertilizer on growth and N2 fixation of rice plant

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    Recently, there has been much interest on the application of PGPR-rhizobia multi-strain biofertilizer to enhance growth and yield of agricultural crops. A glasshouse experiment on rice plants was conducted to quantify the uptake of N derived from N2 fixation by multi-strain inocula consisting of a locally isolated PGPR, UPMB19 ('Lysinibacillus' xylanilyticus), and an indigenous rhizobia, UPMR30 ('Bradyrhizobium japonicum'). 15N isotope dilution technique was used to elucidate the N2-fixing and plant growth-promoting efficiency of the inocula through single and mixed applications. The mixed inocula significantly promoted plant and root growth, tiller numbers, plant dry weight, nutrient accumulations and produced a lower 15N enrichment than uninoculated control that received similar N-fertilizer (33% N). The lower 15N enrichment indicates the occurrence of biological N2 fixation. The proportion of N uptake from atmosphere was estimated at 22%. The single inoculation of UPMB19, UPMR30 and the mixed inocula could fix N up to an extrapolated 43, 56, 63 kg ha-1, respectively, within the 65-day period. The combined inocula consistently performed better than single inoculum (15-30% higher root average diameter, 15% more tillers, 9-13% higher P in tissue, 9-16% higher Ca in tissue, 2-4% higher Mg in soil), on the rice plants, thus providing evidence that this treatment stimulated synergistic activities which enhanced the combined performance and cumulative beneficial effects of the respective strains. These beneficial effects were achieved with a minimal usage of N-fertilizer application. The study revealed a possible new and beneficial biofertilizer formulation to promote growth and yield of rice plants at reduced chemical N-fertilizer input in a sustainable and environmental-friendly agricultural system

    Agensi seperti ESSCOM perlu di sempadan Malaysia-Thailand

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    Usaha memerangi penyeludupan rentas sempadan di Kelantan, memerlukan pendekatan sama seperti pelaksanaan Kawasan Keselamatan Khas Pantai Timur Sabah (ESSCOM) di Sabah

    Bukit Merah Lake Contour Mapping Using Swarm Of Mini ASVs.

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    Abstract- A new concept of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) is proposed, mimicking the predictable biological balancing nature of the Drosophila or the fruit fly

    Effect of root exuded specific sugars on biological nitrogen fixation and growth promotion in rice (Oryza sativa).

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    Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) is an energy involving process. A 15N tracer study was conducted under growth chamber and glasshouse conditions to determine the effect of glucose, galactose and arabinose (common sugars found in root environments) on BNF by two diazotrophs, Rhizobium sp. Sb16 and Corynebacterium sp. Sb26, previously isolated from rice genotypes (Mayang Segumpal and MR219). Diazotrophs have preferences for specific sugar utilization and plant association. Sb16 showed high preference for galactose, and Sb26 preferred arabinose. Application of 10 mM sugar in the experimental pot (5 kg soil), either galactose or arabinose, to the respective rice genotype enhanced diazotroph population growth, N2 fixation activity and simultaneously plant growth. Mayang inoculated with Sb16 applied with galactose increased plant N concentration 4.2 +/- 0.07 %, whereby, 42 +/- 1.06 % of the N was derived from the atmosphere. About 40 +/- 1.29 % of the N concentration of MR219 inoculated with Sb26 and arabinose was obtained from BNF. The association between Mayang with Sb16 increased 195 +/- 40 % of plant biomass as compared to control, and 36 +/- 19.8 % over 60 kg ha-1 of N-fertilizer. On the other hand, the association of MR219 with Sb26 resulted in 108 +/- 37.07 % biomass increment as compared to control, and 89 +/- 22.34 % over fertilized-N in different sugar treatments. The association between the plant-diazotrophs along with sugar significantly increased photosynthetic activity. The study indicated that growth and N2 fixation activity of rice can be increased by increasing the availability of specific sugars in the rhizosphere

    Lithium-ion Battery Parameter Analysis Using Spectrogram

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    Nowadays, energy storage improves the reliability and efficiency of electric utility system. The most common device used for storing electrical energy is battery. Obtaining an accurate data of battery parameter is important because it will be avoid unexpected system interruption and prevent permanent damage to the internal structure of the batteries. The objective of this study is to apply time-frequency distribution (TFD) which is spectrogram technique in analysis of voltage charging and discharging signal for lithium-ion battery. Spectrogram represents the battery signal in time frequency representation (TFR) which is appropriate to analyze the signal before displaying the instantaneous RMS voltage (Vrms), direct current voltage (VDC) and alternating current voltage (VAC) parameter value. This paper focuses on lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery with nominal voltage of 6 and 12V and various storage capacities from 5 to 50Ah. The battery model is implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK. From the results, the Li-ion battery parameter could be identified using spectrogram