179 research outputs found

    Nursing Service Quality Model Based on Nursing Performance and Patient Satisfaction Analysis in Gresik District Hospital

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    Basic shift of competitive advantages in hospital is not only determined by profit oriented, but also value creation and added for customers. Nurses who frequently often contact to patients and most of their time serve patients, have an important role in caring for the patient. Patient satisfaction as quality indicator is the key success for competitiveness of service in hospital. The aim of this research was to develop nursing service quality model based on the behavioral performance of nursing, organizational and work behavior and patient satisfaction. This study used a cross-sectional study, with 14 inpatient rooms, and 176 nurses. Factors that affect research organizational factors (organizational culture and leadership), factors work (feedback and a variety of jobs), nurse characteristics (motivation, attitude, commitment and mental models), nursing practice, interpersonal communication, nurse and patient satisfaction. Results of the research that has been done, are: 1) nursing practice is influenced by factors of work and not be influenced by organizational factors; 2) interpersonal communication or nursing professionals are influenced by the nursing practice; 3) Professional care is affected by nurses' satisfaction; 4) Patient satisfaction is affected by nursing professionals. Based on the overall results, the model suggested are: 1. Providing the freedom of nurses working in nursing practice and improve their communication skills or professional nurses; 2. Provide more incentives and provide feedback, as well as various jobs or responsibilities; 3. The clan and market of culture should be maintained or increased; 4. The type of leadership "coaching" is more suitable than directing for the performance of a team of nurses

    Nursing Service Quality Model Based on Nursing Performance and Patient Satisfaction Analysis in Gresik District Hospital

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    Basic shift of competitive advantages in hospital is not only determined by profit oriented, but also value creation and added for customers. Nurses who frequently often contact to patients and most of their time serve patients, have an important role in caring for the patient. Patient satisfaction as quality indicator is the key success for competitiveness of service in hospital. The aim of this research was to develop nursing service quality model based on the behavioral performance of nursing, organizational and work behavior and patient satisfaction. This study used a cross-sectional study, with 14 inpatient rooms, and 176 nurses. Factors that affect research organizational factors (organizational culture and leadership), factors work (feedback and a variety of jobs), nurse characteristics (motivation, attitude, commitment and mental models), nursing practice, interpersonal communication, nurse and patient satisfaction. Results of the research that has been done, are: 1) nursing practice is influenced by factors of work and not be influenced by organizational factors; 2) interpersonal communication or nursing professionals are influenced by the nursing practice; 3) Professional care is affected by nurses' satisfaction; 4) Patient satisfaction is affected by nursing professionals. Based on the overall results, the model suggested are: 1. Providing the freedom of nurses working in nursing practice and improve their communication skills or professional nurses; 2. Provide more incentives and provide feedback, as well as various jobs or responsibilities; 3. The clan and market of culture should be maintained or increased; 4. The type of leadership "coaching" is more suitable than directing for the performance of a team of nurses. Keywords: Nursing, Service Quality, Determinant Factors of Performance, Satisfactio

    Hubungan Motivasi dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan Dengan Prestasi Kerja Perawat di RS Semen Gresik

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    Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di Rumah Sakit Semen Gresik, motivasi perawat sangat minim. Adapun data yang telah didapatkan prestasi kerja yang dimiliki perawat dalam tingkat cukup sedangkan gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruangan masih belum ada penelitian tentang hal tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi motivasi kerja perawat, mengidentifikasi gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruangan oleh perawat pelaksana, mengidentifikasi prestasi kerja perawat, menganalisis hubungan motivasi dengan prestasi kerja perawat, menganalisis hubungan gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruangan dengan prestasi kerja perawat di rumah sakit Semen Gresik. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Besar sampel 30 orang perawat pelaksana. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Cara pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner dan observasi. Untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antar variable menggunakan spearman test dan chi-square P=0,005. Dari hasil penelitian dan dianalisis ini didapatkan hubungan motivasi dengan prestasi kerja p=0,000<p=0,005 ada hubungan antara motivasi dengan prestasi kerja sedangkan hubungan gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruangan dengan prestasi p=0,001 < p=0,00 berarti ada hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruangan dengan prestasi kerja perawat di rumah sakit Semen Gresik, sehingga perlu adanya upaya meningkatkan motivasi kerja perawat, kepala ruangan hendaknya menggunakan gaya kepemimpinan modifikasi dengan melihat dan menyesuaikan kondisi kerja

    The Development Of Nursing Care Quality Model Based On The Analysis Of Nurse’s Performance And Nurse’s And Patient’s Satisfaction

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    The basic shifting of competitive quality in hospital was not only determined by profits, but also creation value and additional value for customers. Nurses, who were often having contact with patients and spending their time to serve patients, had a major role in treating patient’s health. Patient’s satisfaction which was as a quality indicator was the successful key for the competition of health nursing in hospital. The aim of this study was to develop a nursing care quality model based on the behavior of nursing performance, organizational and work behavior as well as patient’s satisfaction. The method used was a cross sectional study, with 14 inpatient rooms, and 176 nurses. Areas of research were: organizational factors (organization and leadership culture), performance factors (feedback and variations of work), nurse’s characteristics (motivation, attitude, commitment, and mental models), nursing practice, interpersonal communication, nurse’s and patient’s satisfaction. The results showed; 1) nursing practice was influenced by performance factors and not influenced by organizational factors; 2) interpersonal communication or professional nursing was influenced by nursing practice; 3) Professional care was influenced by nurse’s satisfaction; 4) Patient’s satisfaction was influenced by professional nursing. The results also implied: organizational culture was dominated by clan and market culture, right leadership coaching; by improving the provision of feedback and variations would improve nurse’s performance, high motivation and commitment, enough attitude and mental models (independence), and enough nurse's and patient’s satisfaction. Based on the results, the recommended models were: 1. Providing freedom for nurses in nursing practices and improving their communication skills or professional nurses; 2. Providing more incentives and feedback, as well as various works or responsibilities; 3. Maintaining or increasing clan and market culture; 4. Coaching was more suitable than nursing team performance

    Kualitas Layanan Keperawatan (Studi Tentang Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit di Mojokerto)

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    Pendahuluan: Saat ini, tren kunjungan rumah sakit yang ada di Mojokerto menunjukkan kecenderungan menurun. Penyebab tren yang menurun diduga berasal dari unsur man (perawat), yaitu kualitas layanan keperawatan yang belum maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kualitas layanan keperawatan pada ruang rawat inap rumah sakit di Mojokerto. Metode: Penelitian merupakan explanatory menggunakan metode survey dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi adalah perawat dan pasien yang menjalani rawat inap minimal tiga hari di RSU dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo dan RS Rekso Waluyo di Mojokerto. Data dikumpulkan dengan lembar kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan uji statistik Regresi. Hasil: 1) ada pengaruh yang signifikan positif langsung antara kemampuan kerja, etika rumah sakit, dan perilaku kepemimpinan terhadap komitmen perawat; 2) ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara faktor kemampuan kerja (identifikasi kerja, signifikansi kerja, otonomi, dan umpan balik) terhadap peningkatan kualitas layanan keperawatan; 3) ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara faktor etika rumah sakit (pengkomunikasian, berkaitan dengan industri, keharusan, dan spesifik) terhadap peningkatan kualitas layanan; 4) ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara faktor kepemimpinan rumah sakit (penantang risiko, memasyarakatkan atau mensosialisasikan visi misi, penggerak, penuntun, dan pendukung) terhadap peningkatan kualitas layanan keperawatan; 5) ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara komitmen perawat (rasa kepemilikan, keterkaitan, percaya pada pimpinan, dan kesesuaian nilai) terhadap peningkatan kualitas layanan keperawatan. Diskusi: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan keperawatan, maka manajemen RSU dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo dan RS Rekso Waluyo Mojokerto harus meningkatkan kemampuan perawat, pemberlakuan etika rumah sakit kepada seluruh perawat tanpa terkecuali, menyusun etika rumah sakit yang dapat mewakili berbagai kepentingan stakeholder, serta menjaga dan meningkatkan perilaku kepemimpinan di rumah sakit

    Estimation of Packed Red Cells (PRC) Blood Stock Using Extended Kalman Filter as Management of Blood Transfusion at Blood Bank of PMI Surabaya

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    One of the main problems encountered in health service system in developing countries is shortage of enough safe blood supply to meet the demand for blood transfusion. The safety and availability of blood supply rely on the government's support and commitment to the improvement of the national blood transfusion services. Safe blood stock can change from time to time, while the demand for blood constantly increases. Such method is considered less effective due to the fact that very often the data of blood donor do not meet the requirements. So a software for blood supply estimation is required. This paper is study of blood demand estimation for blood type of Packed Red Cells (PRC) at blood bank of PMI Surabaya by using the method of Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The simulation results show that Extended Kalman Filter method have high accuracy with an error of less than 3-4%

    Pendidikan Keperawatan Gerontik

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    Hubungan Kondisi Rumah Sehat Dengan Frekuensi Sesak Pada Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ujungpangkah Kabupaten Gresik

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    Di Indonesia tuberkulosis paru merupakan masalah utama kesehatan masyarakat. Jumlah pasien tuberkulosis paru di Indonesia merupakan ke -3 terbanyak di dunia setelah India dan China dengan jumlah pasien sekitar 10 % dari total jumlah pasien tuberkulosis paru didunia. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis hubungan kondisi rumah sehat dengan frekuensi sesak pada penderita tuberkulosis paru di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ujungpangkah Kabupaten Gresik. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional.Variabel Bebas adalah Kondisi Rumah Sehat yang terdiri dari: Kepadatan Hunian, Ventilasi, Jenis Lantai, Pencahayaan, Suhu, dan Kelembaban, sedangkan Variabel Tergantung adalah Frekuensi sesak pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 76 orang. Analisis data menggunakan chi-square. Hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa bahwa kondisi rumah sehat yang berhubungan dengan frekuensi sesak pada pasien Tuberkulosis di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ujungpangkah Kabupaten Gresik adalah faktor kepadatan hunian (p= 0,031), ventilasi (p= 0,046), Jenis lantai (p= 0,025), pencahayaan (p= 0,004), dan suhu (p= 0,015), sedangkan faktor yang tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan frekuensi sesak adalah faktor kelembaban (p= 0,053). Bagi masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ujung Pangkah Kabupaten Gresik perlu mengupayakan kesehatan lingkungan perumahan dengan memodifikasi desain rumah agar sistem sirkulasi udara atau ventilasi dapat memenuhi syarat kesehatan sehingga memperkecil untuk terjadinya kejadian tuberkulosis par

    Quality of Nursing Care Based on Analysis of Nursing Performance and Nurse and Patient Satisfaction

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    Introduction: Nurses who frequently often contact to patients and most of their time serve patients in 24 hours, have an important role in caring for the patient. Patient satisfaction as quality indicator is the key success for competitiveness of service in hospital. The aim of this research was to develop nursing service quality model based on the nursing performance, nurse and patient satisfaction. Method: The research method used cross sectional study, at 14 wards of Gresik Hospital. Research factors were namely: oganization characteristic (organization culture and leadership), work factors (feedback and variety of nurses work), nurse characteristics (motivation, attitude, commitment and mental model), nursing practice, interpersonal communication, nurse and patient satisfaction. Statistical analysis of study data was analyzed by Partial Least Square (PLS). Results: The results of nursing performance revealed that nurse characteristic were not affected by organization culture and leadership style, nurse characteristics were affected by work factors, nurse characteristics affected nursing quality service (nursing practice, nursing professional, nurse and patient satisfaction), nurse satisfaction did not affect nursing professionals. Discussion: Based on the overall results of the development of nursing care model that was originally only emphasizes the process of nursing care only, should be consider the input factor of organizational characteristics, job characteristics, and characteristics of individual nurses and consider the process factors of nursing care standards and professional performance of nurses and to consider the outcome factors nurse and patient satisfaction. So in general the development model of quality of existing nursing care refers to a comprehensive system of quality
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