2,521 research outputs found


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    The study was carried out on the biological aspect of Redbelly Tilapia, Coptodon zillii collected from Oyan Lake, Abeokuta North Local Government Area, Ogun State, Nigeria, with the aim of contributing to the baseline data for carrying out further studies on its ecology, conservation and development. A total of two hundred and fifty four fish (254) specimens were caught from the Ibaro landing site of the Lake between March and July, 2015. The total length (cm), standard length (cm), head length (cm), body width (cm), body depth (cm), snout length (cm), eye diameter (cm) and body weight (g) were measured. The stomach content was also assessed in order to determine its food and feeding habit. The mean total-length, standard-length, head-length, eye-diameter, snout-length, body-depth, body-width and body-weight during the study were 10.98±0.61cm, 8.56±0.14cm, 2.5±0.08cm, 3.67±0.15cm, 1.52±0.11cm,1.37±0.17cm, 4.05±0.07cm, 34.25±3.02g respectively and their ranges were (4.5-18.7cm), (3.2-15.2cm), (1.1-5.8cm), (2.0-6.8cm), (0.8-3.0cm), (1.1-4.8cm), (1.4-7.3cm) and (6.0-132.0g). A negative allometric (b<3) growth pattern was observed for the stock. The meristic characteristics of C. zillii were (DFR) XIV 10 – XVI 14; PVR, AFR III 8 –III 9; PFR 10 – 13 respectively. Stomach analysis showed that diatoms were the most abundant food items in the diet of C. zillii numerically, 29.98%, while desmids were the most abundant food items in terms of frequency occurrence, 27.82%. This study concluded that C. zillii is not morphometrically and meristically different from the already classified from previous studies. Also, C. zillii thrives well on available plants and detritus.   &nbsp

    Preparation and characterization of steam activated chicken eggshell for gaseous pollutant adsorption

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    Air pollution is a major issue because it can immediately cause health problems. The primary pollutants are oxides of nitrogen, Sulphur, carbon, and oxidants. The collection, preparation, and characterization of chicken eggshell for the production of activated carbon useful in air purification, was carried out. The preparation was done in succession from raw uncarbonized to carbonized and then to steam activated form for adsorption of air pollutants. Powdered Eggshell was Carbonized at different temperatures in the range of 150-600 ºC to achieve optimum and effective temperature for best carbon content from its char. The best carbon yield was gotten at 450 ºC/1 hour in a carbolite type muffle furnace which gives less room for air flow. Thermal / steam activation of the carbonized eggshell was done at 500 ºC for 1 hour. The ash content, bulk density, electrical conductivity, pH, and moisture contents were analyzed respectively. The samples were characterized for their surface area and pore volume. The ash contents for the three samples were in the order Uncarbonized (41.76 %) > Carbonized (32.62 %) > Stean Activated (29.47 %) while the bulk density followed Carbonized (1. 19 g/ml) > Steam Activated (1.11 g/ml) > Uncarbonized (0.79 g/ml). All the three samples had the same value of 0.31 mS/cm for the electrical conductivity while two of the samples (carbonized and activated) had the same pH (8.1) and uncarbonized had a lower pH (7.9). The moisture contents ranged from 2 to 9 % with steam activated sample having the least and uncarbonised, the highest. Tapping density, surface area, pore volume, iodine number, % iodine absorbed values followed the order Steam active > Carbonized > Uncarbonized samples. The steam activated sample having the highest values of all these parameters showed it possesses high adsorption capacity for gaseous pollutants

    Feminisasi Sidat, Anguilla Bicolor Bicolor Mc Clelland, 1844 Melalui Penyuntikan Hormon Estradiol Dan Metil Testosteron Yang Dikombinasi Dengan HCG Dan Anti Dopamin [Feminization of Indonesian Short-finned Eel (Anguilla Bicolor Bicolor Mc Clelland, 1844) Through Injection of Estradiol and Methyl Testosterone at the Combination with HCG and Anti Dopamin]

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh estradiol (E2) dan metil testosteron (MT) yang dikombinasikan dengan hCG dan anti dopamin (AD) terhadap persentase jenis kelamin betina dan kualitas perkembangan ovari sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor). Sidat dengan bobot 200±15g pada faseyellow diinjeksi dengan larutan estradiol 3 mg mL-1 + hCG, 2 mg mL-1 + AD 10 mg mL-1 (hEA), MT 3 mg mL-1 + hCG 2 mg mL-1 + AD 10 mg mL-1 (hTA), estradiol 3 mg mL-1 + AD 10 mg mL-1 (EA), MT 3 mg mL-1 + AD 10 mg mL-1 (TA), AD 10 mg mL-1 (A), dan kontrol 9 mg mL-1 NaCl (F). Frekuensi injeksi sebanyak enam kali dengan periode dua minggu sekali. Pemberian hormon kombinasi dengan perlakuan hEA dan hTA ternyata efektif meningkatkan persentase jenis kelamin betina berturut-turut sebesar 72% dan 66% setelah enam minggu. Perkembangan gonad betina terbaik ditemukan pada perlakuan hTA yaitu mencapai fase vitellogenesis akhir dengan nilai GSI 4,80

    [Hormone Profile of FSH, LH and Estradiol with Glucose Blood Level of Indonesian Short-finned Eel (Anguilla Bicolor Bicolor Mc Clelland, 1844) Stimulated by HCG, MT, E2 and Dopamine Inhibitory

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    This study aims to analyze the hormone profile of FSH, LH and E2 to the eel after exogenous hormone stimulation and blood glucose levels. Six formulated treatment applied with combination of dopamine antagonize 10 mg.mL–1 (A), estradiol (E2) 3 mg.mL–1 + A (EA), metyltestosteron (MT) 3 mg.mL–1 + A (MTA), hCG 2 mg.mL–1 + EA (hEA) and hCG 2 mg.mL–1 + MTA (hMTA), with (F) physiologis 0.9% NaCl to control. Six group eel (200±15g) reared in a concrete tank with a capacity of 3,400 liters and filled with sea water of 35 mg L–1 as much as 2000 liters. Eels injected 1 mL.kg–1 hormone by intramusculary, were feed to apparent satiation daily for 10 weeks. The study used Completely Randomized Design with one treatment factor, namely hormonal factor and its combination. Fish blood that ware directly concentration to FSH, LH and E2, the enhanced significantly high in the blood plasma on treatment hMTA and hEA P<0.05. Glucose concentration in the blood palsma is high enough in a row on a formula hMTA 67.33 mg.dL–1 and significantly different to P<0.05. The result indicates that induction of exogenous hormone (hMTA) improve FSH, LH and E2. FSH and LH profiles show permutation patterns during the development of eel gonad, beginning with the increase of FSH in the early phases of gonadal development. LH profile moves in line with the increase in E2 during gonadal maturation process eels (A. bicolor bicolor), with blood glucose levels in the normal range. AbstrakThis study aims to analyze the hormone profile of FSH, LH and E2 to the eel after exogenous hormone stimulation and blood glucose levels. Six formulated treatment applied with combination of dopamine antagonize 10 mg.mL–1 (A), estradiol (E2) 3 mg.mL–1 + A (EA), metyltestosteron (MT) 3 mg.mL–1 + A (MTA), hCG 2 mg.mL–1 + EA (hEA) and hCG 2 mg.mL–1 + MTA (hMTA), with (F) physiologis 0.9% NaCl to control. Six group eel (200±15g) reared in a concrete tank with a capacity of 3,400 liters and filled with sea water of 35 mg L–1 as much as 2000 liters. Eels injected 1 mL.kg–1 hormone by intramusculary, were feed to apparent satiation daily for 10 weeks. The study used Completely Randomized Design with one treatment factor, namely hormonal factor and its combination. Fish blood that ware directly concentration to FSH, LH and E2, the enhanced significantly high in the blood plasma on treatment hMTA and hEA P<0.05. Glucose concentration in the blood palsma is high enough in a row on a formula hMTA 67.33 mg.dL–1 and significantly different to P<0.05. The result indicates that induction of exogenous hormone (hMTA) improve FSH, LH and E2. FSH and LH profiles show permutation patterns during the development of eel gonad, beginning with the increase of FSH in the early phases of gonadal development. LH profile moves in line with the increase in E2 during gonadal maturation process eels (A. bicolor bicolor), with blood glucose levels in the normal range

    Rancang Bangun Ulang Aplikasi MonTA Menggunakan Workflow Framework Pada ASP.NET

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    Zaman sekarang kemajuan teknologi semakin berkembang pesat dari tahun ke tahun. Kebutuhan orang terhadap teknologi menjadi sangat penting. Aplikasi MonTA yang digunakan oleh jurusan Teknik Informatika ITS menjadi bukti kemajuan teknologi. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh jurusan Teknik Informatika ini bertujuan untuk mengelola seluruh data tugas akhir mahasiswa Teknik Informatika. Aplikasi MonTA merupakan suatu sistem yang berkaitan dengan tugas akhir mahasiswa di jurusan Teknik Informatika, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya. Tujuan dikembangkannya aplikasi ini adalah untuk mengelola data mahasiswa yang melaksanakan tugas akhir dan dosen dapat memonitoring mahasiswa yang sedang melakukan tugas akhir dengan aplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini juga memudahkan admin tugas akhir dalam melakukan tugasnya, antara lain: penjadwalan proposal, memonitor jumlah bimbingan mahasiswa tugas akhir, penjadwalan sidang tugas akhir, dan lain-lain. Namun, aplikasi MonTA yang sekarang digunakan masih memiliki banyak kekurangan. Oleh karena itu dibahas perancangan ulang aplikasi MonTA pada artikel ini. Metode baru yang digunakan pada rancang ulang aplikasi MonTA ini adalah dengan penerapan Workflow Framework pada ASP.NET. Diharapkan dengan rancang ulang aplikasi ini nantinya dapat memperbaiki berbagai kekurangan yang ada saat ini, seperti inkonsitensi data dan memperbaiki data yang terdapat pada aplikasi MonTA menjadi lebih terstruktu

    Depression amongst healthcare workers in Maiduguri, north-eastern Nigeria

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    Objective: Very few studies reported the high prevalence of emotional reactions amongst healthcare workers, in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of depression among health care workers in two tertiary health institutions in Maiduguri, north-Eastern Nigeria.Methods: In this comparative, cross-sectional study, we used a stratified sampling technique to recruit 370 healthcare workers (clinical and non-clinical staff) from university teaching hospital, and Federal Neuro-psychiatric Hospital, Maiduguri, Borno State, north-east Nigeria. The participants completed a semi-structured socio-demographic questionnaire and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II).Results: Twenty (10.7%) and 14 (7.6%) clinical and non-clinical health care workers, respectively had depression (÷2 = 1.096, df = 1, ñ = 0.295). The prevalence of depression in males and females were 7.8% and 26.9%, respectively. Gender had a significant association with depression (÷2 = 3.427, df = 1, ñ =0.043).Conclusion: For an effective healthcare delivery service, the psychological well-being of hospital workers must be improved. Hospital workers require skills on stress management techniques.Keywords: Depression, healthcare workers, Maiduguri, Nigeri

    Simple Processing Sequence to VSP-Seismic data matching in Sindbad oil field, south of Iraq

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    The purpose of this research is to get the batter matching between VSP and seismic data after preforming a simple processing sequence on Zero-offset VSP survey. Sindbad oil field is chosen to study goals and it\u27s containing only one well with VSP survey (Snd2) that covering depth from Zubair to Sulaiy Formations and 2D seismic lines of Basrah Survey (2Br & 5Br). In order to get the mentioned information from VSP the main steps of processing sequence (Velocity calculation, Amplitude recovery, wave separation, deconvolution and stacking) has been used to measure (RMS and AVG) velocity and make the corridor stack image of VSP p-waves in Promax landmark software. The principle of VSP and seismic data matching is depended on phase and time shift. The matching filter in Omega software depends on frequency content, phase, locations of the two data and amplitude difference which gives us batter correlation for matching. The final test of these filters shows good matching between Snd-2 VSP and 2Br2 Seismic line

    Late Diagnosis of 5-α-Reductase Type 2 Deficiency in an Adolescent Girl with Primary Amenorrhoea : Case report

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    Deficiency of the 5-α-reductase enzyme has been found to affect male sexual development. We report an 18-year-old patient who was referred to an endocrinology clinic in Jizan, Saudi Arabia, in April 2014 with primary amenorrhoea, virilisation and a lack of secondary sex characteristics. As female external genitalia were present at birth, she had been raised as a female. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed no uterine or ovarian tissue in the pelvis and the presence of a scrotal sac. She was diagnosed with 5-α-reductase type 2 deficiency, a 46,XY disorder of sexual development. Typically, affected males have pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias and ambiguous genitalia at birth. Individuals who have been raised as female manifest characteristics of virilisation at puberty, including deepening of the vocal tone, phallus enlargement, scrotal hyperpigmentation and increased muscle mass
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