11 research outputs found

    Characteristic features of the hydrocarbon composition of Spiridonovskoe (Tatarstan) and Pitch Lake (Trinidad and Tobago) asphaltites

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.A comparative study of the composition of natural asphaltites from surface deposits of oil-and-gas territories of the republics of Tatarstan and Trinidad and Tobago has been performed. Distinctive features of their component, structural-group, and hydrocarbon compositions have been revealed, as well as the fractional and structural-group composition of asphaltenes. It has been shown that the interlayer space in asphaltenes (dispersed phase) contains part of the dispersion medium, the composition of which stores information about the origin of asphaltites due to upward streams of deep waxy oil that has undergone both hydrothermal and bacterial alteration during migration and subsequent transformations

    Moral education of high school students in national (TurkiC) schools through literature

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    © IAEME Publication This paper reveals the educational potential of fiction in working with senior high school students. The author considers the lesson of native literature as one of the most important subjects in school education from the point of view that it, throughout the entire educational activity, contributes not only to educational and cognitive development, but also to the educational development of students, their moral and aesthetic qualities. The paper not only analyzes the educational material proposed in the native literature textbooks for years 10-11, but also suggests some methods and techniques for studying fictional works that contribute to the formation of a moral personality

    Composition of Hydrothermal–Catalytic Conversion Products of Asphaltite from the Spiridonovskoe Oilfield

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    © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Abstract: It has been shown that the hydrothermal–catalytic conversion of solid natural asphaltite of the Spiridonovskoe oilfield (Republic of Tatarstan) at 250°C in the presence of hematite yields liquid products with a reduced amount of resins and asphaltenes. At the same time, a dispersed phase of insoluble carburized substances of the carbene and carboid types appears in the conversion products. The structural-group and molecular compositions of oils in the liquid products of conversion, which are enriched in aromatic, polycycloaromatic, and carbonyl-containing structural units and sulfoxides according to 1H NMR and IR data, have been determined. It has been established that the molecular composition of oils from the initial asphaltite and its conversion products is almost the same, but there are changes in the relative amount of various types of compounds. A low concentration of alkanes and an increased concentration of triterpanes characterize the initial Spiridonovskoe asphaltite as a biodegraded object. In the conversion products, the relative amount of alkanes has sharply increased and the concentrations of tri- and tetracyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HC) and dibenzothiophenes have become greater. The proportion of phenanthrenes and tetracyclic aromatic hydrocarbons has increased by factors of 9.3 and 2.6, respectively, and alkylcyclohexanes have been identified, which are absent in the original asphaltite. But the relative amount of polycyclic naphthenes (pregnanes, steranes, cheilanthanes, and hopanes) significantly decreased. The revealed differences are apparently determined by the scale of generation of these compounds by the degradation of resins and asphaltenes, in which the compounds occur as structural units of molecules or in an adsorbed and/or occluded form

    Characteristic features of the hydrocarbon composition of Spiridonovskoe (Tatarstan) and Pitch Lake (Trinidad and Tobago) asphaltites

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.A comparative study of the composition of natural asphaltites from surface deposits of oil-and-gas territories of the republics of Tatarstan and Trinidad and Tobago has been performed. Distinctive features of their component, structural-group, and hydrocarbon compositions have been revealed, as well as the fractional and structural-group composition of asphaltenes. It has been shown that the interlayer space in asphaltenes (dispersed phase) contains part of the dispersion medium, the composition of which stores information about the origin of asphaltites due to upward streams of deep waxy oil that has undergone both hydrothermal and bacterial alteration during migration and subsequent transformations

    Characteristic features of the hydrocarbon composition of Spiridonovskoe (Tatarstan) and Pitch Lake (Trinidad and Tobago) asphaltites

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.A comparative study of the composition of natural asphaltites from surface deposits of oil-and-gas territories of the republics of Tatarstan and Trinidad and Tobago has been performed. Distinctive features of their component, structural-group, and hydrocarbon compositions have been revealed, as well as the fractional and structural-group composition of asphaltenes. It has been shown that the interlayer space in asphaltenes (dispersed phase) contains part of the dispersion medium, the composition of which stores information about the origin of asphaltites due to upward streams of deep waxy oil that has undergone both hydrothermal and bacterial alteration during migration and subsequent transformations

    Features of the change in the composition heavy oils of various types and solid asphaltite in the hydrothermal-catalytic conditions

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The paper reveals the distinctive features of the change in the composition heavy oils of various types and of natural bitumen- A sphaltite from the sandstones of the Permian sediments of the Spiridonovsky field in the territory of Tatarstan, in model experiments at a temperature of 250°C, characteristic for steam-thermal impact on the formation, and the pressure in the system of not more than 2 MPa. The choice of low pressure is due to the fact that bituminous rocks in the Permian sediments occur at relatively shallow depths in the near-surface deposits of the sedimentary strata, which necessitates the development of special technologies for their extraction. The experiments used natural iron oxide-hematite. As a part of the products of asphaltite conversion under the influence of hydrothermal-catalytic factors, the content of hydrocarbons almost 4-fold, the content of alcohol-benzene resins and asphaltenes decreases. The content of benzene resins increases somewhat. The composition of asphaltite proved to be less stable than of heavy oils from age-old sediments, apparently due to special conditions for the formation of its composition in natural conditions under the influence of secondary low-temperature biochemical processes that led to the accumulation of thermally unstable resinous-asphaltene components. Compared with the original asphaltite, in the products of the experiment, the content of alkanes of composition C10-C30 substantially increases with an obvious predominance of homologues with an even number of carbon atoms in the molecule. The product is characterized by a lesser degree of aromaticity and content of sulfoxide groups. The results of the studies showed the possibility of upgrading the composition of solid bitumen- A sphaltite in in situ conversion by diluting its composition with lighter newly formed hydrocarbons, due to the destruction of its high molecular weight components

    Moral education of high school students in national (TurkiC) schools through literature

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    © IAEME Publication This paper reveals the educational potential of fiction in working with senior high school students. The author considers the lesson of native literature as one of the most important subjects in school education from the point of view that it, throughout the entire educational activity, contributes not only to educational and cognitive development, but also to the educational development of students, their moral and aesthetic qualities. The paper not only analyzes the educational material proposed in the native literature textbooks for years 10-11, but also suggests some methods and techniques for studying fictional works that contribute to the formation of a moral personality

    Conversion of extra-heavy Ashal'chinskoe oil in hydrothermal catalytic system

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    © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The products of hydrothermal catalytic conversion of extra-heavy Ashal'chinskoe oil at temperatures of 210, 250, and 300°C in a closed system with different amounts of water in the presence of the natural catalyst iron oxide (hematite) have been studied. It has been shown that the degradation of high-molecular-mass components of the extra-heavy oil, such as benzene- and alcohol-benzene-extractable resins and asphaltenes, leads to a generation of new light fractions that were absent in the initial crude oil. A difference between the oil components in stability to the conversion processes has been shown. The most significant changes are observed for the reduction in the amount of alcohol-benzene resins, which is accompanied by an increase in aromaticity and the extent of oxidation. In asphaltenes, the concentration of free radicals (R) increases and the concentration of tetravalent vanadium (V+4) decreases, changes that are accompanied by enhancement of structure carbonization and a reduction in their molecular mass. It has been shown that coking includes the step of formation of asphaltenes followed by the conversion of a part of them into high-carbon-content toluene-insoluble substance of the carbene and carboid type, which precipitate together with coke from the petroleum disperse system when a certain concentration is reached. Changes in the structure of the hematite catalyst has been also revealed

    Conversion of extra-heavy Ashal'chinskoe oil in hydrothermal catalytic system

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    © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The products of hydrothermal catalytic conversion of extra-heavy Ashal'chinskoe oil at temperatures of 210, 250, and 300°C in a closed system with different amounts of water in the presence of the natural catalyst iron oxide (hematite) have been studied. It has been shown that the degradation of high-molecular-mass components of the extra-heavy oil, such as benzene- and alcohol-benzene-extractable resins and asphaltenes, leads to a generation of new light fractions that were absent in the initial crude oil. A difference between the oil components in stability to the conversion processes has been shown. The most significant changes are observed for the reduction in the amount of alcohol-benzene resins, which is accompanied by an increase in aromaticity and the extent of oxidation. In asphaltenes, the concentration of free radicals (R) increases and the concentration of tetravalent vanadium (V+4) decreases, changes that are accompanied by enhancement of structure carbonization and a reduction in their molecular mass. It has been shown that coking includes the step of formation of asphaltenes followed by the conversion of a part of them into high-carbon-content toluene-insoluble substance of the carbene and carboid type, which precipitate together with coke from the petroleum disperse system when a certain concentration is reached. Changes in the structure of the hematite catalyst has been also revealed

    Conversion of extra-heavy Ashal'chinskoe oil in hydrothermal catalytic system

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    © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The products of hydrothermal catalytic conversion of extra-heavy Ashal'chinskoe oil at temperatures of 210, 250, and 300°C in a closed system with different amounts of water in the presence of the natural catalyst iron oxide (hematite) have been studied. It has been shown that the degradation of high-molecular-mass components of the extra-heavy oil, such as benzene- and alcohol-benzene-extractable resins and asphaltenes, leads to a generation of new light fractions that were absent in the initial crude oil. A difference between the oil components in stability to the conversion processes has been shown. The most significant changes are observed for the reduction in the amount of alcohol-benzene resins, which is accompanied by an increase in aromaticity and the extent of oxidation. In asphaltenes, the concentration of free radicals (R) increases and the concentration of tetravalent vanadium (V+4) decreases, changes that are accompanied by enhancement of structure carbonization and a reduction in their molecular mass. It has been shown that coking includes the step of formation of asphaltenes followed by the conversion of a part of them into high-carbon-content toluene-insoluble substance of the carbene and carboid type, which precipitate together with coke from the petroleum disperse system when a certain concentration is reached. Changes in the structure of the hematite catalyst has been also revealed