129 research outputs found

    Octavio Paz: Mexican psychotherapy with The labyrinth of solitude

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    Análisis de la obra ensayística de Paz desde la perspectiva literaria. La introspección a la que Octavio Paz somete al mejicano en su obra no es nada complaciente. Por esto, escoge el ensayo para poder dar rienda suelta a sus propios sentimientos. El libro puede considerarse como un "saco" en el que todo cabe.Es un carrusel en el que se citan la historia, la psicología, la antropología,la poesía y la filosofía. Pero como el nacionalismo que preconiza Paz no es nada obtuso, al final de su obra, estalla los marcos espacio-temporales de su visión para englobar a la humanidad entera.Analysis of the essay work of peace from a literary perspective. The introspection which submits to the Mexican in his work is not complacent. Why choose trial to give rein to his feelings. The book can be considered as "SAC" in which everything fits. It is a carousel which cites the history, psychology, anthropology, poetry and philosophy. But as the nationalism that advocated peace is not obtuse, at the end of his work, explodes frames spatio-temporal vision to encompass the whole of humanity

    Assessment of the side effects of progestogen only contraception in the immediate postpartum period: the case of implants with levonorgestrel Jadelle®

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the side effects of Jadelle® implants in the immediate postpartum.Methods: To do this, we inserted the implants at two different postpartum period: first, between the first and the seventh day for the immediate postpartum period (IPP) group; second, between the 45th and the 3rd postpartum months for the late postpartum (LPP) group. The variables studied were age, gesture, parity, abortions, number of live children, childbirth, caesarean section, quality of milky climb, age last child, pregnancy-attendant, pregnancy term at time of delivery, complaints, weight.Results: From May 2012 to December 2013, we collected two hundred patients, one hundred from each group (immediate postpartum and late postpartum). The average age of mothers in the IPP group was 28 years and 29 years for LPP group. After insertion, in both group, spotting were the most frequent complaints. The weight variations were between +800 g and -600 g for the group IPP and +260 g and -170 g for the other group; which makes a statistically significant difference. In both groups, at the end of the six months, no patient had menstruation.Conclusions: Our results are encouraging to further promote contraception in the immediate postpartum period in developing countries and thus reach a wide range of users. We can therefore say that the side effects are not different during this period and largely are also tolerated

    Tumeur à cellules de Sertoli-Leydig de l’ovaire: à propos d’un cas chez une jeune fille de 22 ans

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    Les tumeurs à cellules de Sertoli et Leydig sont des tumeurs sécrétantes rares du mésenchyme et des cordons sexuels. Cependant elles constituentl’une des tumeurs le souvent responsables de syndrome de virilisation. La certitude diagnostique est histologique après la chirurgie et il n’ y'a pasde signe échographie spécifique malgré la forte présomption clinique. Le pronostic comme la plupart des néoplasies est lié au degré dedifférenciation cellulaire et la présence d’éléments hétérologue en leur sein. L’objectif de notre travail était de rapporter un authentique syndromede virilisation chez une jeune fille de 22 ans secondaire à une tumeur non épithéliale de l’ovaire à cellule de Sertoli et à cellule de Leydig. Lesformes peu différenciées des tumeurs de Sertoli-Leydig ont un potentiel de malignité non négligeable. Le traitement est chirurgical, lachimiothérapie par association de sels de platine et de taxanes constitue un adjuvant intéressant. Le pronostic après la chirurgie est dominé pardes récidives. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors are rare secreting mesenchymal and sex cord-stromal tumors. However, they constitute one type of tumor most often responsible for virilization syndrome. A definite diagnosis is provided by histological examination following surgical excision of the tumor. It has no characterizing features on ultrasonography, in spite of the strong clinical presumption. Like many neoplasias, prognosis is related to the degree of cellular differentiation and to the presence of heterologous elements. The aim of our study was to report the case of a 22-year old woman suffering from a real virilization syndrome secondary to non-epithelial Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor of the ovary. Poorly differentiated Sertoli-Leydig tumors have high malignant potential. Treatment is surgical; taxane-platinum combination chemotherapy is an interesting adjuvant. Prognosis after surgical resection is related to the risk of relapses. 

    Medical management of ectopic pregnancy in a low resource setting: the role of methotrexate

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    Background: Medical treatment using methotrexate. However, its indications and the protocol of administration are still under discussion. Even if follow-up problems are often raised in developing countries, medical treatment of ectopic pregnancy remains a reasonable option that we practice and share our experience here.Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study of patients managed for an unruptured ectopic pregnancy in two university hospital facilities in Dakar: the Centre Hospitalier National de Pikine and the Centre de Santé de Philipe Maguilen Senghor. The data of this study are spread over a period of 10 years, from 2010 and 2019. We planned to evaluate maternal age, parity, gestational age, diagnosis circumstances, medical management, monitoring, and outcome. A single dose protocol was used. Data extracted from the registries were transferred to Microsoft Excel 2019, Mac version and then moved to SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences, 26.Results: Over ten years, we had registered 18 patients who had received medical treatment out of a total of 263 ectopic pregnancies treated in the two facilities, i.e., a frequency of 6.8%. The average age was 28.8 years. The average initial HCG level was 10,460 mIU/ml. Treatment succeeded in more than 6 out of 10 patients (61.1%). However, we noted 5 cases of failure that had secondarily benefited from salpingectomy by laparotomy.Conclusions: Methotrexate is now part of the therapeutic arsenal in the management of unruptured tubal ectopic pregnancies. However, in developing countries, particularly in Senegal, there is a reluctance to use this therapeutic method, which, however, when a personalized follow-up is carried out, is achievable with a success rate comparable to other therapeutic methods

    Practice of diagnostic hysteroscopy after myomectomy in the prevention of intrauterine adhesions: experience of Ouakam military hospital (Dakar, Senegal)

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    Background: Surgical treatment of myomas may be the cause of some complications, including intrauterine adhesions. The objective of the study was to evaluate the incidence of intrauterine adhesions in patients who underwent myomectomy by laparotomy or hysteroscopic resection.Methods: We carried out a prospective single center study from August 1st 2016 to May 31st 2017 in the gynaecological and obstetrical department of Ouakam the Military Hospital (Senegal). We included patients who underwent myomectomy by laparotomy with opening of the uterine cavity or myomectomy by hysteroscopy. A diagnostic hysteroscopy was performed to search post-operative intrauterine adhesions. For each patient, we studied the socio-demographic aspects, the surgical approach, the delay of diagnostic hysteroscopy, the appearance of uterine cavity and the tolerance of hysteroscopy.Results: 54 patients underwent the diagnostic hysteroscopy. The mean age was 36 years old. The main indication of myomectomy was menorrhagia. 37 patients underwent myomectomy by laparotomy and 17 by hysteroscopy. Each case was followed by a post-operative diagnostic hysteroscopy with a mean delay time of 58 days. We found post-operative intrauterine adhesions in 7 patients (5 in the laparotomy group and 2 in hysteroscopy group).Conclusions: Early diagnostic hysteroscopy after myomectomy should be done in our context to reduce post-operative intrauterine adhesions and preserve the patient’s fertility

    Sexualité des femmes ménopausées en Afrique sub-saharienne: exemple du Sénégal

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    Introduction: en Afrique, la vie sexuelle après la mĂ©nopause reste un domaine mal explorĂ© du fait de son caractère tabou. L'objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d'apprĂ©cier la qualitĂ© de la sexualitĂ© du couple au cours de la mĂ©nopause. Methodes: il s'agissait d'une une enquĂŞte transversale concernant un Ă©chantillon reprĂ©sentatif de 320 femmes mĂ©nopausĂ©es. Les critères d'inclusion Ă©taient la mĂ©nopause naturelle. N'Ă©taient pas incluses de l'Ă©tude les patientes ayant fait l'objet d'une mĂ©nopause prĂ©coce ou iatrogène. La fiche d'enquĂŞte Ă©tait divisĂ©e en 4 chapitres : les caractĂ©ristiques socio-culturelles de la femme, les donnĂ©es cliniques, les donnĂ©es psycho-sexuelles et les donnĂ©es thĂ©rapeutiques. Nous avons utilisĂ© la comparaison des proportions et le test du Chi 2 avec un seuil de signification infĂ©rieur Ă  0,05. Resultats: l'âge moyen des femmes Ă©tait de 60 ans. L'âge moyen de survenue de la mĂ©nopause Ă©tait de 48 ans et l'anciennetĂ© de la mĂ©nopause Ă©tait de 11,3 ans. Aucune femme de notre Ă©tude n'Ă©tait Ă©pargnĂ©e par les manifestations du syndrome climatĂ©rique. Les bouffĂ©es de chaleur Ă©taient prĂ©sentes dans 85,9%, la sècheresse vaginale dans 62,8% et les troubles urinaires dans 52,5%. Seules les femmes mariĂ©es dĂ©claraient avoir des rapports sexuels avec leurs conjoints (62,1%). Ces rapports sexuels Ă©taient occasionnels dans 68,9% des cas alors que 18,1% des femmes n'avaient plus d'activitĂ© sexuelle. La diminution de l'activitĂ© sexuelle Ă©tait due aux troubles de l'Ă©rection du conjoint (62% des couples) et au manque de dĂ©sir sexuel (83,5% des femmes). Une absence d'excitation sexuelle et d'orgasme Ă©taient Ă©galement retrouvĂ©e respectivement dans 92% et 100%. Cependant, 93,5 % des femmes mariĂ©es jugeaient supportable leur vĂ©cu. Conclusion: le statut marital, la dyspareunie, la sècheresse vaginale et les troubles Ă©rectiles du conjoint ont un impact rĂ©el sur la sexualitĂ© de la femme mĂ©nopausĂ©e au SĂ©nĂ©gal

    Pseudo tumor tuberculosis of the uterine cervix: about a case at the colposcopy and cervico vaginal pathologies unit of the University hospital Le Dantec, Dakar, Senegal

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    Tuberculosis is still common in developing countries and particularly in sub-Saharan Africa since the advent of the HIV/AIDS. Genital tuberculosis usually affects young women in genital activity period. The most frequent locations are tubal, endometrial and ovarian. The cervical location is rare. We report on the case of a 36 years old patient with eight pregnancies and eight deliveries who lives in a rural area and has got in her history 8 vaginal deliveries with four living children and 4 dead children and who was referred by a colleague for a "tumor of the uterine cervix". In her medical history, there was a BCG vaccination during childhood and she had never received Pap smear. The colposcopy revealed an ulcerating budding tumor of the cervix with necrotic areas. The colposcopy biopsy revealed fibrocaseous tuberculosis of the uterine cervix. Tuberculosis is still a common disease in developing countries. The cervical localization is rare but should be considered in case of an ulcerating tumor budding of the cervix

    Simple regression functions for estimating herbaceous fodder production in Senegal rangelands from the S10 NDVI of SPOT-Vegetation

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    peer reviewedFace à la situation actuelle de changement climatique et ses conséquences sur l’homme et les ressources naturelles, les Systèmes d’Alerte Précoce (SAP) sur le disponible fourrager en zones pastorales constituent des stratégies essentielles dans la lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire, notamment au niveau des pays du Sahel ouest-africains comme le Sénégal. L’évaluation du stock de fourrage s’y effectue habituellement à partir d’une régression linéaire entre les données de biomasse mesurée sur le terrain et l’indice de végétation par différence normalisée (NDVI) issu du satellite SPOT VEGETATION. Mais, compte tenu de la nature non-linéaire de la relation NDVI-biomasse herbacée, cinq autres fonctions d’ajustement sont testées afin de déterminer celles qui traduisent au mieux cette relation.Les données de biomasse ont été collectées au niveau de cinquante-et-un Sites de Contrôle au Sol (SCS) dont trente-six ont servi à la calibration et quinze pour évaluer la précision des modèles. Les variables utilisées sont le NDVI moyen et le NDVI maximum, enregistrés au cours de la saison. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les modèles Exponentiel et Puissance sont les plus cohérents et précis pour l’estimation de la biomasse herbacée à partir du NDVI. Toutefois, cette approche empirique par régression simple reste globalement imprécise pour l’évaluation de la biomasse herbacée au Sénégal vu les valeurs relativement élevées du RMSE qui varient entre 324,07 et 858 kg/ha selon l’année
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