26 research outputs found

    Investigating the safety climate, safety competency and role overload as predictors of safe behavior of employees in the Bidboland Gas Refining Company

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    Background and Aims: Safety and safe behavior are the most important issues that anyone at any level in the workplace and life should pay attention to them. Neglecting security duties may cause irreparable damages. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the safety climate, safety competence and overload role as the predictors of safe behavior of Bidboland Gas Refinery employees in Khuzestan province. Materials and Methods: The present study design is a correlational predictor. The statistical population included all operational staff employed by Bidboland Gas Refining Company in 2015. Study sample consisted of 273 persons selected through stratified random sampling. Participants were first divided into two groups of safe and unsafe employees using the Safe Behaviors Scale )Salleh, 2010(, and then Safety Climate Scale )Vinodkumar & Bhasi, 2009(, Safety Competency Scale )Salleh, 2010( and Perceived Work Pressure Questionnaire )Seo, 2005( were used to measure the studied variables. Data were analyzed through discriminant analysis and using SPSS-16 software. All stages of this research were conducted ethically.Results: The results showed that safety climate (β=0.662), safety competence (β=0.558) and role overload (β=0.08) were able to predict the safe behavior and are capable of distinguishing safe employees from unsafe ones )p<0.0001(.Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, it is suggested that organizational managers should consider the variables influencing safe behavior (safety climate, safety competence and role overload) in their workplace safety behavior development programs.Keywords: Safe Behavior, Safety Climate, Safety Competency, Role Overload

    Investigating the microbial quality of cooler drinking water of hospitals, clinics and health centres of Behbahan in 2014

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    Background and aims: The main cause of many problems in developing countries is related to the provision of safe drinking water. Since the health of drinking water is important in the busy centers such as hospitals, clinics and health centers, this study was done to investigate the role of water coolers connected to the municipal system in microbial quality of drinking water in Behbahan city. Methods: In this study, the samples were provided from all influent and effluent 30 water coolers located in hospitals, clinics and health centers in the Behbahan. They were carried out and transferred to the laboratory. Then, the amounts of total coliforms and fecal coliforms, residual chlorine, pH and temperature were measured. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS and Excel software. Results: The results showed that the average residual chlorine in input and output of the mentioned water coolers is significantly more than the standard values. Total and fecal coliforms in the input and output of water coolers are also more than the standard values. At the same time, both indicators in the output of water cooler were increased rather than the input one. By using paired t-test, a significant relationship was found between the amount of total coliform, fecal coliform and residual chlorine before and after of water cooler. Conclusions: The results showed negative effects of water coolers on microbial quality of water. If constant control, monitoring and inspections proceedings were done, these contaminations would be reduced significantly

    Cardiovascular deaths related to Carbon monoxide Exposure in Ahvaz, Iran

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    Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless and toxic gas that emitted from combustion. Carbon monoxide can cause harmful health effects by reducing oxygen delivery to the body's organs (like the heart and brain), tissues, fibrinolysis effects, abortion and death at extremely high levels. The aim of this study was to assess health- effects of carbon monoxide exposure in Ahvaz city. Data were collected through Ahvaz Meteorological Organization and Department of Environment. Raw data processing by Excel software includes (instruction set correction of averaging, coding and filtering) and after the impact of meteorological parameters was converted as input file to the Air Q model. Finally, health-effects of carbon monoxide exposure were calculated. The results showed that the concentration of carbon monoxide was 7.41 mg/m3 in Ahvaz as annual average. Sum of total numbers of deaths attributed to carbon monoxide was 16 cases within a year. Approximately 4.3% of total Cardiovascular deaths happened when the carbon monoxide concentrations was more than 20 mg/m3. This could be due to higher fuel consumption gasoline in vehicles, Oil industry, steel and Heavy industries in Ahwaz. Mortality and Morbidity risks were detected at current ambient concentrations of air pollutants

    Meta-Analysis of COVID-19 Spread in Meat Processing Plants and Recommended Practical Actions

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    Recently, the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has increased among workers of meat processing plants (MPPs) around the world. This study reviewed the possible routes of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission and useful actions against it in slaughterhouses. The results revealed that the main factors for the spread of the virus included low indoor temperature, crowded area, wrong standing along production lines, contamination of high-touch surfaces, difficult education of workers with diverse native languages, low financial income, large MPPs with over 10 million Ib of packed meat per month, higher speed of production lines with 175 birds/minute, temporary contract of the workers, and weak approach of some meat processing companies against COVID-19 infection such as National Beef. COVID-19 transmission rate was 24 times higher among the workers of MPPs than among the population of the US. The practical actions against the spread of the virus were mainly marker using for remembering the previous location, mandatory mask use, especially FFP2/3 masks, and decentralization of large MPPs. By using the results of this study, slaughterhouse managers would be able to significantly control the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and future bio-threats to workers of MPPs and even to society

    بررسی متغیرهای جوّ ایمنی، شایستگی ایمنی و گرانباری نقش به عنوان پیشبین های رفتار ایمن کارکنان شرکت پالایش گاز بیدبلند

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    Background and Aims: Safety and safe behavior are the most important issues that anyone at any level in the workplace and life should pay attention to them. Neglecting security duties may cause irreparable damages. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the safety climate, safety competence and overload role as the predictors of safe behavior of Bidboland Gas Refinery employees in Khuzestan province.Materials and Methods: The present study design is a correlational predictor. The statistical population included all operational staff employed by Bidboland Gas Refining Company in 2015. Study sample consisted of 273 persons selected through stratified random sampling. Participants were first divided into two groups of safe and unsafe employees using the Safe Behaviors Scale )Salleh, 2010(, and then Safety Climate Scale )Vinodkumar & Bhasi, 2009(, Safety Competency Scale )Salleh, 2010( and Perceived Work Pressure Questionnaire )Seo, 2005( were used to measure the studied variables. Data were analyzed through discriminant analysis and using SPSS-16 software. All stages of this research were conducted ethically.Results: The results showed that safety climate (β=0.662), safety competence (β=0.558) and role overload (β=0.08) were able to predict the safe behavior and are capable of distinguishing safe employees from unsafe ones )p<0.0001(.Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, it is suggested that organizational managers should consider the variables influencing safe behavior (safety climate, safety competence and role overload) in their workplace safety behavior development programs.زمینه و اهداف: ایمنی و رفتار ایمن از مهمترین مسائلی است که هر فرد در هر سطحی در محیط کار و زندگی باید به آن توجه نماید و غفلت از آن می تواند موجب صدمات جبران ناپذیری شود. از این رو، هدف پژوهش حاضر، بررسی متغیرهای جوّ ایمنی، شایستگی ایمنی و گرانباری نقش به عنوان پیشبین های رفتار ایمن کارکنان شرکت پالایش گاز بیدبلند واقع در استان خوزستان می باشد. مواد و روش ها: طرح پژوهش حاضر، همبستگی از نوع پیشبین است. جامعه آماری شامل تمامی کارکنان عملیاتی شاغل در شرکت پالایش گاز بیدبلند در سال 1394 می باشد. نمونه مورد پژوهش شامل 273 نفر بود، که با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای انتخاب شدند. در ابتدا شرکت کنندگان با استفاده از مقیاس رفتارهای ایمنی (صالح، 2010)، به دو گروه کارکنان ایمن و کارکنان ناایمن تقسیم شدند، سپس برای سنجش متغیرهای پژوهش، از مقیاس جو ایمنی )وینود کومار و باهاسی، 2009)، مقیاس شایستگی ایمنی )صالح، 2010) و پرسشنامه فشار کاری ادراکشده )سو، 2005)  استفاده گردید. داده ها از طریق روش تحلیل ممیز و با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS16 مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند تحلیل شدند. تمامی مراحل پژوهش حاضر طبق موازین اخلاقی اجرا گردید. یافته ها: یافته ها نشان داد که جو ایمنی (β=0/662)، شایستگی ایمنی (β=0/586) و گرانباری نقش (β=0/088) قادر به پیش بینی رفتار ایمن بوده و قادر هستند که کارکنان ایمن را از کارکنان ناایمن متمایز سازند (P<0/0001). نتیجه گیری: با توجه به نتایج پژوهش، به مدیران سازمان ها پیشنهاد می شود که در برنامه های توسعه رفتار ایمن در محیط کار، متغیرهای اثرگذار بر رفتار ایمن ) جو ایمنی، شایستگی ایمنی و گرانباری نقش(  را لحاظ کنند

    Determination of Kinetic Coefficients in Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Using Sugarcane Industrial Wastewater

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    Extraction of sugar from sugarcane produces a high volume of effluent carrying large amounts of organics and BOD5. Discharging the effluent into rivers and into the environment endangers the aquatic life and increases the risks of environmental pollution. This study was conducted in 2012 to determine the kinetic coefficients of the anaerobic treatment systems (UASB) at the wastewater treatment plant of Imam Khomeini Sugarcane Agro-industrial Plant in Shushtar. The parameters of BOD5, COD, and TSS were measured at the inlet and outlet of the WWTP. Subsequently, the operation and design parameters of the system were determined. Using the modified Monod Equations, the kinetic coefficients Ks, Y, Kd, μ max, and K max for employing the UASB process at the WWPT in question were calculated as 506.4mg/l, 0.11 g VSS/g COD, 0.0045 d-1, 0.0069 d-1, and 0.055 d-1, respectively. The kinetic coefficients obtained in this study can be used in the steering and operation as well as fundamental design of similar plants, especially in hot areas

    The prediction of Academic performance bassed on Academic Engagement, Academic Self- efficacy, the Achievement Goals and Perception of School Atomosphere in Gifted Students

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    The present study aimed at predicting academic performance based on academic engagement, academic self-efficacy, goals of progress and perception of the school atmosphere in the gifted secondary high school students in Ahwaz city. The research method was descriptive correlational and 300 gifted students (140 male and 160 female) were selected through stratified random sampling. To collect the required data, Zarang Educational Inventory (2011), Mauritius Educational Self-Efficacy Inventory (2001), Midgley et al (1998), Perceptual Questionnaire of the Atmosphere of the Tricet and Mouse School (1973) and Taylor's Educational Performance Questionnaire (1999) were used. To analyze the collected data, statistical methods such as Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis method were used. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant positive correlation between academic engagement, academic self-efficacy and the components of achievement and approach with academic performance, and there is a negative significant correlation between achievement avoidance components and academic performance. Among the predictor variables, respectively, academic self-efficacy, avoidance goals, mastery goals, and approach were the best predictors of gifted students' academic performance. The level of significance was at

    The Comparison of Academic Engagement, Academic Self-efficacy and Achievement Goals in Gifted girls and Boys

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    The purpose of this study was to compare academic engagement, academic self-efficacy and achievement with academic performance in gifted second-degree high school students (males and females) in Ahwaz city. This research was a causal-comparative study. The sample included 300 gifted students (140 gifted males and 160 gifted females) who were selected by stratified random sampling. The required data were collected from three educational questionnaires namely Zarang Questionnaire (2011), Mauritius Academic Self-efficacy Questionnaire (2001), and Midgley Development Goals Questionnaire (1998). The collected data were analyzed using statistical methods such as multivariate analysis of variance and One-variable. The findings of the study showed that gifted boys had lower mean than gifted girls did in three components of cognitive, behavioral, and motivational involvement and the self-efficacy of gifted boys was lower than the gifted girls was. The goals of achievement in the components of the goals of mastery and advancement of gifted students were averagely low and showed a high average for the gifted boys in the avoidance goals.Significant differences were found between the gifted- female students and the gifted-male students in all variables. This difference was significant at the 0.001 level. As a result, based on the findings, the gifted-male students that needs educational attention and individual efforts

    Health risk assessment for consuming rice, bread, and vegetables in Hoveyzeh city

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    Introduction: People are continuously exposed to contamination, which mainly consists of heavy metals (HMs) and organic compounds. Several metals can get into grains, veggies, and bread through various methods. We estimated the health risk of HM exposure from the consumption of bread, veggies, and rice, considering the per capita amounts of these foods in the Iranian food basket, especially in Hoveyzeh and Azadegan Plain. Material and method: The food products analyzed for the assessment of HMs include different veggies, rice, and bread. The health risk assessment was done with the Hazard Quotient and cancer risk formulae. The buying of vegetables, rice, and bread was done in random order during the fall and wintertime seasons. Result: Tarom rice has the maximum reported levels of Cd (0.55 mg/kg), but Pakistani rice has the lowest level (0.18 mg/kg). Radish shows the highest concentrations of As, Pb, Cr, and Ni among vegetation, while Cress shows the lowest level. The study findings showed that Lavash bread had the highest levels of As (1.31 mg/kg), Cd (0.2 mg/kg), and Ni (1.2 mg/kg), whereas it indicated the lowest level of Cr (0.056 mg/kg). While the non-carcinogenic risk of HMs was evaluated between two groups of adults and children, both groups' HI and HQ levels were less than 1. The maximum HQ and HI scores for children were associated with Arsenic (As), specifically 0.0127 and 0.0137 for Tarom rice, respectively. Nevertheless, the highest HQ and HI scores for adults were associated with As, namely 0.0059 and 0.0064 for Tarom rice, respectively. Conclusion: The evaluation of the carcinogenic risk caused by HM exposure in kids and adults showed that both groups' accumulated lifetime CRs and ILCRs were lower than 1*10–6. Hence, the consumption of veggies, rice, and bread within the study's area does not show an association with the occurrence of chronic diseases resulting from hazardous HMs

    Evaluation of Water Quality of the Karun River in Ahvaz, Iran Based on Biological Indicators (Daphnia and Crustaceans)

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    Given the fact that the Karun River, as the most important source of water supply in Khuzestan province, has recently been affected by various pollutants such as sewage, monitoring its water quality is a necessity. This study aimed to determine the water quality of the Karun River based on biological indicators (Daphnia-crustaceans). In each season of the year, water samples were obtained from three stations at three different points along the river. After measuring the physical and chemical parameters, the samples were left to settle for 24 hours in the laboratory. Then 1 cc of the sediment was placed on the slide to study the diversity and frequency of crustaceans. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21. In the present study, the frequency and variety of crustacean species isolated from the samples decreased from the initial station of the river to the final station. In addition, 27 species of Protozoa were isolated from three stations, of which Daphnia and Rotifer species with an average of 2.166 and 4.833 and standard deviation of 1.984 and 5.166, respectively had the highest frequency compared to other species. The results of the Pearson correlation showed that there is a direct and statistically significant relationship between dissolved oxygen (DO), Turbidity, Daphnia, and Rotifers. Based on the results of this study, it can be stated that the entry of effluents into river water causes a significant reduction in water quality, which in turn reduces the diversity and frequency of crustaceans living in the water. This is possibly due to an increase in sewage discharge from Ahvaz city to Karun river