34 research outputs found

    Involvement of haptoglobin phenotypes and genotypes in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer

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    The association of haptoglobin (Hp) with various cancers has been reported and also it has been documented that the Hp phenotypes/genotypes have different functional ability. So, we examined phenotypes/genotypes of Hp in newly diagnosed, untreated non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) patients and investigated its prognostic value for risk stratification of the cancer. In eighty NMIBC patients and 80 healthy individuals the Hp genotypes and phenotypes were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE), respectively. Besides, the presence of the Hpα1, α2, and β chains in the sera was confirmed by Mass Spectrometry (MS). The frequencies of the 1-1 and 2-2 genotypes/phenotypes were respectively higher and lower in healthy subjects compared to the patients. Our results revealed that the 2-2 genotype/phenotype could increase the risk of NMIBC. There was a positive association between the 2-2 genotype/phenotype with the T category/grade of cancer (p<0.05). The present study implied a strong association between the Hp phenotypes and genotypes with NMIBC. It was found that the 2-2 genotype and phenotype could be a risk factor for NMIBC incidence, as well as, progression. This study introduced Hp genotyping as a possible cost-effective and precise method for prognosis of individuals at the risk of NMIBC

    Total Antioxidant Capacity and Malondialdehyde in Depressive Rotational Shift Workers

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    Shift work is associated with sleep deprivation, occupational stress, and increased risk of depression. Depressed patients show increased oxidative stress. During excessive oxidative stress, Malondialdehyde (MDA) increases and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) decreases in body. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the serum level of TAC and MDA among depressed rotational shift workers in Shahid Tondooyan Tehran Oil Refinery. 21-item Beck Depression Inventory was used to measure depression level. The level of TAC and MDA was measured by 8 mL fasting blood sample. MDA was determined by thiobarbituric acid reaction. Serum total antioxidants were measured using the ABTS. Results of this study showed that TAC mean and standard deviation concentration was 2.451 (±0.536) mg/dL and MDA was 3.725 (±1.098) mic·mol/L, and mean and standard deviation of depression score and BMI were 14.07 (±3.84) and 24.92 (±3.65) kg/m2, respectively. Depression score had a positive correlation with rotational shift work experience and work experience (r=0.218 and r=0.212), respectively, (P<0.05)

    Cross-talks between the kidneys and the central nervous system in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease, which is considered as a common autoimmune disorder in young adults. A growing number of evidences indicated that the impairment in non-neural tissues plays a significant role in pathology of MS disease. There are bidirectional relationship, metabolic activities and functional similarity between central nervous system (CNS) and kidneys which suggest that kidney tissue may exert remarkable effects on some aspects of MS disorder and CNS impairment in these patients compels the kidney to respond to central inflammation. Recently, it has been well documented that hormonal secretion possesses the important role on CNS abnormalities. In this regard, due to the functional similarity and significant hormonal and non-hormonal relationship between CNS and kidneys, we hypothesized that kidneys exert significant effect on initiation, progression or amelioration of MS disease which might be regarded as potential therapeutic approach in the treatment of MS patients in the future

    Evaluation of the Expression of miR-486-3p, miR-548-3p, miR-561-5p and miR-509-5p in Tumor Biopsies of Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Background and objective: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common head and neck malignancy. Expression patterns of microRNAs (miRNAs) can direct us in identifying valuable biomarkers for the prognosis of different neoplasms. Inappropriate regulation of miRNAs during physiological procedures can result in malignancies including OSCC. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of miR-486-3p, miR-561-5p, miR-548-3p, and miR-509-5p in tissue biopsy samples with and without OSCC. Materials and methods: This case-control study was conducted on 17 healthy and 17 OSCC tissue biopsy samples. The expression of miRNAs was assessed using quantitative real-time PCR (q-RT-PCR) after RNA extraction from normal and cancer tissues and cDNA synthesis. Results: The means of miRNA-486-3p, miR-561-5p, and miR-548-3p expression were significantly different between OSCC and control groups (p < 0.001), but there was no significant difference in means of miR-509-5p expression between OSCC and control groups (p = 0.179). Conclusions: The findings of this study revealed that the expression of miR-486-3p and miR-561-5p was significantly lower in cancer samples compared to normal tissue samples. On the other hand, miR-548-3p expression increased in the OSCC group compared to the control group

    Recent Technological Advances in Hepatogenic Differentiation of Stem Cells Relevant to Treatment of Liver Diseases

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    Liver failure, in an acute or chronic form, is a growing health problem ranking as one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Inborn errors of metabolism characterized by defects in hepatic enzymes or other proteins with metabolic functions, such as receptors or transporters accompanied with environmental factors involve etiology and presentation of liver failure. Currently, the only established long-term successful treatment for these conditions is Orthotropic Liver Transplantation (OLT) with long-waiting lists of patients to be transplanted. In recent years, cellular therapy using human hepatocytes is being evaluated worldwide as an alternative to organ transplantation in patients with liver failure. Besides, scientists are trying to modify stem cells and their progenitor cells to improve their efficacy for treatment and repair of damaged tissue. The cell-based therapies have been a particularly active area of investigation in recent years. Experimental studies showed that transplantation of MSC-derived hepatocytes as well as MSC to a mice model of liver failure can effectively contribute to liver regeneration and rescue animals from liver failure Clinical trials with mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) using autologous bone marrow cell fusion (ABMI) therapy in patient suffering with cirrhosis show improvement of liver function. Hepatocyte transplantation method has been performed for indications such as, acute liver failure (ALF), end-stage liver disease, and inborn errors of metabolism. The cell based therapy for liver diseases comprises of two stages, firstly, the cell isolation and preparation, secondly, the transplantation stage. The protocols used for cell preparation and infusion from peripheral vein have been successfully performed in animal models as well as clinical trials. In recent years using tissue engineering protocols, 3D scaffolds of different composition have been prepared which support MSC proliferation and differentiation into active hepatocytes. The biocompatible nanofibrousbiomatrix scaffolds that support and enhance stem cell proliferation and differentiation are useful for transplantation and development of bioartificial liver system. Very recently scientists focused on decellularization of the liver organ and cell seeding of whole liver which is implicated for transplantation. The advantages and disadvantages of these protocols will be discussed in this meeting. Keyword: Acute liver failure, Cell therapy, Stem cells

    Comparison of ultrastructure and morphology of mouse ovarian follicles after conventional and direct cover vitrification using different concentrations of ethylene glycol

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    Background: Many attempts have done to improve cryopreservation of mammalian ovaries using simple, economical and efficient technique “vitrification”. Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the mouse ovaries cryopreservation by direct cover vitrification (DCV) using different concentrations of ethylene glycol (EG) with conventional vitrification methods (CV). Materials and Methods: Ninety NMRI mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation; their ovaries were divided into three main experimental groups: control or non-vitrified group, CV group and DCV groups with 4, 6 and 8M EG as cryoprotectant. After vitrification-warming, the viability of mechanically isolated follicles and the morphology of ovarian follicles by light and electron microscopes were studied. Results: The normality of primary and preantral follicles in non-vitrified and CV groups were higher than those achieved by DCV groups (p<0.001). The survival rates of isolated follicles in non-vitrified, CV and DCV groups with 4M, 6M and 8M ethylene glycol were 98.32, 96.26, 84.10, 85.46 and 84.56 %, respectively and in DCV groups it was lower than other groups (p<0.001). The ultrastructure of ovarian follicles was well preserved in CV technique. The follicles in DCV groups appeared to have vacuolated oocyte with nuclear shrinkage and irregular distribution of cytoplasmic organelles. Their mitochondria were located mainly in the sub cortical part of the oocyte and the granulosa cells demonstrated some signs of degeneration. Conclusion: DCV of mouse ovarian tissue using only EG has induced some alteration on the fine structure of follicles. The integrity of mouse ovarian tissue was affected by DCV technique more than CV

    Cancer stem cells as a therapeutic target in bladder cancer

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    Bladder cancer is one of the most prevalent genitourinary cancers responsible for about 150,000 deaths per year worldwide. Currently, several treatments, such as endoscopic and open surgery, appended by local or systemic immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are used to treat this malignancy. However, the differences in treatment outcome among patients suffering from bladder cancer are considered as one of the important challenges. In recent years, cancer stem cells, representing a population of undifferentiated cells with stem-cell like properties, have been eyed as a major culprit for the high recurrence rate in superficial papillary bladder cancer. Cancer stem cells have been reported to be resistant to conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy, which induce selective pressure on tumoral populations resulting in selection and growth of the resistant cells. Therefore, targeting the therapeutic aspects of cancer stem cells in bladder cancer may be promising. In this study, we briefly discuss the biology of bladder cancer and then address the possible relationship between molecular biology of bladder cancer and cancer stem cells. Subsequently, the mechanisms of resistance applied by cancer stem cells against the conventional therapeutic tools, especially chemotherapy, are discussed. Moreover, by emphasizing the biomarkers described for cancer stem cells in bladder cancer, we have provided, described, and proposed targets on cancer stem cells for therapeutic interventions and, finally, reviewed some immunotargeting strategies against bladder cancer stem cells