1,682 research outputs found

    An Analysis of SAFTA in the Context of Bangladesh

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    One of the main economic reasons behind regional trade blocks is to allow their regional members to benefit from economic cooperation and comparative advantages. In 1980, Bangladesh had suggested a regional cooperative body of South Asian leaders, which then led to the establishment of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in 1985, the adoption of the SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA) in 1993, and the agreement on the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) in 2004. This paper focuses on a review of the progress made with SAFTA, what Bangladesh’s prospects are in SAFTA, and how SAFTA can be made more active. It provides the historical background about the various initiatives within South Asia, reviews the actual trade data, and reviews the main trade restrictions within SAFTA. It also provides a set of recommendations based on this analysis.Bangladesh, trade, SAFTA, regional trade blocks

    Employment Generation and Poverty Alleviation through SME Cluster Development in Bangladesh

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    SME Cluster Development could be an emerging force of entrepreneurship development, employment generation and poverty alleviation for any least developed country like Bangladesh. SMEs located at different clusters of Bangladesh are contributing in generating employment and income for the workers and producing import substitute product simultaneously. Realizing the full potential of SME cluster development in Bangladesh, it is important for all stakeholders to sit together and find out a concrete solution for the identified challenges of SME clusters. Recommended action plan could be catalyst to enhance productivity, increase efficiency, quality, acceptability, market linkage of SME products of Bangladesh. The action plan is designed with Short term (up to 3 year), Mid-term (3-5 years) and Long term (5 and more) recommendations for fostering cluster development of SME in Bangladesh with a vision of employment generation and poverty alleviation. 

    Arab consumer attitutes towards international marketing as a result of the ongoing Arab Spring : a systematic literature review

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    Paper from the International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCI), Thessaloniki, 13-15 June 2012 The Middle East has been recently and continues to be affected by a phenomenon referred to popularly as the ‘Arab Spring’. The phenomenon appears to have sparked a wave of candidness amongst Arab consumers in a way that hitherto was not apparent. A question as to whether the uprisings are about the pursuit of democracy, political reform or freedom of speech remains to be settled. The purpose of this discussion paper is to ask what effects the Arab Spring may have on marketing theory and practice. To that end, the paper presents the results of a systematic literature review pertaining to marketing in the Middle East. A quantitative bibliometric method of citation analysis is deployed to identify the range of themes that have been previously researched. From this review, the paper identifies the particular relevance of the Arab Spring phenomenon to international marketing theory and practice. Thus, this study makes the first attempt to conceptualize what the Arab Spring means for future international marketing theory and practice and marks the start of a first investigation, and potential beginning of a longitudinal study into the phenomenon as it continues to unfold, grounded firmly in the marketing discipline

    Banning Faux Sanctuary Jurisdictions

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    Assessing And Managing Risk Of Occupational Stress In Male Automotive Assembly Workers In Malaysia.

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    Stres pekerjaan merupakan masalah kesihatan pekerjaan yang penting di kebanyakan industri. Pekerja industri pembuatan automotif adalah di antara kumpulan pekerjaan yang sering dilaporkan mengalami stres pekerjaan. Occupational stress is a major occupational health problem in many industries. Automotive assembly industry workers are among the occupational groups reportedly experiencing disproportionately high levels of occupational stress

    Earthonomics: Balancing Between Earth and Business

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    Economists consistently fail to account that Earth has a finite amount of resources. This article analyzes the behavior of corporate America and the effect it has on the world form an Earth jurisprudence standpoint. It will explore twp specific industries, oil and food, and what role they have played in the environment\u27s health. It also explores potential solutions

    Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Governments Challenges

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    Governments face the challenge of increasing the number of people who have been infected. Millions of daily examinations are being conducted around the world to detect the disease. The pandemic is growing increasingly challenging as the number of confirmed cases increases. Governments encounter a variety of obstacles in approving the benefits of Covid-19 vaccinations. Indeed, the idea of getting vaccinated is still fuzzy, and does vaccination protect against infectious disease? There are a lot of questions floating around. The lack of clear information about the Covid-19 vaccine will stymie the growing number of people who have been immunized. Therefore, governments are being pushed to demonstrate the consequences of delaying or rejecting the Covid-19 vaccine. In this study, I examined the number of people tested, infected, and vaccinated and found out what are the factors that affected taking the vaccine specially in the United Arab Emirates. The reasons why we need to estimate the number of people who have been vaccinated. How to increase the number of people vaccinated. Also identified who the 20 countries with highest number of cases are, what motivating factors have influenced the increase in the number of people vaccinated, and what will happen after the pandemic. Increased testing of the Covid-19 virus will lead to the discovery of more infected people and encourage people to get vaccinated because infected people are suffering. More vaccination will be given to test the hypothesis that more Covid-19 testing will occur. For this study, I used a dataset collected from health ministries around the world on the number of cases, deaths, age, male/female, some diseases, and whether the infected person is a smoker or not. The world\u27s lockdown variables, population demographics, mortality rates, infection rates, and health were collected, focusing on the 20 countries with the highest numbers of infected persons, deaths , and vaccinated persons. Infection transmission and mortality data were presented in a linear stepwise fashion using ridge and lasso regression. Factor analysis was used to investigate the overall structure of the Covid- 19 data, resulting in a theoretical model that was tested using latent variable path analysis. The mathematical model can help determine when these intervention methods are most effective for disease control and how they may impact disease dynamics. As a result, in this project, I developed a mathematical model that predicts the relationship between new cases of Covid-19 and those who have been fully vaccinated. I began my research on the pandemic environment by looking at a map of cases around the world, then looking at the top 20 countries by total number of cases and other factors, and finally doing some studies on the United Arab Emirates. During the last two years, I discovered that there have been four waves of the epidemic. It was important to conduct regular testing for citizens so that sick people could be easily identified and helped. I also discovered that some countries had more cases than others, which would allow other researchers to investigate the causes behind this and take preventative steps in similar occurrences in the future. I used linear regression to predict the new number of people who have been vaccinated, which will help stakeholders make decisions about reopening, especially in areas with large populations, such as schools, universities, ministries, and other areas


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    Abstract: This research aims to describe: (1) The structure of Folklore "Saweri Gadi" in the village of UP State Wuna Tongkuno District of Muna. (2) Values ​​of Folklore "Saweri Gadi" in the village of UP State Wuna Tongkuno District of Muna. This research method is descriptive qualitative with using this type of field research. Data and data sources used are sources or informants. Data collection techniques used were depth interview (in-deth interview) and obserfasi, and content a’//;nalysis techniques were used that approach to structural analysis. The results of this study, namely the structure of folklore "Saweri Gadi" the theme of the struggle of the people to survive being stranded in a region, and the grooves contained in folklore "Saweri Gadi" is the advanced groove. Background consists of a place, time and social. Characters and characterizations in folklore is distinguished above figure is based on its role in the story. So that the values ​​in folklore is comprised of religious values, social values, moral values ​​and cultural values.  Key word: Values ​​in Folklore Legend Saweri Gad