67 research outputs found

    A Skopos-theoretical Analysis of Political Texts from English into Persian: The Case of Donald Trump’s Executive Orders

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    The present study attempted to investigate Schjoldager's (2008) taxonomy of translation microstrategies applied by the translator for translating "Donald Trump’s Executive Orders." This led to determine the most/least microstrategies and translation macrostrategy employed by the translator as well as his success in producing the TT and in fulfilling the skopos of the translation. To achieve this, 20 English versions of "Donald Trump’s Executive Orders" were chosen as the sample of analysis and compared with their Persian translations. As the results indicated, among Schjoldager's translation microstrategies, the translator employed all 12 strategies. This includes direct transfer, calque, direct translation, oblique translation, explicitation, paraphrase, adaptation, addition, condensation, substitution, deletion, and permutation of which explicitation and direct transfer were the most/least used microstrategies. Based on the findings, TT-oriented strategies have been used more than ST-oriented ones. Thus, under the skopos theoretical approach, the translator was successful in translating "Donald Trump’s Executive Orders" and in fulfilling the skopos of the translation. This was because of that translations made by him were easy to understand to all types of TT readers. This study offers some helpful pedagogical implications to translation students and trainees, teachers, and those responsible for teaching students and training translators

    Laparoscopic removal of a migrated intrauterine device

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    Concerning the risk of adhesion and injury to the intestine and bladder, surgical removal of the intra-abdominally migrated IUD is recommended and 2 methods of open surgery and laparoscopy have been reported for this purpose.(3) Open surgery is accompanied by complications such as cosmetic problems and longer hospitalization, and laparoscopy may be an appropriate treatment of IUD migration because of a better view, more magnification, and a smaller surgical incision. We report a case of IUD migration into the pelvis in a

    Laparoscopic Reimplantation for Single-System Ectopic Ureter

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    INTRODUCTION Ureteral anomalies, ectopic ureter being one of them, are of the most important urogenital abnormalities because they directly affect kidney function.(1) Several techniques have been used for treatment of ectopic ureter. The goal of obstruction relief can be achieved by either ureteropyelostomy or common sheath ureteral reimplantation for a duplicated system, or reimplantation for a single system.(1) Heminephrectomy and ureteropyelostomy are well described elsewhere, but several technical points deserve

    Application of Sluice Gate in Different Positions and Its Effect on Hydraulic Parameters in Free-Flow Conditions

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    Underpass gates are hydraulic structures in which water moves under the gate. Here, different models of gate position including vertical, deflection to upstream and downstream of the channel with respect to the vertical axis and also oblique position concerning the transverse axis at angles of 10°, 20° and 30° was investigated numerically with FLOW-3D software. Also its effect on discharge coefficient (Cd) and hydrodynamic force applied to the gate was checked. The nested mesh was used for modeling. The results indicated that the statistical indices such as Absolute Error (AE), percentage Relative Error (RE%) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) in the RNG turbulence model were less than those of the k-ε, k-ω and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and were more accurate compared to the experimental results. Cd in the same discharges increases with the increasing angle to the upstream of the channel compared to the vertical position. Cd is inversely related to increasing the angle of the gate relative to the vertical axis in the downward position. In the oblique position, Cd decreases with increasing angle to the transverse axis of the channel due to the increase in the area of flow through the gate. This increase in angle and area of the flow passing through the gate leads to a decrease in the upstream fluid depth, therefore, less hydrodynamic force is applied to the gate. The upward inclined gate tolerates less hydrodynamic force than the downward and oblique positions. The maximum value is related to the downward position

    Presenteeism and Work Ability: Development of the Persian Version of the Stanford Presenteeism Scale (P-SPS-6) and Measurement of its Psychometric Properties

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    Background: Presenteeism is recognized in Iran’s hospitals, however little research has been done to understand and tackle the phenomenon because of a lack of valid tools to measure presenteeism. This study aimed to develop a Persian version of the Stanford Presenteeism Scale (SPS-6) and measure its psychometric properties. Another goal was to examine the relationship between presenteeism and work ability using a sample of 250 nurses. Methods: The forward-backward translation process and cross-cultural adaptation of the scale were performed according to a standard method. The psychometric properties of the scale were measured using face and content validity, construct validity based on confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and internal consistency. Work ability score (WAS) was used to assess discriminative validity and examine the relationship between presenteeism and work ability. Measures of Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion were used to assess convergent validity with the developed presenteeism scale. Results: Mean content validity index (CVI) and content validity ratio (CVR) were 1 and 0.93 respectively. CFA verified the two-dimensional structure of the scale. Cronbach's alpha was 0.77. There were positive relationships between P-SPS-6 and Job Satisfaction, and P-SPS-6 and WAS. There was a significant negative relationship between P-SPS-6 and Emotional Exhaustion. Conclusion: Our findings suggested that the P-SPS-6 had appropriate psychometric properties for studying presenteeism in employees using the Persian language. Given the negative relationship between presenteeism and work ability and the negative consequences associated with it, it is necessary to regularly evaluate this stressor and to emphasize purposeful intervention programs to control or reduce it

    Electrical equivalent circuit models for brushless doubly-fed induction machines: A review

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    A Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (BDFIM) has wide application potential in wind turbines, industrial drives, small hydro power plants, power supply of ships, aircraft starters, and electric vehicles. In electric vehicles, a BDFIM offers a robust structure without needing permanent magnet materials, slip-rings, and brushes, which makes it particularly suitable for heavy vehicles, such as buses, agriculture and construction vehicles, where the low power density of a BDFIM is of less significance compared to that in passenger cars. To effectively analyze and control a BDFIM in various applications, it is essential to develop its accurate electrical equivalent circuit models. This paper presents a comprehensive review on various electrical equivalent circuit models of BDFIMs in the literature with different level of complexity. A full order model is complex, but can represent the complete electrical behavior of a BDFIM. By simplifying the full order model and neglecting certain parameters, a reduced order model requires fewer state variables due to practical approximations. Dynamic behavior of BDFIMs under various operating conditions are demonstrated in the paper to showcase the effectiveness of these existing models. This review emphasizes the significance of electrical equivalent circuit models in the design, analysis and control of BDFIMs. Future research directions for the model refinement are recommended

    Vector control of brushless doubly-fed induction machines based on highly efficient nonlinear controllers

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    Recent advancement in design and control of brushless doubly-fed induction machine (BDFIM) has substantially improved its performance. In this article, two high efficient vector control schemes are proposed for the BDFIM drive based on Lyapunov nonlinear techniques. The first scheme aims for speed control with a one-level structure without an inner loop controller, and the rotor speed error is delivered to a backstepping speed controller. The second scheme has a two-level structure with a backstepping controller and a model reference controller for torque and speed control, respectively. To enhance the performance, the proposed control schemes are based on a novel maximum torque per Ampere (MTPA) control strategy, and their stability is proven by Lyapunov control theory. The proposed controllers are validated experimentally on a 3-kW prototype D132-BDFIM by a TMS320F2833 microcontroller synchronized with a personal computer, and show superior performance over optimal proportional-integral controllers under changing reference speed and load torque

    Predication of steady-state thermal characteristics of a resistance spot welding transformer in battery manufacturing application

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    This paper introduces a novel finite-element-method-based model designed to analyze the electromagnetic–thermal dynamics of resistance spot welding (RSW) transformers used in battery manufacturing. The RSW process, inherently multiphysics and sensitive to temperature fluctuations, involves phase changes within the metal materials. This complexity, combined with frequent electrode connections and disconnections during welding (variable structure), renders traditional steady-state analysis methods inadequate for accurately capturing temperature and electromagnetic parameters under thermal steady-state conditions, and the effect of changing power electronics parameters (frequency, number of cycles, and firing angle) on continuous operation is also unpredictable. The article proposes a method capable of determining temperature trends during electrode opening (rest period). It simplifies the temperature characteristics and material properties of the welding spot. These variations are equated and simplified as a constant temperature and an equivalent material, respectively. The proposed model, rooted in finite-element analysis and experimentally validated, enables a bidirectional electromagnetic–thermal simulation through steady-state thermal analysis. This simulation generates results for temperature and electromagnetic values during steady-state operation, demonstrating close agreement with experimental results. Consequently, the developed model showcases its capability in predicting the impacts and sensitivities of various factors, such as voltage cycle number, firing angle, and rest period duration within the RSW process

    Avaliação Qualitativa da Água Engarrafada e Armazenadas em Frascos de Tereftalato de Polietileno com Base Compostos Químicos Orgânicos

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    Polyethylene terephtalate (PET) is commonly used for bottling drinking water. PET must be harmless in the sense of the migration potentially unsafe materials into its content. The quality determination of migrated organic chemicals in 15 bottled water stored in PET was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique. Most of the organic chemical compounds including phthalate, alkyl phenol, higher alkene and organic acid were detected in the samples. However, no carcinogens and hormones were recognized in the analyzed waters. The most migrated compounds identified between 13 to 100% of bottled water. The findings of present study could be alarming for the food safety legislative establishments in Iran due to the existence of some organic compounds with adverse influence on human wellbeing. Further investigation is recommended to evaluate the risk assessment of the public health arising from the presence of these toxic contaminants in the bottled water consumed by the people.Tereftalato de Polietileno (PET) é comumente usado para engarrafamento de água potável. PET deve ser inofensivo no sentido da migração materiais potencialmente inseguros em seu conteúdo. A determinação da qualidade de produtos químicos orgânicos que migraram em 15 garrafas de água armazenada em PET foi realizada pela técnica de cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa. A maior parte dos compostos químicos orgânicos, incluindo ftalato, alquil fenol, alceno de maior peso molecular e ácido orgânico foram detectados nas amostras. No entanto, não há agentes cancerígenos e hormônios foram detectados nas águas analisadas. Os compostos migraram identificados entre 13 a 100% de água engarrafada. As conclusões do presente estudo poderia ser alarmante para os estabelecimentos legislativos de segurança alimentar no Irã devido à existência de alguns compostos orgânicos com influência negativa no bem-estar humano. Outras investigações é recomendado para avaliar a avaliação de risco da saúde pública decorrente da presença desses contaminantes tóxicos na água engarrafada consumida pelas pessoas