1,145 research outputs found

    Monitoring and simulations of hydrolysis in epoxy matrix composites during hygrothermal aging

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    In this paper, we studied the water transport in thermoset matrices. We used Fourier Transform Infrared analysis (FTIR) during sorption/desorption experiments to investigate the interaction between sorbed water and the epoxy network. Our results demonstrated that the polymer matrix undergoes hydrolysis. We found that the chemical species involved in the reaction process was the residual anhydride groups. These results support the physical basis of the three-dimensional (3D) diffusion/reaction model. We finally showed that this model is able to reproduce multi-cycle sorption/desorption experiment, as well as water uptake in hybrid metal/epoxy samples. We simulated the 3D distributions of the diffusing water and the reacted water

    The Problem of Nonperformance of Contractual Obligations and the Provided Means of Release Under English, Scottish, French and Algerian Laws

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    A legal system is a defective one if it does not "adopt a conscious attitude to the problem of non performance of contracts in consequence of events beyond the control of the parties."

    <Article>Teaching Entrepreneurial Finance in Saudi Arabia: An Overview and Prospects

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    Islamic Fintech, Archaeology of a Discourse

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    The objective of this paper is to present an archaeology of the discourse on Islamic fintech to highlight its mimetic character, i.e. the desire to imitate globalized finance to obtain the same thing in terms of prestige. The archaeology of the discourse revealed the following: (i) The difference between the classic Islamic conception of finance and Islamic fintech lies in the mobilization of digital technology innovation in the field of finance. (ii) The difference between Islamic fintech and conventional fintech lies in the compatibility of Islamic financial products and services with Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah. After shedding light on the themes of social innovation and slow technology, the study recommends paying special attention to the notion of design thinking in the sense that it offers the opportunity to imagine solutions through the intersection of analysis, intuition, experimentation, and human connection. It is imperative to invest in local startups to innovate solutions that meet both the needs of users and the ambitions of organizations, while taking care not to destroy social structures, and allowing each person to develop its own specific world (milieu, Umwelt, fûdo 風土)

    The Impact of Newtonian Theories on Augustan Minor Verse: Nature Poetry as a Case Study

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    What was known as “nature poetry” in eighteenth-century England benefited from the impressive strides made by scientific research. Newton’s theories in particular, which unfolded the natural world before people by establishing a rational interpretation of its physical laws, provided poets at the same time with new tools of description, offering them a remarkable source of inspiration and a rich repository of poetic vocabulary. Minor poets, who were already ravished by the natural scenery, took advantage of those theories to describe more effectively their thrilling visual experience amidst splendid landscapes. Refraction of sunlight and the diversity of colourful sights became more exposed to the poets’ eyes thanks to the new truths revealed about light and its characteristics, colours and their distinctive features, and visual perception and the inner eye parts involved in it. Moreover, as a concrete example of people’s great interest in the new optic theories, the “camera obscura” became a popular, multidimensional mechanism that represented at the same time a source of learning and entertainment, whose description in verse constitutes an interesting meeting point of science and poetic art.L’essor qu’a connu la recherche scientifique depuis la fin du 17ème siècle a constitué une source d’inspiration remarquable au profit de la poésie descriptive de la nature de l’ère augustine anglaise (1680-1750). Les poètes, déjà épris de la beauté et des mystères du monde naturel, ont appris que l’univers obéissait à des lois physiques immuables, ce qui a démystifié pour eux nombre de phénomènes qui s’offraient à leurs yeux. Mais ils ont en même temps bénéficié de telles découvertes pour mieux décrire les paysages naturels, et ce grâce aux théories relatives, entre autres, à la lumière, aux couleurs, et à la perception visuelle du monde extérieur. Aussi la science a-t-elle mis à la disposition des poètes, notamment ceux classés comme “mineurs,” davantage d’outils, y compris un vocabulaire plus riche et plus diversifié, leur facilitant leurs descriptions. Par ailleurs, le mécanisme de la “camera obscura,” représente un exemple concret où la science et l’art deviennent ensemble une source d’inspiration, d’apprentissage, et de divertissement

    Giving effective instructions in EFL classrooms

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the positive effect of giving effective instructions on students’ achievement. A great number of teachers, nowadays, are dissatisfied with their students’ low achievement in learning English in Morocco. They claim that students are not interested at all in the learning process. However, research in teaching foreign languages reveals that there is a kind of stumbling block in the way of grasping the teacher’s instructions. Regardless of how much effort teachers make, students do not understand their ambiguous instructions and thereby failing to do the activity at hand. This article attempts to explore three research questions: (1) Does the poor level of students at learning English have any relationship with the way teachers of English give instructions? (2) What is the teachers of English perception of the effect of instructions on teaching? And (3) are teachers of English familiar with what research has revealed in giving effective instructions? The results show that students achieve less not because things are too difficult to understand, but because the way teachers deliver their instructions is ineffective. Teachers really need update in how to effectively give instructions; otherwise, the teaching process will be doomed to failure. &nbsp

    Aligning Key Success Factors to ERP Implementation Strategy: Learning from a Case Study

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    CAHIER DE RECHERCHE n°2012-08 E5These last years, we can observe that most of companies implemented an ERP system but many of them fail. Much of research that has been conducted in this field, focus on KSFs. We have noticed that confronting those KSFs to ERP implementation strategies seems quiet fecund. So provide in this article a brief overview of the literature dealing with key success factors related to an ERP implementation project to better cope with the field, then come out with a framework analyzing these KSFs depending on implementation strategies. Then we study a case of an ERP implementation project in a company operating in the automotive industry, with a quail-metric methodology, to better understand the reasons of ERP implementation projects success or failure