8 research outputs found

    A fast and versatile method for spectral emissivity measurement at high temperatures

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    International audienceIn this paper, the development of a new device for high temperature emissivity measurement is described. This device aims at measuring both spectral and total emissivity for a thermal range of 600–1000 °C. The main targeted properties of this device are versatility and simplicity. To achieve this, a rigorous selection of components such as heating systems, heat sources, sample holders, and measuring devices was made. Sample dimensions and the corresponding sample holder were optimized through a ray tracing model computation. Selection of sensors to compute the total emissivity was also discussed. A near-infrared (NIR) spectrometer and two mid-infrared (MIR) cameras equipped with optical filters covering the bandwidth of 3–5 and 7.5–13 μm were chosen for spectral measurements. The major impediment was the separation of the sample signal and various spurious signals emitted by the environment. A specific measurement methodology was then made for each bandwidth to resolve this issue. Platinum was chosen as the reference material for the device validation. Spectral emissivity measurements were then compared to values from a commercial spectrometer. A good agreement was found between NIR and MIR band I measurements, and a higher error rate was seen in MIR band II which is explained by a less favorable signal to noise ratio. Integrated emissivity is then calculated and compared to values found in the literature. A good agreement between these values is found, and similar trends with temperature are observed. The device is then validated for spectral and total emissivity measurements. Device versatility and simplicity allow for an easy adaptation to a large area of applications

    Contribution à l’étude des échanges thermiques aux interfaces pour les procédés de formage à chaud : développement de moyens de mesure de l’émissivité et de la résistance thermique de contact (RTC) à haute température

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    The present work deals with the high temperature heat transfers involved in sheet/die contact within hot forming processes. The investigated heat ranges lie between 600°C and 1000°C while the study materials are namely TA6V and Inconel 625 (for the sheet) and AISI 310 stainless steel and refractory concrete (for the die). Under such industrial configuration, the heat transfers can be split in two steps: i) a gap closing phase during which the radiative property of the contact pair prevail and ii) a solid contact phase during which the conductive properties are involved and more precisely the thermal contact resistance (TCR). This twostep approach allows a separate investigation of both phenomena which are herein studied by the mean of two dedicated experimental means: a) The gap closing phase is studied through an emissivity measurement setup dedicated to high temperature. The chosen setup is inspired from elliptical oven setups. Its features include a heating rate over 11°C/s and a maximal in-service temperature of 1250°C. The related measurement instruments selection and design are also part of the presented work. The metrological aspects along with the uncertainty quantification are performed through the use of a reference material: pure platinum. This latter has proven worthy by its ability to sustain very high temperature while remaining free from oxidation. In addition, platinum’s optical properties are well documented throughout the scientific literature which provides solid comparisons with other published results. Finally, the construction of an emissivity database is presented for the two sheet materials of the study: TA6V and INCONEL 625. b) The solid contact phase is studied through a second tailor made experimental setup dedicated to TCR measurements. The proposed features include the ability to study metal contact pair (AISI 310 vs. TA6V/INCONEL 625) or ceramic vs. metal contact (Concrete vs. TA6V/INCONEL 625) for temperature as high as 800°C. The whole setup can be inserted within a classical tensile device in order to load the contact interfaces at stress levels similar to those involved in metal forming processes (here up to 4MPa). In practice, a circular sample cut from the studied sheet metals is clasped in between two cylindrical bars made of AISI 310 or concrete. The upper bar is then heated up by the mean of a resistive oven in order to generate a directional heat flux throughout the material interfaces. A suited measurement instrumentation then allows the assessment of the TRC for each contact pair for temperature ranging from 450°C to 800°C and pressure ranging from 0.1MPa to 4MPa. The results obtained from these two setups have built up a material database that was then use to simulate industrial hot forming operations. The process parameters retrieved from these simulation were used as input in an actual forming process and has led to the successful manufacturing of four parts all of which satisfying the quality requirements in term of geometry and microstructure.Les travaux présentés ici concernent les échanges de chaleur entre une tôle métallique et un moule en béton réfractaire ou en acier inoxydable sont abordés pour des températures comprises entre 600 et 1000°C, voire plus. Ces échanges sont décomposés en deux étapes : une phase d’approche sans contact dite radiative qui nécessite la détermination des propriétés radiatives des solides en présence puis une phase avec contact : détermination d’une Résistance Thermique de Contact (ou « RTC ») à haute température. Pour décrire ces deux étapes, deux nouveaux moyens expérimentaux ont été étudiés et développés :a) Un banc de mesure directe de l’émissivité à chaud a été développé afin d’étudier la phase sans contact. Une enceinte elliptique utilisant le principe d’un four à images a permis d’obtenir des températures élevées (jusqu’à 1250°C) ainsi que des vitesses de chauffe élevées (>11°C/s) sur les échantillons à caractériser. Une instrumentation permettant de réaliser des mesures d’émissivité spectrale et totale a également été développée. La méthodologie de mesure a été validée en choisissant le platine comme matériau de référence, de par sa bonne stabilité chimique, la faible dépendance de ses propriétés avec la température et des propriétés bien documentées. L’émissivité du TA6V et de l’Inconel 625 en fonction de la température ([600 ; 1000]°C) et du temps de chauffage (jusqu’à 5 heures) a ensuite été étudiée. b) Le développement d’un banc de mesure de la RTC à haute température a permis quant à lui d’étudier la phase avec contact. Ce moyen a pour objectif de mesurer la RTC entre des couples de matériaux métal/métal (TA6V ou Inconel 625 /Inox 310) ou métal/céramique (TA6V ou Inconel 625 /Béton réfractaire) pour des pressions allant jusqu’à 4MPa. L’approche adoptée a été de disposer une pastille métallique représentant la tôle (TA6V ou Inconel 625) entre deux barreaux représentant l’outil (Inox 310 ou béton réfractaire), eux-mêmes, amarrés à une machine de traction. Le chauffage a été réalisé en introduisant le barreau supérieur dans un four résistif porté à 1000°C maximum. L’instrumentation du barreau inférieur a permis de déterminer le flux de chaleur conductif traversant ainsi que sa température de surface, ce qui a permis de mesurer la RTC sur une gamme thermique comprise entre 450 et 800°C et une gamme de pression de contact comprise entre 0,1 et 4MPa. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide de ces deux bancs peuvent être intégrés dans des simulations numériques de formage, pour calculer des recettes de lampes. Ces valeurs ont conduit au formage réussi de de 4 tôles successives en TA6V avec de bonnes conformités géométriques et microstructurales

    Contribution to the study of thermal boundary conditions in hot forming; development of new experimental setups dedicated to emissivity and thermal contact resistance (TCR) measurements at high temperature

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    Les travaux présentés ici concernent les échanges de chaleur entre une tôle métallique et un moule en béton réfractaire ou en acier inoxydable sont abordés pour des températures comprises entre 600 et 1000°C, voire plus. Ces échanges sont décomposés en deux étapes : une phase d’approche sans contact dite radiative qui nécessite la détermination des propriétés radiatives des solides en présence puis une phase avec contact : détermination d’une Résistance Thermique de Contact (ou « RTC ») à haute température. Pour décrire ces deux étapes, deux nouveaux moyens expérimentaux ont été étudiés et développés :a) Un banc de mesure directe de l’émissivité à chaud a été développé afin d’étudier la phase sans contact. Une enceinte elliptique utilisant le principe d’un four à images a permis d’obtenir des températures élevées (jusqu’à 1250°C) ainsi que des vitesses de chauffe élevées (>11°C/s) sur les échantillons à caractériser. Une instrumentation permettant de réaliser des mesures d’émissivité spectrale et totale a également été développée. La méthodologie de mesure a été validée en choisissant le platine comme matériau de référence, de par sa bonne stabilité chimique, la faible dépendance de ses propriétés avec la température et des propriétés bien documentées. L’émissivité du TA6V et de l’Inconel 625 en fonction de la température ([600 ; 1000]°C) et du temps de chauffage (jusqu’à 5 heures) a ensuite été étudiée. b) Le développement d’un banc de mesure de la RTC à haute température a permis quant à lui d’étudier la phase avec contact. Ce moyen a pour objectif de mesurer la RTC entre des couples de matériaux métal/métal (TA6V ou Inconel 625 /Inox 310) ou métal/céramique (TA6V ou Inconel 625 /Béton réfractaire) pour des pressions allant jusqu’à 4MPa. L’approche adoptée a été de disposer une pastille métallique représentant la tôle (TA6V ou Inconel 625) entre deux barreaux représentant l’outil (Inox 310 ou béton réfractaire), eux-mêmes, amarrés à une machine de traction. Le chauffage a été réalisé en introduisant le barreau supérieur dans un four résistif porté à 1000°C maximum. L’instrumentation du barreau inférieur a permis de déterminer le flux de chaleur conductif traversant ainsi que sa température de surface, ce qui a permis de mesurer la RTC sur une gamme thermique comprise entre 450 et 800°C et une gamme de pression de contact comprise entre 0,1 et 4MPa. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide de ces deux bancs peuvent être intégrés dans des simulations numériques de formage, pour calculer des recettes de lampes. Ces valeurs ont conduit au formage réussi de de 4 tôles successives en TA6V avec de bonnes conformités géométriques et microstructurales.The present work deals with the high temperature heat transfers involved in sheet/die contact within hot forming processes. The investigated heat ranges lie between 600°C and 1000°C while the study materials are namely TA6V and Inconel 625 (for the sheet) and AISI 310 stainless steel and refractory concrete (for the die). Under such industrial configuration, the heat transfers can be split in two steps: i) a gap closing phase during which the radiative property of the contact pair prevail and ii) a solid contact phase during which the conductive properties are involved and more precisely the thermal contact resistance (TCR). This twostep approach allows a separate investigation of both phenomena which are herein studied by the mean of two dedicated experimental means: a) The gap closing phase is studied through an emissivity measurement setup dedicated to high temperature. The chosen setup is inspired from elliptical oven setups. Its features include a heating rate over 11°C/s and a maximal in-service temperature of 1250°C. The related measurement instruments selection and design are also part of the presented work. The metrological aspects along with the uncertainty quantification are performed through the use of a reference material: pure platinum. This latter has proven worthy by its ability to sustain very high temperature while remaining free from oxidation. In addition, platinum’s optical properties are well documented throughout the scientific literature which provides solid comparisons with other published results. Finally, the construction of an emissivity database is presented for the two sheet materials of the study: TA6V and INCONEL 625. b) The solid contact phase is studied through a second tailor made experimental setup dedicated to TCR measurements. The proposed features include the ability to study metal contact pair (AISI 310 vs. TA6V/INCONEL 625) or ceramic vs. metal contact (Concrete vs. TA6V/INCONEL 625) for temperature as high as 800°C. The whole setup can be inserted within a classical tensile device in order to load the contact interfaces at stress levels similar to those involved in metal forming processes (here up to 4MPa). In practice, a circular sample cut from the studied sheet metals is clasped in between two cylindrical bars made of AISI 310 or concrete. The upper bar is then heated up by the mean of a resistive oven in order to generate a directional heat flux throughout the material interfaces. A suited measurement instrumentation then allows the assessment of the TRC for each contact pair for temperature ranging from 450°C to 800°C and pressure ranging from 0.1MPa to 4MPa. The results obtained from these two setups have built up a material database that was then use to simulate industrial hot forming operations. The process parameters retrieved from these simulation were used as input in an actual forming process and has led to the successful manufacturing of four parts all of which satisfying the quality requirements in term of geometry and microstructure

    Effect of oxidation on spectral and integrated emissivity of Ti-6Al-4V alloy at high temperatures

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    International audienceThermomechanical simulation is challenging for the optimization and virtual monitoring of high temperature shape processes, such as SuperPlastic Forming (SPF) of Titanium alloys alike Ti-6Al-4V (TA6V). Part of this challenge is the accurate and process-representative knowledge of emissivity, which controls radiative heat transfer during the process. In this paper, the characterization of TA6V emissivity, with regards to its oxidation stage, is performed within the [600–1000 °C] thermal range. The main contribution of this work is the use of an in-house characterization bench, enabling the fast radiative heating of samples, and the control of oxide layers thicknesses ranging from 250 nm to 120 µm. An oxidation law is established thanks to post-mortem mass gain and oxide thicknesses measurement, and the various oxide phases are identified. Oxide thicknesses versus heating time were then calculated and implemented in the emissivity analysis. Two patterns are observed for oxide thickness versus temperature: below 900 °C, emissivity values are quasi-continuously increasing with oxide thickness, exhibiting an oxide layer mainly composed by TiO2, above 900 °C, emissivity values are also continuously increasing but with a different trend, due to the formation of alumina, confirmed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) measurements. Finally, the dependence of emissivity to temperature and oxide thickness emphasized in this paper constitutes a non-trivial mandatory input to increase the radiative heat transfer simulations codes accuracy

    Simulation of IR Heating for Composite Stamping

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    International audienceComposite stamping is a two steps process that includes an infrared heating oven in order to melt the composite sheets before forming. This study deals with the numerical simulation of the heating step of the process. The numerical model has been validated using three woven glass and carbon / PA6.6 composites provided by Solvay Rhodia. This type of simulation consists in solving the heat equation with a radiative flux that characterizes the interaction of the material with the IR heating. The model thus considers the IR properties of the material (emission and reflexion). Considering a homogeneous composite, the optical and thermal properties of sheets have been first measured. The material’s emissivity has been measured using a FTIR spectrometer from the reflective and transmitive spectra, by using the Kirchoff law and considering a Lambertian material. Three complementary measurement techniques were used to determine the thermal properties of the composites. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) measurements have been performed to identify the heat capacity of the composites. On another hand, a hot disc system (measurements performed at the LTN, France) has been used in transient conditions to determine the heat capacity and the thermal conductivity of the composites is all three directions. Finally, the in-plane thermal matrix of conductivity has also been measured by thermography by using an inverse method. The simulation of composites heating has been performed with Comsol MultiphysicsTM and the simulation procedure was validated by comparison with experimental results. The simulated IR oven is composed of 9 IR emittors provided by Toshiba Lighting Company that emit mainly in short IR wavelength (0.75-2µm). The emission properties of the tungsten filament were implemented in order to simulate the IR heating. Free convective heat transfer was also taken into account in the oven. In order to validate the model, an experimental set-up was instrumented with a calibrated IR pyrometer that measured the back side of the heated composite sheets. The experimental results confirm a low thermal gradient through composite thickness, in particular for carbon-reinforced composite. This result is consistent with the low Biot number of the composites. Moreover, experimental and simulated temperatures are in good agreement with an error lower than 15% in the entire heating stage from room to melt temperature