11 research outputs found

    Burst Round Robin as a Proportional-Share Scheduling Algorithm

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    In this paper we introduce Burst Round Robin, a proportional-share scheduling algorithm as an attempt to combine the low scheduling overhead of round robin algorithms and favor shortest jobs. As being documented that weight readjustment enables existing proportional share schedulers to significantly reduce, but not eliminate, the unfairness in their allocations. We present a novel weight adjustment for processes that are blocked for I/O and lose some CPU time to assure proportional fairness. Experiments on the implemented simulator showed that quickly knocking away shortest processes achieves better turnaround time, waiting time, and response time. The advantage we gain is that processes that are close to their completion will get more chances to complete and leave the ready queue. This will reduce the number of processes in the ready queue by knocking out short jobs relatively faster in a hope to increase the throughput and reduce the average waiting time

    Formalization of Fixed-Point Arithmetic in HOL

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    This paper addresses the formalization in higher-order logic of fixed-point arithmetic. We encoded the fixed-point number system and specified the different quantization modes in fixed-point arithmetic such as the directed and even quantization modes. We also considered the formalization of exceptions detection and their handling like overflow and invalid operation. An error analysis is then performed to check the correctness of the quantized result after carrying out basic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division against their mathematical counterparts. Finally, we showed by an example how this formalization can be used to enable the verification of the transition from floating-point to fixed-point algorithmic level in the signal processing design flow

    Ontology-Based Intelligent Mobile Search Oriented to Global e-Commerce

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    Abstract: In this paper we propose a novel approach for searching eCommerce products using a mobile phone, illustrated by a prototype eCoMobile. This approach aims to globalize the mobile search by integrating the concept of user multilinguism into it. To illustrate that, we particularly deal with English and Arabic languages. Indeed the mobile user can formulate his query on a commercial product in either language (English/Arabic). The description of his information need on commercial products relies on the ontology that represents the conceptualization of the product catalogue knowledge domain defined in both English and Arabic languages. A query expressed on a mobile device client defines the concept that corresponds to the name of the product followed by a set of pairs (property, value) specifying the characteristics of the product. Once a query is submitted it is then communicated to the server side which analyses it and in its turn performs a

    Burst Round Robin as a Proportional-Share Scheduling Algorithm

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    In this paper we introduce Burst Round Robin, a proportional-share scheduling algorithm as an attempt to combine the low scheduling overhead of round robin algorithms and favor shortest jobs. As being documented that weight readjustment enables existing proportional share schedulers to significantly reduce, but not eliminate, the unfairness in their allocations. We present a novel weight adjustment for processes that are blocked for I/O and lose some CPU time to assure proportional fairness. Experiments on the implemented simulator showed that quickly knocking away shortest processes achieves better turnaround time, waiting time, and response time. The advantage we gain is that processes that are close to their completion will get more chances to complete and leave the ready queue. This will reduce the number of processes in the ready queue by knocking out short jobs relatively faster in a hope to increase the throughput and reduce the average waiting time