650 research outputs found

    Ion beam and discharge characteristics of cold cathode ion source

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    24-30In this work, some developments in the acceleration system of cold cathode ion source have been constructed to produce broad beam to be used in different industrial applications. An electrostatic probe with electrical circuit is constructed for study the extracted ion beam distribution. Broad beam 25 mm with ion current in the range of 1 mA is extracted from the constructed extraction system. The obtained optimum distance between the extraction grid and acceleration grid is 3 mm. The characteristics are measured to investigate the ion beam current Ib as a function of different parameters (discharge voltage Vd, gas pressure P, magnetic field intensity B and acceleration voltage Vacc). The magnetic field is collimated and intensifies the plasma that enhances the extracted beam current. The obtained cold cathode ion source can be used in different applications like surface etching, surface modification and deposition due to its long life and compactness

    Ion beam and discharge characteristics of cold cathode ion source

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    In this work, some developments in the acceleration system of cold cathode ion source have been constructed to produce broad beam to be used in different industrial applications. An electrostatic probe with electrical circuit is constructed for study the extracted ion beam distribution. Broad beam 25 mm with ion current in the range of 1 mA is extracted from the constructed extraction system. The obtained optimum distance between the extraction grid and acceleration grid is 3 mm. The characteristics are measured to investigate the ion beam current Ib as a function of different parameters (discharge voltage Vd, gas pressure P, magnetic field intensity B and acceleration voltage Vacc). The magnetic field is collimated and intensifies the plasma that enhances the extracted beam current. The obtained cold cathode ion source can be used in different applications like surface etching, surface modification and deposition due to its long life and compactness

    Gastrografin in the management of adhesive small bowel obstruction in children: a pilot study

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    Background/purpose Adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO) is a common emergency problem in children with previous abdominal surgery. Management protocols usually start with a conservative approach that may be successful in some cases, whereas in others it will end eventually by laparotomy with its associated morbidity and mortality. Our aim was to assess the role of water-soluble contrast, gastrografin, in the conservative management of ASBO. Patients and methods During the period January 2009 to July 2010, 33 patients with ASBO were presented at the Pediatric Surgery Unit at the Ain Shams University Hospitals. Patients who failed to improve after 48 h of conservative management in the absence of signs of strangulation were subjected to gastrografin administration. Patients were evaluated clinically and radiologically to determine the resolution of the adhesive attack, with estimation of hospital stay time. Results An oral administration of gastrografin successfully completed the conservative management in eight of 12 patients (66.6%), thus avoiding surgery and subsequently reducing hospital stay. Conclusion Gastrografin may have a valuable role in the management of ASBO, whether diagnostic or therapeutic, but a randomized controlled trial is needed to prove its effectiveness in reducing surgical intervention rate and hospital stay time.Keywords: adhesive, bowel obstruction, gastrografi

    Assessment of serum, dietary zinc levels, and other risk factors during the third trimester among pregnant women with and without pregnancy-induced hypertension: a case-control study

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    BackgroundThis study assessed serum, dietary zinc levels, and other risk factors during the third trimester among pregnant women with and without pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH).MethodsThis case-control study was conducted in 2022, in the three main Obstetrics and Gynecology departments in Gaza Strip, Palestine. One hundred sixty pregnant women, during the third trimester, aged ā‰„20 years, were selected using a convenient sampling method. Data were obtained using an interview-based questionnaire, food frequency questionnaire, anthropometric measures, and biochemical tests. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 24.ResultsThe participantsā€™ mean age was 30.7 Ā± 5.6 years. A total of 47 (58.8%) of cases and 6 (7.5%) of controls were insufficiently active; and the mean of blood pressure (mmHg) was 133.3 Ā± 11.9/85.11 Ā± 10.0 for cases and 112.8 Ā± 9.5/68.02 Ā± 7.2 for controls with significant differences between the two groups (P = <0.005). The mean serum zinc level (Ī¼g/dl) was 67.15 Ā± 16.5 for cases and 68.45 Ā± 18.0 for controls without significant differences between the two groups (P = 0.636). For newborns, the mean birth weight (g) was 2,904.6 Ā± 486 for cases, and 3,128.3 Ā± 501 for controls, and the mean Apgar score was 8.03 Ā± 0.62 for cases and 8.30 Ā± 1.17 for controls, with significant differences between the two groups (P = <0.005). Furthermore, 43 (53.8%) of cases have family history of hypertension; 5 (6.2%) were primiparous; 19 (23.8%) have previous caesarian section; 33 (41.2%) have history of preeclampsia; and 62 (77.5%) have edema, with significant differences between the two groups (P = <0.005). Additionally, the total zinc dietary daily intake (mg/day) was 4.15 Ā± 2.10 for cases and 4.88 Ā± 3.02 for controls, with significant differences between the two groups (P = 0.041). After adjustment for confounding variables, participants in the case group have higher odds of having low total zinc dietary intake compared to those in the control group [OR = 1.185, 95% CI = (1.016ā€“1.382), P = 0.030].ConclusionThe current study showed the main risk factors of PIH among pregnant women in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Furthermore, low maternal dietary zinc intake was associated with a high level of PIH. Moreover, having PIH could increase the risk of low birth weight and low Apgar scores. Therefore, reducing the main risk factors of PIH could reduce the adverse effect on both mother and birth outcomes

    The impact of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis on BIRADS categorization of mammographic non-mass findings

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    Introduction: Mammography is the most used breast screening tool and was proven to reduce breast-cancer-associated mortality. The estimated sensitivity of mammography varies between 77% and 95%; however, sensitivity could be 26% lower in dense breasts than in entirely fatty breasts. The ability to represent the complex 3D breast architecture and early changes in anatomical structures in a 2D view is the biggest challenge for mammography. In Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT), tomographic images are reconstructed from multiple projections acquired from different angles. This technique allows the generation of 3D data, reduction of tissue overlap and allows better evaluation of masses, architectural distortion, and asymmetries compared with conventional two-dimensional mammographic images.Objective: To evaluate the impact of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis on BIRADS categorization of mammographic non-mass findings.Methods: Prospective cohort for 180 women with mammographic non-mass findings who presented to Alexandria University Radio diagnosis Department either for screening or diagnostic purposes between July 2019 and August 2020 with mean age 51.44 Ā± 10.67 . Digital breast tomosynthesis and ultrasound was done for all patients. Lesions were evaluated on DM; DBT alone then combined DBT & DM. Comparison of results according to changes in BIRADS, diagnostic performance using histopathology as gold standard.Results: 208 non-mass findings were detected by conventional mammography (104 asymmetry, 35 architectural distortion, 69 micro calcifications), Tomosynthesis reduced the BIRADS 3 count by 32%, upgraded the count of BIRADS 4 lesions by 11.4% while upgraded the BIRADS 2 by 18.9% with consequent improvement of sensitivity and specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy to 96%, 95%, 94%,97%, and 95.6%.Conclusion: Combined FFDM and DBT improved the diagnostic performance in evaluation of non-mass findings and proper BIRADS categorization

    Association of lipoprotein lipase gene with coronary heart disease in Sudanese population

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    AbstractCardiovascular disease is stabilizing in high-income countries and has continued to rise in low-to-middle-income countries. Association of lipid profile with lipoprotein lipase gene was studied in case and control subject. The family history, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking and alcohol consumption were the most risk factors for early-onset of coronary heart disease (CHD). Sudanese patients had significantly (P<0.05) lower TC and LDL-C levels compared to controls. Allele frequency of LPL D9N, N291S and S447X carrier genotype was 4.2%, 30.7% and 7.1%, respectively. We conclude that lipoprotein lipase polymorphism was not associated with the incidence of CHD in Sudan

    Sinteza i bioloŔko djelovanje novih supstituiranih derivata tiazolin-kinolina

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    5-Acyl-8-hydroxyquinoline-2-(3\u27-substituted-4\u27-aryl-2,3-dihydrothiazol-2\u27-ylide- ne)hydrazones, 5a-e to 10a-c, were prepared by the reaction of the appropriate 5-acyl-8-hydroxyquinoline-4-substituted thiosemicarbazones 3a-e and phenacyl bromides 4a-e. Structures of the new compounds were verified on the basis of spectral and elemental analyses. Twenty-eight new compounds were tested for their possible antimicrobial activities. Most of the tested compounds showed weak to moderate antibacterial activity against most of the bacterial strains used in comparison with gatifloxacin as a reference drug. The test compounds showed weak to moderate antifungal activity against tested fungi in comparison with ketoconazole as a reference drug. On the other hand, the newly synthesized compounds were tested for their anti-inflammatory effects and most of them showed good to excellent anti-inflammatory activity compared to indomethacin. Moreover, ulcerogenicity and the median lethal dose (LD50) of the most active anti-inflammatory compounds 6b and 9e were determined in mice; they were non-toxic at doses up to 400 mg kg-1 after i.p. administration.5-Acil-8-hidroksikinolin-2-(3\u27-supstituirani-4\u27-aril-2,3-dihidrotiazol-2\u27-ilid- ne)hidrazoni 5a-e do 10a-c pripravljeni su reakcijom odgovarajućih 5-acil-8-hidroksikinolin-4-supstituiranih tiosemikarbazona 3a-e i fenacil bromida 4a-e. Strukture novih spojeva potvrđene su na temelju spektralnih i elementarnih analiza. Dvadeset osam novih spojeva testirano je na potencijalno antimikrobno djelovanje. Većina spojeva pokazuje slabo do umjereno antibakterijsko djelovanje protiv većine testiranih bakterijskih sojeva u usporedbi s gatifloksacinom kao referentim lijekom, te slabo do umjereno antifungalno djelovanje protiv gljivica u usporedbi s ketokonazolom kao referentnim lijekom. Testovi na protuupalno djelovanje pokazuju da većina spojeva posjeduje dobro ili snažno protuupalno djelovanje u usporedbi s indometacinom. Ulcerogeno djelovanje i srednje letalne doze (LD50) najaktivnijih spojeva 6b i 9e određeni su na miÅ”evima. Rezultati pokazuju da su netoksični u dozama do 400 mg kg-1 nakon i.p. primjene

    Simultano UV-spektrofotometrijsko određivanje ramiprila, acetilsalicilne kiseline i atorvastatin kalcija u kapsulama primjenom kemometrijskih metoda

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    In the present work, three different spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous estimation of ramipril, aspirin and atorvastatin calcium in raw materials and in formulations are described. Overlapped data was quantitatively resolved by using chemometric methods, viz. inverse least squares (ILS), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS). Calibrations were constructed using the absorption data matrix corresponding to the concentration data matrix. The linearity range was found to be 1-5, 10-50 and 2-10 Āµg mLā€“1 for ramipril, aspirin and atorvastatin calcium, respectively. The absorbance matrix was obtained by measuring the zero-order absorbance in the wavelength range between 210 and 320 nm. A training set design of the concentration data corresponding to the ramipril, aspirin and atorvastatin calcium mixtures was organized statistically to maximize the information content from the spectra and to minimize the error of multivariate calibrations. By applying the respective algorithms for PLS 1, PCR and ILS to the measured spectra of the calibration set, a suitable model was obtained. This model was selected on the basis of RMSECV and RMSEP values. The same was applied to the prediction set and capsule formulation. Mean recoveries of the commercial formulation set together with other figures of merit (calibration sensitivity, selectivity, limit of detection, limit of quantification and analytical sensitivity) were estimated. Validity of the proposed approaches was successfully assessed for analyses of drugs in the various prepared physical mixtures and formulations.U radu su opisane tri različite spektrofotometrijske metode za određivanje ramiprila, acetilsalicilne kiseline i atorvastatin kalcija u sirovinama i formulacijama. Preklapanje podataka kvantitativno je rijeÅ”eno pomoću kemometrijskih metoda, tj. metodama inverznih najmanjih kvadrata (ILS), regresije glavnog sastojka (PCR) i djelomičnih najmanjih kvadrata (PLS). Kalibracije su postavljene pomoću matrice podataka za apsorpciju koja odgovara matrici pripadajućih koncentracija. Područje linearnosti za ramipril iznosilo je 1ā€“5, za acetilsalicilnu kiselinu 10ā€“50, a za atorvastatin kalcij 2ā€“10 Āµg mLā€“1. Matrica s apsorbancijama dobivena je mjerenjem apsorbancije nultog reda na valnim duljinama između 210 i 320 nm. Set podataka za koncentracije ramiprila, acetilsalicilne kiseline i atorvastatin kalcija u smjesi statistički je tako organiziran da osigura maksimalnu količinu informacije u spektrima i minimalizira greÅ”ku multivarijantnih kalibracija. Primjenom odgovarajućih algoritama za PLS, PCR i ILS na snimljene spektre kalibracijskog seta dobiven je dobar model, koji je odabran na temelju RMSECV i RMSEP vrijednosti. Isti model je primijenjen i na set s predviđenim vrijednostima i na kapsule sa smjesom ove tri ljekovite tvari. Određena je srednja vrijednost povrata za komercijalnu formulaciju te ostale analitičke izvedbene značajke (kalibracijska osjetljivost, selektivnost, granica dokazivanja, granica određivanja i analitička osjetljivost). Potvrđena je primjenjljivost predloženih metoda u analizama lijekova u fizičkim smjesama i u gotovim ljekovitim oblicima
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