854 research outputs found

    Using mapped quantitative trait loci in improving genetic evaluation

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    The benefit of using QTL information in dairy cattle breeding schemes by means of computer simulation is investigated. In addition, algorithms to overcome computational problems arising when marker data are included in mixed linear models were proposed.;Computer simulation was conducted with parameters relative to the Holstein population of the United States. Superiority of QTL-assisted selection (QAS) over QTL-free selection was studied in four pathways of selection, namely active sires, young bulls, bull dams, and cows, for cumulative genetic response, accuracy of evaluation, and selection pressure on the QTL.;Further, breeding scheme as a factor was studied. The breeding scheme was the most effective factor in increasing the superiority of QAS. As it agreed with many previous studies, nucleus breeding schemes were found to be promising systems to implement QTL information. On the other hand, benefits of QAS in conventional two stage selection programs were limited.;The interaction between the type of QTL information available and the breeding system was found important. Using a highly polymorphic QTL in nucleus schemes was found very effective. Effects of different number of alleles per locus and different number of loci on the superiority of QAS were studied.;An algorithm to directly build the inverse of a conditional gametic relationship matrix, given marker data, was developed. The inverse algorithm is based on matrix decomposition instead of partitioned matrix theory. Numerical techniques that greatly improved computing performance were introduced.;Appropriate modifications to the conventional breeding schemes that are currently in use are highly recommended. Further, attention should be paid to the characteristics of the QTL and how they may interact with the breeding system, e.g., number of loci and alleles. Finally, the study found that the use of marked or known QTL information in genetic evaluation is computationally possible and generally useful

    A framework for whole lifecycle cost of long-term digital preservation

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    Digital preservation, also known as digital curation, is the active management of digital information, over time, to ensure its accessibility and usability. Digital preservation is nowadays an active area of research, for many reasons: the rapid evolution of technology, which also results in the rapid obsolescence of old technologies; degradation of physical records; constantly increasing volumes of digital information and, importantly, the fact that it has started to become a legal obligation in many countries. This research project aims to develop an innovative framework estimate costs of long term digital preservation. The framework can lead to generating a cost model that quantifies costs within different business sectors, while capturing the impact of obsolescence and uncertainties on predicted cost. Case studies from financial, healthcare and clinical trials sectors are used to prove the framework concept. Those sectors were chosen because between them they share all file types that are required to be preserved and all are either obliged by European or local laws, e.g. EU Data Retention Directive (2006/24/EC) and/or UK Data Retention Regulations 2014 No. 2042, or interested in preserving their digital assets. The framework comprises of three phases: assessing digital preservation activities, cost analysis and expansion and cost estimation. The framework has integrated two processes that will enable the user to reach a more accurate cost estimate; a process for identifying uncertainties with digital preservation activities and a cost modelling process. In the framework cloud computing was used as an example for storage and compute technologies. Combining different research methodology techniques was used in this research project. Starting with conducting a thorough literature review covering digital preservation and cost modelling. Following the literature review; is a combination qualitative and quantitative approaches, using semi-structured interview technique to collect data from industry experts. Industry experts were chosen from companies, firms and government bodies working with or researching digital preservation. Finalising with validating results by real-life case studies from businesses in selected sectors and experts’ verdict. Comparing the output of the framework to real-life case studies, demonstrated how companies/firms, who target to preserve their digital assets, can utilise it to predict accurately future costs for undertaking such investment. By applying industrially-based cost modelling approaches the framework generates a cost model that predicts single-point and three-points cost estimates, an obsolescence taxonomy, uncertainties identification process and quantifying uncertainties and obsolescence impact on cost prediction. Providing decision makers with all the framework outputs, will provide them with quantifiable information about their future investment, while remaining clear to understand and easy to amend. This makes the framework provide long-term total cost prediction solution for digital preservation to firms; helping, guiding and adding insight into digital preservation added value

    Accounting Measurement And Disclosure: Choices And Implications From Egypt And The UAE

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    This study attempts to identify the degree of similarity in accounting practices –especially measurements and disclosure- between Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. The investigation extends to reasons that might be behind similarities and dissimilarities. A special investigation covers implications of source of finance, company size and involvement in foreign operations in the two countries on their accounting policies. Test of the research arguments is based on data published in the annual reports of companies in the two countries. The degree of similarity in accounting practices is measured by I index developed by Van der Tas (1988). This index computes the extent of concentration around a particular accounting practice

    The Political Hero Figure in Egyptian Songs: A Linguistic Reading. With Particular Reference to Jamal Abdel Nasser

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    The present paper deals with the political hero figure in Egyptian songs from a linguistic perspective. The researcher attempts to cast light on some linguistic features, including even few grammatical ones, which mark the treatment of the political hero figure in Egyptian songs with particular reference to Jamal Abdel Nasser as a case in point. The researcher, thus, adopts an analytical approach and tries to make use of linguistic techniques offered by discourse analysis. The basic hypothesis of the research is that one can learn a lot about political trends, inclinations and developments through even grammatical features that are hardly confined to mere structure and morphological relations. The claim is that through the investigation of such features, it is possible to trace the historical development of such figure across different periods of time that may reflect the political ups and downs in Nasser’s life as well as help gain a better understanding of the possible causes and consequences of the rise and fall of Nasser’s national project.Key words: Political heroes; Songs; Idealization; Nasserism; Jamal Abdel Nasser; Grammatical features and their semantic indication; Discourse analysi

    Online Privacy Concerns Among Social Networks’ Users

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    The study investigates how online social networks’ users in two Arab countries are concerned about their online privacy. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample (N=325) of Arab respondents in Emirates and Egypt. The results reveal a negative correlation between online privacy concerns and respondents' likelihood of providing personal information. Females are found to be more concerned about their privacy than males. Also, they tend to be more concerned than males in taking actions that protect their privacy. Emiratis use less online social networks than Egyptians and Arab residents in the UAE, while Egyptians have greater trust in online social networks. Key words: Online privacy concerns; Online social networks; Trust in online social networks; Privacy protection and Communication Privacy Management theoryResumé: L'étude examine comment les utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux en ligne dans deux pays arabes sont préoccupés par leurs affaires personnelles en ligne. Un questionnaire structuré a été utilisé pour recueillir des données auprès d'un échantillon (N = 325) des répondants dans les Émirats arabes et l'Egypte. Les résultats révèlent une corrélation négative entre la préoccupation sur la vie privée et la probabilité des répondants de fournir des renseignements personnels en ligne. Les femmes sont plus préoccupées par leur vie privée que les hommes. En outre, elles ont plus de tendance que les hommes à prendre des mesures qui protègent leur vie privée. Les Emiratis utilisent moins les réseaux sociaux en ligne que les Egyptiens et les résidents arabes des Emirats Arabes Unis, tandis que les Egyptiens ont une plus grande confiance en réseaux sociaux en ligne.Mots-clés: problèmes concernant la vie privée en ligne; réseaux sociaux en ligne; confiance en réseaux sociaux; protection de la vie privée et la théorie de la gestion des affaires personnelles dans la communicatio

    Charge Simulation Technique As Applied To Electrostatic Precipitators

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    In this work, one of the objectives was to present a method based, on the charge simulation technique, that accurately evaluates the electrical parameters in duct-type precipitators. The method is intended to be applicable to variable physical dimensions of the precipitator as well as to account for a wide range of operating conditions, particularly dust loading conditions.;The charge simulation technique was choosen following a literature survey and analysis for the different methods available for evaluating the electrical parameters of duct-type precipitators. This survey included the approximate analytical methods of P. Cooperman, G. Cooperman and conformal transformations as well as the numerical methods of finite difference and finite element.;In choosing the charge simulation method, the author developed a procedure for adapting this technique to solve problems that in general involve space charge of unknown distributions.;Computer models based on the charge simulation technique are developed to simulate different operating conditions in cylindrical precipitators. These models were developed with the intent of checking the validity and the accuracy of applying the charge simulation technique to this geometry. Later these models were extended to the more complex duct-type geometry.;For the duct geometry, the corona in clean air model shows good agreement to the published experimental work of Penney, Felici and Tassicker.;Another objective of this work was to investigate the enhanced performance of wide-duct spacing precipitators compared to standard duct spacing. Since no experimental data was found in the literature concerning the electrical parameters of wide duct spacing precipitators, it was decided to design and construct a laboratory scale electrostatic precipitator of variable duct spacing. Experiments were carried out to measure the current density and electric field distributions at the collecting plates for several duct spacings.;Finally, a corona quenching model was developed for the duct geometry. This model was also used in the study of wide duct spacing precipitators.;The results of this study show that the technique is suitable for the purpose of accurately predicting the electrical characteristics of electrostatic precipitators under variable operating conditions

    Dealing with urban poverty: the case of Ezbet Bekhit, Manshiet Nasser

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    The objective of this research is to examine the effectiveness or lack thereof of community-based organizations (CBOs) in alleviating poverty in Ezbet Bekhit, Manshiet Nasser, with a special focus on employment creation. This is achieved by studying the organizational structure of these CBOs; their links with larger organizations and their role in wider development plans; their definitions of poverty and their visions and strategies for poverty alleviation in addition to initiatives targeting employment creation; the sustainability of these CBOs and their initiatives, and finally the employment prospects for the inhabitants of Ezbet Bekhit

    High tech ships; the status of safety after reduced manning and the possibilities of transferring this technology to developing countries

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    The international maritime conventions and regulations and the national legislation concerning safety at sea almost were proceeded by catastrophies before they came into existence. Therefore, the emergence of the reduced manning ships was countered by a lot of noise and obstacles created by the safety people all around. This thesis in Part A, is not to hinder or slow down the process, it is a rational study to the phenomenon, evaluation of the pros and cons, removing the obstacles to consildate safety on board. It is actually an initiative to harness, think over and an attempt to regulate and control the safety requirements, once, before a catastrophy will take place. The International Conference on Marine Engineering systems (ICMES) was held in Malmo in 1987 and was addressed by Mr. C.P. Srivastava, Secretary General of IMO. He requested the presence to work and convince the others to work on the issue of transferring the marine technology to the developing countries. Since that moment I decided to do something about it. Part B of this thesis is an attempt for studying and analysing all the factors surrounding the transfer of marine technology from the developed to the developing countries. A considerable stress is made on the application of the hihg-tech ships, discussed in Part A , in the developing countries and Sudan in particular