49 research outputs found

    Additional file 2 of Combined models for pre- and post-treatment longitudinal biomarker data: an application to CD4 counts in HIV-patients

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    Tar file containing an R script and ADMB template files to simulate data based on the structure and point estimates of Model6, as described in Results section, and to then refit Model4 and Model6 to these data. (TAR 205 kb

    Hazard Ratios for Key Events by Study Phase.

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    <p>Table gives number of patients experiencing an event during the indicated study period and rate per 100 patient months follow-up. HR = hazard ratio (IL-2 versus control) from a proportional hazards model stratified by region. <i>Main study</i> refers to the period from randomization to 28 February 2009, the original planned end of the study (patients at risk: 176 IL-2, 91 control). <i>Extension</i> refers to the extended follow-up phase, from 1 March 2009 through 28 February 2011 (patients at risk: 142 IL-2, 80 control). Interaction p-values shown are for treatment group by study phase interaction.</p>*<p>This reflects one additional OD event, in the control group, that was reported after the analysis and publication of the original study data.</p

    Novel methods for 18F-radiolabelling

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    <p>The expansion of [<sup>18</sup>F]-radiolabelling methodologies is vital for the advancement of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) as a medical imaging tool. Novel protocols will simplify access to current PET tracers and allow development of original tracers, potentially enhancing the imaging quality or permit imaging of a wider range of clinical problems. A general introduction is presented in <b>Chapter 1</b>, covering PET, application of fluorine-19 in the pharmaceutical industry, the production of fluorine-18 and the current state-of -art for [<sup>18</sup>F]-radiolabelling. </p> <p>The results chapters are divided in to two parts; <b>Part 1</b> (<b>Chapters 2 - 4</b>) concern the synthesis of [18F]fluoroarenes and <b>Part II</b> (<b>Chapters 5</b> and <b>6</b>) discuss diversity oriented radiofluorination techniques, targeting novel [<sup>18</sup>F]motifs.</p> <p>In <b>Part I</b>, Chapter 2 describes the use of hypervalent iodine reagents to meditate an umpolung approach for fluorination and radiofluorination of N-arylsulfonamides and anilides. <b>Chapter 3</b> again utilises hypervalent iodine reagents, but as spirocyclic iodonium(III) ylide precursors, being applied to semi-automated and automated microfluidic conditions. <b>Chapter 4</b> discusses the development of conditions for the production and isolation of radiopharmaceuticals employing Cu(II)-mediated radiofluorination of aryl boronic pinacol esters.</p> <p>In <b>Part II, Chapter 5</b> discusses the applicability of halogen exchange reactions to reach polyfluorinated motfis and <b>Chapter 6</b> focuses on the application of a single diazo precursor to access three polyfluorinated motifs with single-step reactions.</p> <p>Finally, <b>Chapter 7</b> provides experimental data for compounds discussed in this thesis.</p