812 research outputs found


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    An accelerated stability study was performed on diclofenac sodium controlled release matrix tablets (MT20,MT33,MT34,MT33p,MT34p ) containing natural gums, semi-synthetic gum , Eudragit L100,and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC).Drug content was found to be in the range of 90-105% in all the five matrix formulas. Applying out of stability trend rules (OOT), the best formula was found to be MT33 which contained Guar gum 15%, and gum Arabic15%. No changes in physical appearance, or organoleptic properties were observed. Microbiological tests for the five matrix tablets were evaluated (1). No growth (bacteria or fungi) was detected, in preserved or non-preserved formulas despite of the gum content in these controlled release tablet

    Population Density, Developmental Period and Fecundity of Anopheles Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Gezira State, Sudan

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    In the Gezira State, insecticides were used for many years for controlling mosquitoes and other agricultural pests. The objective of this work was to study the population density, the developmental periods the reproductive periods and the fecundity of Anopheles mosquitoes in the Gezira State, Sudan. The study was conducted in three sites; Elmanagel, Elhosh and Wad Medani.Ten of one-day old or less of the cultured adult males and females of A. pharoensis wewe transferred separately to cage. The female pre-oviposition period, daily number of eggs deposited, the oviposition period, the post oviposition period, the adult longevity and the average number of eggs per female were recorded. The results revealed that, the number of A.arabiensis larvae collected from  the three sites was higher than that of A. pharoensis and A. funestus during the two seasons (2009 and 2010). The number of A. funestus adults collected at Wad Medani site during the two seasons was lowest than that collected from El Managel and El Hosh. The incubation period of the eggs, was relatively similar in all Anopheles species, as same as the larval period. The pupal period was relatively longer in A. funestus (2.4 days) and A. pharoensis (2.2 days) than in A.arabiensis (2 days). Adult A. pharoensis lived relatively longer (21 days) than A arabiensis and A. funestus (20 days). The total life cycle was relatively longer (32 days) in A. pharoensis than in A. arabiensis and A. funestus (30 days for each). Females of all species of Anopheles mosquito oviposited after one day from their emergence from the pupae and took also one day before they oviposit again. The oviposition period was significantly longer in A. arabiensis (3.3 days) than in A. pharoensis (2.5 days) and A. funestus (1.8 days). The oviposition rate was significantly higher in A. arabiensis (191) than in  A. pharoensis (150) and A. funestus (79). The fecundity of A. arabiensis (624 eggs/female) was significantly greater than that of A. pharoensis (391 eggs/female) and A. funestus (141 eggs/female). Such study should be run periodically for all sites in the Gezira State and neighboring States. &nbsp

    Status of greenhouses in Khartoum and Gezira States, Sudan

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       Greenhouse technology facilitates the cultivation of most horticultural crops in any region of the world, provided that the greenhouse is properly designed and equipped to control environmental conditions. The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of greenhouses in Khartoum and Gezira States, Sudan, and show their drawbacks and disadvantages.  A survey was carried out using a questionnaire and interviews with greenhouse owners in Khartoum and Gezira States. Khartoum and Gezira States have about 68 greenhouse projects, 33 of them were selected for the study. The data were collected during 2013 and were analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) computer program. Results showed that 69.7% of greenhouses were privately owned and the vast majority of greenhouses were used to produce vegetable crops or seedlings. Results indicated that most of the greenhouses designs are not suited to the hot arid tropics of the Sudan. More than half of greenhouses had the arched system, most of them were covered by polyethylene, 69.7% of greenhouses were constructed in a single span, 72.7% had a single door, 76.3% of greenhouses had a height between 2.5 m to 3 m and 42.6% of them were 40 m long. Accordingly, an ideal greenhouse design is needed in which all the drawbacks and shortcomings are corrected to suit the arid conditions of central Sudan

    Current status of tomato greenhouse production in Khartoum and Gezira States, Sudan.

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    Tomato production under protected cultivation has increased consistently in recent decades in the Sudan. The objective of this study was to investigate the current situation of tomato cultural practices in existing greenhouses in Khartoum and Gezira States. A survey was carried out using a questionnaire and interviews with greenhouse owners in Khartoum and Gezira States. Khartoum and Gezira States have about 68 greenhouse projects, 33 of them were selected for the study. Data were collected during 2013 and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Results indicated that a large number of introduced tomato cultivars were used for production and most of greenhouse farmers (48.5%) sow tomato seeds in mid-February. The majority of farmers (63.6%) grow tomato in high plant density (30cm). More than half of greenhouses (75.8 %) had no specific fertilizer programs. Most of the greenhouse farmers (90.9 %) prune weekly. All greenhouse farmers used pesticides for pest control. Our observations indicated that most of the growers failed to produce summer tomato. Accordingly, further research in tomato greenhouse production is needed

    Effects of Temperature in Different Initial Duration Time for Soft Clay Stabilized by Fly Ash Based Geopolymer

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    When soft clay soils are included in engineering projects, it’s stabilized usually with some kinds of admixtures named as stabilizers. The common stabilizers that highly practiced are OPC, lime, high calcium fly ash (FA), etc. Each one of these stabilizers has its shortcomings. Geopolymers are the product of alkali activated aluminosilicate sources that excelled as an alternative to ordinary binders due to its sustainability, low cost and good mechanical properties. This study investigates the effects of some key elements like liquid over fly ash ratio (Liq/FA), initial duration curing time (D) and its temperature to soil – FA based Geopolymers samples characterized by its unconfined compressive strength testing (UCS), volumetric measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD). The Liq/FA taken as 2.71, 3.167, 3.8 and 4.75 respectively and the duration time taken were 1, 6, 18 and 24 hrs. respectively. The tests results showed that the maximum peak strength gain when Liq/FA is 3.8 at 90 oC with 24 hrs. D. It was observed that Young’s Modulus increased with increasing curing temperature for certain D. Volumetric strain increased by increasing D and its temperature. SEM and XRD analyses confirmed the Geopolymers gels formation for a selective precursor while EDX analyses showed that silicon over aluminium ratio is 1.38 for selective spectrum within the gel to the same mixture.

    New Gene Combinations Conferring Resistance to the Bacterial Blight Disease of Cotton

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    F2 plants comprising different gene combinations were evaluated for cotton bacterial blight resistance in the field of the Gezira Research Station and the greenhouse of the Plant Pathology Centre of the University of Gezira, Neshashiba, Wad Medani, during the autumn of 2002. Results generally showed significant differences between different gene combinations in resistance to the new race of the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum. Leaf disease grades ranged from 4 to 6. Most of the plants fell into grade 5. Genotype 12, with expected gene combination of (B2B3B6B7B9B12), expressed the highest level of resistance with a mean disease grade of 4, while genotypes 7, 11 and 15 showed the lowest level of resistance with a mean disease grade of 6. The results indicated the importance of the genetic background B2B3B7 in improving resistance to both the old and the new races when one of the following major genes B4, B6, B9, and B12 is incorporated. In such background, resistance level improves as the number of genes increases. Therefore, the commercial resistant cultivars having B2B6 genetic background to the old race of the bacterium can be replaced by the genetic background involving B2B3B7 in addition to one of the four major genes mentioned above in order to protect the cotton crop. Genotypes 5, 6, 12, and 19 were recommended for further improvement as they expressed relatively high level of resistance to the pathogen. &nbsp

    Flood Modeling Water Appraisal and Land Reclamation: A Case Study of Gash River

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    With the objective to solve Kassala Town flooding on one hand and appraise and utilize the surface and ground water potential on the other, a Correlation Model applied at El Gira, station with Kassala indicated that Kassala is continuously subjected to high floods risks. Gumbel Distribution Model and digitized map of the Gash River catchment area gave the same degree of risk. A four to five years flood return period was found to be about 600 m3/sec at Kassala Station with a discharge at El Gira about 750 m3/sec. Only 5 % of the surface water passing Kassala Town is consumed for irrigating an area of 20 000 feddans per year. It was found that the agricultural area can be reclaimed through a by pass upstream Kassala Town, making Kassala safe on one hand and using the excess water in cultivation on the other. Using HEC-HMS Model at the confluence of Khor Abu Alaga with the Gash River a hydrograph was obtained which indicated that the base flow has a maximum of 400 m3/sec. with a maximum observed surface flow of 900m3/sec. Hence the HEC-HMS Model besides indicating ground water base verified the results of the surface flow upstream Kassala gauging station obtained by both Empirical and Gumbel Distribution Models. The observed surface flow being 900 m3/sec is logical and consistent with the corresponding result obtained at Kassala which was found to be a maximum of only 750 m3/sec. Using G.I.S. available facilities contour maps were plotted, and ground water potential being both quantitatively and qualitatively excellent were found to be 3897.6 Mm3. The study recommended cooperation between Sudan, and Gash River Basin countries, as well as establishing an early warning system to reduce the risk hazards

    Simple Mu-Negative Half Mode CRLH Antenna Configuration for MIMO Applications

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    A design of compact size mu-negative half mode composite right left handed metamaterial antenna, using only series capacitive loading, for MIMO application is presented. The proposed configuration is simple as it is realized using via free configuration. The MIMO antenna is formed using two antenna elements designed to operate at 5.8 GHz for wireless applications. The overall MIMO antenna size is only 2.6 × 2.6 cm^2 with in-between separation = 1.8 mm (0.034 lambda_0). Moreover, the ports mutual coupling reduction between the two antenna elements, achieved without using extra structure, is lower than -20 dB. Compared to conventional two microstrip patch MIMO antennas, our proposed configuration has more than 50 % size reduction and 9 dB enhancement in the mutual coupling for the same separation. The antenna design principles, full wave simulations, experimental measurements are introduced with good agreement. Finally, the MIMO parameters are extracted and discussed

    Correlations of complete blood count, liver enzyme and serum uric Acid in Sudanese pre-eclamptic cases

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    Background: Pre-eclampsia is a serious disorder of pregnancy with unknown ethological factors that may occur at any stage of second or third trimester of pregnancy. The objectives of the present study were to assess changes in complete blood counts including platelets, liver enzymes and serum uric acid in pre-eclamptic cases compared to second-half normal pregnant and non-pregnant Sudanese women and their correlations to other biomarkers.Methods: This was a cross-sectional, case-control study performed from December 2008 to December 2010; in Omdurman Maternity Hospital, in concomitance with other studies in pre-eclampsia. The sample size included three groups, 72 up pre-eclamptic cases in their recent pregnancies, 96 normal pregnant in their second half of pregnancy and 63 non- pregnant (control) women; a total of 231 subjects. Questionnaire Interviews and clinical examination were done for all participants. Laboratory investigations were done including complete blood picture, liver enzymes and uric acid.  Results: The mean Hb concentration of the pre-eclamptic (11.3g/dl±1.7) was statistically significantly lower than that of the non-pregnant (12.1g/dl±0.2) (P=0.01) but not from that of the normal pregnant (11.4g/dl±0.1) (P=0.882) .There was no statistical significant difference in the mean WBC count between the pre-eclamptic (7.4x103/mm3±0.3) and non-pregnant (7.3x103/mm3±0.3) (P=0.797) and between the pre-eclamptic and normal pregnant (7.7x103/mm3±0.2) (P=0.270). There was a considerable statistical significant decrease in the mean platelets count of the pre-eclamptic (236.4/mm3±8.3) compared to the non-pregnant group (322.0/mm3±10.4) (P=0.0001) s well as to the normal pregnant (275.0/mm3±8.9) (P = 0.003). In the pre-eclamptic cases, serum ALT correlated significantly with TWCC (r=0.26, P=0.03) and serum AST (r=0.65, P=0.000). In the pre-eclamptic cases, serum AST correlated significantly with Hb (r=0.26, P=0.03), serum ALT and serum uric acid (r=0.36, P=0.01).Conclusions: There was a considerable statistical significant decrease in mean platelets count of the pre-eclamptic compared to the non-pregnant group and to the normal pregnant may be explained by hemodilution; whereas further decrease was due to pre-eclampsia. ALT and AST are strong prognostic indicators of pre-eclampsia

    Performance analysis of HRO-B+ scheme for the nested mobile networks using OPNet

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    As a demand of accessing Internet is increasing dramatically, host mobility becomes insufficient to fulfill these requirements. However, to overcome this limitation, network mobility has been introduced. One of its implementation is NEMO Basic Support protocol which is proposed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). In NEMO, one or more Mobile Router(s) manages the mobility of the network in a way that its nodes would be unaware of their movement. Although, it provides several advantages, it lacks many drawbacks in term of route optimization especially when multiple nested mobile networks are formed. This paper presents a new hierarchical route optimization scheme for nested mobile networks using Advanced Binding Update List (BUL+), which is called HRO-B+. From performance evaluation, it shows that this scheme performs better in terms of throughput, delay, response time, and traffic, and achieves optimal routing