128 research outputs found

    A2×1LINC transceiver for enhanced power transmission in wireless systems

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    A 2 × 1 LINC transceiver based on linear amplification using nonlinear components (LINC) architecture for wireless systems applications is proposed. The layout of the new architecture is presented and the simulation results show that the overall power efficiency of this architecture is superior by more than 300% when compared with that of a regular LINC amplifier. Also the adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) is lowered to −64.2 dBc, compared to −26.1 dBc for regular LINC, which improves the system immunity against complex gain imbalances between LINC branches

    Increased α-Fetoprotein Predicts Steatosis among Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 4

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    Background. The prognostic importance of α-fetoprotein (AFP) level elevation in patients with chronic hepatitis C and its clinical significance in steatosis associated with HCV infection remain to be determined. The present paper assessed clinical significance of elevated AFP in patients with CHC with and without steatosis. Methods. One hundred patients with CHC were divided into 50 patients with CHC and steatosis and 50 patients with CHC and no steatosis based on liver biopsy. Results. AFP was significantly increased in CHC with steatosis than patients without steatosis (P < 0.001). Highly significant positive correlation was found between serum AFP and necroinflammation as well as the severity of fibrosis/cirrhosis and negative significant correlation with albumin level in chronic HCV with steatosis (P < 0.001) but negative nonsignificant correlation with ALT and AST level (P ≤ 0.778 and 0.398), respectively. Highly significant increase was found in chronic hepatitis patients with steatosis than CHC without steatosis regarding necroinflammation as well as the severity of fibrosis/cirrhosis and AFP (P < 0.001). Conclusion. Patients with chronic HCV and steatosis have a higher AFP levels than those without steatosis. In chronic HCV with steatosis, elevated AFP levels correlated positively with HAI and negative significant correlation with albumin level

    Alcohol-Selective Oxidation in Water under Mild Conditions via a Novel Approach to Hybrid Composite Photocatalysts

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    The oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl compounds in a clean fashion (i.e., with water as a solvent or under solvent-free conditions, and using O2 or H2O2 as the primary oxidant) is the subject of considerable research efforts. A new approach for the selective oxidation of soluble aromatic alcohols in water under mild conditions via a novel composite photocatalyst has been developed. The catalyst is synthesized by grafting 4-(4-(4-hydroxyphenylimino)cyclohexa-2,5dienylideneamino)phenol and silver nanoparticles onto the surface of moderately crystalline titanium dioxide. The titanium dioxide-based composite was first extensively characterized and then employed in the catalytic oxidation of 4-methoxybenzyl alcohol to 4-methoxybenzaldehyde under UV irradiation in water at room temperature. The corresponding aldehyde was obtained with unprecedented high selectivity (up to 86 %). The method is general and opens the route to fabrication of photocatalytic composites based on titanium dioxide functionalized with shuttle organic molecules and metal nanoparticles for a variety of oxidative conversions

    Multivariate analysis of interactive effects of sowing dates and sesame genotypes

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    Six divergent genotypes of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) were crossed using a half diallel mating design according to Griffing (1956) excluding reciprocal crosses, to estimate stability for studied traits under three sowing dates in the experimental farm at Agricultural Research Station in Ismailia Governorate during summer season 2018. The 15 hybrids and their 6 parents were grown in field experiments in two geographical locations (Ismailia and El-Sharkia Governorates) and two seasons (2019 and 2020) under three sowing dates (April 1st and 2nd (SD1), May 1st and 2nd (SD2) and June 1st and 2nd (SD3) in Ismailia and Sharkia, respectively. A split plot design was used in randomized complete blocks with four replications, the main plots included planting dates while the 21 genotypes were in sub-plots. Combined analysis of variance over locations and seasons gave highly significant differences. Most of the interactions between the studied factors showed high significance for most of the traits under study. Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) analysis for seed yield for 12 environments (two locations, two seasons and three sowing dates) showed significant effect of environments, genotypes and their interactions. The E2, E3, E8 and E9 had high mean seed yield above the grand mean environments values and are considered suitable and favorable for sesame seed production due to its low interactive effects. Sesame genotypes 7, 18, 10, 19, 12, 13, 15 were nearly close to the origin and thus the most stable and less responsive to the GEI (Genotype-by-Environment Interaction). In contrast, genotypes 1, 20, 8, 11 and 2 were far from the origin, sensitive to environmental changes and their yields are unstable. Keywords: Sesame, half diallel, sowing dates, AMMI, biplo

    Flexural Strength of Innovative Thin-Walled Composite Cold-Formed Steel/PE-ECC Beams

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    A detailed experimental investigation on the flexural behaviour of an innovative precast composite element combining cold-formed steel (CFS) and engineered cementitious composites (ECC) is presented in this paper. Bonding ECC to the lightweight thin-walled CFS sections enhanced the buckling, bearing, and torsional properties of the composite sections. The proposed composite system will be used as precast flexural members in framed structures with large spans or as a rehabilitation approach for corroded cold-formed and hot-rolled steel flexural members. Simply supported beams with comparatively long spans with span-to-depth ratios of 6.83 and 13.48 were installed back-to-back and tested under a 4-point loading configuration. The behaviour of composite CFS/ECC beams under bending was investigated and compared with the bare CFS sections. Composite CFS/MOR beams incorporating high-strength mortar (MOR) as an ECC replacement were also investigated. The test specimens were divided into three series with sixteen tests in total. Series A (SC300) included six tests utilising 300-mm height SupaCee sections, Series B (C300) included four tests using 300-mm height lipped-Cee sections, and Series C (SC150) included six tests utilising 150-mm height SupaCee sections. The composite CFS/ECC beams exhibited high load-bearing capacities after reaching their plastic section capacities, while the bare CFS beams failed to reach their yield section capacities due to distortional buckling. Composite CFS/MOR beams could not reach their plastic moment capacities due to debonding between MOR and CFS after MOR crushing. The moment capacities of the composite CFS/ECC beams increased up to 140.0% over their duplicate bare CFS sections, while composite CFS/MOR beams showed only a 72.0% increase over CFS sections. Lastly, design equations to predict the moment capacity of composite CFS/ECC beams are presented, based on the experimental results

    Effect of Soft Tissue Mobilization on Cervical Pain in Nursing Women

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    Introduction: cervical pain in nursing women is aserious health problem because it certainly limits function and capacity in both work and personal life. Purpose: This study was performed to determine the effectiveness of soft tissue mobilization on the treatment of cervical pain in nursing women. Subjects: sixty breastfeeding women were selected from Fakous Hospital at El Sharqia, diagnosed with neck pain and active myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) in the upper fibres of trapezius muscle. Patients were divided randomly into two groups equal in number: group (A) received convential physical therapy (stretching exercise), group (B) received instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) and convential physical therapy. Methods: The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Neck disability index scale (NDI) were assessed before the study and after four weeks. Results: The mean difference in VAS between groups post treatment was 1.6. There was a significant decrease in VAS of group B compared with that of group A post treatment. The mean difference in NDI between groups post treatment was 5.4%. There was a significant decrease in the NDI of group B compared with that of group A post treatment. Conclusion: soft tissue mobilization can be used on the treatment of cervical pain in nursing women. It has significant effect on Visual Analogue Scale and Neck disability index scale rather than convential physical therapy only

    Chest wall reconstruction still has place in Today’s modern practice:" a tertiary center experience"

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    Background: The key factor following chest wall resection is the preservation of the stability and integrity of the chest wall to support the respiration and protect the underlying organs. The present study aims to evaluate the use of the available grafts and prosthetic materials at our center in chest wall reconstruction with adherence to the proper surgical techniques, good perioperative and postoperative care to obtain good results. Methods: This is a retrospective single center study that concludes all patients underwent chest wall reconstruction for a variety of defects resulting from resection of tumors, trauma due to primarily firearms or motor car accidents, resection of radio necrotic tissues, infection and dehiscence of median sternotomy wounds after cardiac surgery. &nbsp;Results: Study population consisted of 30 patients between January 2015and may 2018, among them were 20 male (70%) and 10 female patients (30%), with a median age of 43 ± 16.3 years, resection and reconstruction was performed in 23 cases (15 neoplastic,5 infective and&nbsp; 3 firearm cases) while reconstruction alone was performed in 7 (traumatic flail chest)&nbsp; cases. Eighteen patients, underwent rib resection with an average 4.18 ± 2.2 ribs (range 2-6). Associated lung resection was performed in 5 patients (27.8 %): diaphragmatic resection was done in 2 cases in addition total sternal resection was performed in 5 cases. Most of the patients (96.7%) had primary healing of their wounds. there was one death (3.3%) in the early postoperative period. The average length of hospital stay for all patients was 8.7 days (range: 5–15). Respiratory complications occurred in three cases in the form of atelectasis and pneumonia at the ipsilateral side of reconstruction. Three cases suffered wound seroma which successfully managed by daily dressing and antibiotic coverage. Conclusions: according to our study and the analysis of similar studies, adequate perioperative preparation of patient undergoing chest wall resection and reconstruction with adherence to effective surgical techniques allowed us to use the available materials at our center for chest wall reconstruction with good and effective results without adding burden in terms of cost on the patient

    Impact of a psychoeducation program on reducing anger behavior of primary school students at New Assiut city

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    The increasing prevalence of childhood antisocial behavior is a serious social problem presenting major costs and challenges for individuals, families, schools, and communities.This study aimed to study the effect of a psychoeducation program on reducing anger behavior of primary school students with anti-social behaviors.A total number of 50 primary studentsof AGS language at New Assiut city were included in the study .Tools: Demographic data sheet, socio-economic assessment scale, and Personal experiences associated with anger feeling scale were used for gathering the required data. Results: There were highly statistical significance differences between pre and posttest of anger scale and its domain (p= 0.0001) with greet improvement in the behaviors of the studied children after the intervention. Also, Correlation was found between mean and 'r' values of anger behavior total scores and its domains throughout the intervention program. Statistically, a significant difference was found between the standard deviation and 'r' values of pre-test and post-test anger total score (p &lt;0.0001).Conclusion: There was a great improvement in children's behaviors after program application. Male students show signs of anger behavior than female students. Recommendations: Counselors need to be employed in schools. Professionally training of teachers is required to deal with the anger behavior of the children. Proper application of reward and punishment by both the teachers and parents can help. Keywords: psychoeducation program, primary school, students, anti-social behavior

    Thyroid Gland Volume in Adults with Epilepsy: Relationship to Thyroid hormonal function

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    Several studies were done investigating thyroid function in patients with epilepsy. However the results of different studies were conflicting or controversial. This study aimed to evaluate thyroid hormonal changes and their relationship to thyroid volume in epileptic adults on long-term treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). This study included 135 adults with idiopathic epilepsy with mean age of 32.32±4.34years, duration of illness of 10.52±5.08years and on treatment with carbamazepine (CBZ), valproate (VPA) or CBZ+VPA for a mean duration of 8.66±3.32years. The serum levels of free thyroxine (fT4), triiodothyronine (fT3), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were assessed. Thyroid volume was measured using ultrasonography. Compared to control subjects, patients had significant lower fT4 (p&lt;0.01) and fT3 (p&lt;0.01) and higher levels of TSH (p&lt;0.0001). All patients with reduced fT4 had reduced fT3 and increased TSH levels. Nearly 26% of the patients had enlargement of the thyroid gland (p&lt;0.001). Patients on polytherapy had more thyroid volume compared to patients on monotherapy (p&lt;0.05) and patients on VPA had more thyroid volume compared to patients on CBZ (p&lt;0.03). All patients were clinically euthyroid. Significant correlations were identified between fT4 concentrations and duration of illness, dose, serum level and duration of AEDs treatment, fT3 and TSH concentrations and between thyroid volume and fT4, fT3 and TSH concentrations. CBZ and VPA as mono- or poly- therapies may cause thyroid hormonal and structural abnormalities. Thyroid enlargement is due to associated subclinical hypothyroidsm. This data have implications suggesting prevention strategies

    Maternal satisfaction with delivery services at tertiary university hospital in upper Egypt, is it actually satisfying?

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    Background: Maternal health has therefore become an important aspect of policy and planning for healthcare, as reflected by its inclusion as the fifth Millennium Development Goal (MDG). The objective of the present investigation was to determine the maternal satisfaction towards delivery services at Women's Health Hospital, Assiut University, Upper EgyptMethods: A cross sectional study was performed. The study was conducted during February- April 2016 on a sample of 400 delivering mothers; the data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS version21. Statistical tests were used, and significance level was taken at p-value <0.05.Results: A total of 400 delivering mothers were interviewed, of which 67.0 % of the respondents were between the age group of 20-30, 76.75 % were from rural areas, 48.0%were illiterate, 86.75% were house wives and 46.0% belonged to the income group of less than 500 EGP. The findings of the study showed that the overall maternal satisfaction level with the delivery services rendered at the hospital was 78.5%, while 21.5% were dissatisfied. Furthermore, satisfaction with the delivery service was found to have a significant association with the age of the respondents and educational level of the respondents. Moreover, results suggest that women are satisfied with the communication factors, interpersonal behavior, good management, and general satisfaction. Women were least satisfied with privacy sensation during hospital stay and obligatory blood donation.Conclusions: Although most participants were satisfied by the delivery service provided to them during delivery, Dissatisfaction by a minority group resulted in a limited ability of communication with mothers, lack of privacy sensation during hospital stay and obligatory blood donation. Thus, mechanisms should be developed to increase maternal satisfaction in our hospital