457 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution of the phytonematode community in Egyptian berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) fields

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    La loi de puissance de Taylor a été ajustée (#P<1.01) à l'ensemble de populations de nématodes phytoparasites prélevés dans la rhizosphère de 41 champs de trèfle d'Egypte entre septembre et décembre 1992. Les estimations du paramètre #b de la loi de Taylor - un indice de dispersion des nématodes - s'étalent de 1,218 à 1,869, indiquant ainsi différents degré d'agrégation des nématodes. Les différences dans la valeur de #b ne sont pas liées (#P<0,05) au mode nutritionnel du nématode. Les transformations opérées à partir de la loi de puissance de Taylor sont plus représentatives que les transformations fondées sur les log. ou racines carrées car elles stabilisent les variances des données relatives aux populations de nématodes. La taille des échantillons correspondant à un niveau prédéterminé d'erreur de prélèvements a été déterminée. Les différences entre les points d'alignement de la loi de puissance - en tant qu'indicateurs de la taille de l'échantillon et de l'habitat - ont été étudiées statistiquement. (Résumé d'auteur

    Accuracy and precision of phytonematode sampling plans

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    Sampling accuracy and precision are basic to nematode research and rational management decision. Taylor's Power Law is used to determine sample size. The published power law parameters are used here differently to define levels of reliability associated with a fixed, cost-determined, sample size. Such levels may provide the decision-maker with more informative data on sampling methods and their reliabilities. Instead of solving for unknown sample number, the rearranged equation to solve for sampling accuracy permitted the use of exact Student’s t-values. The t-values for confidence limits and standard normal variate were used. Both statistical techniques resulted in identical confidence band, in terms of being below, at, or above the economic threshold level, in the majority of cases. Reckoning with new trends in collecting and processing samples, a 99% confidence interval above action threshold of Tylenchulus semipenetrans population with mean = 2500 at a precision of 80% or more would be attainable

    Postharvest application with propolis for controlling white rot disease of green bean pods

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    White rot is the most severe disease attacking green bean pods during pre and postharvest stages. Ethanol extracted propolis (EEP) at four concentrations i.e. 0, 5, 10 and 15% was tested to study its effect on growth inhibition zone of the causative fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Results indicated that all tested concentrations of EEP significantly increased the inhibition zone of S. sclerotiorum growth. The highest increase was obtained with at 15% where complete reduction in sclerotia germination occurred. At EEP 10%, the sclerotia germination was reduced by 91.6%.  When the same concentrations were tested to study their effect on white rot disease of green bean pods during storage, all EEP significantly reduced the percentage of white rot incidence and severity. The highest reduction was obtained with EEP at 15%; reducing the disease incidence and severity by 90 and 91.8% respectively, followed by EEP at 10% which reduced the incidence and severity by 78 and 82% respectively. EEP at 5% showed moderate effect. EEP is suggested as good biosystem within integrated management of pathogens and safe alternative for controlling postharvest diseases of green bean pods

    Biological control of Meloidogyne incognita by Trichoderma harzianum and Serratia marcescens and their related enzymatic changes in tomato roots

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    Biological control against the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita was proven to occur in tomato, Solanum lycopersicom, soil-drenched with different isolates of Trichoderma harzianum and a commercial suspension of Serratia marcescens (Nemaless). The potential of such biocontrol agents to trigger plant defense response was discussed. Nematode reproduction in the presence of such possibly induced systemic resistance (ISR) elicitors was compared with that occurring on untreated plants and treated plants with the carbofuran nematicide. Dosages used were for carbofuran (1 mg ai/kg soil) and for S. marcescens (1 ~ 109 bacterium cells/ml water) 2 ml suspension/kg soil; three different T. harzianum isolates (f1, f3 and f8) were separately added at 50 ~ 10Sup&gt;8 CFU/kg soil. The possible ISR elicitors were tested on two tomato cultivars (Super Strain B and Alisa), which were inoculated with active juveniles (J2) of M. incognita, and plants were kept in a glasshouse. Indices of plant fitness (PFs) resulting from each treatment, which took into account various growth parameters were also determined. Carbofuran followed by S. marcescens and T. harzianum significantly decreased (P . 0.05) nematode development and reproduction when compared with the untreated controls. PF of cv. Alisa was higher than that of Super Strain B, and M. incognita reproduced better on the latter cultivar in all treatments. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and β-1,3-glucanase (GLUC) activities were detected in the roots of inoculated and uninoculated control tomato plants. Similar tests were carried out on inoculated plants treated with such ISR elicitors to search for possible enzyme activity changes as a result of resistance induction. Nematode infection did not cause any significant changes in GLUC activity, whilst PPO activity was enhanced in inoculated with respect to uninoculated roots. Treatments with ISR elicitors and carbofuran did not significantly change GLUC activity in both inoculated plants and uninoculated controls. While in the presence of the ISR elicitors, generally, PPO activity did not increase as a result of nematode infestation.Key words: Enzymatic induction, root-knot nematode, nematode management, Serratia marcescens, Trichoderma harzianum, biological control, carbofuran, nematicide, polyphenol oxidase, β-1,3-glucanase, Solanum lycopersicum

    Chronic hepatitis C in children: Clinical spectrum and histopathological study

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    Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major public health problem and a leading cause of chronic liver disease. An estimated 180 million people are infected worldwide. The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is relatively low in children, with an anti-HCV prevalence rate of 0.2–0.4% in the Western world. Egypt has the highest prevalence of adult HCV infection in the world, averaging 15–25% in rural communities. The main (90%) HCV genotype is type 4. The magnitude of HCV infection in children is not well studied. Asymptomatic HCV infection is detectable in 2.02% of Egyptian children.Aim: To study the clinical presentation and histopathological features of the liver in children with chronic hepatitis C infection.Methods: The study population included 40 children from 2 to 16 years who had been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C (HCV-RNA positive for 6 months or more by Real-time PCR) in the liver clinic at El-Shatby Children Hospital.Results: Among the 40 patients’ biopsies, 26 (65%) were stage 0, 10 (25%) were stage 1, 4 (10%) were stage 2–3 (HAI). The grades of all 40 children ranged between 0 and 1 (HAI). Developing fibrosis was significantly associated with age (P =0.015).Conclusion: Children with chronicHCV infection are generally asymptomatic. Significant hepatic fibrosis was present in 10%of children with HCV infection. Fibrosis stage was significantly higher in older age children. There was no significant association between fibrosis stage and any biochemical parameter.Keywords: Chronic hepatitis C; Children; Egypt; Clinical profile; Histopathologic change

    Biomimetic Potentials for Building Envelope Adaptation in Egypt

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    AbstractBiomimicry is a science that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature's time-tested 3.8 billion years of patterns and strategies. The paper is concerned with embodying the biomimetic strategies to building envelopes which shall offer a high potential to reduce the energy demand, save material and thus improve the sustainability of buildings, through accessing current practices process of natural ventilation biomimicry in buildings for a potential application in building envelope for environmental adaptation which could help for the emergence of a new generation of biomimetic building envelopes aiming at promoting biomimicry in Egypt by showing the benefits that could be harvested

    Novel Guidelines for Immunotherapeutic Treatment Options of Genital Warts: Review article

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    Background: The appearance of genital warts varies. Flat or resembling raspberries or cauliflower, they can be found in a variety of shapes. They begin as little red or pink growths and can reach a diameter of four inches or more before interfering with sexual activity or delivery (in certain circumstances) (in some cases). The warts thrive in the vaginal area's moist tissues. On the external genitals and the walls of the cervix and urethra, in women, as well as on the shaft of the penis in males, they are found. Despite the availability of different therapeutic modalities, treating warts with immunotherapy is a tremendous benefit. HPV vaccination has shown promising efficacy in the treatment of genital warts. Objective: To hallmark the new guidelines of immunotherapeutic options for treatment of genital warts. Conclusion: Immunotherapy with HPV vaccines is an effective and safe treatment modality of anogenital warts

    Terrorist groups in Syria and Libya: a study of regional policies

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    Purpose – This study is not intended to be a prescriptive blueprint for any nation or region to fight terrorism, but rather it aims to analyze the development of policies supporting terrorism and their impact on regional as well as international relations. It is an examination of relevant facts, which might hopefully benefit policy makers and practitioners who diligently work on reducing or eliminating terrorist activities. Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve the objectives of the paper and in light of the pool of the available literature and data, the study adopts the system-analysis method in analyzing the impact of policies supporting terrorism and the countermeasures to apply based on the inputs, outputs and conversions associated with the phenomenon of terrorism. Findings – Policies supporting terrorism differ from a state to another starting from providing safe haven to terrorist groups to providing direct finance and armaments to directly intervening militarily in a targeting country. Or deter such policies. This raised the concerns of many States in the region regarding the domination tendency of Turkey and called for a firm and pragmatic international, regional and Arab stand beyond verbal condemnation to deter Turkey from pursuing such policies. Originality/value – The importance of the academic study stems from the importance of addressing one of the central issues in the field of regional and international relations, which is the policies some states adopt to support terrorism, not only by financing terrorism but also by incubating terrorism. Most studies on terrorism focus on the concept and situations and not on policies that support terrorism and their impact on regional and international relations and the means of encountering terrorism

    Treatment of Multiple Common Warts by Intralesional Immunotherapy: Review Article

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    Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most prevalent cause of warts on the skin and mucous membranes of the human body. With the aid of a variety of destructive and immunotherapeutic methods, wart therapy remains a major difficulty. Antigen immunotherapy by intralesional technique uses the immune system's ability to recognize viral, bacterial, and fungal antigens that elicit a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction, not only to the antigen but also to the wart virus, which in turn boosts the immune system's ability to recognize and remove HPV. All lesions on the body, not just the injected one, could be destroyed by this boosted immune response. Different antigens, including Candida and pure protein derivative (PPD), have been shown to be useful in the treatment of various wart forms. Objective: Intralesional immunotherapy for numerous common warts is to be evaluated for its effectiveness. Conclusion: There has been substantial research into the use of intralesional vaccinations and organic antigens to treat warts, with good results of effectiveness
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