661 research outputs found


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    Objective: Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) is the world’s most important consumed seed legume. The objectives of the present study were to determine the variability in phytochemical composition and biological activities between five genotypes of G. max. Methods: Lipoidal matters were determined using glucose (GLC). Amino acids were detected by the amino acid analyzer. The phytoconstituents present within each ethanol extract was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The amount of total phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins was analyzed using a spectrophotometric technique, based on Folin–Ciocalteu reagent, aluminum chloride colorimetric assay, and the modified vanillin hydrochloric acid method, respectively. Quercetin, catechin, and gallic acid were used as standard compounds, respectively. Isoflavones content were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)/photodiode array (PDA). The radical scavenging and antioxidant capacity of the genotypes using different in vitro analytical assays such as 2,2-diphenyl,1-picryl hydrazyl, 2,2’-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid, reducing power, metal chelating, and ferric reducing anti-oxidant power. Butyl hydroxyl toluene and trolox were used as the reference antioxidant radical scavenger compounds. Antitumor activity was evaluated by detecting the viability of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells on four different concentrations (1–5 mg/mL). Results: GLC analysis showed the high value of total unsaturated fatty acids and 16 amino acids including glutamic acid with the highest concentration. The variation between genotypes according to their chemical composition of the aldehydes, esters, ketones, alcoholics, and carboxylic content were reported. HPLC/PDA referred to the presence of daidzein, genistein, and in all genotypes. Conclusion: The results confirm the higher value of phytoconstituents of the genotype Giza 35 and Giza 21 as well as their better bioactivity

    Wave reflection at a free interface in an anisotropic pyroelectric medium with nonclassical thermoelasticity

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    In this paper, the well-established two-dimensional mathematical model for linear pyroelectric materials is employed to investigate the reflection of waves at the boundary between a vacuum and an elastic, transversely isotropic, pyroelectric material. A comparative study between the solutions of (a) classical thermoelasticity, (b) Cattaneo–Lord–Shulman theory and (c) Green–Lindsay theory equations, characterised by none, one and two relaxation times, respectively, is presented. Suitable boundary conditions are considered in order to determine the reflection coefficients when incident elasto–electro–thermal waves impinge the free interface. It is established that, in the quasi-electrostatic approximation, three different classes of waves: (1) two principally elastic waves, namely a quasi-longitudinal Primary (qP) wave and a quasi-transverse Secondary (qS) wave; and (2) a mainly thermal (qT) wave. The observed electrical effects are, on the other hand, a direct consequence of mechanical and thermal phenomena due to pyroelectric coupling. The computed reflection coefficients of plane qP waves are found to depend upon the angle of incidence, the elastic, electric and thermal parameters of the medium, as well as the thermal relaxation times. The special cases of normal and grazing incidence are also derived and discussed. Finally, the reflection coefficients are computed for cadmium selenide observing the influence of (1) the anisotropy of the material, (2) the electrical potential and (3) temperature variations and (4) the thermal relaxation times on the reflection coefficients

    Use of some plant essential oils as post-harvest botanical fungicides in the management of anthracnose disease of mango fruits (Mangifera indica L.) caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

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    Abstract Mango suffers fro m several diseases at all stages of its life. Anthracnose, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gleosporioides is the most important post harvest disease of mango. The aim of this study was to test the possibility of the use of some plant essential oils i.e. Basel oil (Ocimum basilicum), Orange oil (Citrus sinensis), Lemon oil (Citrus Medica) and Mustard oil (Brassica juncea L.) to reduce postharvest losses induced by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) in mango fruits. In this study, the antifungal activity of essential oils under in vitro condition were assayed by tested various concentrations (0, 50,100 and 150µg/ ml)) and under in vivo condition by used different essential oil concentrations (0, 250,500 and 1000pp m) on inoculated mango fruits. Results of the present study showed that orange oil at all tested concentrations were a significant reducing the fungal linear growth if co mpared with other tested essential oils. At low concentration 50 (µg/ ml) orange oil caused 10.0% reduction in fungal growth, while at 100 (µg/ ml) caused 72.2% and at high tested concentration 150 (µg/ ml) caused a comp lete reduction in myceliu m linear growth of pathogenic fungus. Meanwhile, at low tested concentration 50 (µg/ ml), mustard oil caused a highly significantly reduction of the percentage of fungal spore germination by 70.8 % followed by basil oil by 64.7%. Results of in vivo studies showed that, at low concentration 250 ppm, mustard oil caused a highly reduction of anthracnose incidence of mango fru its by 79.9% fo llo wed by basil o il with 66.7% .On the other hand, orange and lemon oil at low concentration (250ppm) were showed a highly effect to reducing the percentage of rotting fruit tissue by 84.5 and 75.0%, respectively if co mpared with other treat ments and un-treated fruits

    Variability and inheritance of okra leaf- shape of cotton cv. Sudac-k in different genetic backgrounds

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       Okra leaf- shape is an important trait in cotton. Sudac-k is the only cotton variety with okra leaf type in the Sudan. The objectives of the study were to analyze the inheritance of the okra leaf of Sudac-k and its expression in different genetic backgrounds. The experiment was carried out for two seasons (2004/05 and 2005/06) and one off-season in 2006 at Gezira Research Farm of the Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), Wad Medani, Sudan. The plant material consisted of Sudac-k and nine different varieties; B-pima, Barakat-90, G.S, Maryoud, Shambat-B, Acala-M, Acala-H, Barac (67) B and Albar (57)12. Eighteen reciprocal F1s were produced between Sudac-k and respective cultivars. In the second season, F2 ҆s, backcrosses and F3 plants were (Sudac-k X Albar (57)12). At maturity, individual plants were visually scored according to the leaf-shape into okra and normal leaf shape. Okra leaf morphology, lobe length, width and angle were measured in fully expanded 5- lobed leaf. It was observed that the okra leaf of Sudac-k had deep sinuses and narrow lobes while in F1 ҆ s, the sinuses were shorter and the lobes were broader. The okra leaf started at seedling stage with three lobes at the 3rd to 4th node and reached a maximum of 5 lobes at node 6 to 8 in Sudac-k, F1 plants and their progenies. Chi-square test for the segregation of leaf type in F2 indicated no significant differences among all F1 ҆ s between Sudac-k and the varieties in the distribution of okra and normal which followed the ratio of 1:2:1. This indicates that the okra leaf trait is conditioned by a single partially dominant gene. Significant differences were observed among the F1 hybrids for the expression of leaf lobing depth, lobe width and angle, indicating the effect of the genetic background on the expression of these parameters. The information will be useful in designing strategy for breeding of cotton varieties with suitable size of okra leaf to maximize its utilization in integrated insect pest management

    Effect of heat and mass transfer and rotation on peristaltic flow through a porous medium with compliant walls

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the peristaltic flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid in a channel with compliant walls. The effects of rotation and heat and mass transfer are also taken into account. The governing equations of two dimensional fluid have been simplified under long wavelength and low Reynolds number approximation. An exact solutions is presented for the stream function, temperature, concentration field, velocity and heat transfer coefficient. Design/methodology/approach: The effect of the concentration distribution, heat and mass transfer and rotation on the wave frame are analyzed theoretically and computed numerically. Numerical results are given and illustrated graphically in each case considered. Comparison was made with the results obtained in the presence and absence of rotation and heat and mass transfer. Findings: The results indicate that the effect of the permeability and rotation are very pronounced in the phenomena. Originality/value: The objective of the present analysis is to analyze the effects of rotation, heat and mass transfer and compliant walls on the peristaltic flow of a viscous fluid

    Equation of state for β\beta-stable hot nuclear matter

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    We provide an equation of state for hot nuclear matter in β\beta-equilibrium by applying a momentum-dependent effective interaction. We focus on the study of the equation of state of high-density and high-temperature nuclear matter, containing leptons (electrons and muons) under the chemical equilibrium condition in which neutrinos have left the system. The conditions of charge neutrality and equilibrium under β\beta-decay process lead first to the evaluation of proton and lepton fractions and afterwards of internal energy, free energy, pressure and in total to the equation of state of hot nuclear matter. Thermal effects on the properties and equation of state of nuclear matter are assesed and analyzed in the framework of the proposed effective interaction model. Special attention is dedicated to the study of the contribution of the components of β\beta-stable nuclear matter to the entropy per particle, a quantity of great interest for the study of structure and collapse of supernova.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    Diagnosis of exudative pleural effusion using ultrasound guided versus medical thoracoscopic pleural biopsy

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    AbstractIntroductionMedical thoracoscopy increases the diagnostic yield in patients with non-diagnosed pleural effusion when thoracocentesis and closed pleural biopsy (CPB) are non-diagnostic. Chest ultrasound (US) is a very useful imaging method for pleural diseases and the technique of ultra sound-guided cutting biopsy with a tru-cut needle has been well described.Aim of the workThe aim of this work was to diagnose exudative pleural effusion using ultrasound guided versus medical thoracoscopic pleural biopsy.Subjects and methodsForty patients with, non-diagnosed exudative pleural effusion admitted to the chest department, Alexandria university hospital, were enrolled after obtaining informed consents. All patients were subjected to; full history taking, thorough clinical examination, laboratory investigations including prothrombin activity and INR, biochemical, pathological and microbiological evaluation of the pleural aspirate and radiological evaluation. Then the patients were divided (randomly) into 2 groups each containing 20 patients. Pleural biopsies were performed using medical rigid thoracoscopy on group 1 and ultrasound guided tru-cut pleural biopsy on group 2.ResultsThe mean age in-group I was 55.0±13.05years and in-group II was 52.60±17.77years. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding age, sex, smoking, marital status and past medical conditions. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding radiological findings. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding the pleural fluid analysis. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding the gross pleural findings. In group II non- specific pleurisy was found in 5 (25.0%) patients (by thoracoscopy 1 of them was finally diagnosed as metastatic deposits from adenocarcinoma of unknown primary, one was confirmed to be tuberculous pleurisy and the remaining 3 cases were confirmed to be non- specific pleurisy). As regards complications in-group I, local wound infection occurred in 1 (5.0%) patient, and empyema occurred in 1 (5.0%) patient. In-group II, local wound infection occurred in 1 (5.0%) patient, and empyema occurred in 1 (5.0%) patient.ConclusionIt is better to use thoracoscopy in cases of undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion presented with a sufficient amount of pleural fluid to avoid lung injury while inserting the trocar. Whereas, ultrasound guided tru-cut pleural biopsy may be used in cases of undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion presented with thickened pleura but with an insufficient amount of pleural fluid

    The Antiviral Drug Valacyclovir Successfully Suppresses Salivary Gland Hypertrophy Virus (SGHV) in Laboratory Colonies of Glossina pallidipes

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    Many species of tsetse flies are infected with a virus that causes salivary gland hypertrophy (SGH) symptoms associated with a reduced fecundity and fertility. A high prevalence of SGH has been correlated with the collapse of two laboratory colonies of Glossina pallidipes and colony maintenance problems in a mass rearing facility in Ethiopia. Mass-production of G. pallidipes is crucial for programs of tsetse control including the sterile insect technique (SIT), and therefore requires a management strategy for this virus. Based on the homology of DNA polymerase between salivary gland hypertrophy virus and herpes viruses at the amino acid level, two antiviral drugs, valacyclovir and acyclovir, classically used against herpes viruses were selected and tested for their toxicity on tsetse flies and their impact on virus replication. While long term per os administration of acyclovir resulted in a significant reduction of productivity of the colonies, no negative effect was observed in colonies fed with valacyclovir-treated blood. Furthermore, treatment of a tsetse colony with valacyclovir for 83 weeks resulted in a significant reduction of viral loads and consequently suppression of SGH symptoms. The combination of initial selection of SGHV-negative flies by non-destructive PCR, a clean feeding system, and valacyclovir treatment resulted in a colony that was free of SGH syndromes in 33 weeks. This is the first report of the use of a drug to control a viral infection in an insect and of the demonstration that valacyclovir can be used to suppress SGH in colonies of G. pallidipes

    Effects of Rotation and Gravity Field on Surface Waves in Fibre-Reinforced Thermoelastic Media under Four Theories

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    Estimation is done to investigate the gravitational and rotational parameters effects on surface waves in fibre-reinforced thermoelastic media. The theory of generalized surface waves has been firstly developed and then it has been employed to investigate particular cases of waves, namely, Stoneley waves, Rayleigh waves, and Love waves. The analytical expressions for surface waves velocity and attenuation coefficient are obtained in the physical domain by using the harmonic vibrations and four thermoelastic theories. The wave velocity equations have been obtained in different cases. The numerical results are given for equation of coupled thermoelastic theory (C-T), Lord-Shulman theory (L-S), Green-Lindsay theory (G-L), and the linearized (G-N) theory of type II. Comparison was made with the results obtained in the presence and absence of gravity, rotation, and parameters for fibre-reinforced of the material media. The results obtained are displayed by graphs to clear the phenomena physical meaning. The results indicate that the effect of gravity, rotation, relaxation times, and parameters of fibre-reinforced of the material medium is very pronounced

    Magnetic Field and Gravity Effects on Peristaltic Transport of a Jeffrey Fluid in an Asymmetric Channel

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    In this paper, the peristaltic flow of a Jeffrey fluid in an asymmetric channel has been investigated. Mathematical modeling is carried out by utilizing long wavelength and low Reynolds number assumptions. Closed form expressions for the pressure gradient, pressure rise, stream function, axial velocity, and shear stress on the channel walls have been computed numerically. Effects of the Hartmann number, the ratio of relaxation to retardation times, time-mean flow, the phase angle and the gravity field on the pressure gradient, pressure rise, streamline, axial velocity, and shear stress are discussed in detail and shown graphically. The results indicate that the effect of Hartmann number, ratio of relaxation to retardation times, time-mean flow, phase angle, and gravity field are very pronounced in the peristaltic transport phenomena. Comparison was made with the results obtained in the presence and absence of magnetic field and gravity field