921 research outputs found


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    أواني الريتون ما بين الفارسي واليوناني من خلال مقبرة بيتوزيريس بتونا الجبل دراسة تحليلية مقارنة [Ar] يعد إناء الريتون من الأواني الهامة التي اسُتخدمت في الاحتفالات والطقوس الدينية كأواني لشرب الماء أو الخمر، ويرجع ظهورها إلي الربع الأخير من القرن الرابع قبل الميلاد في بلاد اليونان، حيث يذكر المؤرخ هيرودوت، بأن اليونانيين عثروا عقب الحروب الفارسية علي كثير من مقتنيات المعسكر الفارسي والتي كانت من بينها أواني الريتون. وتنقسم أواني الريتون من حيث الشكل إلي ثلاثة أنواع، النوع الأول: يتمثل في إناء الريتون المنحني ويكون فيه الإناء ذو قاعدة تُمثل الجزء السفلي من الإناء يعلوها رأس الحيوان التي تُمثل الجزء الأكبر من حجم الإناء أما الجزء العلوي، فيُمثل فوهة الإناء، بينما النوع الثاني: إناء الريتون ذو قرن الحيوان البوق حيث يتخذ الإناء الشكل المخروطي. ويتكون من جزئيين الجزء العلوي يتمثل في فوهة وبدن الإناء، والجزء السفلي يتمثل في قرني ورأس الحيوان، أما النوع الثالث: فيتمثل في إناء الريتون بهيئة رأس حيوان. وفي هذا النوع يتمثل الإناء في شكل قطعة واحدة فقط تتمثل في رأس الحيوان، و تناولت الدراسة وصف وتحليل مناظر تصوير إناء الريتون بمقبرة بيتوزيريس بتونا الجبل، متبعًا المنهج الوصفي والمقارن والتحليلي، خاتمًا الدراسة بالنتائج التي تضمنتها والتي كانت من بينها أمر ترجيح تأريخ مقبرة بيتوزيريس بناءً علي تصوير هذه الأواني بها إلي الفترة ما بين (517-460 ق.م)، أي من نهاية العصر الصاوي وحتي بداية العصر الفارسي الأول (العصر الأخميني). [En] The Rhyton vessel is a drinking vessel used for ceremonial purposes. The significant Rhyton vessel is depicted on Petosiris’ tomb at Tuna El Jebel. This type of vessel became popular in Greece since the last quarter of the fourth century BC, after the Persian wars. Most of it was made of pottery rather than metal. According to the historian Herodotus, the Greeks captured many of the Persian camp\u27s possessions after their victories, including the Rhyton vessels, a pottery vessel that had not before been used in Greece. Therefore, Persia could be where it first appeared. The Rhyton vessel comes in three different shapes; The first form is the curved Rhyton: This form of Rhyton vessel has a base that represents the lower part of the pot, ends in the forepart by an animal’s head, which represents the largest part of the pot, and an upper part represents its top. The second form is the horned Rhyton; This form of Rhyton vessels takes a conical shape, consisting of two parts. The upper part represents the mouth and body of the pot, while the horns and head of the animal represent the lower part since it resembles the trumpet instrument used in the horn. It was sometimes referred to as the «trumpet» instead of just the animal\u27s horn. The Third Form is the Rhyton which is in the form of an animal head. Moreover, the third form is the Rhyton in the form of an animal head. This Rhyton vessel only consists of one piece represented by the animal\u27s head. It was primarily used as a vessel for funeral rites and began to be produced during the first quarter of the fourth century AD. This paper describes and analyzes its depictions in the tomb of Petosiris in Tuna El Jebel. In order to complete the study, descriptive, comparative and analytic research methodologies are used


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    Due to the light weight, high specific strength and non hazardous nature of bamboo fiber, it is preferred over synthetic fibers in composite materials for a wide range of applications such as automotive industry and including household sectors. As was noticed, little attention has been given to the effect of bamboo powder on the mechanical properties of rubber composites. Hence, an attempt has been made in this paper to the study the effect of loading and particle size of bamboo powder on the mechanical properties of EPDM composites. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out to study the thermal stability of composites. Results indicated that the thermal stability of EPDM was further improved with increasing in bamboo loading and decreasing in particle size. The stress- strain curves of the composites were studied and fitted according toOgdens model. Mechanical parameters for the studied composites were improved with increasing bamboo loading. Besides, properties such as rupture stress, and internal friction were found to be maximum for composites containing certain content of bamboo powder, depending upon its particle size. Moreover, composites containing the smallest particle size of powder, at all levels of bamboo loading, showed mechanical properties superior to all other composites. From the dynamic mechanical measurements, the dynamic modulus, internal friction, and thermal diffusivity were calculated. The observed variations were explained in view of the role played by both the loading level and the particle size of bamboo powder. These findings were supported by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs

    Correlates of Missed Nursing Care in Selected Medical Intensive Care Units, Egypt

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    Background: Missed nursing care is a universal phenomenon that could threaten patient safety across all countries and cultures, Missed nursing care is practiced by registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, and nurses' aides alike. Therefore, when nursing care is not completed, the quality of care that follows is reduced. Aim: The current study was conducted to determine the correlates of missed nursing care in selected medical intensive care units. Design: Descriptive correlational design was utilized to carry out the study. Setting: The study was conducted in six medical intensive care units at EL Kasr El Ainy hospital and El Manial University hospital. Sample: included a convenience sample of (n = 73) staff nurses working at the selected units. Tools: Data were collected by using modified MISSCARE self-reporting questionnaire. Results: The findings of the study revealed that, the majority of staff nurses reported that they never missed the elements of missed nursing care. Meanwhile the most reported factors contributed to missed nursing care were related to patient, hospital system and polices followed by factors related to nursing staff. Recommendations: the current study recommended that the staff nurses need to realize the importance of reporting the factors that produce obstacles in providing adequate nursing care in addition, the importance to report and disclose the elements of nursing care being missed, ensuring that each nurse is assigned a manageable patient load to render all the needed care and maintaining adequate supplies and well working equipment enable muses to provide higher quality of nursing care. Keywords: Correlates, Missed Nursing Care, Medical Intensive Care Unit

    Monitoring Heavy and Trace Metals in Selected Children\u27s Food

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    High or low levels of essential and trace elements in foods typically eaten by child re n (potato chips, karate [a crispy puffed corn paste], biscuits and cakes) may cause significant health problems. In this study, the amounts of 13 elements (Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb and Zn) were estimated in samples collected from supermarkets in Aswan City, Upper Egypt. Food samples included, 28 kinds of potato chips, 44 kind of karate, 15 kind of biscuits and 13 kind of cakes. One hundred samples were analyzed. The results showed that potato chips have the highest level of Cu, K, Mg, Na, and Pb, but they have low level of Ca. On the other hand, karates have the highest Na concentrations. Also, biscuits and cakes have high Pb levels. It is strongly recommended that the food industry in Egypt pay more attention in supplying and in technological management of snack food products to avoid the exposure of children to dangerously high or low levels of elements

    Safety and benefits of large-volume liposuction: a single center experience

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Liposuction is a surgical technique to remove excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body. Purpose of this study is to determine how far large volume liposuction is safe and effective.</p> <p>Methodology</p> <p>From July 2003 to December 2005, 60 female patients had liposuction of different areas of the body as waist, hips, buttocks, thighs, and knees. Their mean age was 30.6 ± 15.4 years old. A standard liposuction technique was done by using a tumescent infiltration formula. The average amount of infusate was 3000 cc, with an average aspirate amount of 6000 cc. Pre-operative anthropometric measurements as weight, height, body mass index, areas to be liposuctioned in addition to pre-operative hematological investigations as complete blood picture, blood sugar, liver function tests, blood urea, serum creatinine, and serum cholesterol were done.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results were evaluated with preoperative and postoperative photographs. Postoperative anthropometric measurements and hematological investigations were done at 6<sup>th </sup>week, and 4<sup>th </sup>month after surgery. The rate of complications was low and relatively minor in nature. No major complications were presented. Minor complications have occurred as skin irregularities (20%), Seroma (15%), Garment pressure sore (10%), Cutaneous hyper-pigmentation (5%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Large-volume liposuction can be performed safely and it can produce desirable morphological and hematological changes.</p

    Adverse Drug Reactions among Critically Ill Patients at Cairo University Hospital: Frequency and Outcomes

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    Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are common problem in intensive care units where the poly pharmacy is involved in treating patients. Control of such events is possible if it is identified and reported. However, reporting of adverse drug reactions still in its infancy. Aim: the aim is to assess the frequency and outcomes of adverse drug reactions among critically ill patients at Cairo university hospital. Research questions: 1- What is the frequency of adverse drug reactions among a selected sample of critically ill patients at Cairo university hospital? 2- What is the outcome of adverse drug reactions among a selected sample of critically ill patients at Cairo university hospital? 3- What is the degree of severity of adverse drug reactions among a selected sample of critically ill patients at Cairo university hospital? Design: Descriptive exploratory design was utilized.  Setting: The study was carried out at the Critical Care Department affiliated to Cairo University Hospitals. Subjects: A convenience sample of 150 male &amp; female critically ill adult patients receiving different types of medications constituted the study sample. Tools: Two tools were utilized in the study, 1.Sociodemographic and medical data sheet and, 2.Adverse drug reactions assessment sheet. Results: The study results revealed that one of fifth (21%) of study sample were suffered from adverse drug reactions. ADRs were represented on the patients in the form of dry mouth, abdominal distension, headache, insomnia, constipation, tachycardia, peripheral edema, hypertension, hypotension, cough, drowsiness. Severity of adverse drug reactions was ranged from mild severity (41.9%) to moderate and severe reaction (9.7%). Conclusion: The prevalence of adverse drug reactions among critically ill patients is prevalent in a ratio of nearly (21%); and, more than half of these reactions were life-threatening. Recommendation: A written hospital policy describing basic standards in management of ADRs is recommended to be established and before initiation of new medication, assess for potential drug–disease and drug–drug interactions, check dosages, and check the most common causes of ADRs, then starting new drugs. Key wards: Adverse drug reactions, poly pharmacy, critically ill patients, Frequency, Outcomes

    Screening of Dyslipidemia and Obesity among Children in Zagazig University Hospitals

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    Background: Westerners are well aware of plasma lipid problems, which are becoming increasingly important in the Middle East. The European Expert Panel has advocated universal screening as a preferable approach of hypercholesterolemia screening as a part of the primary preventive effort. Objective: To assess the relation between dyslipidemia and its risk factors; age and body mass index. Patients and Methods: A cross-sectional study that included 357 of children who visited the Pediatrics General Outpatient Clinic at Zagazig University Hospitals. All subjects were subjected to full history taking, general examination, anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, and laboratory investigations including: non-fasting and fasting lipid profiles. Results: Non-fasting total cholesterol (TC) of ≥ 200 was (14.3%) and &lt; 200 was (85.7%). Non-fasting (LDL) of ≥ 130 was (16.8%) and &lt;130 was (83.2%). HDL category of &lt; 40 was (61.3%) and ≥ 40 was (38.7%). There was no statistically significant difference between age, sex and lipid profiles. There was statistically significant positive correlation between non-fasting triglycerides (TG) and non-fasting HDL and non-fasting non-HDL-C. Conclusion: Obesity was associated with the prevalence of at least one abnormal lipid level. This highlights the importance of paying greater attention to the prevention of cardiovascular disease and obesity in children from an early age