11 research outputs found

    Cutaneous Aβ-Non-nociceptive, but Not C-Nociceptive, Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Exhibit Spontaneous Activity in the Streptozotocin Rat Model of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy .

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    Diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP) is the most devastating complication of diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, successful therapy for DPNP remains a challenge because its pathogenesis is still elusive. However, DPNP is believed to be due partly to abnormal hyperexcitability of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, but the relative contributions of specific functional subtypes remain largely unknown. Here, using the strepotozotocin (STZ) rat model of DPNP induced by a STZ injection (60 mg/kg, i.p), and intracellular recordings of action potentials (APs) from DRG neurons in anesthetized rats, we examined electrophysiological changes in C-and Aβ-nociceptive and Aβ-low threshold mechanoreceptive (LTM) neurons that may contribute to DPNP. Compared with control, we found in STZ-rats with established pain hypersensitivity (5 weeks post-STZ) several significant changes including: (a) A 23% increase in the incidence of spontaneous activity (SA) in Aβ-LTMs (but not C-mechanosensitive nociceptors) that may cause dysesthesias/paresthesia suffered by DPNP patients, (b) membrane hyperpolarization and a ∼85% reduction in SA rate in Aβ-LTMs by K7 channel activation with retigabine (6 mg/kg, i.v.) suggesting that K7/M channels may be involved in mechanisms of SA generation in Aβ-LTMs, (c) decreases in AP duration and in duration and amplitude of afterhyperpolarization (AHP) in C-and/or Aβ-nociceptors. These faster AP and AHP kinetics may lead to repetitive firing and an increase in afferent input to the CNS and thereby contribute to DPNP development, and (d) a decrease in the electrical thresholds of Aβ-nociceptors that may contribute to their sensitization, and thus to the resulting hypersensitivity associated with DPNP.This research work was supported by a Medical Research Council grant (G0700420) and a Ph.D. studentship from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council to LD

    Changes in expression of Kv7.5 and Kv7.2 channels in dorsal root ganglion neurons in the streptozotocin rat model of painful diabetic neuropathy

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    Diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP), the most debilitating complication of diabetes mellitus, is resistant to current therapy. The pathogenesis of DPNP is still elusive, but several mechanisms have been proposed including abnormal hyperexcitability of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. The underlying molecular mechanisms of such aberrant hyperexcitability are incompletely understood. Using the streptozotocin (STZ) rat model of DPNP, we have recently provided evidence implicating neuronal Kv7 channels that normally exert a powerful stabilizing influence on neuronal excitability, in the abnormal hyperexcitability of DRG neurons and in pain hypersensitivity associated with DPNP. In the present immunohistochemical study, we sought to determine whether Kv7.2 and/or Kv7.5 channel expression is altered in DRG neurons in STZ rats. We found 35 days post-STZ: (1) a significant decrease in Kv7.5-immunoreactivity in small (<30 μm) DRG neurons (both IB4 positive and IB4 negative) and medium-sized (30−40 μm) neurons, and (2) a significant increase in Kv7.2-immunoreactivity in small (<30 μm) neurons, and a non-significant increase in medium/large neurons. The decrease in Kv7.5 channel expression in small and medium-sized DRG neurons in STZ rats is likely to contribute to the mechanisms of hyperexcitability of these neurons and thereby to the resulting pain hypersensitivity associated with DPNP. The upregulation of Kv7.2 subunit in small DRG neurons may be an activity dependent compensatory mechanism to limit STZ-induced hyperexcitability of DRG neurons and the associated pain hypersensitivity. The findings support the notion that Kv7 channels may represent a novel target for DPNP treatment

    L5 Spinal Nerve Axotomy Induces Distinct Electrophysiological Changes in Axotomized L5- and Adjacent L4-Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons in Rats .

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    Peripheral neuropathic pain (PNP) is a major health problem for which effective drug treatment is lacking. Its underlying neuronal mechanisms are still illusive, but pre-clinical studies using animal models of PNP including the L5-spinal nerve axotomy (L5-SNA) model, suggest that it is partly caused by excitability changes in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. L5-SNA results in two DRG neuronal groups: (1) axotomized/damaged neurons in L5- plus some in L4-DRGs, and (2) ipsilateral L4-neurons with intact/uninjured fibers intermingling with degenerating L5-fibers. The axotomized neurons are deprived of peripherally derived trophic factors and degenerate causing neuroinflammation, whereas the uninjured L4-neuorns are subject to increased trophic factors and neuroinflammation associated with Wallerian degeneration of axotomized L5-nerve fibers. Whether these two groups of DRG neurons exhibit similar or distinct electrophysiological changes after L5-SNA remains unresolved. Conflicting evidence for this may result from some studies assuming that all L4-fibers are undamaged. Here, we recorded somatic action potentials (APs) intracellularly from C- and A-fiber L4/L5 DRG neurons to examine our hypothesis that L5-SNA would induce distinct electrophysiological changes in the two populations of DRG neurons. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found (7 days post-SNA), in SNA rats with established pain hypersensitivity, slower AP kinetics in axotomized L5-neurons and faster AP kinetics in L4-nociceptive neurons including decreased rise time in Aδ-and Aβ-fiber nociceptors, and after-hyperpolarization duration in Aβ-fiber nociceptors. We also found several changes in axotomized L5-neurons but not in L4-nociceptive neurons, and some changes in L4-nociceptive but not L5-neurons. The faster AP kinetics (decreased refractory period) in L4-nociceptive neurons that are consistent with their reported hyperexcitability may lead to repetitive firing and thus provide enhanced afferent input necessary for initiating and/or maintaining PNP development. The changes in axotomized L5-neurons may contribute to the central mechanisms of PNP via enhanced neurotransmitter release in the central nervous system (CNS)

    A possible role for inducible arginase isoform (AI) in the pathogenesis of chronic venous leg ulcer

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    Chronic venous ulcer (CVU) is a major cause of chronic wounds of lower extremities and presents a significant financial and resource burden to health care systems worldwide. Defects in the vasculature, matrix deposition, and re-epithelialization are the main histopathological changes believed to impede healing. Supplementation of the amino acid arginine that plays a crucial role in the interactions that occur during inflammation and wound healing was proven clinically to improve acute wound healing probably through enhancing activity of inducible arginase (AI) locally in the wounds. However, the possible mechanism of arginine action and the potential beneficial effects of AI/arginine in human chronic wounds remain unclear. In the present study, using biopsies, taken under local anesthesia, from adult patients (n = 12, mean age 55 years old) with CVUs in lower extremities, we investigated the correlation between AI distribution in CVUs and the histopathological changes, mainly proliferative and vascular changes. Our results show a distinct spatial distribution of AI along the ulcer in the epidermis and in the dermis with the highest level of expression being at the ulcer edge and the least expression towards the ulcer base. The AI cellular immunoreactivity, enzymatic activity, and protein levels were significantly increased towards the ulcer edge. Interestingly, a similar pattern of expression was encountered in the proliferative and the vascular changes with strong correlations between AI and the proliferative activity and vascular changes. Furthermore, AI cellular distribution was associated with increased proliferative activity, inflammation, and vascular changes. Our findings of differential expression of AI along the CVU base, edge, and nearby surrounding skin and its associations with increased proliferative activity and vascular changes provide further support to the AI implication in CVU pathogenesis. The presence of high levels of AI in the epidermis of chronic wounds may serve as a molecular marker of impaired healing and may provide future targets for therapeutic intervention

    CORRIGENDUM: A possible role for inducible arginase isoform (AI) in the pathogenesis of chronic venous leg ulcer

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    Chronic venous ulcer (CVU) is a major cause of chronic wounds of lower extremities and presents a significant financial and resource burden to health care systems worldwide. Defects in the vasculature, matrix deposition, and re-epithelialization are the main histopathological changes believed to impede healing. Supplementation of the amino acid arginine that plays a crucial role in the interactions that occur during inflammation and wound healing was proven clinically to improve acute wound healing probably through enhancing activity of inducible arginase (AI) locally in the wounds. However, the possible mechanism of arginine action and the potential beneficial effects of AI/arginine in human chronic wounds remain unclear. In the present study, using biopsies, taken under local anesthesia, from adult patients (n = 12, mean age 55 years old) with CVUs in lower extremities, we investigated the correlation between AI distribution in CVUs and the histopathological changes, mainly proliferative and vascular changes. Our results show a distinct spatial distribution of AI along the ulcer in the epidermis and in the dermis with the highest level of expression being at the ulcer edge and the least expression towards the ulcer base. The AI cellular immunoreactivity, enzymatic activity, and protein levels were significantly increased towards the ulcer edge. Interestingly, a similar pattern of expression was encountered in the proliferative and the vascular changes with strong correlations between AI and the proliferative activity and vascular changes. Furthermore, AI cellular distribution was associated with increased proliferative activity, inflammation, and vascular changes. Our findings of differential expression of AI along the CVU base, edge, and nearby surrounding skin and its associations with increased proliferative activity and vascular changes provide further support to the AI implication in CVU pathogenesis. The presence of high levels of AI in the epidermis of chronic wounds may serve as a molecular marker of impaired healing and may provide future targets for therapeutic intervention

    Mutual inter-regulation between iNOS and TGF-β1: Possible molecular and cellular mechanisms of iNOS in wound healing.

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    Abnormal wound healing with excessive scarring is a major health problem with socioeconomic and psychological impacts. In human, chronic wounds and scarring are associated with upregulation of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Recently, we have shown physiological regulation of iNOS in wound healing. Here, we sought to investigate the possible mechanistic role of iNOS in wound healing using biochemical and immunohistochemical assays. We found: (a) iNOS is the main source of wound nitric oxide (NO), (b) NOS inhibition in the wound, downregulated iNOS protein, mRNA and enzymatic activity, and reduced wound NO, and (c) iNOS inhibition resulted in delayed healing at early time points, and excessive scarring at late time points. Furthermore, molecular and cellular analysis of the wound showed that iNOS inhibition significantly (P < 0.05) increased TGF-β1 mRNA and protein levels, fibroblasts and collagen deposition. These latter findings suggest that iNOS might be exerting its action in the wound by signaling through TGF-β1 that activates wound fibroblasts to produce excessive collagen. Our current findings provide further support that iNOS is crucial for physiological wound healing, and suggest that dysregulation of iNOS during the inflammatory phase impairs healing, and results in disfiguring post-healing scarring. Thus, the mutual feedback regulation between iNOS and TGF-β1 at the gene, protein and functional levels might be the mechanism through which iNOS regulates the healing. Monitoring and maintenance of wound NO levels might be important for healing and avoiding long-term complications in susceptible people including patients with diabetic wounds, venous ulcers or keloid prone

    Follicular dendritic cells

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    Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) are unique accessory immune cells that contribute to the regulation of humoral immunity. They are multitasker cells essential for the organization and maintenance of the lymphoid architecture, induction of germinal center reaction, production of B memory cells, and protection from autoimmune disorders. They perform their activities through both antigen-driven and chemical signaling to B cells. FDCs play a crucial role in the physiological regulation of the immune response. Dis-regulation of this immune response results when FDCs retain antigens for years. This provides a constant antigenic stimulation for B cells resulting in the development of immune disorders. Antigen trapped on FDCs is resistant to therapeutic intervention causing chronicity and recurrences. Beyond their physiological immunoregulatory functions, FDCs are involved in the pathogenesis of several immune-related disorders including HIV/AIDS, prion diseases, chronic inflammatory, and autoimmune disorders. FDCs have also been recently implicated in rare neoplasms of lymphoid and hematopoietic tissues. Understanding FDC biology is essential for better control of humoral immunity and opens the gate for therapeutic management of FDC-mediated immune disorders. Thus, the biology of FDCs has become a hot research area in the last couple of decades. In this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of FDCs and their role in physiological and pathological conditions