43 research outputs found

    New Generalized Definitions of Rough Membership Relations and Functions from Topological Point of View

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    In this paper, we shall integrate some ideas in terms of concepts in topology. In fact, we introduce two different views to define generalized membership relations and functions as mathematical tools to classify the sets and help for measuring exactness and roughness of sets. Moreover, we define several types of fuzzy sets. Comparisons between the induced operations were discussed. Finally, many results, examples and counter examples to indicate connections are investigated

    Fibrewise Near Compact and Locally Near Compact Spaces

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    In this paper we define and study new concepts of fibrewise topological spaces over B namely, fibrewise near compact and fibrewise locally near compact spaces, which are generalizations of well-known concepts near compact and locally near compact topological spaces. Moreover, we study relationships between fibrewise near compact (resp., fibrewise locally near compact) spaces and some fibrewise near separation axioms. Keywords: Fibrewise topological spaces, Fibrewise near compact spaces, Fibrewise locally near compact spaces, Fibrewise near separation axioms. Math. Subject Classification 2010: Primary 55R70, 55P05, Secondary 54C05, 54C08, 54C10

    Proportional Hazard Bivariate Kumaraswamy Model Applied on Fish Mercury Concentration

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    International advisory bodies have developed guidelines for testing mercury and aquatic items to protect human health and international trade. The mercury absorption in fish has a great effect on human health. For modeling this problem, a new bivariate distribution using the proportional hazard rate (PHR) model with Kumaraswamy marginal called BKPH is derived and studied via statistical properties and reliability measures. Moreover, several methods of parameter estimation are discussed, including maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), method of moments estimation (MME), and inference function for margins estimation (IFM). In the simulation study, the performance of estimators depending on their estimation methodologies is compared. Finally, a comparative study of the proposed BKPH with several bivariate Kumaraswamy distributions via goodness of fit criteria was introduced. The results of the study proved the potentiality of the BKPH model and has a best fitting on mercury fish absorption data

    Decision Analysis via Granulation Based on General Binary Relation

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    Decision theory considers how best to make decisions in the light of uncertainty about data. There are several methodologies that may be used to determine the best decision. In rough set theory, the classification of objects according to approximation operators can be fitted into the Bayesian decision-theoretic model, with respect to three regions (positive, negative, and boundary region). Granulation using equivalence classes is a restriction that limits the decision makers. In this paper, we introduce a generalization and modification of decision-theoretic rough set model by using granular computing on general binary relations. We obtain two new types of approximation that enable us to classify the objects into five regions instead of three regions. The classification of decision region into five areas will enlarge the range of choice for decision makers

    Application on local discrete expansion

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    The process of changing a topology by some types of its local discrete expansion preserves s-closeness, S-closeness, semi-compactness, semi-Ti, semi-Ri, i∈{0,1,2}, and extremely disconnectness. Via some other forms of such above replacements one can have topologies which satisfy separation axioms the original topology does not have

    Enhancement the removal capacity of heavy metals from aqueous solution using different aquatic organisms

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    151-162The Eichhornia sp had high ability for bioremoval of Pb and Cd (97.15 and 97.48%) during 15 min with some ultrastructure changes of the leaf such as, ruptured or disappeared plasma membrane, swollen mitochondria and malformation chloroplast and some anatomical studies; thickness of upper epidermis and mesophyll decreased with presences number of raphide crystals in treated leaf but it not found in untreated plants. It was noticed that treated with Pb was more effect on histological leaf than treated with Cd. While, Gelidium pectinatum had highest efficiency for removal of Cd but during 0.5 hr. The bioremoval efficiency of lead by Gelidium pectinatum increased with Epichlorohydrin 1 from 28.84 to 90.18 % during 240 min contact time and from 77.34 in raw (untreated) algae to 99.58% in case of cadmium during the same contact time

    Imaging of hydrothermal altered zones in Wadi Al-Bana, in southern Yemen, using remote sensing techniques and very low frequency–electromagnetic data

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    © 2019, Saudi Society for Geosciences. Economic mineralization and hydrothermally altered zones are areas of great economic interests. This study focusses on hydrothermal altered zones of high mineralization potentials in Wadi Al-Bana, in southern Yemen. An azimuthal very low frequency–electromagnetic (AVLF-EM) data acquisition was conducted in search for mineralization in the study area. The study integrated observations from geophysical field data with others extracted from object-oriented principal component analysis (PCA) to better map and understand mineralization in the investigated area. This technique was applied to two data sets, ASTER and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) imagery. The results of PCA revealed high accuracy in detecting alteration minerals and for mapping zones of high concentration of these minerals. The PCA-based distribution of selected alteration zones correlated spatially with high conductivity anomalies in the subsurface that were detected by VLF measurements. Finally, a GIS model was built and successfully utilized to categorize the resulted altered zones, into three levels. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]