107 research outputs found

    Identification of Two DNMT3A Mutations Compromising Protein Stability and Methylation Capacity in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Somatic mutations of DNMT3A occur in about 20% of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. They mostly consist in heterozygous missense mutations targeting a hotspot site at R882 codon, which exhibit a dominant negative effect and are associated with high myeloblast count, advanced age, and poor prognosis. Other types of mutations such as truncations, insertions, or single-nucleotide deletion also affect the DNMT3A gene, though with lower frequency. The present study aimed to characterize two DNMT3A gene mutations identified by next-generation sequencing (NGS), through analysis of protein stability and DNA methylation status at CpG islands. The first mutation was a single-nucleotide variant of DNMT3A at exon 20 causing a premature STOP codon (c.2385G > A; p.Trp795 17; NM-022552.4). The DNMT3A mutation load increased from 4.5% to 38.2% during guadecitabine treatment, with a dominant negative effect on CpG methylation and on protein expression. The second mutation was a novel insertion of 35 nucleotides in exon 22 of DNMT3A (NM-022552.4) that introduced a STOP codon too, after the amino acid Glu863 caused by a frameshift insertion (c.2586-2587insTCATGAATGAGAAAGAGGACATCTTATGGTGCACT; p. Thr862-Glu863fsins). The mutation, which was associated with reduced DNMT3A expression and CpG methylation, persisted at relapse with minor changes in the methylation profile and at protein level. Our data highlight the need to better understand the consequences of DNMT3A mutations other than R882 substitutions in the leukemogenic process in order to tailor patient treatments, thus avoiding therapeutic resistance and disease relapse

    Assessment of liver stiffness measurement and ultrasound findings change during inotuzumab ozogamicin cycles for relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    In adult patients, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a rare hematological cancer with a cure rate below 50% and frequent relapses. With traditional therapies, patients with relapsed or refractory (R/R) ALL have a survival that may be measured in months; in these patients, inotuzumab ozogamicin (IO) is an effective therapy. IO was linked to increased risk of veno-occlusive disease/sinusoid obstruction syndrome (VOD/SOS), liver injury, and various grade of liver-related complications during clinical trials and real-life settings; however, hepatologic monitoring protocol is not established in this population. In our institution, 21 patients who received IO (median of 6 doses of IO administered) for R/R ALL were prospectively followed for hepatologic surveillance, including clinical evaluation, ultrasonography, and liver stiffness measurement (LSM) biochemistry. After a median follow-up of 17.2 months, two SOS events were reported (both after allogeneic transplant) as IO potentially related clinically relevant adverse event. Mild alterations were reported in almost the totality of patients and moderate-severe liver biochemical alterations in a quarter of patients. Within biochemicals value, AST and ALP showed an augment related to IO administration. LSM linearly augmented for each IO course administered. Baseline LSM was related to liver-related changes, especially with the severity of portal hypertension (PH)-related complications. Pre-transplant LSM was higher in patients receiving IO when compared with a control cohort. PH-related complications were discovered in nearly 77% of patients, with clinically significant PH occurrence and development of ascites in 38% and 14%, respectively. This prospective experience constitutes the rationale to design a hepatologic monitoring program in patients receiving IO. LSM may be of pivotal importance in this program, constituting a rapid and effective screening that quantitatively correlates with liver alterations

    A case report of acute myeloid leukemia and neurofibromatosis 1

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    We report a case of a 65-year old patient affected by neurofibromatosis 1, documented by the presence of germ-line mutation on the NF1 gene, who developed various hyperproliferative malignant and benign diseases. He was brought to our attention for the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia revealed by major fatigue and dyspnea. The disease characteristics at diagnosis were hyperleukocytosis and complex karyotype with the inversion of the chromosome 16, classifying as a high-risk leukemia. The association between leukemia and neurofibromatosis 1 is controversial and needs to be further investigated. Nevertheless, such patients present a wide number of comorbidities that make therapeutic strategies most difficult. © C. Sartor et al., 2013 Licensee PAGEPress, Italy