15 research outputs found

    Performance of a plastic scintillator developed using styrene monomer polymerization

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    This paper presents a newly developed plastic scintillator produced in collaboration with Turkiye Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency (TENMAK). The scintillator is manufactured using thermal polymerization of commercially available styrene monomer. The absorption spectrum of the scintillator exhibited two absorption bands at 225 nm and 340 nm, with an absorption edge observed at 410 nm. The wavelength of the emitted light was measured in the range of 400-800 nm, with a maximum intensity at 427 nm. Monoenergetic electrons from the 137Cs source were used to evaluate the characteristics of the new scintillator, particularly its light yield. As the light readout the MAPD-3NM type silicon photomultiplier array (4 x 4) with an active area of 15 x 15 mm2, assembled using single MAPDs with an active area of 3.7 x 3.7 mm2, was used. The light yield of the scintillator was determined to be 6134 photons/MeV. In addition, the efficiency of the scintillator for gamma rays with an energy of 662 keV was found to be approximately 1.8 %. A CmBe neutron source was employed to evaluate its fast neutron detection performance. However, neutron/gamma discrimination using pulse shape discrimination (charge integration) method was not observed. The results demonstrate the potential of a newly produced plastic scintillator for various applications, particularly in radiation monitoring and detection systems.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Синтез і характеристика тонкоплівкових гетероструктур на основі SiC

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    Abbasova C., Кідалов В. В., Дяденчук А. Ф., Батурін В., Карпенко О., Гудименко О., Кідалов В. Синтез і характеристика тонкоплівкових гетероструктур на основі SiC. Розвиток сучасної науки та освіти : реалії, проблеми якості, інновації : матеріали ІІІ Міжнародної наук.-практ. інтернет-конференції (Запоріжжя, 30 вересня 2022 р.). Запоріжжя : ТДАТУ, 2022. С. 12-16.UA: У статті представлено технологію виготовлення гетероструктури ZnO/SiC/porous-Si/Si. В залежності від умов процесу осадження зразки були розділені на дві групи. Встановлено, що плівка ZnO на всіх зразках тісно пов’язана з підкладкою. Досліджено вплив тиску кисню на структурні властивості та параметри плівки ZnO. EN: The article presents the manufacturing technology of the ZnO/SiC/porous-Si/Si heterostructure. Depending on the conditions of the deposition process, the samples were divided into two groups. It was established that the ZnO film on all samples is closely connected to the substrate. The effect of oxygen pressure on the structural properties and parameters of the ZnO film was studied

    Wear behaviour, fluorescence and SEM investigations on nanocomposite zirconia-toughened alumina.

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    The need to improve the reliability of alumina and zirconia hip prostheses has led to the development of zirconia-toughened alumina (ZTA) ceramics. The set-up of new colloidal processing routes brought about new ZTA nanocomposites (NZTA) with a significantly smaller and narrower particle size distribution of zirconia than conventional powder mixing methods. These nanocomposites present reinforcement mechanisms other than transformation toughening, mainly based on residual thermal stresses. In this study, the wear behaviour of NZTA-NZTA couplings was evaluated in a hip joint simulator run for seven million cycles, in comparison with commercial and experimental alumina couplings. From a statistical point of view, the three sets of specimens did not show significant differences in wear behaviour. However, from a gravimetric point of view, the weight loss decreased along the series: experimental alumina > NZTA > commercial alumina. The R1 and R2 fluorescence bands (due to the Cr3+ ions naturally present in alumina ceramics as trace impurities) increased in intensity along the series: experimental alumina < NZTA < commercial alumina, indicating a progressive improvement of the surface quality. SEM analysis confirmed that the better the sample finishing, the better was the wear behaviour. By taking into account that the tested NZTA samples were prototypes (thus with a surface finishing worse than for a production type), it can be stated that NZTA can offer the option of improving the lifetime and reliability of ceramics