14 research outputs found

    Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of a poly herbal formulation in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with several comorbidities. Currently used synthetic medicines have various side effects. Herbal medicines are being widely used for management of diabetes. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of poly herbal formulation (PHF) (mixture of Citrullus colocynthis, Syzygium cumini and Holarrhena antidysenterica) in diabetic rats. We evaluated enzyme inhibition activity of PHF by ELISA and anti-hyperglycemic action was assessed in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Animals were divided into 5 groups, i.e., blank, negative control, standard control and PHF 250 and 500 mg/kg dosage respectively. Blood glucose level assessed through one touch method blood glucose monitoring system. The statistical analysis was performed by using one-way ANOVA p value of ≤0.05 was considered significant. Results of study indicated that PHF sufficiently inhibited DPPH at 0.5 mg/mL and serial dilutions with IC50 of 197 µg/mL while α- glucosidase inhibition assay showed marked inhibition of PHF at 0.5 mg/mL and serial dilutions with IC50 of 235 µg/mL. Oral intake of PHF reduced blood glucose level, serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels in wistar albino rats in dose dependent manner. Considering the multidirectional effects of PHF, it is concluded that PHF may be a therapeutic option in management of diabetes

    Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of a poly herbal formulation in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats

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    137-144Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with several comorbidities. Currently used synthetic medicines have various side effects. Herbal medicines are being widely used for management of diabetes. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of poly herbal formulation (PHF) (mixture of Citrullus colocynthis, Syzygium cumini and Holarrhena antidysenterica) in diabetic rats. We evaluated enzyme inhibition activity of PHF by ELISA and anti-hyperglycemic action was assessed in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Animals were divided into 5 groups, i.e., blank, negative control, standard control and PHF 250 and 500 mg/kg dosage respectively. Blood glucose level assessed through one touch method blood glucose monitoring system. The statistical analysis was performed by using one-way ANOVA p value of ≤0.05 was considered significant. Results of study indicated that PHF sufficiently inhibited DPPH at 0.5 mg/mL and serial dilutions with IC50 of 197 µg/mL while α- glucosidase inhibition assay showed marked inhibition of PHF at 0.5 mg/mL and serial dilutions with IC50 of 235 µg/mL. Oral intake of PHF reduced blood glucose level, serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels in wistar albino rats in dose dependent manner. Considering the multidirectional effects of PHF, it is concluded that PHF may be a therapeutic option in management of diabetes

    Antihyperuricemic activity of gum of Calophyllum inophyllum ultra high dilutions in potassium oxonate induced wister albino rats

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    356-359  Hyperuricemia is a biochemical abnormality and it affects the quality of life. Many medicinal substances are used in lowering the uric acid. The study designed to find hypouricemic effects ofultrahigh dilutions, the gum of Calophyllum inophyllum, Acid benzoicum in oxonate of potassium induced hyperuricemic wistar albinomodel.   The experiment consist of 11 groups of albino rats. All the groups were treated with oxonate of potassium except normal control. Healthy group of animals received only distilled water, hyperuricemic control group were given alcohol mixed in distilled water. A standard allopathic medical substance Allopurinol and Acid benzoicum ultra high dilutions were given in time dependent manner (single dose/day) in different experimental groups. Blood samples were collected by rat tail vein bleeding. The uric acid and creatinine levels of serum were analyzed by using standard measuring kits. The Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis of difference between the groups p ≤ 0.05 was reflected significant.   Oral intake of Acid benzoicum ultrahigh dilutions reduceduric acid levels of hyperuricemic wistar albino rats in time dependent mode. At 3rd day and 7th day administration of Acid benzoicum ultrahigh dilutions decreased the level of uric acid more ominously as compared to one day administration. However, allopurinol a standard allopathic drug normalized the uric acid level in all experimental groups.   The current work showed significant hypouricemic effects of Acid benzoicum ultrahigh dilutions in hyperuricemic wistar albino model. However, clear conclusion of hypouricemic activity of Acid benzoicum needed repetition of experimental work

    In vivo evaluation of antipyretic effects of some homeopathic ultra-high dilutions on Baker's yeast-induced fever on Similia principle

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    Background: Homeopathy is a controversial alternative system of medicine. The action of homeopathic medicines is considered slow and it is assumed that homeopathic medicines are ineffective in acute conditions such as fever. Objective: In the present study, effects of 3 homeopathic medicines on baker's yeast induced fever were investigated. Materials and methods: 42 local strain rabbits were equally divided into 7 groups. Normal saline was orally administered to group 1 (normal control) rabbits without fever induction. Group 2 underwent baker's yeast-induced fever (negative control). Groups 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 underwent baker's yeast-induced fever and were thereafter treated orally with paracetamol, Nux vomica 200C and 1M, Calcarea phos 200C and Belladonna 200C respectively. Rectal temperature was checked hourly. The abdominal writhing and frequency of loose stools were also monitored. ANOVA was applied for checking statistical significance. p ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The rectal temperature increased significantly (p < 0.05) in the negative control group when compared to the normal control. Abdominal writhing and loose stools monitoring showed increased writhing and loose stools frequency of group 2, 3, 6 and 7 rabbits. However, treatment of paracetamol significantly reduced rectal temperature. Group 4 & 5 showed significant reduction of rectal temperature together with abatement of abdominal writhing and loose stools. Conclusion: N. vomica ultra-high dilutions have normalized rectal temperature and prevented the abdominal writhing and loose stools in baker's yeast-induced fever model of rabbits. It could be due to antidotal activity of N. vomica ultra-high dilutions. Therefore, N. vomica ultra-high dilutions can be useful antipyretic agents and can treat conditions associated with gastrointestinal symptoms. However, fixed conclusion can't be asserted due to caveat of small sample size. Keywords: Nux vomica, Antipyretic, Homeopathic ultra-high dilution

    Preliminary phytochemical analysis and in vivo evaluation of antipyretic effects of hydro-methanolic extract of Cleome scaposa leaves

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    Cleome scaposa has been associated with the prevention of many diseases as fever, abdominal complaints and cancer. But its antipyretic effect is not reported so far. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of C. scaposa in reducing temperature in Baker's yeast-induced fever model of rabbits. Rabbits were randomized into 4 groups (n = 24). Fever was induced in by Saccharomyces cerevisae (3 mL/kg of 10% suspension subcutaneous) in all study groups. Afterward, group 1, 2, 3 and 4 were orally administered with paracetamol 150 mg/kg b. wt., distilled water, C. scaposa 250 and 500 mg/kg b. wt. respectively. 500 mg/kg dosage was selected after dose fixation study. The standard control was paracetamol. Rectal temperature was recorded with the help of a digital thermometer. ANOVA followed by post hoc test was applied for statistical analysis of results. Results of the study indicate that C. scaposa possesses antipyretic activity comparable to that of standard drug paracetamol as it exhibited comparable antipyretic potential against baker's yeast-induced fever in rabbits. This study confirms the traditional use of C. scaposa in fever. So, it can be an alternative therapeutic choice in fever. However, specific constituents responsible for its antipyretic activity should be evaluated

    Analysis of antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of some homoeopathic mother tinctures

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    Background: Antioxidant compounds are widely used in health protection. Homoeopathic mother tinctures are commonly prescribed for prevention and cure of many illnesses. Objective: The present study focused to determine the antioxidant potential of six commonly prescribed mother tinctures. i.e. Syzygium jambolanum, Damiana, Cinchona officinalis, Chelidonium majus, Convallaria majalis, Coca. Materials and Methods: Antioxidant activity was estimated by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) inhibition assay. A volume of 0.1 mM solution of DPPH was used while mother tinctures (5, 2.5, and 1.25 μl volumes) were used for estimating antioxidant activity. Quercetin was taken as a standard control in antioxidant activity. Total phenolic content was measured by Folin–Ciocalteu reagent assay. Total phenolic content of mother tinctures was measured in comparison to gallic acid. Results: Results of the study showed the significant antioxidant activity and high total phenolic content of all tested mother tinctures in the following order: Syzygium jambolanum, Damiana, Cinchona officinalis, Chelidonium majus, Convallaria majalis, Coca. Conclusion: Antioxidant potential of mother tinctures is related to total phenolic content present in them, and their role in prevention and cure of diseases may link through their antioxidant activity. Among six selected mother tinctures, S. jambolanum has highest antioxidant potential

    Comparative analysis of antibacterial activity of povidone iodine and homoeopathic mother tinctures as antiseptics

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    Objectives: Antiseptics are used extensively in hospitals and other health care centers (clinics) to control the growth of microbes on living tissues. They are essential parts of infection control practices, especially in wound treatment and aid in the prevention of nosocomial infections. This study was done to evaluate and compare the antibacterial effectiveness of povidone iodine and eight commonly used homoeopathic mother tinctures. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted in the Faculty of Pharmacy and alternative Medicine, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. All the selected Homeopathic mother tinctures were purchased by Masood Homeopathic Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan. Prepared PYODINEâ (povidone iodine) solution 10% w/v, batch no. 084F4 used as positive control while 70% ethanol was used as negative control in each test. These tinctures were tested against three clinically important human skin-pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) by disc diffusion method with povidone iodine as positive standard. Results: Seven out of eight mother tinctures showed more or less antibacterial activity; some of them have high activity than povidone iodine. Rhus glabra had maximum activity (zone of inhibition 32 mm) against Streptococcus pyogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa than povidone iodine and among all the tested mother tinctures. Conclusion: This study confirms the antibacterial activity and more effectiveness of Thuja occidentalis and Rhus glabra mother tinctures than povidone iodine. The other tested mother tinctures also have antibacterial activity against tested bacteria, except Echinacea

    Effects of <em>Trachyspermum ammi</em> L. (Apiaceae) on serum, urine and hepatic uric acid levels in oxonate-induced rats and <em>in vitro</em> xanthine oxidase inhibition assay

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    52-57Invention of many of the new synthetic drugs is based on the knowledge of traditional system of medicine. Trachyspermum ammi L. (Apiaceae) is traditionally used to treat gout and rheumatism. The study was comprised of in vitro determination of total polyphenolic and flavonoid content, xanthine oxidase inhibition assay and in vivo hypouricemic activity of T. ammi in oxonate induced hyperuricemic rat model. In vivo activity consisted of 11 groups of rats each having 6 animals. All the groups except normal control were treated with potassium oxonate. Allopurinol, T. ammi 250 and 500 mg/kg were administered for one, three and seven days (single dose/day) in different study groups (3×3=9 groups). T. ammi has total phenolic content of 145.17 ± 1.70 gallic acid equivalents/g, and the total flavonoid content of 35 ± 2.20 rutin equivalents/g. T. ammi significantly inhibited xanthine oxidase in vitro (IC50= 68.6±0.2 µg/mL). Oral administration of T. ammi significantly reduced serum and hepatic urate levels in hyperuricemic rats in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, fractional excretion of uric acid was increased. The results suggested that hypouricemic effects of T. ammi could be explained, at least partly, by inhibiting xanthine oxidase in vitro and due to presence of phenolic and flavonoid contents


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    Many antimicrobial drugs are going to become resistant to different pathogens, so the discovery of new antimicrobial products is an important public health concern. Nardostachys jatamansi (D. Don) DC (Valerianaceae) is an important traditional herbal medicine used as tranquillizer. CNS sedative. antiepilepsy, cardiotonic. diuretic, heptatonic, analgesic and in boils, itch and eye diseases. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are the potential source of treatment in case of glaucoma, hypertension and epilepsy and also used as diuretics. The aim of present study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of methanolic extract of N. jatamansi against different bacterial strains and to estimate its carbonic anhydrase inhibitory potential. Antibacterial activity was evaluated by agar well diffusion assay and broth microdilution assay. The study revealed that N. jatamansi extract is sensitive to all tested bacterial strains. The zones of inhibition and MIC ranged from 8-22 at a concentration of 1-5 mg/mL and 0.3-0.6 mg/mL. respectively. Methanolic extract of N. jatamansi showed marked inhibition of carbonic anhydrase (IC 50 712.41 +/- 0.001 mu g/mL) when compared with standard acetazolamide. The results of the study suggest that N. jatamansi may be a valuable plant source of medicinally useful active compounds that can be helpful in bacterial infections and showed some relation with the traditional use of this plant in various diseases