54 research outputs found

    Going Beyond Uniplex Ties: Aan Analysis of Multiple Network Ties on Job Satisfaction

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    Multiple networks are overlooked in previous research studies and not much attention is given to the occurrences of such relational ties. By imprinting the concept of social ledger, the paper suggests that multiple networks can exist in combination of both positive and negative ties i.e. potential benefits and liabilities can be derived within a social relation. The study explores to identify how multiple friendship-hindrance network centrality (indgree and outdegree) affect an employee’s job satisfaction level. A sociometric and traditional questionnaire is used to collect data from 131 employees at the Quetta head office of a premier telecommunication company. Data is analyzed using UCINET VI and SPSS software. The finding indicates that indegree centrality of friendship-hindrance network is negatively associated with job satisfaction. The consequence of these ties is due to the interplay of social and instrumental relation which commonly operates in today working environment. Therefore, the study proposed that negative repercussions should be handled in a productive and optimal manner so that the impediments may not impel the positives of a relationship

    Assessment of Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill Side Effects among Women Attending Maternal Child Health Centers in Erbil

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    الغرض: لا توجد دراسات لاستكشاف الآثار الضارة لاستخدام حبوب منع الحمل الفموية (OCP) بين النساء اللواتي يعشن في أربيل/ العراق. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم أنماط الاستخدام والآثار الجانبية المرتبطة بها بين النساء في أربيل. المرضى والطرق: استكمل استبيان وجهاً لوجه يستفسر عن المعلومات الديموغرافية والقضايا المتعلقة باستخدام OCPs والآثار الجانبية ذات الصلة من قبل 235 امرأة استخدمن OCPs مرة واحدة على الأقل في حياتهن. النتائج: أظهرت النساء مواقف إيجابية تجاه فعالية وسلامة OCP ، مرتبطة بشكل إيجابي بأنماط استخدامها. تم الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية الشائعة التالية لـ OCPs: ألم (69.4٪) ، مشاكل في الرؤية (60٪) ، صداع وإرهاق (59٪) ، ضعف النطق (53٪) ، نزيف غير منتظم وألم في الثدي (52٪) ، غثيان ( 51٪) ، آلام في الصدر (40٪) ، كلف (37٪) ، زيادة الوزن (33٪) ، آلام في البطن (28٪)، ضيق في التنفس (26٪) ، تورم (20٪) ، بقع دم (12٪) ، والحساسية (7٪). كشفت الدراسة أن النساء اللواتي لديهن العديد من الآثار الجانبية تجاه OCPs مع ذلك يميلون إلى استخدامها بشكل مناسب. ومع ذلك، يُنصح بالبرامج التعليمية لتحسين المعرفة حول استخدام OCP بين النساء في أربيل.Purpose: Studies exploring the adverse effects of oral contraceptive pill (OCP) use among women living in Erbil/Iraq are lacking. This study aimed to assess the patterns of use and associated side effects among women in Erbil. Patients and methods: A face-to-face questionnaire survey inquiring about demographic information and issues related to the use of OCPs and related side effects was completed by 235 women who had used OCPs at least once in their lifetime. Results: The women exhibited positive attitudes towards OCP efficacy and safety, positively associated with their patterns of use. The following common side effects of OCPs were reported: pain (69.4%), vision problems (60%), headache and fatigue (59%), speech impairment (53%), irregular bleeding and breast tenderness (52%), nausea (51%), chest pains (40%), chloasma (37%), weight gain (33 %), abdominal pain (28%), shortness of breath (26%), swelling (20 %), spotting (12%), and allergy (7%). Conclusion: The study revealed that women who have many side effects toward OCPs nevertheless tend to use them appropriately. However, educational programs are advisable to improve knowledge about OCP use among women in Erbil

    Effects of Subcapsularis Neuro Muscular Reduction (NMR) in Adhesive Capsulitis

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    Background: To determine the effects of Subscapularis Neuromuscular Reduction (NMR) in Adhesive Capsulitis patients on pain, Range of Motion (ROM) and Quality of life. Methods: In this randomized controlled trail patients with freezing and frozen stage of Adhesive capsulitis and limited range of movement were included. Patients were randomly divided into control (Group A) and experimental group (Group B). The patients of Group A were treated with conventional physical therapy treatment protocol and patients of group B were treated with subscapularis neuromuscular reduction along with conventional physical therapy. The patient outcome measures were assessed using numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), SPADI (shoulder pain and disability index) and ranges via goniometry. Data was analyzed by SPSS 21. Results: Both group showed significant improvement, but the end value comparison showed significant difference. NMR (Neuromuscular Reduction) on Subscapularis muscles improved the pain, ROM and Patient functional status more as compared to the conventional physical therapy group. The NPRS mean value for control group was 2.90±1.09 and mean value for experimental group was 2.05±1.10with p value of 0.021 while the mean value of SPADI for control group was33.52±9.96 and for experimental group was 26.72±8.00 with p value of 0.026. Conclusion: Treatment groups showed improvement by reducing pain, improving range of motion and functional status but neuromuscular reduction of subscapularis muscles was found to be more effective

    Going Beyond Uniplex Ties: Aan Analysis of Multiple Network Ties on Job Satisfaction

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    Multiple networks are overlooked in previous research studies and not much attention is given to the occurrences of such relational ties. By imprinting the concept of social ledger, the paper suggests that multiple networks can exist in combination of both positive and negative ties i.e. potential benefits and liabilities can be derived within a social relation. The study explores to identify how multiple friendship-hindrance network centrality (indgree and outdegree) affect an employee’s job satisfaction level. A sociometric and traditional questionnaire is used to collect data from 131 employees at the Quetta head office of a premier telecommunication company. Data is analyzed using UCINET VI and SPSS software. The finding indicates that indegree centrality of friendship-hindrance network is negatively associated with job satisfaction. The consequence of these ties is due to the interplay of social and instrumental relation which commonly operates in today working environment. Therefore, the study proposed that negative repercussions should be handled in a productive and optimal manner so that the impediments may not impel the positives of a relationship

    Knowledge of Shaken Baby Syndrome among Hospital Nurses in Erbil City

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    Background and objectives: Shaken baby syndrome and pediatric abuse head trauma are the most common causes of mortality and morbidity due to physical child abuse. Nurses have a main role in parents’ education regarding child abuse prevention. This study aimed to assess nurses’ knowledge regarding shaken baby syndrome in Erbil City. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted at postpartum units, the delivery room and the ward at the Maternity Teaching Hospital, and the inpatient and intensive care units at Rapareen Pediatric Teaching Hospital in 2017 in Erbil City. A purposive sample of 50 nurses was recruited to the study. The data collection was performed using a questionnaire for interviewing the study participants, and the data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Results: The study findings revealed that the majority of the study participants were 19-25 years old and most did not have enough knowledge regarding the signs and symptoms of the shaken baby syndrome (irritability, lethargy, poor feeding breathing problems, uncontrollable crying, vomiting, bluish skin, changes in sleeping pattern, convulsions or seizures and unresponsiveness). Nurses also had insufficient knowledge about the risk factors of this condition. Only a quarter of nurses knew that domestic violence is a risk factor and less than a quarter of them recognized depression and substance abuse of the caregiver as a risk factor. Regarding knowledge of the complications, the study found that a quarter of nurses knew that brain damage, cerebral palsy and blindness are complications of the shaken baby syndrome. Conclusions: Majority of nurses had poor knowledge about causes, signs, symptoms, risk factors and complications of the shaken baby syndrome