12 research outputs found

    The sequential aerosol technique : a major component in an Iitegrated strategy of intervention against riverine Tsetse in Ghana

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    An integrated strategy of intervention against tsetse flies was implemented in the Upper West Region of Ghana (9.62u–11.00u N, 1.40u–2.76u W), covering an area of <18,000 km2 within the framework of the Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign. Two species were targeted: Glossina tachinoides and Glossina palpalis gambiensis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The objectives were to test the potentiality of the sequential aerosol technique (SAT) to eliminate riverine tsetse species in a challenging subsection (dense tree canopy and high tsetse densities) of the total sprayed area (6,745 km2) and the subsequent efficacy of an integrated strategy including ground spraying (<100 km2), insecticide treated targets (20,000) and insecticide treated cattle (45,000) in sustaining the results of tsetse suppression in the whole intervention area. The aerial application of low-dosage deltamethrin aerosols (0.33–0.35 g a.i/ha) was conducted along the three main rivers using five custom designed fixed-wings Turbo thrush aircraft. The impact of SAT on tsetse densities was monitored using 30 biconical traps deployed from two weeks before until two weeks after the operations. Results of the SAT monitoring indicated an overall reduction rate of 98% (from a pre-intervention mean apparent density per trap per day (ADT) of 16.7 to 0.3 at the end of the fourth and last cycle). One year after the SAT operations, a second survey using 200 biconical traps set in 20 sites during 3 weeks was conducted throughout the intervention area to measure the impact of the integrated control strategy. Both target species were still detected, albeit at very low densities (ADT of 0.27 inside sprayed blocks and 0.10 outside sprayed blocks). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The SAT operations failed to achieve elimination in the monitored section, but the subsequent integrated strategy maintained high levels of suppression throughout the intervention area, which will contribute to improving animal health, increasing animal production and fostering food security.The work was funded by the Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign/Ghana and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) (project GCP/RAF/442/IFA).http://www.plosntds.org /home.actionam2013ab201

    Tsetse and trypanosomoses in Ghana in the twentieth century: a review

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    African animal trypanosomosis, transmitted by tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) is a major constraint limiting the optimal utilization of land for agricultural production in tsetse-infested areas of Ghana. In the last 50 years various workers have made attempts at mapping the distribution of tsetse flies and the disease they transmit with a view to instituting appropriate control measures. Due to the increasing human population and agricultural expansion, there has been a retreat of the morsitans group of tsetse flies into protected areas. From the standpoint of livestock production, therefore, members of the palpalis group remain the most important vectors of trypanosomosis as they are able to persist even in areas of intense land use. The optimal exploitation of trypanotolerance as a means of trypanosomoses control is hampered by increased crossbreeding with trypanosusceptible breeds. Although the incidence of sleeping sickness has decreased drastically over the last decades, the current status of the disease has not been investigated. This paper takes a retrospective look at the problem of tsetse and trypanosomosis in Ghana, assesses the current disease situation and highlights some research perspectives that are relevant to the sustainable control of the disease

    Tsetse catches during SAT operations.

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    <p>The data correspond to the total tsetse catches, teneral, non-teneral and total dissected female flies before (2 weeks) and after each SAT cycle (2–3 days for cycles 1 to 3 and 2 weeks after cycle 4).</p

    Results of the entomological survey conducted in Ghana one year after SAT operations.

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    <p>The survey was conducted from 6<sup>th</sup> to 24th June 2011to monitor the impact of the integrated tsetse control campaign. Tsetse apparent density is expressed as the number of catches per trap per day.</p