6 research outputs found

    Methodological guide: Community participatory inventory and prioritization of climate-smart crop-livestock agroforestry technologies / practices

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    This guide addresses the issue of identifying priority interventions for communities in the face of climate change. The manual is about participatory approach of inventorizing and prioritizing climate-smart crop-livestock-agroforestry and social technologies / practices. The guide provides a step by step guidance on how project/extension workers can work with communities and other development stakeholders in the target sites to identify practices that can help local communities to better adapt to climate variability in production. The guide was developed within the framework of a project “Building resilient agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in West Africa through participatory action research” (BRAS-PAR)” which is one ofthe flagship 2 projects funded by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). The flagship 2 of CCAFS, which is about climate-smart technologies and practices, addresses the challenge of how to transition to a climate-smart agriculture (CSA) at a large scale for enabling agricultural systems to be transformed and reoriented to support food security under the new realities of climate change. Led by ICRAF-WCA/Sahel, the BRAS-PAR project is being implemented by a consortium of National research institutes in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger and Senegal, IUCN, and ILRI

    Guide methodologique: MĂ©thode communautaire participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture Ă©levage-agroforesterie climato-intelligentes

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    Ce guide traite des questions d’identification des interventions prioritaires pour les communautés dans le contexte du changement climatique. Il s’agit d’une approche participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture-élevage-agroforesterie et sociales climato-intelligentes. Le guide fournit aux agents de terrain un accompagnement et́ape par et́ape pour travailler avec les acteurs clédans les sites cibles, pour identifier les pratiques prometteuses qui aideraient ces derniers às’adapter aux variabilités climatiques dans leurs activités de production. Le guide a étéproduit dans le cadre d’un projet “Building resilient agro-sylvopastoral systems in West Africa through participatory action research” (BRASPAR)” qui est l’un des projets de la Composante 2 financée par le programme de recherche du CGIAR sur les Changements Climatiques, l’Agriculture etla Seć urité Alimentaire (CCAFS). La composante 2 du CCAFS, quitraite des pratiques ettechnologies climato-intelligentes, s’attaque aux défis de comment passer àune agriculture climato-intelligente (ACI) àplus grande échelle pour permettre aux system̀ es agricoles d’et̂re transformeś et reó rienteś pour soutenir la seć uritéalimentaire dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique. Pilotépar l’ICRAFWCA/Sahel, le projet BRAS- PAR est mis en Ɠuvre au Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger et Seń eǵ al par un consortium d’institutions nationales de recherche (INERA, SARI, INRAN et ISRA), IUCN et ILRI

    Variation in fuelwood properties, and correlations of fuelwood properties with wood density and growth in five tree and shrub species in Niger

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    Information about variation and correlations of fuelwood properties and growth is needed in order to recommend species and sites for fuelwood production in a changing climate in Africa. We investigated effects of site variables (land use, soil, terrain) geographical coordinates and mean annual rainfall on fuelwood properties (volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash content, moisture content, gross calorific value, gross calorific value per m3, fuel value index) of Combretum glutinosum, Combretum micranthum, Combretum nigricans, Guiera senegalensis and Piliostigma reticulatum, and correlations of fuelwood properties with wood density and growth (height, stem diameter, ring width) in Niger. We hypothesized that wood density, fixed carbon and gross calorific value were positively correlated, and fixed carbon and gross calorific value were positively correlated with growth. Most effects of site variables, geographical coordinates and mean annual rainfall on fuelwood properties differed among species. Fuel value index was greater on rocky than on sandy soils. Wood moisture content of three species was greater in drier than in more humid locations. Correlations of fuelwood properties with wood density and growth differed among species. Based on this research and previous research, we recommend parkland agroforests and sites with rocky soils and higher mean annual rainfall for fuelwood production.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Analyse participative de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques: un guide mĂ©thodologique

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    La vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© au changement climatique est un indicateur de sensibilitĂ© ou d’incapacitĂ© d’un systĂšme Ă  faire face aux effets dĂ©favorables des variabilitĂ©s et risques climatiques. Les communautĂ©s rurales connaissent mieux leurs situations. Elles ont leur façon de percevoir le phĂ©nomĂšne de changement climatique; alors toute analyse de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© aux risques climatiques devrait s’appuyer sur leurs connaissances des conditions locales

    Participatory analysis of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: a methodological guide for working with rural communities. ICRAF Occasional Paper No. 19

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    This methodological guide was designed to help researchers and development workers to conduct a participatory analysis of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (PAVACC) with rural communities, and to develop action plans that reflect the concerns of the rural communities. The approach helps rural communities to assess their vulnerability to climate change, and to identify and plan appropriate activities to reduce their vulnerability. In addition, it helps them to organize and analyze information about the vulnerability and resilience of their community, households and individuals, and to use local knowledge about coping strategies to help them adapt to climate change