10 research outputs found

    On the relationship between residential property rental values and infrastructure provision in Abaji City F.C.T, Nigeria / Abass Iyanda Sule

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    Property value is dependent upon many features related with that property such as physical features of the property: location in relation to accessibility and other neighbourhood infrastructure does affect value. Those attributes are usually provided by the State in the case of a State and Local governments through their various policies and services. This study focuses on the relationship between residential property rental value and the available infrastructural facilities in residential properties in Abaji, F.C.T Nigeria and analysed their influence in the determination of the rental values of the properties. Data for this work were collected through structured questionnaire and administered based on stratified random sampling (i.e. zones of traditional and non-traditional residences). Data collected for the assessment include, house structural characteristics, inhouse and environmental facilities. Analysis of data was done by factor analysis with statistical package for social science (SPSS 10.0) and excel package. The results depict that; compound houses and bungalows dominate Abaji City which together contributed about 66.1% of the total stock of houses. The study revealed that, there is positive relationship between the type of building and rental value, 36.4% variations in annual rental are predicted by building types and 28.4% variations in annual rent are predicted by the accessibility to houses in Abaji City. Based on the findings, one of the recommendations made is that, building regulations must be in operation or enforced by the appropriate officers of local

    City liveability and housing in Nigeria: a case study of low-income housing in Niger State

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    Studies on the liveability of cities have been on the increase due to their perceived aftermath significant contributions to the quality of life. Although the quality of life (QOL) has been studied from different disciplines, however, it does not mean absence of diseases or sickness rather QOL depends primarily on the living environment. The aim of this study is to examine the quality of life against the backdrop of the existing environment in the public low-income housing estates in Niger State of Nigeria. The conceptual framework for this study was developed based on empirical review. Based on the desktop literature the study used both subjective and objective measurements to investigate the liveability of the selected housing estates. Issues examined include the home environment, neighbourhood amenities,economic vitality, social environment and civic protection. Questionnaires were distributed to household heads in the selected three housing estates. The stratified random sampling technique used was to choose all types of homes. The data analysis techniques include; descriptive statistics, factor analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM). This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge in liveability studies in terms of model construct. It also uncovers the quality of life in public low-income housing in Niger State

    Liveability analysis of gated and non-gated low middle income communities in kuala lumpur, Malaysia

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the liveability conditions in gated and non-gated low middle income communities in Kuala Lumpur where rapid urban growth has led to many disruptions in the urban living environment. Hence, a livability framework was developed with dimensions from housing condition, economic condition, functional environment, social relations and community safety towards achieving the research objectives of – a) to study the liveability level in gated and non-gated communities, b) to compare the level of liveability between gated and non-gated communities, and c) to determine the dimensions and indicators which influence the level of liveability in both communities. Residents’ views were collected through a questionnaire survey which consisted of twenty-four indicators of liveability belonging to five dimensions from three communities in Kuala Lumpur. Two communities belong to non-gated and one community had gated living status. The findings of the research revealed that gated community has a better living conditions compared to the non-gated community. Thus, this research can be used as a turning point to improve the living environment of both gated and non-gated communit

    Urban inequality a case of public housing estates in Niger state, Nigeria

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    The vision of any housing policy is to provide liveable housing be it for the high, middle or low-income groups that are always underserved in terms of basic amenities. In the 21st century, the nature of living conditions in most of the public housing estates in Nigeria and Niger state in particular seems to be not any better off. The quality of living places, or cities, neighbourhoods or housing estates are linked with their physical environment, safety, social cohesion and infrastructure provided in the area. Studying the residential neighbourhood quality of public housing estates, the people living there are important. People living in a particular place receive direct effects from the changes of environment and development in their area. They know whether their housing environment status is either good or bad or change from time to time. Housing encompasses all that is necessary to make a living in a particular place pleasurable, and not a burden. It is however seen as an extension of the human frame that should respond to the needs of its inhabitants. Thus, housing serves as one of the best indicators of a person’s standard of living. Considering the above, satisfaction with housing neighbourhood environment indicates an environment that meets the needs and aspirations of the users and dissatisfaction means the needs and aspirations of the users were not met. No housing programme or policy can be considered successful only in terms of quantity constructed. Equally as important are the suitability of the residential environment, facilities and services to the users. Therefore, this study examined neighbourhood living conditions in three public low-income housing estates using data derived from household survey involving 366 respondents out of 400 questionnaires distributed based on stratified proportional sampling technique. The structured questionnaires were distributed face-to-face and collected back after completion either immediately or the following day. The data sought through questionnaires include different dimensions and indicators of good neighbourhood quality (liveability) as elicited from the literature review. Based on desktop literature, the study used both subjective and objective measurements to investigate the liveability of the selected housing estates. Issues examined include the home environment, neighbourhood amenities, economic vitality, social environment and civic protection. The data analysis techniques used include descriptive statistics, factor analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM). The outcome of the perception of residents’ in these selected housing estates can give a clue to the quality of the environment and serves as a feedback to be injected to housing policy for future development. Further, it could be used as an improvement tool as the study reveals the situation of the estates investigated

    Residents’ perceptual analysis on liveability in the planned housing estates of nigeria: empirical evidence from niger state

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    The government of Nigeria and the state government of Niger in particular, are committed to the development of housing, especially for the low-income group in the state. The housing estates as popularly called have housed many families of the low-income group in the state, however, till to date no effort have been made to understand the perception of the beneficiaries about the liveability of their housing estate. This paper intends to focus on the state of liveability of three public low-income housing estates in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria and the investigation used data derived from a pool of household surveys with 366 respondents. This paper used survey research design to unveil the challenges confronting the residents of the selected housing estates. The residents’ perception of liveability was assessed through five dimensions - housing unit characteristics, economic vitality, security, neighbourhood facilities and social interaction. Data elicited from the structured questionnaire administered were subjected to descriptive statistics, factor analysis and structural modelling. The results show that the respondents were dissatisfied with most of the neighbourhood facilities in the housing estates. Hence, to improve the liveability of these housing estates, this paper recommends rehabilitation of the neighbourhood facilities in these housing estates. Also, the neighbourhood facilities management strategy should be put in place by the appropriate authority in collaboration with the residents of these housing estates

    Appraising Trends in Residential Property Investment Returns Relative to Infrastructure Conditions in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    Infrastructure serves as an indicator to make real estate investment flourish, build the platform for the real estate investment market to thrive, and also to boost returns on property investment. Despite the availability of some infrastructure, the property investment market still plagued with less expected returns as a result of non-functionality of neighbourhood infrastructure. The study focused on the appraisal of the trends in residential property investment returns between year 2009 to 2018, relative to infrastructure condition in the study area. Data were obtained from practising real estate firms and residents of selected neighbourhoods using a structured questionnaire. The study adopted a simple random sampling technique. Out of 2,228 questionnaires administered in the selected neighborhoods, in Ilorin, 664 were returned and valid for the analysis. Descriptive mean method of data analysis was employed, coefficient of variation and spearman’s rank-order correlation model was adopted to compare the property investment return in the selected areas of Ilorin and to determine the infrastructure index with benchmark for the minimum acceptable standard condition. Also, Kendall coefficient of concordance was also used to test the relationship among the ranked factors. The result shows that Sabo-Oke and Fate property market of Ilorin performed better than Adewole Housing Estate and GRA (Government Reservation Area) based onrisk- return ratio analysis, of which Sabo-Oke and Fate revealed the most consistent property market returns while GRA and Adewole Housing Estate residential market showed high level market volatility due to risky nature of the market. Sabo-Oke and Fate markets showed a stable market at minimum risk ranges between 8%-36%. The infrastructure condition indices in GRA and Adewole Housing Estate is higher than ideal condition index (Benchmark), ranges between 82%-92% and 81%-94% when compared with the average international standard at 60%, while infrastructure conditions in Sabo-Oke and Fate found a bit below the average international standard condition. The study also found that the performance of residential property investment is magnificent in the area where there is a frequent market transaction with good and functional infrastructure, as it is discovered across the selected neighbourhoods in Ilorin. The study concluded that infrastructure has a weighty influence on residential property investment returns relative to functional infrastructure and that, residential property market performance hinges on functional infrastructure and it must be given extreme consideration when making a property investment decision

    Low-income housing in Nigeria: a liveability investigation

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    This paper examined the quality of life against the backdrop of the existing environment in the public low-income housing estates. Based on the desktop literature the study used both subjective and objective measurements to investigate the liveability of the selected housing estates. Home environment, neighbourhood amenities, economic vitality, social environment and civic protection were examined. The stratified random sampling was used in distributing questionnaire to household heads in all types of homes. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics and structural equation modelling (SEM). This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge in liveability studies in terms of model construct

    Investigating the application of CFA in the liveability assessment of public low-income housing in Nigeria

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    Studies on the liveability of Nations/Cities or neighbourhoods have been on the increase due to their perceived aftermath significant contributions to the quality of life. In this study, the liveability dimensions and attributes were developed based on the previous studies and experts opinions to assess the level of living conditions in the public low-income housing estates in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. The focus of this paper is to explore the liveability dimensions and attributes reliability and to validates its usefulness in determining the liveability of the selected housing estates. It is presumed that not all identified liveability dimensions and attributes variables in the extant literature will be effective in measuring liveability in a cultural context like Nigeria. The data used for this study came from survey questionnaire administered to the residents of the selected three housing estates. Prior to the confirmator factor analysis (CFA), the Cronbach’s Alpha result obtained supported four-factor constructs. The variance explained as obtained from exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was good (67%). The CFA conducted led to the construction of an 18 items measurement. This paper contributed to the empirical study of liveability of housing/residential estates in terms of establishing the reliability and validity of the measurement constructs. Hence, it suggests that CFA analysis even with four-factor constructs can be used in future researches

    Evaluating Neighborhoods Livability in Nigeria: A Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Approach

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    There is a growing concern about city livability around the world and of particular concern is the aspects of the person-environment relationship which encompasses many characteristics suffice to make a place livable. Extant literature provides livability dimensions such as housing unit characteristics, neighborhood facilities, economic vitality and safety environment. These livability dimensions as well as their attributes found in the extant literature have been reported to have high reliability measurement level. Although, various methods have been applied to examine relationships among the variables however structural equation modeling (SEM) has been found more holistic as a modeling technique to understand and explain the relationships that may exist among variable measurements. Structural equation modeling simultaneously performs multivariate analysis including multiple regression, path and factor analysis in the cause-effect relationships between latent constructs. Therefore, this study investigates the key factors of livability of planned residential neighborhoods in Minna, Nigeria with the research objectives of – (a) to study the livability level of the selected residential neighborhoods, (b) to determine the dimensions and indicators which most influence the level of livability in the selected residential neighborhoods, and (c) to reliably test the efficacy of structural equation modeling (SEM) in the assessment of livability. The methodology adopted in this study includes- Data collection with the aid of structured questionnaire survey administered to the residents of the study area based on stratified random sampling. The data collected was analyzed with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 22.0 and AMOS 22.0 software for structural equation modeling (a second-order factor). The study revealed that livability as a second-order factor is indicated by economic vitality, safety environment, neighborhood facilities and housing unit characteristics first-order factors. The result shows that economic vitality (income, mobility and mobility cost) most significantly measures neighborhood livability. Also, results of the model achieved good fit indices such as CFI of 0.907 and the RMSEA value of 0.096. Thus, SEM analyses in this study offer a methodological guide on the efficacy of CFA second-order factor