82 research outputs found

    Experimental Research of High-Energy Capabilities of Material Recognition by Dual-Energy Method for the Low- Dose Radiation

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    The algorithm to produce primary radiographs, its transformation by dual energy method and recognition of the object materials were enhanced based on the analysis of experimental results. The experiments were carried out at the inspection complex with high X- ray source - betatron MIB 4/9 in Tomsk Polytechnic University. For the reduced X -ray dose rate, the possibility of recognition of the object materials with thickness from 20 to 120 g/cm{2} was proved under the condition that as the dose rate is reduced by the defined number of times, the segment of the image fragment with the reliably identified material will increase by the same number of times

    Features of X-ray Absorption Densitometry of Large-size Objects with Variable Thickness

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    Features of formation and processing of the primary radiometric signals in the digital high-energy X-ray absorption densitometers for the homogeneous objects with variable thickness are examined. The densitometer's equation based on the polynomial approximation of the object's ray thickness dependence from its mass thickness is proposed. Guidance to select the capacity of the analog-digital converter is given. There is one example of the densitometer's equation coefficients calculation to examine the carbon, aluminum and steel wares with the mass density from 15 to 80 g/cm{2}. It was shown that disagreement of the experimental and estimated values of the ray thickness for the similar mass thicknesses of the testing object is conditioned by the scattered radiation. On the high-energy digital radiography set with the X-ray source - the betatron MIB-4.5/9 the accuracy of the experimental estimation of the density was within 0.0086 g/cm{3} for the steel ware thickness from 25 to 100 mm


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    The article discusses the features of arrangement of smoke protection systems in double-track subway tunnels. The calculation method for the smoke ventilation system parameters is presented, taking into account the factor of longitudinal slope, the heat release power of the fire source, as well as the tunnel characteristics. There are proposed the various schemes of supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems in double-track tunnels of the Moscow Metro

    Ultrasonic Formation of Fe3O4‑Reduced Graphene Oxide−Salicylic Acid Nanoparticles with Switchable Antioxidant Function

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    We demonstrate a single-step ultrasonic in situ complexation of salicylic acid during the growth of Fe3O4-reduced graphene oxide nanoparticles (∼10 nm) to improve the antioxidant and antiproliferative effects of pristine drug molecules. These nanoparticles have a precisely defined electronic molecular structure with salicylic acid ligands specifically complexed to Fe(III)/Fe(II) sites, four orders of magnitude larger electric surface potential, and enzymatic activity modulated by ascorbic acid molecules. The diminishing efficiency of hydroxyl radicals by Fe3O4-rGO-SA nanoparticles is tenfold higher than that by pristine salicylic acid in the electro-Fenton process. The H+ production of these nanoparticles can be switched by the interaction with ascorbic acid ligands and cause the redox deactivation of iron or enhanced antioxidation, where rGO plays an important role in enhanced charge transfer catalysis. Fe3O4-rGO-SA nanoparticles are nontoxic to erythrocytes, i.e., human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, but surpassingly inhibit the growth of three cancer cell lines, HeLa, HepG2, and HT29, with respect to pristine salicylic acid molecules

    Двусторонняя этапная анатомическая резекция легких при бронхоэктазах и инфицированном поликистозе, осложненном кровотечением: жизнеспособность при сохранении 3 гипертрофированных сегментов

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    Bilateral lung resections are performed  for various pathologies: pulmonary  emphysema,  parasitic diseases, metastatic  lesions, and bronchiectasis. In clinical practice, sequential or staged interventions  are more common.  Surgical treatment of bronchiectasis is currently carried out only in cases with complications  of localized forms and, as a rule, consists of resection of the affected part of the lung. The percentage of such patients is not large and amounts to about 5%. Taking into account the chronic course of bronchiectasis and certain successes of the conservative treatment, indications for resection operations  may arise at different periods of the patient’s life. Sometimes,  up to several decades can pass between the surgeries. Aim. To demonstrate  a rare clinical case of staged lung resection for bronchiectasis in a patient who had 4 lung lobes removed with an interval of 52 years. Results. History of the disease was described. Indications  for staged surgical interventions  were identified. The main characteristics  of the health status after the surgeries were described. Conclusion. The presented case illustrates the place and role of surgical methods in the treatment of bronchiectasis, as well as the compensatory  capabilities of the lung tissue in the case of staged resection interventions.Двусторонние резекции легких выполняются при различной патологии  – эмфиземе легких, паразитарных заболеваниях, метастатическом поражении, а также при бронхоэктатической болезни.  В клинической практике  чаще проводятся  последовательные или этапные вмешательства. Хирургическое  лечение  бронхоэктазов (БЭ)  в настоящее  время проводится  только при осложнениях локализованных форм и, как правило,  заключается  в резекции пораженной части легкого. Число таких пациентов невелико  – около 5 %. Учитывая хроническое течение бронхоэктатической болезни и определенные успехи консервативного лечения,  показания к резекционным операциям могут возникать  в разные  периоды  жизни  пациента.  Иногда  интервал  между операциями может достигать несколько десятилетий. Целью работы явилась  демонстрация редкого клинического случая этапной  резекции легких по поводу бронхоэктатической болезни у пациентки, у которой с интервалом  в 52 года в общей сложности  были удалены 4 доли легких. Результаты. Описаны анамнез развития заболевания, показания к проведению этапных оперативных  вмешательств и основные  показатели  состояния организма  после перенесенных операций.  Заключение. Проиллюстрированы место и роль хирургических методов в лечении пациентов с БЭ, а также компенсаторные возможности легочной ткани в случае проведения этапных резекционных вмешательств

    A Nonlocal Problem for Mixed Type Equation with Singular Coefficient in Domain with Half-Strip as Hyperbolic Part

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    A nonlocal problem for mixed type equation with a singular coefficient and the spectral parameter is formulated in the field, which hyperbolic part is vertical half-strip and elliptic part is rectangle. The nonlocal condition of problem combines the values of required function on the right and left boundaries of half-stripe and rectangle. The only requirement on the unknown function in the change type line is continuity. To research the given problem we apply the spectral method. The uniqueness and existence of a solution are proved. The solution is constructed as biortogonal series. Coefficients of this series should require special ODE systems, solved in the paper. The uniform convergence of the series is proved with the restrictions on problem conditions


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    The article considers the specific fire hazards of rolling stock and equipment in double track underground tunnels. Examples of major fires in underground tunnels in different countries have shown that the most complicated and catastrophic fires are associated with rolling stock in the tunnel. It is noted that fires in double track tunnels are characterised by the spread of fire hazards in one volume of the tunnel and can lead to the simultaneous stoppage of two electric trains. For the modelling of the fire evolution and its hazard factors, as well as for the development of evacuation measures in double track tunnels, it is recommended to consider the following design accidents: rolling stock fire and tunnel fire

    Predictive analysis of two bijectively related families of functions in L

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    This article proposes a method of function image prediction calculation by its preimage. This method is based on regression analysis of function image and preimage pairs in L2. The prediction model application procedure is described. The algorithm pseudocod are given