441 research outputs found

    The Strategic Issues of Economic Development of Border Area of Indonesia - Malaysia

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    On the land, Indonesia is bordered by three countries: Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste.Whereas, in Indonesia sea area bordered by 10 countries: India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,Vietnam, Philippines, the Republic of Palau, Australia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. Most ofthe border region in Indonesia is still an underdeveloped area with less facilities and infrastructure ofsocial and economic. Formulation of the problem are: 1. How do the condition of the socio-economicand culture in the border of Indonesia - Malaysia? 2. What is the condition of infrastructure in theborder and what is the urgent infrastructure to be built? 3. What are policy and strategy of theIndonesian government of the border of society development between Indonesia (Entikong) andMalaysia (Sarawak)? The purpose of writing are: 1. Comparing the condition of the socio-economicand culture of border both Indonesia and Malaysia. 2. Comparing the condition of the infrastructureof border both Indonesia and Malaysia and determining the infrastructure to be built. 3. Describingthe Indonesian government policy and strategy in development acceleration of economic society in theborder between Indonesia, especially Entikong Sub-District of Sanggau Regency West Kalimantanand Malaysia (Sarawak). Although, the commitment and the governments policy have given a higherpriority in the reorientated development of border, which those of security (security approach) into awelfare orientation (prosperity approach), but overall, the issue of society development in Indonesiaborder, especially the District Entikong Sanggau Regency West Kalimantan and Malaysia (Sarawak)so far can be said that are still not getting proportional attention. The indication, though a variety ofpolicies, regulations or laws relating to efforts to accelerate economic development of border societieshave been made. Various issues and problems are faced by the border, both land and sea borders canbe solved by more focused and targeted on six aspects, these are policy, economic and socio-cultural,defense and security, natural resources management, institutional and management authority, as wellas cooperation inter nations

    Kontribusi Golongan Bahan Makanan Terhadap Konsumsi Energi Dan Protein Rumahtangga Diindonesia

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    Background: Some of the nutrition problems in Indonesia often as consequence of daily food consumption has not balanced, there is contribution more from cerealia than animal especially in poor families. Objectives: The aimed of this analysis is to studies the contribution of food group to household energy and protein consumption in Indonesia. Methods: Food consumption data of 173471 households sample of Health Research Data Base 2007 were calculated by Nutrisoft program developed by Research and Development Centre of Food and Nutrition. Food-stuff is categories to 8 group of food-stuff that is: Grains, Corms, Animal, Oil/Fat, Beans, Sugar, Fruit/fatty seeds and fruits and vegetables. Each group of food-stuff is calculated for the contribution to household consumption of energy and protein. Data were analyzed by descriptively. Results: At national level, the grains contributed of highest energy (67.2%) from household energy consumption, except in Papua, where contribution of grain equal to contribution of corms that is each 40%. The grains also gives highest contribution that is 44.7% from household protein consumption. In urban, the contribution of grain is 63.2% from household energy consumption while in rural is 68.6 %. In Urban, contribution of grain is 40% of household protein consumption, while in rural is 46.0%. Conclusions: The grains has the highest contribution for household energy and protein consumption. The protein from animal is only 38.7% and beans is 4.25%

    Faktor Risiko Kegemukan Pada Anak Sekolah Usia 6-18 Tahun Di DKI Jakarta

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    Background: The result of nutritional status surveys on school age children in 10 big cities in Indonesia in 2005 showed that the prevalence of obesity in school age children in DKI Jakarta was the highest with percentage of 6 % compared to other big cities that only under 3%. Further analysis was conducted to examine the risk factor related to obesity in school age children in DKI Jakarta. Objectives: Data analysis was done to study the risk factor related to obesity in school age children in Jakarta.Material and Methods: Experimental design was cross sectional. Samples were primary school, junior high school and senior high school students age 6 – 18 years old in five regions of DKI Jakarta. The number of total samples was 7195 students. Data collected were anthropometry, social-economy, food consumption pattern, physical activities, and life style. Nutrition Status was determined by calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) using CDC 2000 reference. Results: The prevalence of overweight student in DKI Jakarta was 6%. The prevalence of malnutrition and severe malnutrition students were 11,2% and 1,2% respectively. The group of student ≀9 years old had the highest prevalence of obesity and severe malnutrition. The prevalence was more in male students than female. The education level of parents, often consumes an oily snacks, like to buy a deep fry snacks, oily snacks, often consume supplement, and rarely do household work have strong relation with obesity (p<0,05). Conclusion: Male students age ≀9 year old have higher risk of obesity and malnutrition than female students. The education level of parents, often consumes an oily snacks, like to buy a deep fry snacks, oily snacks, often consume supplement, and rarely do physical work are risk factors of obesity in school age children. [Penel Gizi Makan 2007, 30(1): 31-39

    Seven Cases Unstructured Triangulation Technique for Simplified Version of Conceptual Model of Ethylene Furnace for Radiative Heat Transfer Approximation

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    In this paper, we introduce a new enhanced method utilizing the approach of advancing front technique for generating unstructured meshes in the simplified version of ethylene conceptual model. The method is called as Seven Cases Unstructured Triangulation Technique (7CUTT) where it is based on seven categories of cases for element creation procedure and the layer concept for mesh gradation control. The algorithm of the mesh incorporates sensor deployment in its conceptual model to supply input for boundary values. The quality of the mesh is determined based on a measurement in GAMBIT software. 7CUTT provides the framework for the heat to be approximated using the discrete ordinate method, which is a variant of the finite volume method. Simulation results produced using FLUENT support the findings for effectively approximating the flue gas temperature distribution in the simplified furnace at the end of the study

    Rancang Bangung Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Kepuasan Siswa sebagai Penunjang Keputusan

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    Salah satu faktor yang menjadi penunjang sekolah menuju Perubahan yang lebih maju adalah sebuah kritik dan saran yang membangun dari para siswa/i. Kritik dan saran dianggap begitu penting bagi sekolah sehingga sekolah membuatkan sebuah pelayanan kritik dan saran melalui sebuah pengukuran tingkat kepuasan siswa menggunakan isian lembar kuisioner. Pentingnya pengelolaan sistem pengukuran kepuasan siswa ini dikelola dengan baik diharapkan dapatmemberikan sebuah acuan setiap tahunnya untuk terus meningkat dalam pelayanan. Pembuatan laporan hasil isian kuisioner yang menggunakan sistem manual dengan bantuan Ms. Word dan Ms. Excel sehingga tidak jarang kesalahan terjadi (human error) dalam pelaksanaan pembuatan laporan yang dilakukan oleh tata usaha, serta memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama untuk mencetak sebuah laporan dikarenakan tata usaha diharuskan untuk melihat seluruh jawaban siswa satu per satu tanpa ada yang boleh dilewatkan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, penulis merancang sebuah sistem pengukuran kepuasan siswa yangterkomputerisasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai penunjang keputusan, atas solsi ini diharapkan tata usaha menjadi lebih mudah dalam melakukan pembuatan laporan hasil isian kuisioner. Metodelogi yang peneliti gunakan dengan membuat sebuah sistem pengukuran kepuasan siswa berbasis web yang bisa diakses dari mana saja dan kapan saja. Menggunakan model perancangan UML, serta MySQL digunakan sebagai penyimpanan database yang dapat memudahkan tata usaha dalam membuatkan laporan hasil isian kuisioner dan juga berfungsi sebagai media penyimpanan arsip jawaban dari kuisioner kepuasan siswa, dengan demikian sistem akan mampu menjadi solusi atas permasalahan yang terjadi. Kata Kunci : Pengukuran kuisioner, Kepuasan siswa, Penunjang keputusa

    Efek Program Pemberian "Taburia" Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Balita Pada Keluarga Miskin Di Jakarta Utara

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    Effect of "Taburia" Intervention Program on Hemoglobin Concentration Among Children Under-Five Years of Poor Families In North Jakarta.Background: Anemia is one of the main nutritional problems in Indonesia. Anemia in children under fives years will have an impact on growth and mental development. In an effort to improve the nutritional status of infants, especially in poor families, the Japan Funds for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) in collaboration with the Center for Nutrition and Food, Ministry of Health, Bogor, making multi-vitamin ingredients and micro nutrients called as TABURIA.Objectives: To study the influence of hemoglobin levels on child under fives years of poor families.Methods: Design of the study was Evaluation Before and After Treatment (Pre-Post Evaluation). This research was conducted in 9 urban villages in 3 Public health centers in North Jakarta City. The numbers of samples were 540 children aged 6-59 months from poor families. Tabuaria was distributed by a cadre posyandu to all children under fives years (5000 children) in the research area. The data analyzed included: hemoglobin levels, economic social family, compliance and child morbidity. Data were analyzed by descriptive to determine changes in status of anemia and haemoglobin levels before and after intervention.Results: Most of children under fives years (87.8%) to receive and consume Taburia. The average Hb levels increased from 10.5 mg/dl in baseline data to 12.0 mg/dl at endline evaluation. The proportion of anemia (Hb <11 mg/dl) decreased significantly from 62.3% (baseline) to 24.7%(endline-evaluation).Conclusion: Taburia be accepted by the majority of children under fives and can increase hemoglobin levels of children under fives.Recommendation: Taburia can increase the hemoglobin levels of children under fives years, but if would be implemented as national program, it should be study in others regions (pilot areas) to explore the appropriateness Taburia distribution model in different conditions

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Shalat melalui Pembiasaan Shalat Dhuha pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    The problem in this study whether habituation Duha prayer Prayer can improve their skills in children aged 5-6 years. Methods This study uses descriptive methods and forms of research is Classroom Action Research conducted by 2 cycles in 3 meetings. Based on the analysis of the data it can be concluded as follows 1) Planning learning contained in RKH using Duha prayer habituation in children aged 5-6 years, in the assessment sheet 1 in Cycle 1 with a 77% level of completeness and Cycle II increased to 90%, 2) the implementation of learning through habituation Duha prayer as listed in the assessment form II in the first cycle with a completeness level of 75% and a second cycle increased to 90%, 3) the results of the study showed that increasing skills through habituation pray Duha prayer is: a) ablution in the first cycle with a completeness level of 46% and the second cycle increased to 83%, b) in the prayer movement results obtained in the first cycle with a 47% level of completeness and the second cycle increased to 85%, c) the results obtained prayer readings in the first cycle with a completeness level of 59% and the second cycle increased to 80%

    Keterampilan Guru Memotivasi Dalampengenalan Konsep Matematika Permulaanmenggunakan Metode Bermain Tk Pertiwi Pontianak

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    Motivate Teachers SkillsinMathsStartersIntroduction toConceptsMethodsPlayUsing Pertiwi KindergartenPontianak. This studyaimed to describe theskills ofteachers to motivatechildren aged5-6 yearsin thebeginning ofthe introduction ofmathematicalconceptsusingTKPertiwiplayinginPontianak. The method usedin this studyisdeskripitifmethodusing aqualitativeapproach. Results of data analysisshowedthatteachersmotivate childrentomake alearning planwithmatureconsideration, providingreinforcementin the form ofpraise, as well asusing themediato suitthe learning objectives. Thus, childrenare motivatedto participate inlearningmathematicalconceptsbeginning
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