4 research outputs found


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    Since the adoption of the sustainable development goals, Nigeria has continued to demonstrate its commitment to the SDGs promise through leadership and ownership of the implementation process. Despite the government continued demonstration and commitment to the SDGs promises, it is observed that these goals have not had any desirable impact or effect on the rural communities as poverty level is still high, health condition and over all well-being is poor and mortality rate is on the increase not to mention the number of out of school children. To forestall the deterioration that would accrue from non-realization of the SDGs in rural communities, this paper explored Nigerian academic libraries as an alternative to delivering Sustainable Development Goals to rural communities. It discussed the potential of academic libraries in Nigeria towards delivering Sustainable Development Goals to the rural communities since some of the libraries are situated in the rural areas. Academic librarians from two academic libraries in Imo State were used for the study. Descriptive survey research method was adopted to investigate a total population of 45 Academic librarians while structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the research out of which 31 were duly filled and returned for analysis. Findings shows that academic libraries possess some potentials in delivering sustainable development goals to the rural communities. It also listed some strategies that will help in actualizing this programme to include organizing sensitization campaign on the different SDGs to rural communities, Partnering with health-related NGOs for health activities and Repackaging information for user. The study also identified some challenges affecting the accomplishment of these programmes by academic libraries to include administrative bottlenecks from university management, inadequate finance to cater for logistics and implementation, poor relationship between university and rural communities, societal and environmental threats

    Relevance and Strategies for Knowledge Sharing and Growth among Library and Information Sciences Educators: A Case of Selected Institutions in South- East Nigeria

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    The teaching of Library and Information science at various institutions in Nigeria requires proper and adequate knowledge sharing, not only for sustainability but to guarantee the production of quality graduates in line with the international best practices. This paper therefore focuses on knowledge sharing, its retention and relevance to growth. Specifically, four research questions were formed to address the objectives of the work. The responses from the respondents gave rise to the strategies adopted in addressing some challenges in knowledge retention with reference to Library and information science profession. The population of the study was eighty-five (85) from six (6) selected Institutions in south east Nigeria. Questionnaire was the instrument used, while description and inferential statistics was for data analysis. The study came up with the following strategies as the recommendation to the study which include ensuring that the Library and Information educators   should endeavor to move with the latest development and new skill in the profession through capacity building and in-house trainings. The Associations of various bodies in the profession should ensure that from time to time they come together to review and update their strengths and limitations and as to address as appropriate if need arises. Keywords: Knowledge sharing, Library and Information Educators, Library and Information graduates, Economic development, Information Resources and Knowledge retention. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/12-2-04 Publication date: February 28th 202

    Survey of information resources provision of national open University of Nigeria and the academic needs of the students in South East Nigeria

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    This study surveyed the information resources provision of National Open University of Nigeria visa vis the extent of the information needs of their students in Southeast Nigeria. Three research questions guided the study and descriptive survey research design was adopted. The four study centres used for the study in South East has a population of the 42,200 Students. Random sampling technique also was used to draw the sample which came to 2111. Structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Its reliability was established using cronbach alpha. Data collected was analyzed using arithmetic mean. The study identified various types of information resources and facilities they know and could be required by the students for their learning and research, it further indicates the extent of the students information need as regards to the various programme they offer which was adjudged to be needed at a high extent and finally the extent the NOUN stakeholder’s were able to provide the needed information materials and facilities for the students, which also was seen at a low extent. The study therefore recommend that the stakeholders of NOUN should always liaise with their students before acquisitions of information resources and facilities are made, More so effort should be made to solve the problem of poor electricity supply and finally NOUN libraries should ensure they partner with other academic libraries

    Disaster management practices in University Libraries in south –east, Nigeria

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    This study investigated disaster management practices in University Libraries in South-East, Nigeria. Having known that the University  Libraries play a dynamic role in the transmission of information to the information seekers in the University in support of teaching,  learning and research, there is a greater need to safeguard and sustain its collections and facilities against any form of disaster. This Study therefore adopted survey research design, with a population of two hundred and ninety- five (295) Librarians and Library Officers which  was restricted to only Federal Universities in South – East, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used as an instrument for the study while descriptive and inferential statistics were also used for data analysis. The study identified types of disaster prevalent at those institutions, it further  highlighted preventive measures and challenges incurred so far, and then recommendations were made in reference to the research  questions. &nbsp