11 research outputs found

    Effect of Coupled Heat, Air and Moisture Transfers Modeling in the Wall on the Hygrothermal Behavior of Buildings

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    AbstractHeat and moisture exchanges between building envelope and its interior ambience are related and continued. The current state of art of the hygrothermal interactions modeling between envelope and ambience of building calls upon to dynamic simulation tools where the coupling of heat and mass transfers are generally not considered.In this work, a hygrothermal transfer model in multilayer walls (HAM) is dynamically coupled to a thermal building model (BES). The Coupling concerns the implementation of a co-simulation between COMSOL Multiphysics©, a simulation tool in finite element for hygrothermique transfer through the envelope, and TRNSYS, a thermal simulation tool for building and dynamical systems. The HAM-BES coupling efficiency was verified by carrying out an experimental validation performed in the framework of Annex 41 of the International Energy Agency. Subsequently, a case study is conducted in order to evaluate the effect of taking into account the 1D and 2D hygrothermal transfer modeling in the envelope on the global thermal and hydric behaviors of the building. Results confirm the direct impact of modeling the coupled heat, air and moisture transfer through the envelope on the overall hygrothermal behavior of buildings